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Topics - Astral Projection

Hi, I have rather disturbing experience to share with you, and I would like to hear your opinion because I don't know what the hell happened :)
Anyway, last night when I was sleeping at one point in dream I was inside some house (never seen it before). I decided to go out and then I realized I was dreaming. It was pitch dark and I tried to force light (most of times I can control surroundings in my dreams) but then I heard very very loud noise and it was high frequency. Same noises woke me up and I found myself in bed hearing same loud noises and feeling light vibrations. Firstly I tried to go with vibrations as I normally do but noises were too LOUD and as I drifted away frequency of noises was increasing beyond audible human range (20kHz). When I tried to decrease vibrations frequency of noises was decreasing (but they were still in high freq). Then I heard some very distorted voices which were saying to me something like "get outta here", "don't ever come here"... First thing that popped to my mind were - ALIENS (I don't know why I was thinking that, but now I know that is silly). I tried playing with vibrations to eventually force OBE but I was scared I could loose my hearing (yes, noises were that loud and high!) so I stopped my attempt. I forgot to mention that in one point I raised my hand, moved it and watched it (when noises\light vibrations were present). I am still not sure if it was my 'physical' hand.
Anyway after that attempt I turned to other side and just tried to get some sleep but moment after falling asleep I saw one bright ball of light flash in front of my eyes. After that I saw another bright light flashing but this time it wasn't a ball of light but stroboscope-like flashing... After that I fell asleep.

I occasionally used to hear noises before leaving body and also seeing light flashes but they were never SO loud and disturbing. And I never saw a ball of light before, nor hear some voices...
Now could someone guess what the hell happened? :) What do you think could I loose my hearing if I try to force OBE or something else when (or if) I experience this again?
This morning I forced OBE and after a while I had false awakening (which I didn't realize). I got out of my bed, I got out and took a taxi (everything seemed fine). Then I started to doubt that this was waking reality so I tried reality check. I had a laptop with me and I turned it on. I thought looking other way and then back on laptop but every time I looked back on laptop I saw operating system booting up as usual, not a slice different. So tried to move my hand through car door but I couldn't do that. And finally I saw a clock next to driver and I looked at it it was 11:15.. I looked the other way and back - it was 11:20. I thought this is it! Another look it was 11:25. Now I thought maybe the clock was "broken" so I looked to it and clock was showing 11:25, 11:30, 11:35 (moving like seconds). Finally I thought the clock was broken and I accepted that it was waking reality... Finally I woke up and I don't know what the hell happened. Reality check never failed, why this time?
I was reading about phasing today and I "like" more phasing approach than traditional "astral". Anyway I have some questions.
1. First I wanna ask, if there is no separation at all, how we feel a separation? Is that some kind of hallucination?
2. I didn't get this "focus of attention part" (it's probably because of my bad English :)). Can someone explain me what does this focus of attention means? As far as I understood, focuses of consciousness seem to me like some "levels".
3. I've understood that Focus 3oC is when we go when they die, and there we stay as long as possible so we could wash ourselves from our beliefs. Now, what happens after a person is "washed"? Has anyone ever phased into Focus 3oC?
4. Now Focus 4... Has anyone phased into that "area"? I've never heard anyone saying that he\she phased into F4oC but we now that it exists, and that it is pure energy.. How we know that? Anyway, if any of you phased in F4oC how is it "in there"? Um.. How is the place where all events happens in the same time? :)

that's some questions for now... :)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Free e-books [links]
July 21, 2006, 21:33:04
Here you can post links for some free ebooks.
Now, I have 2 libraries to share with you:

these two are "spiritual" subjects :)
I'll post more soon
This happened maybe a month ago:
When I finished showering one day, I just stood in front of the mirror and I just looked into my face. I was looking at it and thinking that it doesn't exist. I mentally said my name few times (just to think that person in mirror is *MY NAME*, but not me). After a while I had a feeling that person in mirror is some person that I saw for the first time in my life. I really somehow knew that it wasn't me. I wasn't out of body... This feeling lasted a moment and then I got excited (I hate this excitement :)), so I got back to normal.

What do you think, can this be a way to enlighten yourself? Did anyone had experience like this?
Welcome to Magic! / Franz Bardon
June 15, 2006, 20:51:38
Did you check out Franz Bardon and his works? I read "Initiation into Hermetics" and I'm impressed how he in a very good way explained tetragrammaton, four elements and much much more. What do you think of him and his works?
This may sound stupid but I cannot sit in this "meditation" position, or lotus position or call it whatever you like.

Does some of you have any exercises how to sit in this position?
Last night I went to bed, and I started Boxed Nirvana. As the sound played, I started relaxing from my feet up to my face.(I have a problem relaxing my face). So I got these light vibrations after a minute or two.. And I tried to remain calm and not to fall asleep. At one point I sensed these very strong vibrations, and they vanished after a moment. I know these kind of vibrations from before, because some time ago I used to wake up in this strong vibrational state and separation from that state is easy.. But these vibes ended after a second.. So I remained in position. Then I felt swinging. This swinging was very "real", like someone really swigged my body... Then I got excited or afraid (i don't know why would I be afraid when I know that nothing can happen to me..). And my heart started to beat REALLY hard. Like it was going to jump out my chest. I tried to remain calm but this hard beating and swinging (same time) didn't vanish. Then I stopped the attempt. I put my arm to my chest and I really sensed this hard beating, it was physical, not mental. So what caused this very very hard heartbeat? Can I get heart attack? :) What do you suggest me?

P.S. I think these hard vibrations occurred when Boxed Nirvana played louder sound, I mean that it louder\higher sound actually induced this vibration.
I'm curious about phasing, so I got a few questions for you all.

* I understand that we do not actually leave the body during "astral projection" but traveling within our selves, we phase into another focus of consciousness. So is that our individual consciousness or collective one? (You know this concept that we all belong to *one* (collective) consciousness, and that our individual one doesn't really exists...)

* My next question is about reincarnation and phasing. So all 4 Focuses oC (Frank's model) interact with each other. So when someone die he is actually going to this Transition area. That's OK. But can F3oC and F4oC exist alone without F1oC and F2oC? Is reincarnation possible only to rebuild these focuses? I heard that people do regression ant that's why I asked this.
But on the other hand it would be meaningless that reincarnation happens forever. :roll:
Last night I went to sleep, and at first I listened to Boxed Nirvana. So at first I relaxed as much as I could, and I was counting to 40 (to clear my mind). Inhale 1, Exhale, Inhale 2, Exhale..... Next I did, I just lied down *trying* to not to think but thoughts were flooding my mind :redface: . But that didn't stopped me. I was lying down relaxed. After a while I felt vibrations. They were weak, but I could feel it in my arms and my legs, but not in my stomach nor head\neck. And I wasn't in trance at all! I could open my eyes or shrink (I don't know proper word, but I think you'd understand) face. So I just lied about half an hour and nothing... Just these "vibrations"..
So does anyone have any tip for me. For clearing my mind and or what to do when achieve these vibrations? Oh, almost forgot.. when I use these "exercises" I mentally feel falling (if you know what I mean).. Is this helpful?

And I have very often this vibration-like feeling in one of my legs. Last night it was in my right leg. While I was feeling these vibes in my limbs, this vibration-like feeling just faded in on my right leg. And fading was ping-pong like (fade in, fade out).... What is this? Is this usual?
The other night I was lying and I started noticing. At the beginning I "saw" darkness and some spots... But then I hear some sound in high frequency. It lasted about a minute (or maybe longer) then it faded out.
I used to get these high frequency sounds earlier, but in normal activity. What is this? Does anyone experience this?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Time
January 31, 2006, 21:13:22
I was thinking today while I was looking at clock...
So I asked myself how such device can measure "time" so precise? If we cannot feel\see\smell... time how such device can measure it? Maybe our apprehension of time is all in that device (clock). What clock tells we believe that is the "time".. What if that time doesn't exist and all we believe about time is - numbers on the clock...
You opinions about time?
What do you think about disappearing of Mayans? Do you think that they actually evolved spiritually and became invisible for us, "normal" humans?
This morning I had lucid dream, and at some point I found my self in bed with vibrations. I got excited and I decided to calm my self. When I did that I just raised from the bed. I saw my body lying there, but my sight was dim-like (like it was dawn, but it was 7am, I think) ... I remember that I was moving hardly. Than alarm uttered...

So is this AP or just a dream of having it? I read somewhere, when you project to RTZ you are moving hardly. Was this experience in RTZ? If not, why I was moving so hard?
Can you tell me is BrainWave Generator\Neuro-Programmer reliable? I mean can I project astrally with that?
Few nights ago I used some plug-in in BWGen & after 10 mins I felt sharp pain at top of my head. Last night I listened to "Boxed Nirvana I" and after 20 mins vibes came instantly, but they lasted only for a couple of seconds.
P.S. Do you have some samples to upload.
Thank you.
Few nights ago i dreamed that I was at the streets on New Year. Suddenly Everyone on the street stopped and looked the sky. I looked than and I saw two Moons (not full). I thought to myself that it is "apocalypse" (I wasn't lucid). Somebody mentioned that "moon projected" or smth like that. Anyway I kept looking and another moon show up and one more, so there were 4 moons and 1 of them were full. Than I saw this flash, a white color in front of my eyes and I was back in my bed again but I couldn't move any of my limbs (sleep paralysis?). After a while I fell asleep again, from sleep paralysis, and wake up.

Does this dream have any meaning?
I had weird experience last morning. I woke up few hours after I normally wake up, and I tried to project astrally. I started with relaxation. After a while vibrations started and I separated. Whole time I kept my eyes closed. I got into the middle of the room and I opened my astral eyes. With astral eyes, my physical eyes opened, so I was able to see my blanket and in the same time I was able to see my room from the point I stood.

What this means? Is this split of consciousness
I had many coincidences lately. Are they really coincidences or there is not such thing? I will tell you some of it.

I dreamed that my brother gives me CD which has inscription "Quake". Something woke me up... Few minutes later soil started to shake. Earthquake... Few minutes after that soil started to shake again. It was another earthquake. So, is it coincidence that I dreamed that inscription Quake? Does that have something to do with earthQUAKE?

Another night I dreamed that I'm in my friends flat. At one point I realized that he (my friend) moved out, and now he lives in another flat. When I realized that I became lucid... My teacher lives in that flat now, and another day that teacher gave me F grade. Another coincidence?

I also had coincidences when I think about some person (ex. girlfriend) she\he calls me at that moment. Since I got interested in occult, every day I find some book in my house on that theme which I didn't know that it exists.

I must mention Deja Vu. Many many times, when I see some scene I thought to my self 'I dreamed this'. I saw that scene before, but I don't know if I dreamed that...

So, is there such thing as coincidence?
Welcome to Dreams! / How much do dreams last?
May 07, 2005, 07:23:02
Is it true that dream lasts only 5-20 seconds, rarely 1 minute?
Also, is it true that all our dreams are black and white, but we remember them as colorful?
I'm interested if anyone of you read The Da Vinci Code, and what is you opinion about HBHG (Holy Blood, Holy Grail) theory? Was Mary Magdalene really Jesus's wife?

I'm orthodox christian and I don't believe in this. The book is so interesting, and there are people who believe in that.

Maybe this is not a right topic for this forum. If moderator\administrator thinks that this topic stinks just delete it :)
I hope you will forgive me because of bad English :)

Few months ago I started to read about AP. One night when I went to bed I was so obsessed whit this topic and next thing I remember was that I was feeling vibes and hearing some sounds. And then I, kinda, forced myself to leave the body. I was floating above my bed for approximately half minute and then something forced me back to my body. I'm not sure if this was OBE or just dream about having it.
Anyway, up 'till today I wasn't able to project (again, if I did it). I can't fall into trance state. Every day or night, I lie in bed and I relax my body and concentrate on breathing. About hour I lie down and nothing happens. How much time do I have to stay in this relaxed state, to fall into trance?

I read that in astral body we have 360 degrees view. Is that true? Is it hard to get used to it?

On I read about areas of consciousness. If I understood it well, Frank says that there are three areas. So, are Mental, Buddhic, Nirvanic worlds also areas of consciousness?

I also read that time in astral is extended. That minute in physical world last about hour in astral. Is that true? If it is we can be in astral for 10 hours and that would be 10-20 mins in physical world, right?

Do I have to be in REM sleep, to experience AP? Lucid Dreams occurs in that stage.

Again I will tell what I read.. :)
Future Wind... When it takes you to the future are you in RTZ or in Astral?

That are my questions (for now:))
P.S. Can you tell me what do you thing about my experience? Was that OBE or dream?
