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Topics - Lockianhound

I've read in various places that your subjective angle of entry into the astral can affect where you end up. Robert Monroe mentions this and Robert Bruce but I've never seen it so precisely mapped out as this anywhere. Just wondered if anyone had any thoughts on this

I plan to cautiously test it out in future OBEs.
This time of year is always good to look back and reflect on what's happened during the last 12 months.

My first ever AP experience happened in 1992 with nothing notable, up until this year that is. These are a quick roundup of some of the AP experiences I've had this year some were deliberate attempts on my part others started out as lucid dreams.

1) Definite shamanic flavour to this one. Started from a lucid dream. I was hanging upside down by my feet  from a bridge. Way high up in the air over a beautiful green valley. A bird like a magpie, but with bright blue wings was perched on the bridge looking at me. It flew at me and landed on my face. I seemed to merge with it and I was now looking through it's eyes as it flew into the sky. We/it landed in a town with trees a river and shops. I seemed to be in human form again I spent some time looking around but eventually must have just gone into a dream as I can remember no more.

2) Had been  having a lot of dreams about an old friend of mine who I'd lost touch with. I felt that maybe he was trying to communicate with me.

After projecting from a dream I decided to try and find him. I just expressed the intent to go wherever he now was. The last I'd heard of him, he'd gone to Germany to be with his son. And this was where I was thinking I might end up.  I was quite surprised  to find myself walking along by a familiar beach in the seaside town where we'd both grown up. I never actually saw my friend but got distracted and the experience ended abruptly.

Interestingly, A couple of months later my father who still lives in this place confirmed that  my friend had indeed returned there earlier this year after a 5 year absence.

3) During a lucid dream I expressed the intent to go to ancient egypt. I flew through a black void for what seemed like several minutes. And eventually found myself in what appeared to be an egyptian street market, with men in white robes selling goods. These men saw me and crowded round trying to sell me items. I realised though that this could not really be ancient egypt. The men were white and wore modern spectacles! LOL. Strange.

4) A Deliberate attempt at an AP resulted in a major AP which lasted at least half an hour. I found myself in a state of sleep paralysis and just rolled my astral body out of bed. I was in a state of astral blindness. When I felt something grab me and pull me downwards. It seemed to have an iron grip on my astral waist. I was still blind but didn't panic. I just imagined myself morphing into a bird and flying out of it's grip laughing like a madman all the while. I eventually found myself near some wooden buildings when I got taken by the astral wind to yet another place.Somewhere near the sea in what seemed to be some kind of cool surfing community Where I met and talked and walked with  a couple of girls, who seemed to know me. As I was walking down a street past bars and cafes I was drawn back to my body and that was that.

5) I had Another attempt at an AP when I woke one morning and felt a buzzing sensation I knew I was close to projecting  but couldn't quite seem to get out. Just then an REM lyric came into my head "When I was young and full of grace my spirit did a rattlesnake" This suggested to me that I could wriggle out of my body like a snake shedding it's skin. As I did this I thought I heard a voice in my ear say "You're learning!"
Again I had this astral blindness. Reaching up to my head I felt what seemed to be dark glasses! I took them off and I could see my room quite clearly! I went up to the window and looked out. My garden had disappeared and rolling hills were there instead. I just dived through the glass window ( No broken glass, I just floated through)and found myself ouside. 4 dogs were there just sat looking at me. I floated over to one and patted it on the head. I then woke abruptly much to my frustration.

There have been a few others as well but these are the ones that stick in my mind the most. I'd be grateful to hear any insights or comments anyone may have about these experiences.
I never saw it (or anything in fact); but I doubt it could be a chakra, since it is located out of the physical body; and you can ultimatly move it anywhere inside your energetical body...