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Welcome to Writers Corner! / black death
October 07, 2007, 12:24:08
As the wretched stench of death lingered, the path to belkern was avoided.
We camped just outside santern and decided to head for the coastline where the air was fresher.
Watching family rot from the inside out was a torture, i was at war when the oubreak started and this evil spell did not catch me.
For what is this evil and will it ever comeback again?
Welcome to News and Media! / FLIGHT 77
May 18, 2006, 16:44:44
Recent pictures released by pentagon officals show the explosion but you still can't make out the plane?
To have such hi res equiptment all around the pentagon why does it not show a plane? did they fire a missile into themselves and say thats were flight 77 ended just to gain acceptance on a fight with the middle east for oil or are they just trying to aid conspiritists for some unseen reason??????
Welcome to Book Reviews! / Book of Nothing
March 10, 2006, 13:04:46
By contemplating nothing by looking out into empty space many years ago they came to symbolize this notion with a 0 now that's what i call making something out of nothing considering the use we have out of this symbol/digit, a great book covering all sorts has anybody else read it???
The later chapters are more interesting to me but i definitely recommend all of it!

"Book of Nothing" John D Barrow
I watched a program which traced back the first Islamic suicide bombing to a young kid in the Iraq/Iran war, he strapped explosives to himself(Iranian) and threw himself under a Iraqi tank and in so doing stopped the Iraq advance and has gone down in history as a legend, it is the only touching story i have heard with regard to this topic, mind you it does give good press to a bad idea.

The idea that young Muslim men are recruited to blow there life away in the promise of heaven is sick, u never see mosque leaders strap themselves up in the name of Allah, if they so strongly believe there is this better life after blowing themselves and others up in the process why don't all Islamic leaders/scholars blow themselves away to paradise??? instead of brainwashing others.
If i knew i was going to die, i would go to my local mosque on a Friday strapped full of explosives and pull the trigger and see how special they think this weapon is then!!!!!!!!!!!!

die no might
Internal thoughts
  Ploughing through the field of thought
  what  is this essence
  swimming in the synthetic fabric above
  me i wonder
Welcome to Dreams! / steps to lucidity
November 01, 2005, 10:45:27
Hi all,
      Due to an active mind i used to find it hard to get a decent nights sleep, going to work on empty and this pattern of a lack of sleep resulted in me experiencing the locking motions of sleep paralysis. My body basically shut itself down and my conscious would be witness to this intense feeling of the nerve system flowing with overwhelming energy until BANG! I'm now lucid.