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Topics - BirthOfTheNight

2005 - Economic Depression
2006 - Disease plagues, biological warfare, suicide bombings
2005/7-Tidal wave hits US east-coast including Florida, possible nuclear war from Al Qaida, Ebola may turn airborne resulting in major outbreak
2006/7- Major war with Al Qaida
2007 - asteroid hits the ocean, causing tidal wave, splitting into 7 parts, 7 impacts, disease continues, Mad Cow disease mutates, spreading from cow to similar mammals and finally to man, causing a Brian-destroying epidemic, also, the star Eta Carinae may turn to supernova
2011 - Final war between Palestinians and Israelites - Israel is victorious
2012 - All societies join in a transformation from a Type-O T-1 society
2039 - Full transformation to a Type-1 society

For information on different types of societies I suggest reading Michio Kaku's Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
I read on the net a while ago that it is evident that people have been projecting for at least 14,000 years.  Does anyone know where I can find a good "history" on projection. I have found a few sites but they seem very amateur.  I'm always looking for books, so if anyone knows of any that would be great!
Focus 10
(Mind Awake/Body Asleep)
This is the level at which the physical body is asleep but the mind is awake and alert. Consciousness is fully retained without dependence upon signals from the physical body. Conceptual tools are developed that the participant may use to reduce anxiety and tension, for healing, for remote viewing and for establishing resonance with other individuals. In Focus 10, much like the dream state, we learn to think in images rather than in words.

Focus 12
(Expanded Awareness)
This is a state where conscious awareness is expanded beyond the limits of the physical body. Focus 12 has many different facets, including exploring nonphysical realities.

Focus 15
(No Time)
The state of "No Time" is a level of consciousness which opens avenues of the mind that offer vast opportunities for self exploration beyond the constraints of time and place.

Focus 21
(Other Energy Systems)
This level offers the opportunity to explore other realities and energy systems beyond what we call time-space-physical-matter.