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Topics - The Entropic Mind


I knew that these two things existed, but I've never really looked into them until recently, and I was wondering how, if indeed it is really possible to be able to help someone unable to experience emotion. And seeing as how recently I have likened myself to explaining everything to myself on energetic and emotional terms, I am wondering how these implications stand with the rest of you. How would you propose to explain these psychological conditions of a person whom has been regarded as unable to experience emotion, and whom is consciously malicious to others without remorse? Is it even possible?

I can understand that what I'm saying might sound ridiculous, but it really is a speculative thought that has come upon me, like so many others from time to time. And if we live in the times of understanding, healing and new light, then how would you help these people to develope emotion, compassion, and know love?
I am not exactly sure where this article belongs, but it is troubling to me, and I wanted to put it in what I thought was the most popular section of astral pulse. It concerns aliens, and warfare and such, and although this site may be a little shoddy, the article is from another source, and was merely reposted there.

I have a respect for the people who post and speak on astral pulse, and I was wondering what a few of the more distinguished people have to say about the article. It is rather lengthy, granted, but thank you for your time regardless.

It seems important to me because gracing the astral realm and psionic realm of abilities, I am wondering the relevence of this supposed data to the knowledge of astral pulse, which I alot of times grant instant credit to.

Thank you for your time, and again, I am really sorry, but it is pretty long.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Salvia Divinorum?
May 12, 2006, 00:23:19
I've read that numerous people have had use of salvia for spiritual purposes, and I've been considering using it. I plan to meditate for a good while and then chew extract while chanting my mantra mentally and thinking of the most lovely thing I can...I could really use a good release, and this seems to be of a decent try.
I'm not a very depressing person and I am usually very happy, positive and content, but lately, just as what came over me a few years ago, I've been feeling very empty, dispirited and generally depressed. I am asking myself such impossible and redundant (to some degree) questions as whats the meaning of life, whats the point to going on, why can't people get along, and why can't i be happy...when you wonder these questions, just as philosophers and writes for thousands of years have been asking at certain points in their lives, it causes a shut down of casual life activities, not wanting to associate, unable to find happiness and hugely irritating despairingness. Additionally, these mindsets aren't neccesarily bad, in some cases lead to spiritual growth and understanding, but can lead to negativity, and thats definately what I don't want to happen for myself. I have no personal issues going on in my life, losses or other otherwise detrimental issue plaguing me, and yet, therein I am still feeling this sad depression (sometimes its brought on by seeing people acting negatively to others, the news, contradictions to the 'right' path, and doubts of love, because quite frankly, its aweful hard to be loving in certain situations when you are 17).

But I didn't really come on here to have any of my personal delimas discussed, but to have the one question thats bugged me the most...whats the meaning of life(if perchance meaning can be given) and moreover whats the point?

I am not ignorant of the multiverse we live in, or of individual and group paths in the spiritual world, love, forgiveness and positivity; I meditate when I can, and I avidly write down my dreams and walk my own dreamlands lucidly. I've launched an astral projection from a lucid dream before, and I have pretty good intuitive skills (I'm telling this because I just want to display that I'm not ignorant, again).

The real source of all this, I know, is from my own self doubt, and any wisdom any of you might have on displaying to me the meaning or point of living life, either here or as an astral being or in any other form...whats the point? I'm so sick of manic depression its making me sicker, if indeed that is possible.