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Topics - Athelstone

I just thought I would create a thread about this in case anything would be interesting if it did.

But basically, according to some numerologists, something of worldwide significance is going to occur either on the 9th, the 18th or the 27th of September 2007 that will affect the whole Earth.

The reason why it could be any of these three dates is because they all add up to nine. (18th. 1 + 8 = 9) & (27th. 2 + 7 = 9). Additionally, the year 2007 adds up to nine. And the month of September is the 9th of the 12 months. Therefore numerologically, the day will be 09/09/09. "9" in numerology represents a closure, an end to a long series of events...just before a new beginning, which is represented by "1". 2008, numerologically, is "1" because 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10, and 1 + 0 = 1.

Kryon describes it as, "A day all over this earth, that will be celebrated. It is a day of tremendous celebration of shift".

So perhaps we'll see something big on the news on one of these three days...let's wait and see.
...There's an interesting documentary on tonight on BBC2 at 10pm called "Trust Me I'm a Healer". It's about Stephen Turoff, a very well known healer in Britian, often referred to as a "psychic surgeon".

I think this may actually be a short series on BBC. Whether there's going to be more episodes, I'm not sure.