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Topics - LadyLea

I was wondering if I AP in the RTZ and it is windy out, will I blow away or be taken to another plane?

I know kinda silly question.

If your focus your life on hate, anger, and regret, it is only your fault for what you get.
For furthur background refer to thr thread Astral Meeting in the OBE Discussion Forum and read my post(Ladylea).  I will include as much info as poosible.  If anyone has a question, please ask.  This has remained unanswered for a long time.  Any help is appreciated!

When I was 15 years old I met J, 16.  We decided to go steady on Valentine's Day.  He told me one afternoon that he could enter people's dreams.  He proved it.  

He told me about a group where he used to live could AP, use telepathy, etc.  J stated that I was a part of that group but I did not know it.  Slowly, I began dreaming of a plump, bald-headed man in a brown robe with a tannish colored rope around the waist, pointing at the entrance of a tunnel.  Apparently, I was to enter.  A couple days later J asked me if I had seen anything out-of-the-ordinary.  Infact I had.  I saw the images of two boys around J's age in my mind's eye.  I told him.  I'd never met them in real life.  J asked me to remember any details about their faces and I described them.  He said it was T and M.  Friends of his in the group.  He informed me that if I did not want them there then they wouldn't be.

A week later I was still having dreams like those above.  I was talking to J about fate and us when I glanced at my left wrist.  I saw three bright red spots on the inside of my wrist arranged in an upright triangle (he had told me earlier that they formed in triangles to kill evil beings in the astral--strange to me now but how can I not believe a little bit of this after everything else) each approxiamtely one cm big.  I was taken aback.  I told J.  He stated that it was normal and there was nothing to worry about.  He assurred me not to be scared.  He said it would disappear in a couple minutes ... which it did.

*Before* J and I became a couple on Valentine's Day we would sneak out.  One night I was pushing my mom's car down the drive to crank in the street when I saw a dark figure (which looked like J) watching me.  When I went to investigate it, or he, was gone.

I have another incident that happened in 1992 that was similar.  I was awake, listening to music.  An embarrassing moment later I walked into the hallway and saw J's dark silhouette.  He was trying to speak but I could not understand what he was saying.  He had told me when he was learning to AP, T would AP and meet him in the RTZ and talk.

Has this happened to anyone else?  What does it mean?  Were the red dots an attack or a silent message or a sign?  Can anyone explain what happened between J and I?

Any furthur information to help me find out what this was would be great!

Thanks!  ...I hope nobody thinks I am weird.

If your focus your life on hate, anger, and regret, it is only your fault for what you get.
Hi Lady lea

Yes, that is the common experience of physical paralysis felt either pre-lift-off or when re-entering the body. If you ever get "stuck" in it, just moving a toe or finger can break it.

I dont understand.  If you are raising all that energy and not using it ie; not going OBE - how is it energy depletion?  Sounds to me like overload, but that is just a guess as I really dont know.  It is possible to get a bit overloaded, or maybe it's a result of clearing blockages and getting depleted that way?  What exactly did robert say?  

I remember from 'Astral Dynamics' - if you're going to OBE, no half hearted attempts, go all the way or dont try.  

As for the Negs, I think they come around whenever someone is first learning energy work - I think it's to put you off course.  It put me off for a while aswell, I know one person who gave up entirely because of it.  I think it's a barrier/test you have to go through before you get access to all that knowledge - once again, I dont know this for sure, I'm just summing up what I learn as I go along, all subject to change.  It was a good thing for me, in a way, as I am learning more control over my own mind (very neccessary), not to be distracted by negative thoughts/feelings etc.,  I found it important for me not to think too much about Negs, if you have to deal with something at a particular moment, just deal with it best you can.  If you cant, ask for help, that's all I can do and I'm not going to think anymore about what if's...  Chances are, it's all a bluff anyway.  I have  got into the habit of saying a little prayer for guidance with all my meditations/energy works - at the end of the day the energy isn't mine, I'm just trying to make the best use of it with the little knowledge that I have.  And I'm very specific about where I want that guidance to come from.  As for your neighbour's daughter and her bedroom Neg, I wouldn't worry about that but I certainly wouldn't enter any dwelling that had a definite Neg.

I have never had the shocks that you speak of but after feeling the strength of energy - I dont doubt anything is possible.  I am not attempting OBE, getting familiar with the energy is about all I can handle right now.

Hey LadyLea

Maybe putting a little eye pillow or something light but weighted on your eyes might help? When you know you cannotphysically open your eyes, the problem might ZAP! away!


'"Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?" In answer to Tennyson, I pose this question: truth lasts while there are dreams, and do we not dream in truth? ' from my whacky novel, "LUST"
Hi sister

Just a quick one.... energy breathing will help with tiredness, etc as this is natural side-effect of beginning energy work. It is on the dimesnional doorways tutorial I re-wrote of Robert's.... or plough through the NEW stuff of his -- or look in "AD"

Evil presence stuff could be "dweller on threshold" or in light of your past, perhaps negs -- another story. I tend to think the former, just ignore them, don't give them your energy!

Oh -- energy work or AP you ask.... well you can do both just keep up the energy breathing! AP will have a better chance of success once your energy body has stabilised, so now might be the best time to practice trance meditation rather than direct OBE -- or both -- all that is up to you!

Energy breathing, LadyLea.... it will make a BIG difference!

Good luck desert dweller :)))))) I'm off to eat an elephant....

Cheers, Donni  

'"Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?" In answer to Tennyson, I pose this question: truth lasts while there are dreams, and do we not dream in truth? ' from my whacky novel, "LUST"