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Topics - Dilmun

These are just a simple thoughts and explained very roughly. Either should not be taken too seriously because of course listening too much other people than yourself has high percent to mislead you because the one you listened to might have been wrong so take this lightly. I also know many people disagrees with one or two things and then judges all the ideas in this post totally bovine excrement, so please don't do that. Yeah and sorry for bad writing, definitely not writer. Ill actually add a quicker and shorter version to the end :D

Evolution is here because somehow it just seems to fit everywhere and i kinda believe in the big bang and evolution or something like that. NOT gods creation, though i believe there is a god or many gods and i have no idea how to definite god but i definitely don't believe in Christianity god. I "believe" in chakras, energy body etc, could say that i know :)

OK so here we go.

My or yours spirit might be like a newborn child who cannot do anything, young child cannot decide whats good or bad for him and doesn't really have consciousness or a 10 years old child which knows something but still cannot decide for himself very well. You could think this as civilization like ours but as in higher beings(I'm not trying to make a new "world" about this spirit thing, just a not so serious thought which might be true).

Consciousness needs energy which you get from food, but food=matter matter=energy and energy=matter so food is just a physical way for organic beings to get energy, whitout it you simply die(thought some yoga gurus and people like that have claim to live without food or water for uncanny times). Reincarnation could be a way for consciousness and spirit to evolve&learn safely and stable to use energy without physical form. This would lead to end of reincarnation cycle cause there is no need for it anymore. I think reincarnation is pretty perfect way leading evolution to spiritual beings. We could add karma here too because to end reincarnation you might need to be "good" spirit because this evolving and learning would mean that you can do pretty much anything with the energy and just not keep your consciousness going. Whole universe is energy so there is no limited source of energy and also of course there might be infinite number of universes etc but lets not write about that.

So conclusion. Reincarnation might be only because of evolution. Is it evolution or not i still think it is a way for spirit to safely developer.
Ah and not forgetting that if a human would live 200-300 years suddenly more people would mentally flip out before their physical body dies. Also long lifetime would be bad when a person gets totally misled.


Consciousness needs energy which you get from food. Reincarnation could be a way for consciousness to learn to use energy without physical matter and then leave the cycle of reincarnation. This might be because of evolution or it might not.
So is there any reason not to do energy work while on acupuncture treatment? Cause could use the time for something else than just laying down :)

About a year ago i had pretty many OBE:s at mornings when i woke up and decided to sleep some more and at point when nearly falling asleep i managed to OBE. So mornings were only time when i managed to get obe but those were pretty dream like and didnt last long cause i was aware and was kinda afraid and thinking that it might end anytime. I practiced getting a OBE on normal state pretty many times but no success, maybe i did stop training this because of disapointment and didnt get enough practice. But nowdays i have realized that i have AD/HD so maybe it was because of that? Do you think its big problem? Do you think that some concenrate practises might help a lot in time? Though its kinda weird cause sometimes i can concenrate pretty well and i have done telekinesis and that for sure needs concenration. So nowdays i started thinking im gonna train AP again but is it just waste of time for me? :/

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Coincidences
July 06, 2005, 20:43:21
Id like to know what do you guys think about this, i dont belive in coincidences (expect very very little) anymore and here is couple examples of few.

This just happened to me few minutes ago.

I did put my stove on to 225 celsius and the light will go off when it is on 225 celsius. Then i went to sauna for a time and when i came back i went to stove to check if it was warm enough (light will go off when it is). Light was still on and i was about to turn the (indicator? not sure about the word) to smaller temperature to see when the light goes off and i know how far away is the temperature from 225 celsius, but the light goess off just the second i am trying to turn the knob! (what a coincidence)

Another example is when i played this game on computer (GTA), iv been playing it like 10 hours total before (not in row) and never seen a quad-bike in it. Then i just thought i wonder if there is quad-bike in this game and guess what... 5-10 seconds and i found one accidently! I am 100% sure i havent not even accidently seen one in the game before... i can also assure i havent never heard anywhere that there is one in the game and even if it would be just a guess it took 5-10 seconds when i saw one after thinking about it!

Also i often know what my friends are going to say even if its out of subject.

So what the hell do you guys think
Another silly theory...

Atlantis is a holographic grid program running parallel to our reality.

Many people are experiencing in both programs simultaneously - especially those drawn to research Atlantis.

This is all about consciousness of experience - physical time and space - the multilevel aspects of your soul awareness.

Many of souls are playing similiar roles in both programs - architects, healers, teachers, seerers, scientists, recorders of information, warriors, politicans. they are encountering the same players as co-workers - family - lovers - etc.

then think about Schizophrenia =)
I'm not really serious about this theory, more likely thought it just for fun but what do you think =)
I accidentally read this line about Atlantis and its from theories of Atlantis.

"Most writers who describe ancient Atlantis agree that the Atlanteans attained a zenith of luxury and that it led to their downfall. The ancients said Atlanteans became so materialisitc and hedonistic that they lost their spiritual vision, and turned away from God."

So i started thinking about earth and us... where is our future heading? Same as Atlantis people, technology, materialistic etc.

Then i started thinking about the movie Matrix and its theory about everything has happened earlier same as now and will happen again and again and again... (also battlestar galactica if i am right)

So maybe Atlantis is earth but just in far far in the future =)
There is this movie "21 grams" where was something about that when someone dies he/she loses weight 21 grams. I don't actually know for sure what is known about it or is it even real thing and not just in the movie thought it sounded realistic and not made up. So i wonder if there is any research about that does a person lose 21 grams when doing OBE =)
Does anyone have any information about this? I am actually thinking about trying LSD just for "science" to test meditating, OBE, clairvoyance, remote viewing, telekinesis etc. Also communicating with subconscious.
Does anyone have any knowledge about this expect drugs arent healthy =)