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Topics - father_satans_follower

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Meditation!
April 11, 2006, 09:13:31
When you guys meditate like while sitting on a chair, do you keep on moving? Ive noticed my body keeps on moving a bit - I cant remain still. Is this something that will go away in time?

Also, when staring at an object with eyes open [Void], do you start to see lines around the object, white lines. This, infact is normal, but any advice on how to prevent thing - cause this makes my eyesight unclear for a few secs after I get up. Smetimes my eyes open themselves too.

~F S F~
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Meditation Help!
September 29, 2005, 08:56:55
Hey Guys,
A little help needed. What posture do you guys meditate in? I cant really find a comfortable posture. When I sit on the floor with legs crossed, I cant keep my back like staright. Its like bending down, inwards. When I try to sit total straight like some soldier, It hurts and am not comortable and therefore cant meditate. I usually meditate on the pain I get!
Any advice? Also, when you guys get done meditating dont you feel tired? What about your eyes? Your eyes feel like they just woke up from sleep. They are heavy, hard to open etc. You know the morning feeling ;)

Hey Guys,
Anyone tried this:
Anyways do tell me what ya think!

I havnt tried NEW yet I just read the main intro here:
New never explains what exactly this "energy" is
QuoteThe majority of students move energy well and experience noticeable energy movement sensations during their first practice session. Energy movements are felt with a variety of predictable sensations, including warmth, tingling, heaviness, tightness, bone deep tickling and buzzing.
See Robert never explained what energy is.
Take a look at the excercise:
QuoteThe NEW Energy Ways system can be demonstrated with the following practice:

Rest your left hand on your desk or lap with palm up.  With the fingertips of your right hand stroke the whole underside of your left hand from wrist to fingertips repeatedly. While doing this, memorize the feel of the touch this movement produces in your left hand.  Continue stroking for half-a-minute, until you can reproduce the feel and movement of this action in your left hand from the touch memory, with your mind alone.

When you can do this, stop physically stroking and continue moving this feel through the whole of your left hand.  Continue this and you will begin to feel some peculiar sensations, like pressure, heaviness, tingling, buzzing, or tickling.  These indicate successful energy body stimulation in your left hand.

Repeat the above exercise with your right hand, then with each foot, then with other parts of your body. Remember, the key ingredient to making this work is to move your sense of 'touch' and 'feel' through your body.
I dont see any energy or something like that here. Its just that your mind is producing sensations the mind is too powerful and can make alot of things happen. Every heard of the Placebo effect? I suggest do some research on it. If you really believe that you are feeling energy, etc you will "Feel" something. Your mind makes it happen. Its all in the head
Also one thing I would like to mention about Chakras. Who said they are energy vortexes? Thats just new age crap the Chakras in the original eastern teachings were never actually "vortexes of energy". It was Blavatsky who twisted the true chakras into energy vortexes so westerners could understand better. Do some research on Blavatsky's new age spiritual movement or something

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Meditations!
August 31, 2005, 10:03:43
Guys if you could sort of help me a out  a a lil. Im new to meditations. Ive started recently and decided to do 7 minutes every day. Now, when you guys meditate, do you plan to do it for a specific time period like I do, or you just go on and on until you feel you should stop? Also, if you do it for a time period like I do, do you keep an alarm clock? Is keeping on okay?

There are many sites on energy work, energy meditations, psi balls, how to create psi balls, etc......
But no site ever explains exactly *WHAT* energy is
So how would you describe energy?
1.What do you think is the EASIEST way of Astral Projection.
2.While you are projecting, can you see your aura and chakras. Also, can you activate your chakras?
3.Has anyone of you ever projected to mars, or jupiter?
4.What entities have you guys met, and what have they told you.
5.IS this possible: You astral project and when you come back to your body, you have forgotten the experience?

Welcome to Metaphysics! / READINGS!
April 24, 2005, 10:36:03
Can anyone here PLEASE give me a free psychic reading or anything?
Ever noticed when you meditate, as in simple meditation (closing your eyes and think of nothing/staring at the darkness), your eyes just slowly automaticlyy open. Why does this happen? It does happen to me.
Can anyone PLEASE teach me how to open my chakras? Just dont give me the methods which are on Joy of Satan ( they use chants, and I hate using chants.

Also, many people here talk about "NEW"
So what is "NEW"