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Topics - PeterPanic

Welcome to Astral Chat! / What does IMO mean?
June 25, 2005, 10:33:03
I usually feel heaviness in my forehead chakra (I think Bruce calls it brow chakra), and after awhile I feel drained. The heaviness is very noticeable as well as the loss of energy. I do not however feel any presence or strange emotions nor pains.
Norman Paulsen is a disciple of Paramahamsa Yogananda (sorry for the spelling). In his book Sacred Science he gives a meditation method that goes like this:

1 - While breathing in, feel the Life Force (prana) traveling along the spine from the coccis to back of the head.

2 - Hold a bit the breath

3 - Exhale feeling the Life Force descend through the hollow spine from back of the head to the coccis.

4 - Hold a bit the breath

Has anyone tried this meditation? What are the signs of progress?
Is it true that this meditation is similar to kriya yoga?

1 - Is there any Software to make Hemi-Sync like sounds?

2 - Are Hemi-Sync tunes available to the general public or do I have to buy that very expensive 'Gateway Experience' set from Monroe Institute?

3 - Can anyone commercialize music with those frequencies or is it patented from Monroe Institute?

Thanks :shock:

Hello, here is my story:

4 years is the time a spirit has been draining all my energy to the point I would always be tired no matter how much sleep and rest I would get. It got to the point where I was really suffering and having a dirty life... my main symptoms were energy loss including heaviness in brow chakra that looked like but no exactly similar to sleepiness. I also wanted to commit suicide but didn't have the courage... I was emotionally imbalanced. I went to many doctors with no effect until I appointed with medium. She told me about the neg and prescribed a prayer and a cleansing shower with a plant I only know the name in Portuguese... sorry. Anyway believe it or not I'm fine now, it's a miracle after 4 years I thought I would never be well again. The medium also said that the entity was suffering a lot and that I helped it, so one day he will reincarnate on earth to help me.
Yes some negs aren't really doing on purpose but they just cling for all they're worth to something that can bring them a bit of light. The medium also told me that I have some mediunity thus making me more vulnerable so I have to take special precautions.

Now comes the advice from my experience, these are proven facts for me:

1 - There are plants that when burnt or soaked in your bath help cleaning from negative influences.

2 - Prayer has a real effect other than just auto-suggestion, although I can't explain the mechanics of it. I pray to Saint Michael.

3 - Always have steel (yes the material) in your left pocket as it protects you from negs. It really worked for me, before I would enter a room with some neg and after 10 min I would feel this heaviness in my brow chakra along with energy loss. Wearing steel has also protected me against neg influences on mood - suddenly I would feel enraged for no reason.

4 - Above all watch your thought patterns and try to behave the way you rationally would like to behave.

5 - If you know a medium (a real one, and one you trust) have an appointment! Or would you rather wait a lifetime developing your abilities until you can deal with it on your own?

Well this is it, it's just another story but it's always useful to share.
Robert Bruce and others report that the cause of fatigue while doing energy work lies in the fact that because our energy system may not be that fit as we begin, we spend more energy cleaning the 'plumps' than we actually store... and that's true... but there is more to it. It's sometimes the case that our energy 'plumps' are quite good but we are just making exaggerated mental effort to raise energy. That's what I was doing and I was feeling the energy but it's better to feel less energy doing it in a more relaxed state and at the end feel re-energized.

Beware as the symptoms of exhaustion, emotional crisis, etc are very real... I had them until I realized I shouldn't make this load of mental effort to raise the energy.
Activating the sex chakra probably happened to many while doing energy work... it just happens like activating any other chakra so why not explore it further?
I'm new to energy work and have been trying to produce the vibrational state to achieve an obe with only minor successes. Until I discoverd that massaging with awareness hands the sex chakra and trying to reach orgasm actualy produce quite good vibrational states. I wonder if reaching orgasm I would project with minor effort.
Anyway, why would the orgasm method be a good alternative to achieve obe? Because many people dont know whats the vibrational state and what to do to achieve it, but they surely ;-) know how to try to reach an orgasm with awareness hands. Plus, while doing it (like doing normal sex) you have a strong motivation to continue doing it harder and harder even if you are getting tired. This method is better achieved with abstinence from sex until one develops an urge for it.
The sexual energy is really powerful... we shouldn't waste it.

Does anyone here share similar experiences? I wonder if anyone has actulay achieved OBE using this method.