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Topics - Kallas

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Detachment.
July 10, 2006, 07:51:54
Hiho everyone,

Of late i have been feeling incredibly detached... and that is basically what this post is about, heh. Specific i know... i shall elaborate.

A while ago i read a post about Dp/Dr (de-personalization/de-realization) and the general feeling of detachment and distance from the surrounding world. Now what I'm feeling isn't exactly this (i don't think) but all i know is that I'm just not paying attention to my surroundings or anything else. I have almost become a danger to myself and others, ( for instance i personally don't think I'm focused enough to be driving, but ppl still insist i do) its like my awareness and common sense have died.

But then on top of this i cant ever remember it being any different. I know it was but i just can't imagine or comprehend ever having been more aware. Perhaps i have just suddenly got stupider, i don't know but it is really starting to disturb me. I truly feel like I'm meandering uselessly without fully being aware, its as if my battery needs to be re-charged.

However i have very brief periods of true focus where I'm much more aware of myself, (tho still not really aware of my surroundings)

     Just to jump out of context for a second, when i say I'm less aware i don't mean I'm less focused i just mean that it kind of seems as if my consciousness isn't present within my body, and that I'm kind of running on autopilot, (a really stupid autopilot).

Back on topic again, these moments of focus seem to just be moments where my consciousness is present within my body. And at these times i feel (ironically) separated from my body, as if I'm looking at, not from my body, and i have this overwhelming feeling that I'm on the edge of discovering something or working something out but just cant quite get there. Even now as i type this I'm drifting in and out of focus...

I'm not sure what it is (perhaps its just the whole distant teenager thing) but this is really disturbing me I'm just not thinking logically. Nor do i really know what i am trying to gain from telling you all this... i think I'm just trying to work out my thoughts in a written form.  But comments are welcome...

I feel like I'm right on the edge of something... but am currently unable to comprehend it.

This is getting terrible and i really don't feel like going insane today :grin:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Butterflies.
May 24, 2006, 21:48:52
Hello all, now this might seem like an incredibly weird request but i was wondering if any body had or knew of a website where i could get some high res pictures of butterflies with they're wings spread... Ie a picture from above showing the spread wings.

Cheers. :grin:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Monroe Assignment.
February 04, 2006, 19:46:57
Hello all

I am in year 12 this year and as a result of this i have been given numerous assignments (shock horror :shock:.) One of these assignments is for studies of religion, in it we have to choose a person and give a speech on their particular world view.

As you may have guessed (from the title) i have decided that it might be interesting to explore and talk about the world view of Robert Monroe. This seems simple enough, however i have hit a problem. That problem being that most of the information i can find about him is either in biography form or completely irrelevant in some other way. So i am hoping someone here will be able to help me answer some questions about his views. :smile:

Firstly what is a world view this is how it has been defined for me, and is the form in which i must respond too.

Your world-view will determine the way you understand reality. The term world-view has been defined as a set of presuppositions (or assumptions) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously) about the basic make up of our world. Very few people are aware that they hold a particular world-view. They assume that the way they see life is the way everyone does.  Their assumption is that what they see is reality. (Raeper, W ., and Smith, L.(1991). A Beginner's Guide to Ideas, Oxford: Lion Publishers).

A world view can be understood as a way of making sense of human experience, or a way of interpreting the experiences of life in a meaningful manner. Questions about the meaning of life are understood to be ultimate questions and ultimate concerns. It is presupposed that human beings search for a sense of meaning and purpose in life.

An individuals world view can be ascertained through the use of a world-view framework, as defined by Streng F.

Streng suggests five components, which some of you may be familiar with. It is these components that i am asking about today so they are reasonably straightforward questions (most of them). I have changed this model slightly so that it directs straight at Monroe, so any he's or Hiss's in there relate to him.

World View Template

1. Ultimate/ Ultimate Reality
    Does god exist?
   If not, how does he create/define meaning?
   What gives him meaning and purpose?
   What are his most important beliefs?

2. Problematic State
   What are the problems that he perceives in relation to the world?
  What particular words, terms and metaphors does he use to describe
  Is religious or non-religious language used?

3. Means of transformation
   Does he believe that the world can be transformed?
  If so, how? If not, why not?
  Are there practical solutions identified?
  What are they?

4. Personal expression
   What kind of inner experiences, and/or significant experiences
  (worship, rituals, significant moments, special places, creative
  processes) might he seek?
  How does he revitalize the spirit?
  Is there a conversion experience?

5. Social expression
  What connection is there between his life and his beliefs?
  How does his world view effect his relationship with individuals, groups,
  communities and social institutions?
  Is his professional life effected by their world-view?

So those are the questions i am looking to answer in relation to him, if anyone would like more information about a particular question or facet then i am happy to expand (considering i have been given like two books worth of notes :roll:. Thanks for reading through this and thanks for any help.


Also don't feel like your doing my assignment for me, this is simply part of the research phase, i have just chosen to conduct my research in this manner. (as I'm sure everyone here knows a hell of a lot more about Monroe than i could ever hope to find :D) On top of this if anyone knows of any helpful Internet sites then that would be awesome as well.

It would also be helpful if someone could have a stab at what Monroe's world view would be, based on the components and the definitions of a world view.

Cheers. :smile:  :smile:
Hi everyone ,

Sorry if this is a stupid question or if it has Been asked before, but in relation to conscious focus levels, what is the earth? and if that wasn't random or confusing enough i will now elaborate :)

If we have four levels of consciousness, which one is the base or foundation one?
I am currently presuming that it is FoC 4 as this is kind of a source 'if you will'.

If so then what is the earth, would it not be fair to say that earth itself is simply a construct created to house certain consciousness', that being said it would also be fair to say that everything or a large percentage of  the earths contents are also constructs, i.e plants, animals and even some people, can you see what I'm getting at. this would mean that the body a consciousness inhabits is also a construct this of course reinforces the theory of re-incarnation (i will explain later). It is possible that  some people on earth are 'made up' by a nearby consciousness, it basically relates to the fact of if i cant sense it how do i know its there, take color  for example ( now I'm sure you all have heard this one) we all see different color's but how can we be sure that what we are seeing is the same color , as the names we have for color's are simply names we were taught to call them, in other words what i call blue you may call red. So when a person walks off how do you know that they are existing outside of what you directly can perceive, the fact is you don't know, you just presume that they are doing something. ( this of course could be seen in an incredibly selfish way of saying that everyone is a construct created by my consciousness, seriously though think whilst your reading this how do you know that your mind hasn't 'invented' it in order to put meaning into something) Ahhhh.. its all so confusing.

Neglecting all the selfish stuff, another question is raised , WHY then is FoC1 our primary focus, i would be most interested to hear peoples views on this, my current theory is that FoC4 is simply to difficult for a basic consciousness to understand and so through many 'earthly' cycles (re-incarnation) the consciousness develops in order to reach a state of enlightenment ( as stated in some religions) or heaven/ nirvana ( as stated in others), that being, reaching heaven is simply a permanent shift of consciousness into FoC 4.

Sorry for using religious examples i was just attempting to put it into a world perspective, i also apologize for any grammatical errors or, if it plainly doesn't make sense I'm just a high-school student so sorry  :)

So yea, i would be most interested in hearing peoples views on this as i am asking a question as to what you all think, i have seriously cut down on everything i could have said as it would have taken too long :) but i will elaborate on anything else if I'm being to confusing.

Sorry if it seems like I'm seeing this from a very selfish or stupid way that's not my intention it's just everyone is trying to work out how projection happens/works and i was just wondering why.

Thanks :)

- Paul
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Death
June 03, 2005, 21:27:23
Frank or anyone else

What is death?
What is Re-incarnation?

Short and sweet
I really don't care if the answer is huge or really detailed, i was just wondering what peoples opinions on it are.

Ok hello everyone :D,
Well i got your newsletter a couple of days ago frank and it was very informative and quite a help, i hadn't heard that much about phasing before that and it intrigued me so much that after wards i went and read all the posts on it, Quite interesting. So id just like to say well done, your making life a lot well, i wont say less confusing but still a lot different.

Now down to business, this is a question for anyone that can help, or anyone that can tell me what it might be. I will start by telling you that i have never projected and i have been trying for about 2 years now, and i am 17. Hmm.. well after i read the stuff about phasing i began thinking differently about projection, i still do not understand it completely but its a start. Now i started thinking differently, and that very night i was lying down trying to put all thoughts out of my head, That didn't take long and before i knew it the familiar blue blobs started floating in and out of my vision, right after this i experienced an over whelming sense of dizziness, and then i was suddenly filled with so much energy that i literally could not stop my self from madly shaking it off, thus pulling my self out of whatever i was nearing.

This is not the first time that has happened but it is the most extreme. It is also very hard to explain and i am sorry if i have not properly done so. This energy fills me from head to toe, making me feel as if I'm about to explode, it also is not an uncommon thing in fact i can willingly bring it on at any time during the day, but when i willingly bring it on it is hard to sustain it, It feels, sorry if i offend anyone, quite similar to an orgasm, Anyway when i do not willingly bring it on it is fully sustained and i generally get overwhelmed by it and shake my self furiously, That is also the reason i cannot hold this self induced energy because it is just to much.

Sorry all that does not probably make sense as i have written it all down as i thought it, but if anyone could possibly explain what it is, or how i can control it, that would be a great help. I will gladly answer anything if i need to clarify something that is not explained properly.

Thank you :D

Also, is it normal and does anyone else experience this.

One other thing..  a bit off topic, could someone please post some links for some post's actually describing what phasing is or the basics of it :D
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Tips
December 27, 2004, 06:16:38
Hello all,
Well as you can see i have only just discovered these forums, and i am very surprised and quite happy to find out that there are may other people apart from myself that are striving to achieve projection :D

OK well heres the story, I'm sure you have all heard of the terrible earthquakes around Indonesia, they have been most devastating and shocking for many people. Unfortunately i happen to have a close friend who was traveling in India and he was around the effected areas when the tsunamis hit, I have tried to contact him and have heard nothing and i would be most thankful if i could hear from him. i have a subliminal feeling that he is OK but i would just like to be sure.
As such i would be very grateful if someone could please give me some quick, important final tips on projection or anything else that may help me finally achieve it, as i think that may be the only way to find out how he is. I have been trying to project for about a year now ( in fact it was this friend who first told me about projection :D) and i have gotten very close to doing it, but i think i have failed because my heart was not in it 100% IE: my mind was not fully focused... and i have heard that one of the important, helpful factors for achieving projection is having a reason for doing it.  
and i think now i have most defiantly got one.
if anyone can help me i would be most grateful :)
thank you

Also my heart goes out to anyone else who has loved ones that were involved in this disaster.