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"If I hold you I can't behold you. Sometimes love is better at a distance."
    - Duane Alan Hahn

Firstly let me start by saying that my reasons for Astral Projection are exploration and education... but there's always been a third reason.  Her.  We've been madly in love for close to 12 years, but because of the cards life deals us sometimes, we're far apart.  Even farther these days, as she's currently on vacation in South America.  That being said... these are the events that unfolded last night.

So my Astral experiences thus far have been short.  Slightly beyond my control.  And fuzzy... like a television with rabbit ears that are slightly askew.  Last night all of this changed.  I had woken once to pee, then once more to grab some water, and then come back to bed.  Up to this point my dreams were the standard surrealist fare.

Upon entering the third sleep cycle at around 3:30 am, I entered almost immediately into a very very strange dream.  So strange that I actually remember being kind of bored with it.  As that boredom tore at the edges of my dream, things became somewhat lucid.

I began dreaming that I was driving.  I have driving dreams once in a while.  I don't drive in real life, so an enormous red flag goes up when these dreams occur, because I immediately remember, "Wait, I don't drive.  Oh right... I must be dreaming."  I'm driving down this interstate highway, and off to my left I see a dirt road... and as Robert Frost once said, "The road less traveled by.... has made all the difference."  On a backwoods road I noticed that the forest was looming, and the road was ending....

And thats when I awoke Astrally... there's a tingling vibration that occurs for me when this happens.  Like I can feel my second body hovering half in and half out of me... as if waiting for me to grab the reigns.  So I did.  I rather clumsily rolled out of bed and slid along the floor.  Straight through my bedroom door.  Careened around my apartment building for awhile.  Looked in on my neighbors and my roommate, making sure that all was well and there feet weren't on fire or anything.  And then I made my way out.  Into the street.  And thats when the Astral lucidity took hold.  Not only was I aware of everything, I was also in much more control of my "body" than I usually am...

I toured around the city, (which wasn't my city btw... more of a dreamlike construct) and then it hit me.  Something that I'd been reminding myself constantly when awake.  If I ever got Astral and had control I would go and see Her.  My girl.  So I sort of thought out loud that I'd like to go and see her.

Something, or someone was listening to this... and suddenly I switched directions and was rocketing across the landscape.  Through trees, through  rocks, through houses... and partway through I thought, "This is going to take a long time."  And as if that were permission to get me there via the shortcut, the next thing happened.

The most breathtaking experience of my Astral life thus far.  I went up.  Like spring boarding off of an enormous trampoline.  Within seconds I was up amongst the stars and then slowly coming back down to earth.  And the descent was a slow feather-fall into a foreign landscape, unlike anything I'd ever seen.

Ocean everywhere.  An orange sky looking down on it.  Like a sunrise that occupies the entire sky.  And in the middle of this ocean, on a very small plot of land was a hut.

I drifted though a bunch of passing blue butterflies.  When I passed my hand through them they spread apart, as if made with paint.  One landed on my hand, as if to say hello... and then vanished as I reached the island.

I saw Her there.  And she watched me come close.  As I approached, she exclaimed, "Hey!  It's YOU!"

But I could feel that I had burned alot of energy coming so far so fast.  I knew I didn't have long.  She turned and pointed into the hut and said, "I think thats my twin."

At this point I received a Rote.  If you've ever read Robert Monroe, a Rote is a tiny package of information contained within a thought.  I knew she was out of body, and referring to her sleeping self.  But never having had any experience with OBEs she merely thought she was dreaming.

I rushed to her and said, "I haven't got much time."  And I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her.  Passed along as much love as I could in that one moment of connection.

And then I woke up.


Now.  All of this becomes even more incredible.   A few hours later I get a collect call from Antigua (South America-ish).  And the first thing out of her mouth is...

"Was that real?"

So to verify I asked, "What was the only thing I said to you?"

"You said you didn't have much time."

My reply, "And you told me you thought the sleeping girl was your twin."

Verified.  Confirmed.  And most wonderful.  

I told her I'd travel any distance, just to hold her...

And so it was.

All I can say is.........   holy frickin wow....

Thoughts?  Comments?  Questions?

In a state of utter amazement,

It's a lengthy post, so let me first start by saying that Robert Bruce's "Treatise" on the astral, is invaluable reading.  I couldn't find it on Astral Dynamics... but did manage to find a copy of the whole thing over here..  he's bang-on about alot of stuff.


Last night was it.  There's been alot of build-up.  Alot of exercises in the last eight months.  Also, a great deal of OBEs that were induced by characters while Lucid Dreaming.  And there was the occasional waking up and looking around my room, realizing that it wasn't my room and then being pushed (?) out of my body and exploring it...

But last night, after alot of laying still and focusing, breathing, and light wakeful dreaming....  I was well aware of the "sensation" that came with the astral body being loose and almost drifting about my body... as if waiting to project...

So I kept my eyes closed.  Sat up at the waist.  And then proceeded to kick my astral legs over the side of the bed and stand up...

Some people talk of buzzing, or vibrations... but the only way I can describe the sensations I was feeling while "un-docking" from the physical.. was as if I were pushing through a thick layer of cotton.  Long stretched vibrations, followed by a drifting freedom, when I was through.

While standing, I got a little overeager.  Rather than focusing, and pulling in the calm... I just popped open my astral eyes...  I had next to no control, and began spinning.  But frustration was nowhere to be seen.  I've managed prolonged, and controlled OBEs before... and this was the first time I had willed myself out.  It didn't last long.  I shot up through the ceiling and wandered through the apartment complex... past alot of dreamers... until eventually I was out of control again and found myself careening directly towards someone sleeping in their bed.

And the moment I made contact with their body.  I was snagged.  I couldn't move...  I panicked a bit.  Out of concern for messing with someone else's body... so I willed my physical to wiggle my toes..

And it was over.

Has anyone else had to deal with being "snagged" on other people with APing?  Particularly sleepers?  Is it because they're OBE when they dream?


Anyhow, thanks for the patience.  I had to tell somebody about this.

Firstly, firstly,

Hi everyone,

For the last eight months my life has been spun in all kinds of new directions.  And for these months I've been reading all kinds of books, listening to all kinds of tapes, anything and everything to help me get a good grasp on what's been going on.

If you're of the patient sort, please keep reading...

So it all started with an unexpected launch from my body.  I had been delving into the realm of lucid dreams and dreaming with the gloves off, and a character in my dream, basically grabbed me by the shirt cuffs and threw me.  There was a physical sensation.  Like full body goosebumps on steroids, and I was out.

There was no question in my mind that I was out of body.  There was a slow pull, tugging me back to my body.  Kind of like a gentle vacuum tugging at me.  I kept having a thought that wasn't mine, (if that makes sense) and thought was simply, "Stay calm".  Over and over in my mind.

I started to explore my room, but controlling myself was not in the least bit easy.   The tug to my body wouldn't stop, so I decided to get farther away.  I moved towards the door...

through the door...

and the apartment on the other side of that door, was not where I found myself.  I was careening from fantastical place to fantastical place....

and have been doing this ever since it started.

Here are the problems I cannot seem to get past in my eight months of work....    Are you still tuned into this channel?  Thanks, I appreciate it.

- I cannot project myself at will.  It always happens as a result of my conduct in dreams.  Certain characters simply feel "unique".  As if they don't quite fit into the fabric of the dream.  It is always these characters that launch me into OBEs.  Particularly if I am very kind to them, or achieve whatever it is they ask me to achieve within the dream.  So in a sense my OBE life is subject to the approval of a dream.

I know.  Wild no?

- Trying to condition myself in my waking life to be less excited when an OBE occurs.  There have been times when I've gone a few weeks without anything memorably Astral occurring, and then when it does... my response is usually, "WOOHOO!  I'm OUT!"  And this excitement cascades into a body response,  and I'm yanked out of the astral, back into the physical.

- Alot of the literature I've read regarding OBEs indicates certain generic aspects, such as a buzzing/hissing sound, a silver cord, and of course, willing yourself to go OBE.... none of these things pertain to me.   Any ideas?

Also, does hemi-sync theta-waves truly assist in the process?

Thanks in advance for any and all replies...  It's nice after all this time, to find a forum.  Makes me feel alot less alone in this.
