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Topics - James S

Hi All,

Anyone familiar with the more recent writings of Neale Donald Walsch will recognise the title to this thread right away.

Having read of the five fallacies about God, I was struck by how simple the concepts are, how obvious they are once they're put into perspective, and how many people have allowed their lives to be governed by these fallacies.

I'm not posting this to preach my views or put other people's beliefs down. I just thought it would be interesting to see what other members of the Pulse think about these concepts.

The five fallacies about God are:

1. God needs something.
2. God can fail to have his needs met.
3. God has separated us from him because we have not given him what he needs.
4. God still needs what He needs so badly that God now requires us, from our separated position, to give it to Him.
5. God will destroy us if we do not meet His requirements.

I see many debates on the validity of one religion or religious philosophy compared to another, yet how many of them are still bound by these fallacies? How many religions use these fallacies as a means to control us?

Your thoughts....

Hi All,

This topic is a split off from

I wanted to start this conversation from Oaths post, regarding -  when we come into contact with spirits, how do we know their identity?

There are more than enough authors out there quite willing to tell us thieir thoughts on identifying spirits, but when we come face to face with one, how do we know who or what it is?

For example - a fairly common theory that Angels are genderless. As pointed out in the other topic, Archangel Gabriel does have both a female and a male aspect. That is, Gabriel can appear to people as either male of female depending on circumstances. This is also true for Archangel Uriel / Ariel, whose female aspect both I and a close friend of mine have experienced.

So how did I know it was Ariel? Simple - I asked her!

So what are the thoughts and experiences of others here regarding who's who in the spirit world?

Hi All,

Last night I went to see Allison Dubois at a nearby arts centre, as she's down here at the moment doing the rounds for the release of her new book - Dont Kiss Them Good-Bye.

She gave a bit of a bio of herself, and then answered questions from the audience.  I wanted to share with everybody some of what I learned last night about Allison, and some of her views and experiences about mediumship, as there are a few of us here with mediumistic skills.

The show Medium, though it is a characterisation, is definitely based on her real life (we met her husband Joe), and based on real cases she has worked on for both the Phoenix DA and the FBI. She currently has about 30 cases she's looking at, and another 200 waiting her attention. She does pick up names and details from photo's or letters (psychometry), and she does "head tap" (as she calls it) people accused of crimes to gain information about what they did and what their motives were. She finds it easier to get information from the perpetrators rather than the victims because their emotional and mental states are typically a lot clearer.

When Allison does communicate with the victims of a crime, they don't present her with gory horrific details. She says that people who have passed over always appear as their "perfect" selves - healthy, fit, happy. They do present her with feelings and information of what did happen to them, how they were killed, not the graphic detail.

The one thing that impressed me the most was how down to earth she is. There is absolutely nothing mystical about her whatsoever. She's not at all your typical pseudo-gypsy type psychic, she's an unpretentious, every-day person who just sees and speaks with spirits - people who have crossed over after death. In fact she sometimes has to walk around listening to her iPod just to tune out to them.

Allison didn't learn to be a medium through reading books. From early childhood she's always seen and spoken to spirits, the first that she remembers being her grandfather just after he died. She doesn't put on any show, she isn't be-decked in crystal jewellery, and wears jeans and a simple top rather than provincial semi-gothic velvet dresses. No crystal balls, no Tarot decks or pendulums, no "channeled messages for the masses", she just listens to what the spirits who come to her have to say and acts on it.

She has increased her skills greatly through four years of "training" and research at the University of Arizona with professor Gary E. Schwartz, who is scientifically approaching research into the validity of psychic phenomenon.

In an interview with professor Schwartz (one can be found at - he has said about Allison -

"Many people claim to do this, and there are clearly frauds out there. Allison was repeatedly tested and passed every test.

"As a scientist, I approach all this as an agnostic - I don't believe it; I don't disbelieve it. After testing her under conditions that ruled out the possibility of fraud, I came to the conclusion she's the real deal."

She gave a few answers that I found particularly amusing. One lady asked Allison if she has seen her guardian angel. The question was asked by someone who was so sure that we all absolutely must have one. Allison replied that she often has her late father and uncle around her for support, but no angels. She said a couple of things that come straight from her wealth of experiences that tended to put holes in a lot of the mystical confusion that many popularist psychics are selling.

She believes the  mediumship abilitiy she has is genetic - her grandmother was very psychic, she is, her three daughters are. She's currently working with researchers to try and establish this link. She did say though that most people have the ability, though there are some people who,  I quote "are thick as bricks", that can't even communicate with living people properly let alone the dead.

One positive message she did have for us all, after a few people asked about it, is that we all have loved ones around us, we all have a "support network", of relatives (or close friends) in spirit who care about us and wish to give us all the guidance and encouragement they can. People might see them as angels, but for the most part they are the spirits of every-day people who have passed on. If you often dream of a deceased relative, chances are it is that person coming back to visit you. If you feel the presence of a deceased relative around you, pay attention to it. Chances are it will be who you think it is.

Hi All,

I've been seeing a few pendulum sessions posted in this forum that do not seem to be doing anything more than confirming a particular line of thinking by leading from one question into the next based on the answers. Its a natural enough thing to do, and we all have a tendancy to do this in every day life, but it has a catch.

A little thing called confirmation bias will prevent you from seeing anything more than what you want to see. Say you get a YES to one particualr question. That will then lock your mind into a series of questions that are all based on the assumption that this YES is an accurate answer. You no longer test for the accuracy of that answer, you just continue along a path that adds confirmation to it.

Typical human reasoning. Like I said, we all do it.

If you want to get a better picture of whats going on, a more accurate one, plan some of your questions ahead, specifically ones designed to throw a spanner in the works. If you get a YES to question A, then on question D ask something like "what if the answer to question A was really NO. Would ..... then be true?". At this point keep your thinking along the lines that NO might really have been the answer. If the original answer to question A was indeed YES, then a valid case to disprove the negative will be presented to you. If the negative cannot be disproved, you will then be shown that you are not getting accurate answers.

In a YES/NO answer situation it's easy enough to redirect the questions by making a statement, then asking a YES/NO question based upon that statement.

Happy penduluming,
Hi All,

I just purchased a copy of The Path by Esmeralda Arana...twice!

The reason for purchasing two copies is I made the big mistake of getting the first in Adobe ebook Reader format.

If you can avoid it, do not use the Adobe software especially if you are planning on purchasing ebooks. It locks you into using the ebook on only one PC - the one it was downloaded to. It then certifies it using a hardware identifier that is unique to your setup at that point in time. You cannot back it up, you cannot transfer it to anither PC. If you upgrade your PC's processor, motherboard or hard drive, the ebook can no longer be opened. Its the way the copyright encryption on the ebook works, and according to the help files in the Adobe Reader, if anything at all happens to you PC, tough luck!

Adobe claim they can help you reinstall it if this happens, by what they call a Voucher Update, however the link that is supposed to do this in the reader software is a dead link, and there is no option on Adobe's web site to update any vouchers.

So, a better way to go if you do want to use ebooks is, believe it or not, use Microsoft's reader. It's no where near as polished or intuitive as Adobe's reader, but its more flexible. It uses the MS Passport activation to certify the reader, so if you have a few different PCs, as long as the MS reader software on them has been activated using your passport, the ebooks you purchased can be transferred between them. There is also a small piece of software readily available called Convert Lit (.lit being the extension of ms reader format ebooks). This program can remove levels of protection to make it readily portable to other devices, and Microsoft have not yet moved to block it.

As much as I dislike Microsofts strangle-hold of the PC market they're definitely the lesser of two evils when it comes to ebooks.

Thanks for the link AntiGravity. [:)]

I must say I am sceptical about distant tunings, but I open to try, and this site does look to be quite legit.

As I have been practicing energy raising for some years now, I would be very interesting in seeing if a distance tuning has much effect. I believe I'd be able to pick up on the difference fairly quickly.

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Oijia Boards
September 08, 2004, 21:24:32
Best bit of advice I can give here if they're going to insist on using an Ouija board, is this:

When the board is not in use, it MUST be kept covered with black fabric, preferrably silk. This is because the board when in operation is a doorway to the spirit world, and unless appropriate steps are taken to close the door - in this case using black fabric - the door is effectively left open for anything to wander through when it feels like it.

Welcome to Quantum Physics! / the nature of Time
August 31, 2004, 17:29:45
"and I've learned from a guide that time is actually a unified phenomenon.time is all one (the future/present/past always exists,and is always evolving)."

It seems you're not the only one who has been told this by a spirit! They obviously have a much better grasp on the concept of time than we do.

A good explanation I read about how to relate to time is firstly, dont think of it as linear, esp. not in a horizontal direction, but rather vertical, kind of like an office building of infinite height, with an infinite number of floors. All events in time exist at once. We then just perceive events from one floor of that building.

Being able to look into past or future isn't a matter of moving forward or backward in time, but learning where the elevator is, and moving up and down to different floors, because we are not looking at different directions in time, we are just looking at different "nows".

It can also be said that time does not move, we move through it.

I could think about it some more, but if I do, my brain might try to implode!

Kind regards,
I agree with you here that we are free spirits, and we are free to choose.

I feel that any religion that tries to tell us that we're locked into a particular destiny is simply trying to control us. I do feel though that we do have destinies, and those destinies are tied in with the lessons our spirits wanted to learn during our time incarnated on Earth.

It is our choice however in whether or not we follow our destinies. Doing so involves being in tune with our higher selves and following the path, I wont say set for us, but rather recommended for us.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / As you practice...
July 20, 2004, 16:25:34
Not really, but then I'm a Saggitarius - we tend to be messy creatures anyway. It can be said that the quickest way to turn a room into a mess is just let a Saggitarian walk into it. [:)]

The sad thing is that all of that is true[V]. Good post james btw[:D]
for me, fighting back: energy against energy, ideology against ideology, rational against unrational, logic against confusion, faith against doubt, hope against dispair, and good-will feelings against ill-will feelings.

of course, it's not always easy to muster a defense let alone a counter offensive if you're already, for instance, disparaging something and some spirit tries to push you further into depression.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Political Correctness
February 02, 2004, 15:17:27

Here's something I found horrendously funny...
Its very simple to not click "install now".
The only cases I have come across where projectors have had seriously bad experiences with lower subplanes involved hallucinogenic drugs being used to precipitate out-of-body experiences.

I will testify to that! In my younger years, I used LSD for a period during which I was seeking deeper spiritual understanding. I had a number of very enlightening and positive trips that were always highly spiritual. Until that one night - a trip to the pit of hell.

It was the last time I ever used any drugs (other than a beer now and then). It was also a catalyst into a whole new way of life - along the lines of "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." It also gave me a great dose of humility, caution and fear. The humility was needed, a reasonable caution has remained, the fear has gradually been overcome as I delved deeply into those dark and negative aspects of my own mind and soul, carrying with me the light of God and the healing balm of love.

In retrospect, years later, I can see clearly that what I encountered was a mix of 1) my own hidden festering wounds, anger, hurt, and projected demons and 2) very strong negative entities attempting to psychicly harm. The cesspool, if you will, of the many negative entities created in the dark recesses of the human psyche through the ages vibrating my own unresolved inner cesspool. The LSD broke down the psychic defense structures I had built up to keep a lid on it all.

Fortunately, I held fast to my faithful guide that night - Jesus - and had a powerful experience of God that radically transformed me, although what seemed at the time to be a thorough transformation was simply the first step on a lifetime journey of spiritual growth and understanding.

I have no doubt that psychedelics can be used in powerful and positive ways if the person is well balanced with a trained mind and soul, but personally have no use for them. I would caution young people against attempting to short cicuit the natural process of spiritual, mental and emotional growth in order to experience other realms. Such drugs can very suddenly, by removing the natural barriers of self-protection, introduce a person to that which Robert describes:
The lower astral sublanes (traditionally the ones to be avoided) appear to be areas where negative emotion, thought, and fantasy-generated energies have been collecting for a very long time. These areas are home to negative manifestations of the darker side of the human mind and imagination. The fringes of these areas are not dangerous, but are decidedly unpleasant. The very bad lower subplanes are dark, shadowy areas populated (more aptly polluted) with all kinds of demons, monsters, and nightmarish figures. The lowest of these dark areas could aptly be called hellish dimensional areas

This sudden, unexpected confrontation can be potentially overwhelming to the point of real harm to the untrained, immature soul.

HOWEVER ... go naturally, according to your abilities and skill, training yourself to achieve balance, with respect for the natural laws and safeguards that exist and with a humble and sincere desire for understanding and wisdom ... and use what is revealed to grow ... it's a fantastic journey, this life of ours!
This is where from personal experience I disagree with these methods except for the purposes of training yourself to see more through your peripheral vision.

Typically the colours describe in both of these methods are the inverse of the original colour, which means you're not really seeing an aura, but an afterimage, as the visual effect of colour afterimage is the negative of the original object.

The thing to remember here is that both methods really are just training excercises. When you do actually see a living aura, the part of the aura that is closest to the body (can't remember what the name of this aura is - how slack am I) can change colour, and as it is alive, it moves and pulsates.


If you just thought of skydiving, that is the same way you read the above words.
Blah, drugs are too expense and you have to wait too long to get them. Go to your bathroom or kitchen and get a nice sharp blade and run it deep into your wrists. Or if you have a gun and a bullet apply it to your head. If you happen to have some good alcohol and a bottle of sleeping pills then you can drift off to the astral easy. There are so many easy ways to get to the astral I cannot list them all here. There is one little catch, you can't come back to the physical (atleast in you present body), but the astral is SO much better why would you want to!
Got any nails?....That's great.
Originally posted by James S


Is there a mechanism we can use to remove unwanted pics and avatars from our profiles?

Kind regards,

Okay.  I thought you were talking about images that pop into your consciousness unbidden when you are trying to meditate.

But your real question is good too!  [8D]

Thanks for speaking up James

I love this forum for just the reasons you described and would hate to lose what we have.

We are here to learn a number of lesson we have chosen as our life curriculum.
When we learn them we can die when ever the body dies.
Otherwise we get sent back, maybe with the exception of a suicide in the xase where we consciously recognize that the lesson is too hard and choose to end it.

2cents & L&L


Hey James,
When I first started looking into RV and AP within the last year or so, it was mainly for the adventure of it.  The same old routines were getting stale.  It seems to be a pattern in my life, however, that a more serious side to my quests always comes forward somehow, some way.  I was lucky to find a relatively cheap course in RV right away, and this find seemed to be even luckier in that there was a sense of some depth to it that goes beyond the carnival tent.  True, I haven't always felt lucky about this find; sometimes I've grumbled.  But there is a certain assurance that comes with the idea that perhaps there is some truth and maturity at the forefront of one's involvements.  I had hardly joined the small, but growing "Grillflame" forum for people interested in rv (and other things, but rv at the center of it), when a message was posted that assured me I don't want to just "dabble" with the spirit world.  Your own message, James, reminded me of that post, which can be found at the following link:

Zen monks will tell you that the past and the future are really the same thing.  So it's quite possible.


Amazing, what you describe is basically the same as the focusing technique or "phasing in" technique that I've been practising the past 6 months, or so.

There is no real sensation of leaving your body. It's more of a shift in mental focus. It's based on the idea that wherever you place your focal point of awareness, that place becomes your reality.

Normally, for the great majority of people, their focal point of awareness is placed in physical world reality. But it is possible, given practice, to remove your focal point of awareness from the physical and place it in the Astral. As such, the Astral becomes your reality. The sensation is different to that of the traditional idea of an obe, in that there is no feeling of swapping bodies. It just feels like you shifted your mental focus and your surroundings changed.

From what you say I'm not sure what Focus level you were at. Guessing, I'd say it was Focus 12 (your guide will know). I'm fairly certain all the cloud scenary would have been created by your guide for effect (guides always approach in ways they feel will be most pleasant to their subject).

From that platform, it is possible to shift your mental focus up through the various levels. As you place your focal point of awareness in each level, whatever happens to be going on there immediately becomes your reality. Well, it sounds easy to say, but it's tricky to do. Ask your guide for some direct help. I'm sure she'll take pleasure in showing you around.


Yep. The effect is called the beat (a term I've come to know this by) and it's definitely physical and not something created by our mind.
They probably wanted to avoid techical terms or the guy who wrote the text wasn't familiar with the stuff and misinterpreted the physics.
I hate that sort of fluffy technical writing. It's easy to check the text and be accurate.


You mentioned one belief that many people still hold so dear and close to heart and that causes everybody else all the trouble in the world.
It's a two sided thing actually. On one hand poeple feel that it's necessary for them to correct or disprove someone else's beliefs. On the other hand we tend to feel that we have to somehow accommodate their beliefs ito ours to feel our own beliefs validated.
This causes people to feel offended when someone doesn't share their personal beliefs and stops us from fully embracing our for the fear of offending someone.
I had this on my 'list' for ages until I started to question not only my beliefs but also myself.

I for one would like to hear about your experience.


i think that the feeling of moving a long distance is because the mind is shutting down the consciousness's access to the brain, and with each part that you are no longer allowed to access, it feels like you are moving into a smaller and smaller (or farther and farther) place.

0.2 of a slacker's cents.  :P


Secret of Secrets
well, when you leave your body a demon can possess you because you aren't there to defend yourself. but, a demon would have a much easier time of possessing you when you are awake because you aren't as conscious of the spiritual when you are in your physical body.

the "Church" of human make is merely a religion and is of course fallible (spelling?). the Church that God has created is not found in a building of in a denomination, is not defined by doctrine, and is certainly not governed by the whims and stupidity of mankind. But nor is God's Church found by any who God does not want to find it; primarily because you have to understand the Church of God (the "bride of Christ") is made up of God's chosen people, not some buildings. Not everyone who claims to be one of God's chosen is, and not everyone who claims they aren't God's chosen isn't. but this is all irrelevant isn't it?  :)

"The Church instilled the idea of praying and calling on angels to defend ones self and ones house against demonic attacs". that is one messed up church then. try calling on God's protection, and he will protect you in whatever way you will need it best; if he chooses to send angels then he will, if he chooses to give you strength when you need it then he will, etc. But have faith when you pray, and most importantly if you decide to call on God for help, don't turn around the next minute and start dissing Him of anything that claims to be with Him. while not everything that claims to be with Him IS with Him, it will be up to God to deal with those who misuse His name.

sidenote: i have been to one church where the preacher actually advocated to use one's own power to heal diseases instead of asking God for help. The "preacher" actually said to not bother to call on God, but to do it yourself. Now that is someone who i would never say is a Christian.

(boy that's long. whew.  :p  )

Secret of Secrets
Greetings jimbo... welcome

You should be able to nut out what your looking for with the wealth of imformation and expierance that passes through these forums.

Robert Bruces, New system apears to give good results.

One thing with energy raising, no matter what you do, draw it in from here or there, move it from one chakra( centre ) to another, store it ect. You must compliment it in the physical if you wish to maintian and improve it.
You can get all your centres nice and balanced, but as soon as you get angry,lustfull, or over emotional ect, your energy system goes on auto and transfers it without you even knowing.

If one chooses to walk a true spiritual path, with hard internal investigations of oneself these gifts will come naturally.

James, could you expand a little further in relation to the lightning experiance.

Regards  Steve