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Topics - sunneysoul71

Hello all,

I had a short but very intense experience a few days ago while shopping at our local supermarket.

I walked through an aisle when all of a sudden I got dizzy, things around me turned darker and strangely surreal.

It was as if I was watching a movie at first and then the impression became more dream-like. It was as if I could tune into the dream, but also choose to tune into the other part of my existence, outside the dream. I didn't do the latter, but I clearly felt that the possibility existed.

No-one talked to me and I didn't hear any voices, but still there was a flow of information coming in that basically conveyed to me that the existence that I perceive as reality actually is the dream.

I should mention that at the time of the experience I was very tired and in totality it didn't last more than a few seconds in "real time". In the "other time" it seemed like I could have stretched it out as long as I wanted to.
Eventually, I ended the experience, because the dizziness became uncomfortable and I was afraid to fall asleep standing up.  :lol:

Hello all,

I would like to emphasize a point another member of this forum (Gandalf) made, when he said:

QuoteI have found my 'key' to getting back i think, I just need to focus on that wonderful golden light and green grass and i feel that pull again...

Gandalf made this comment in passing, but I believe it deserves to appear as a standalone subject, because it is very profound.

If you have had several OBEs already, and you have gone to a certain place during your projections (one time is enough), and if the impression of that place is strong enough in your mind, you can induce an OBE and get back to that place in one go. Merely by thinking intensely about that place.

I tried this method a couple of days ago and I was astonished about its effectiveness. I needed no relaxation prior to projecting whatsoever. I laid down, started thinking about the place (my OBE where I met my guide) and everything else happened automatically, and very quickly indeed.

I can only recommend this method to anybody and thank Gandalf for enlightening me.

Best of luck!

Hello friends,

I usually don't have to think for a long time to write a subject line, but this time it took me a good five minutes to come up with the "contact referral" bit.
I simply didn't know what else to call this, one of the weirdest experiences in my OBE portfolio.

In an OBE this morning I was given the name of a person. I do not recall whether I asked for this information or not, but I received it nonetheless.

Obviously, I am not going to disclose the individual's identity here, other than to say that I received a first name, a surname, a city and a state.
I have never heard that name before and I don't particularly care for the state.

After the OBE I went to my computer, brought up the Google search engine, entered the complete name, city and state.
Bamm! Full marks! 100% match.

The person in question has a website and there is a picture. Though I have never seen the person in the physical, I have a feeling of familiarity.

Now the question is: What am I going to do with this?

The individual holds a high academic position at an American University and is scientifically oriented. I have no reason to believe that the person has any affinity to or interest in the non-physical realm.
From that standpoint I believe it would be pointless, if not detrimental to make contact.

I will try to find out more about the connection between that person and myself in future OBEs before I make a decision on what to do.

Has anyone here ever made an experience like that and how did you handle it?

All the best,

Happy New Year everybody!

I have a question for you:

When I meditate I need to be in a place that is either very quiet or where there is a monotonous noise bed, such as the hum of an air fan or something of that nature. Every little noise outside of this spectrum will disturb me and ultimately the meditation or OBE.

I am wondering if there is anything I can do to become less prone to being disturbed by noise and whether there are any techniques which have worked for you.

Yesterday, I went to our local supermarket and bought a noise protection headset, like the ones used by shooters, hunters or machine operators. I wore it for meditation and so far the results have been great. I had an excellent and fast meditation onset and even a short OBE.

Is there anything else (better) that I can do?

Best wishes for the new year and thank you for your responses!

Before this experience I had my last OBE about one year ago. At the time I had become frustrated with not getting very far with them, so I stopped having them altogether. Crazy, I know. But I am a little bit of a perfectionist, you see. Very compulsive, retentive.
Later I realized what a mistake I had made, so I restarted my efforts about 2 months ago. Meditation practice every day and so forth.

Well, all along I had been wishing to meet my spirit guide or guardian angel. I am still not sure whether these two are the same. They appear to be, though, as you will find out shortly.

A few days ago I woke up in the middle of the night and found it to be a perfect opportunity to try an OBE. It happened instantaneously. No buzzing, no vibrations. I just floated upward, out through the roof. But there was nothing. It was dark. So I demanded light and suddenly it was day. Remarkably, the air was warm and humid. Quite contrary to our actual weather. I started flying over our neighborhood and towards its borders when it came to my mind that maybe this is no OBE after all. The only way to make sure was to think of my body. I did...and DUNK...back in the body. OK fine, it's an OBE.

Second try. This time I avoided all thought of my body and the same things happened to the point of flying out of our neighborhood. At the limits of it there is a meadow. When I flew over the meadow the landscape changed and it turned into an urban park area with paved walkways. There were a couple of girls in school uniforms walking towards a red brick building at the edge of the park. The architecture was American. You would probably find this kind of scene in most every large US city with a bit of history.

At that point I thought that I was flying too slowly and I demanded double speed, a little later doubled again, and because I didn't want to lose track of my speed adjustments I had "them" (whoever controls my OBEs) show the current flying speed at the lower left corner of my "screen". I was actually quite surprised to see a number being shown there and had quite a good laugh about this as I was speeding along. Incidentally, I had my own body during this projection. No silver cord. No tugging.

Then, suddenly, it came to me that I had always wanted to meet my guardian angel or spirit guide. I requested both, since I wasn't sure if there is a distinction.

The flight came to a sudden stop. I was in an urban area with streets and alleyways. There were scores of people walking around. All dressed in normal contemporary clothing. Oddly though, none of them paid any attention to me. Except one guy. He was standing right before me, about 10 yards away, in the middle of the alley. He was about 35 to 40 years old, 6 feet tall, casually dressed, blond hair with some gray in it down to his neck and blue eyes. He also had beard stubble. I recognized him immediately. Not by his looks, but by his vibration.

He looked at me and said: "It's nice of you to stop by!"
I went over to him and hugged him. I was so glad to meet this illusive yet intimate friend. I asked for his name and he said: "Martin".
In retrospect I am not even sure if any of us really spoke. It seems that this whole conversation was telepathic. But to me that is secondary.

When I embraced Martin I felt his emotions which were very strong and that of a father and a really good friend. But underneath all that there also was surprise. He was not expecting to see me. I wonder why.

We went down the street for a while without saying anything. Then Martin turned to me, took my hand and said he had to leave. I don't remember him disappearing. He was just gone.

Some of those ignorant people around me went into a house and down the stairs. It felt like a meeting place of some sort. I thought about following them to find out what they were up to, but then I decided to make a strong request that everything that happened during this OBE will be remember by me afterward. That thought sent me back to my body. But I did have my memories.

Still in euphoria, I flipped on the light on my bed stand and started jotting down everything into my little notebook.

People, this point cannot be overstressed: Write down your OBEs right away! The memories are so fleeting, it's unbelievable. I just read my own accounts to make sure I include everything and guess what. I had already forgotten some of the details.

Thank you for reading this and all the best with your own travels!
