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Topics - jilola

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Since the forums generate lots of posts (74 new ones overnight) on several forums it would be convenient to be able to read the interesting ones and then clear all new posts since the last visit.

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It'd be nice to have more threads listed on each forum page. Ten is a bit to few seeing as there are several active threads on each forum.
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The list should be grouped by forum. Currently it's difficult to spot all the posts to a single thread.

2cents & L&L

I just stumbled on this one.

The parts about the Intruder are especially interesting.


Hi all!

I have some questions about recent and also not so recent experiences.

I just got a copy of Robert's book "Astral Dynamics" and it seems to explain the experiences but I'd like to hear other people's thoughts on the matter.

Quite often right after waking up I have these extremely uncomfortable and powerful feelings of something akin to a severe electric shock or an extreme adrenaline hit. It's like being blown up from inside and tends to center around my head but is increasingly felt all over the body after a few repeats. A bit hard to describe actually... something like your scalp being stretched briefly from all directions. It can be intense to the extent of being somewhat physically painful. The feeling goes away after getting up and pacing for a while.

The second seems to be described in the book and has to do with feedback during a projection and the sense of intense dread and someone/thing trying to catch up. I've had this experience several times and unfortunately :-) with vivid recall. Would this actually be a realtime projection with the real-time body remaining too close to the physical body?
Actually I sometimes get this feeling even when I'm going about my every day business, often in a corridor setting.

The third one is a series of highly lifelike and repeatable dreams that are definitely controllable at the time of the event. They tend to be logical if somewhat absurd at times. I'm guessing these are lucid dreams or actual remembered projections (WILDs maybe?). But as far as I've been able to gather the level of detail and realism in the memories would point toward lucid dreams instead of OBE.

Anyone care to comment on the above?

I'm trying to get a handle on these events so that I'll have something to build around. I'm guessing the above experiences border OBE/lucidity etc so I probably could use them as templates for what to expect.

Yes, but difficult to implement.  Especially since people 'hear' what they want to hear.  People won't hear the word 'might' or 'maybe' in a sentence.  It's not your fault, but it's a strange corolary.  Ask any parent about their childrens hearing [:P]

It's a Wiccan tennent to never lie, to others or yourself, and it's difficult to do in the modern world....
Wow! that sounds wonderful!  Have a great time and be safe. [:D]

P.S. bring back lots of pictures.

hi jouni !

I guess after the assortment of altered states I had been caught around F12 (no time focus?).

Its pretty amazing how, whilst experiencing these things, we perceive large chunks of time passing....but when we wake, we notice that this isn't the case...or is it ?! Too much to think about !!

I've had a few experiences like yours.....they are quite frustrating !! You wake up, almost cursing yourself for your inability, but at the same time you marvel over the experience.

Last time it happened to me, I was standing near my bed, but I couldn't see my surroundings clearly. I could feel my chest being tugged strongly back towards my body....I fought & fought for a few minutes...then eventually thought "sod this - I'm getting nowhere" and leapt back into my body  :(


Hi Jilola,
I think you might have missed a very important point You said

"But when you think about love earned there's always the notion of obligation. "I did this and that and now you gotta love me."
I don't think there is a way to force someone to love you.  

And the thought of obligation has no place in Love it is freely Given and Received and should carry no thought of any kind of reward or payment. But I think you can earn Love by kindness, careing, going out of your way to make someone feel loved or just feel comfortable, make them laugh, make them a special suprise dinner, ever make a bath with candles and bubbles for your special person?(Man or Woman) You might try something like it after they have put in a hard day, but remember expect noting in in return ...... you might be suprised by what you receive.

Much Love
Happy Travels
My guess is it was either a singularity-like entrance into some higher level in the astral or an entity I perceived as a point.
I've seen it before but on those occasions it was smaller, flickered in and out in a blink of an eye and the other sensations weren't there.
I am not sure, but it sounds like that.  Like phasing?  I am not read up on the phasing too much (not that I don't like the idea of it, just like to work on one thing at a  I can't remember who said this but if you focus on the light or whatever looks out of the ordinary in the darkness..(I assume you have your eyes closed and are looking at the darkness behind your lids?) you should be able to phase right into it.  Perhaps someone who knows more about the phasing will read and comment on your post..[:D] Sorry I couldn't help more..[:P]

Nay. [;)]
Wait tic are you saying that we create our visual surrounings?  Like the wind fish in Link's awakening or the grays in dreamcatcher.  I'm sorry I think that I failed to grasp the point can you can you put it in lamen terms for me?
It sounds like you were distracted from your meditation by a random event. Whatever you were concentrating on for the object of your meditation, if it happens again you should return to your original object.
Welcome to Dreams! / Unusual LD for me
April 21, 2003, 17:01:13
Cool! Maybe I should start meditating. I tried it once, but my cat started bothering me. "Pet me! Feed me! Me-e-e-eow!" All he ever says...

So true.

And yet I do not know God within.  : (

More progress being made, methinks. Especially with the dullness at the top of the head. It's a sensation I have experienced but, with me, I tend to get buzzing sensations there. But whether each individual feels a numbness, or a pressure, or a vibration doesn't really matter. It's the fact that they are feeling something in that region which is the important thing.


Maybe your astral double was aware of the black out while floating around and used your dream to comunicate it to you.  Who knows if this is even possible but it makes you think.

Are you still having the flashes of light? Have you come to any conclusions about them? Are you finding that they appear in cycles? Are they mood dependent for you?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Vacation!!!
August 31, 2002, 15:36:53
were all angels here,LOL Have a safe trip,and enjoy yourself!That will be great if you can project out there.It might actually be easier.Not  many places are more relaxing than being in the woods." border=0>

Hi  Jilola,  I've not experienced paralyze while listing to music but of late while going into a light trance this is the first thing to happen.I know Mr. Bruce writes about paralyze in his book but there's no mention  (or so I think )of this occurring  regularly .Pre Astral Dynamics I once awoke and was not able to move  there was whispering going on and I panicked,after wiggling a piece of body I broke free .Should it happen  again,Yoki must  stay calm and go with the flow

I have noticed that when making the transition from your physical body to an OBE experience, a "popping sound" is something commonly heard during the exit process.  I am not sure if this "POP" is a disconnect, or simply a hypnogogic sound that certain people hear.  In addition to pops, you may hear voices, screams, loud, wind-like noises, or things of that nature.

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash, Founder and Editor - Jokes and Humor
I just started that book a few days ago. Neato!


"As Above, So Below"
I loved the last scene in Men In Black, where it zooms out to show our whole universe as a marble that aliens are playing a game with.

Now as to this computer we're in, is it a spherical, hyperbolic or euclidean shaped thing. Actually more recent computosmologists think the CPU might follow Riemannian geometry.

Hey, If euclidean geometry is right, and the universe is flat, I wonder if you can fall off the edge just like you used to be able to fall off the edge of the earth when it was flat.

Ok, I'm getting silly now and this stuff makes my head hurt.

James S
(Fate amenable to change)
Interesting...out of curiosity, have you ever consciously exited before??

fides quaerens intellectum
Taoism has methods of using sexual energy to increase the health of the whole body and to increase the energy of the chakras. It also warns that men lose sexual energy (as well as many nutrients such as zinc) and that all the organs of the body can be depleted to make up for the loss. For women it is still possible to lose energy in sex, but it is not the same as with men. Women are advised to cultivate their sexual energy anyway because doing so can be very helpful. The problem is that spiritual efforts also strengthen the body, including the sexuality, and if there are problems based around sexuality then those problems are enhanced as well. Rather than dealing with sexuality it is typical to try to suppress it and then it gets ugly. That is used to justify the suppression. It is best to use or transform the sexual energy.


I've often said that learning to project is the *easy* part. Though, naturally, the sensations you feel act as a kind of taster for what is to come. But I think nothing can prepare a person for the sheer mind-boggling glory of the Astral. The true-Astral I mean, not mere emotional interplay.


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Grid or fan vision
July 29, 2002, 13:59:14
sounds like a quick flash of the astral entry grid on the back of the AD book- maybe it flashed out of vision too fast to get the same detail?

That is great!

:) :) :) :) :) :)

I'm jealous now.  (not really, just happy for you.)

it sounds to me like you were merely  mentally conjuring a  stream of energy which was flowing randomly round your body....
i  always create little energy balls to get to unstimulated areas of my body than need energising,  usually in my wrists, elbows and armpits...  the rest comes with chakra stimulation.

When you say "the body", are you talking about your physical body, before an OBE, or your astral body, after exit?

sounds like something my higher self would sing to me," border=0>Its actually played a song for me in my obe.You see part of it in my sig.It took all my fears away when I heard it.


Those sound really neat.

I meant to ask about the church. DO you have a sense of where it might be? Is the water the ocean, or a bay, or a lake? If I can find a picture of a building that I have in minmd, I will post it. But I think it is a longshot.  Where do you think the locale was?

Your diligence really illustrates well how sticking with this pays off. I have a hard time finding time every day - I try my best, but you know kids and stuff -- You inspire me to really commit to daily projection attempts as soon as I am able. It won't be anytime soon but someday.

i guess I didi have a little different sense of paralysis last night. But really fleeting, I couldn't hold it. I think Ralph or Tom or kakkarot (I forget) is right when they talk about how maybe some of the symptoms cycle. I lay awake for three hours, and nothing but a few minutes of almost paralysis in my arms. I'm telling myself that the good thing was that I was able to wwait patiently; that the effort of laying there for three hours will impress upon my mind that this is important and that I wish to succeed.

Anyway, thanks for sharing!

I think, if you can realise that they really are coming from your own brain, is the key.  It's when you doubt them, like me "oh no...what was that that just broke?"


love it. thanks for the update. You also give me hope that this energy raising bit can really have an effect!  Congratulations!

I wonder if raising energy several times a day would be helpful to me, too.... Maybe I'll try that!
