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Messages - greggkroodsma

Quote from: PB on September 12, 2007, 23:56:11
I am in infrequent OBE'er . Had about 10 since I figured it out over 1 year ago. Had a bunch in the beginning. Now very few and of little substance. Is energy work the way to go? I just purchased Robert Bruce's new book on Energy etc. Just curious if its worthwhile. I want more OBE's and longer duration.... Don't we all :)

'You are an infrequent OBEr,' that's what I get.  You have to realize that all of your bodies, the mental, the real-time, the etheric, and the higher bodies, must separate to be a succesful OBE.  In my opinion, if the consciousness cannot project into the higher body, it will not project.  I have just had energy work done to align my energy body with my physical and during this energy work I could 'see' my left-brain and the energy going toward my right arm.  When she was working with my sacral chakra, I felt the energy body shift from the liver and gall bladder area to the center and it felt fantastic.  I have not yet had an OBE since that happened, but I do feel the OBE coming.  I don't think that you can force these things to happen.  Like somebody said here, it was probably by intense interest in the OBE that caused the first few to happen with you.  Understand that all of your body must be in alignment to be able to use the energy body.  Yes, it does help to have energy work done to keep the body aligned.  And yes, you can have a pseudo-OBE by just projecting into the real-time body where most everyone is in a real-time zone which is a more negative environment.  See, everyone of us no matter who, is projecting somewhere.  And most everybody is in the real-time zone and they are stuck there because of the energy around them is keeping them down.  There is the pollution and the bad foods we eat.  That is one reason that your energy shifts from center to the right because of an overactive liver or a malfunctioning gall-bladder and that keeps you in the real-time zone.
Quote from: Mez on September 10, 2007, 19:18:48
somehow I just dont think so...

Although an interesting concept along those lines is that... there is no space and time so everything is happening in the eternal now. So all of your future selfs and past selfs and alternate selfs are existing all at once although not as YOU but an ASPECT of you. So maybe you could find a way to go say hi to one of them? but you cant be them.

Although the concept of there being no space and time might be true where there is no space and time, but here where there is space and time, that is a concept that does not hold water or sand or anything else that might make it a reality.  In the inner dimension there is no distance and in the inner dimension, all times are stored so that they are all prsent at once.

QuoteMez, where does Robert Bruce mention that you can possess another body?


Astral Dynamics, Chapter 3, p.44-72 , 'The Incredible Mind-Split'

     'Two early OBE researchers and authors, Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington, attempted to deal with the subject of the commonly felt perceptions of duality - of being in two bodies at the same time, during an out-of-body experience - in their book, The Projection of the Astral Body.  Muldoon stated that the physical brain receiving two sets of perceptions at the same time caused dual perception.  He considered that one set came from the physical body and one from its projected double, via the silver chord connection.  The sense organs of the physical body, Muldoon surmised, must continue to function even though the physical body was left empty after the projected double made a conscious exit.
     For some reason, Muldoon and Carrington did not consider the possibility that consciousness could continue to function in two bodies at the same time . . .' 

He goes on to explain about the reflective nature and the portraits of the body in the memory.  What I think the answer to whether you can inhabit another body or split your soul is no you can't.  It is not the soul that can split, it is the doubles or copies that split and the copies do not have any volition or intention.
 :evil:  Y'all are crazy!
The sun and most, if not all, of the planets will be in line with the center of the Milky Way galaxy.  From my discussions with people, that would be where the significance of 11:11 comes in.   I don't know if that has anything to do with tropical astrology, but at 11:11 on 21 Dec 2012, everything is supposed to line up and 'zoom, zoom' off we'll go one way or the other.
The 14th epoch started on the 22 of November 2006, which is the epoch we are in now according to Russian studies of the Julian calendar.  Backing up from there to January would put you in the 13th epoch.  The miliseconds would have taken longer back then to pass through episodes.  If the date was important to you then it will probably be a little less important when it happens again.
Quote from: Sharpe on September 10, 2007, 10:40:29
What spirit?
Can this spirit think?
Is it programmed to accept the reality it is given to him? Is there a pattern in his thought? How do you know this?

And what do you mean by a quicker vibrating world?

Couldn't the buzzing sound just be a sensory deprivation for sleeping?

How else can you describe the actions in the environment but according to the 'spirit' created by the life that is in it.  An example would be in every big city there is a 'spirit' created by the actions of people.  There is the 'spirit' of movement created on the highway from the cars going to and fro.  People get in that 'spirit' to go to work, go shopping, visit whoever, etc.  Throughout the day, there is this 'spirit' of movement.  I guess you could call it a 'pseudo-spirit.'  On this highway, there's a wreck with cars piling up.  The vibrations caused by the to and fro going stop while the cars are moved and then it resumes slowly until this pseudo-spirit is reborn.  The best explanation to the 'noise' is living next to a stop light on a highway or an intersection. 

Another thing, listen to loud music for a few minutes and stop.  What do you hear?  You hear the loud music.  If you liked it, you'll play it over and over in your mind; sometimes you can't help but do that.  You give it pseudo-life, a 'spirit.'  It is in you and no, it doesn't think but you do.  I don't think I have to go over what any drug will do to the senses.  They can either magnify or distort the senses and maybe both.  Look at a fly or a roach and think it is a gargoyle.  And if it moves or flies toward you, 'Watch out!'   

You gave us three clues as to why you are sleep deprived, so that 's your own doing. 

QuoteCan anyone give me a philosophy on this sound?
I need advice on how to get the noise on command without external stimulants.
  I had 2 of these expiriences, everytime I get to this state I see the same things as when I hallucinogens.
or after smoking marijuana.

Is that so that you can use reverse psychology on youself?  You gave the answer.

QuoteIt stops when I make a noise with my voice,

Your brain listens to the loudest closest sound.  Your voice would be the closest sound.

Marijuana is not a stimulant, it is a depressant.  Mixing marijuana with hallucinogens and stimulants just is all out confusion. 
and take some magnesium to replace the magnesium drained from the body by stress and caffeine and liquor and cokes and ...
Quote from: zorgblar on September 09, 2007, 11:58:13
1.can you astral project to a parallel universe and ask your "other self" to switch bodies with you?
2.can you use telekinesis while out-of-body?
3.Can you allow a spirit to inhabit your body while your astral projecting?
P.S.Does using affirmations help anyone else get out of their body besides me?   

#1 Who has found this parallel universe and if there is a parallel universe why do you think there is another you there?
#2 Can you prove to me the reality of telekinesis while in-the-body?
#3 You do not have a spirit and a spirit does not inhabit a body, the body is in the spirit.
P.S. No.

We have replaced honesty with fallacy.
Edgar Cayce was probably one of the last real OBEers.
As of today, there is no clear atmosphere to do what you want as far as OBE, so you must rely on memory.  There is drugs of all kinds that affect every aspect of being; there's alchohol.  All of the nuclear facilities that are leaking some sort of radiation, microwave ovens, computers, electronic equipment, electric lines that run everywhere, etc. etc. ad nauseum.  So it is not a bad thing that we cannot go out-of-body.  What is a bad thing is that we can do it and are oppressed from doing it because of the obstructions in the atmosphere.
Quote from: Mez on September 04, 2007, 06:45:16
Anyone can say OBEs are all in the mind (and that you dont really go out of the body) but if you look closely at what frank says about Focus 4 (kinda like the source of it all?) technically we may think we are physically moving about all day long but we never actually go ANYWHERE... its all in our mind.

That's exactly right!  We go in one big circle; the same circle day after day.  And the circle is getting smaller and smaller with more and more obstructions.

The thing about the mind is it is a totally different world.  A world of ions; not atomic, but ionic.  The sun is not atomic; it is ionic.  Your thoughts are the same.  But you are restricted by the magnetic field around the earth and it is tightening because of the metal that is being put on the earth and that is shrinking the magnetic protection between the earth and sun and causing global warming but that is a different subject altogether.
Thoth also tells you of what is there protecting the barriers and what you cannot do.  It is not fair that you print one part and leave out the rest of it.  The protecters of the knowledge of how to do that are still there.  It is real, but very very dangerous.
I do not believe that you can answer any of those questions.
Quote from: Sharpe on September 08, 2007, 18:27:47
I didn't get the first part, can you say that without the double negative?
And also, I never got anywhere close to OBE'ing with clear thoughts.

Trying to project while stoned or drunk or hallucinating just confuses the spirit in you because it is the spirit in you that does that.  When you are stoned or halucinating, you are in another pehaps quicker vibrating world that has jumped ahead of the real world and it can be fooled into believing that what is there is real.  Just like the gargoyles without faces confuses me even.  The buzzing is there and it is caused by something that you would never understand or would never comprehend.
Quote from: Blazewind on September 09, 2007, 20:01:22
I will give that a try.  I suppose I must be able to buy that at any pharmacy.  I would love to get off the meds.  They make me so tired all the time.  I sleep for so long at a time, and am still sleepy a lot of the time.

No, No, No.  I am saying 'Get away from the pharmaceutical industry.'  You know what that's done to you!  Try to find a natural magnesium, not pharmacological bs.
Subspace is the ionic world; the world of thought.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: Levitation
September 09, 2007, 20:27:23
Quote from: Sharpe on August 22, 2007, 13:52:58
Manifesting with the mind? AP? Magick? What the hell?
Everything you said untill talking about the human mind is right.
The human mind is just a gosh darn tool for evolution.

I believe the human mind is the total of all evolution.  In other words, the human mind cannot evolve any further with flesh.  It has done all it can do with the flesh. 
Quote from: Blazewind on September 09, 2007, 13:54:26
I have begun to notice a slight problem with me hopes to AP.  I have major trouble sleeping, and am on meds for this.  The problem is this... if I take the meds, I am to tired to do much practice at night.  I usually just fall asleep practicing.  If I don't take the meds, I don't really sleep well at all.  I kind of doze off, and wake up, and doze of and wake up, and in the morning, I feel awful.  Does anyone else have a problem like this, and does someone know what I should do?
Thanks, Chantal.

Take magnesium to calm the body down and get off of those meds.
Lots of blocking going on there.  You try to concentrate on the 'hum' that's everywhere and your body responds by getting sensitive in the legs.  The sensations stop.  Then you 'try' vivid dreaming.  I don't think you'll do anything if you're always 'trying' to do it.  You get to REM sleep and you're dreaming that you're dreaming and you ask 'Is this a dream?'  How long do you think dreams actually last?  Probably at the most 4 seconds.  Well, the first dream that you were dreaming that you were dreaming lasted probably a tenth of a second.  The monitor in the brain switched to the other side and the real dream started.  You were in the left side trying to feel and then you asked the right side to respond.
And it told the story of why you are not getting what you're doing.
Your 'trying' to do something on your own and something is blocking you.  You are 'trying' to go down a dead road with no graduation  You 'try' to blast it out of the way and you get a little reprieve from your efforts, but you don't stop it all the way.  You feel that it is out of control and it going to crash into the wall.  Your stuff is in the duffel bag and you're going, but you return for a brief look and it blows up and takes you with it.  And if that didn't convince you, your brain said something else.

Your still 'trying' to do something.  Your partner (wife,g/f) is probably you and you have given up trying to do whatever and you have decided to go home.  The guy you were giving a ride to is probably you too.  Well, all three of you are in the front and your brain is telling you that something is wrong; (your engine is running funny).  Now, there is three of you in the front (the id, the ego, and the superego); two of them say 'drink some coffee.'  One says 'no, I just need some oil.'  They say, 'no, you don't run out of oil.'  One says, 'whatever, you're buying me a new car (getting me a new body).'  And you sit back and watch them further destroy your body.  Since dreams are just dreams and not real life, the brain likes to entertain itself and it said 'Put some everclear in it; that'll get it started.'  Well, you thought that was funny but coffee is what you are going to fill up on to get started.   

I don't know what kind of coffee you like, but I like Folgers or Maxwell House.   :lol:

Really, it sounds like you are running on empty.  My suggestion is to start with a good dose of Vitamin B-12 and do some more research on ways to help your body as far as the minerals and stuff to help your thinking processes.  When you go to sleep start thinking 'I will do some lucid dreaming.'
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Question
September 09, 2007, 16:30:32
I think you would just dream you left your body for good and you would be a little disappointed when you woke up.  On the other hand, if you went to sleep wishing to leave your body for good and you had the habit of sleepwalking, you could accomplish it.  But, that brings out the definition of suicide.  Affirmations in religion are usually given by faith and the bible tells you 'faith without works is dead.'  Once you affirm something, it usually means you are ready to defend it.  I think it is a fictitious thought that you actually 'leave' your body during any sort of procedure but then the heart has a brain of its own and it will beat without the brain, however you cannot willfully separate the two.  But, if you are thinking of suicide, do not do it.
Welcome to News and Media! / Re: SuperVoid on Universe
September 09, 2007, 15:53:43
God is so huge isn't He?
1 Billion Light Years in diameter,
It is said that God will lead you beside still waters,
He will restore your soul.
Sometimes I feel that I am in the valley of the shadows of death,
But, I don't lose hope.
Because I know that I dwell beside those still waters.
Even if they are 10 Trillion Light Years away.
The universe is being pulled faster and faster toward them.

Welcome to News and Media! / Re: Death sensing Cat
September 09, 2007, 15:32:24
You're 85 years old in a nursing home.  A very popular ol' gal with lots of  friends.  And you love every one of them.  You're so happy there.  And there's this cat that's not too nice that walks around there and you have been told that if the cat comes in your room and jumps up on your bed and stays, you're gonna die.  You become concerned that the cat could come in your room and jump up on your bed since those 25 times it went into rooms the people, your friends, have died. 

The first question that needs to be asked is is there anything wrong with the cat?  Does the cat have a disease?
QuoteThere is no credible scientific challenge to the theory of evolution as an explanation for the diversity and complexity of life on earth.

Everything that moves and breathes and survives has a soul.  Humans are the only creatures that can respond to the spirit.  It would take a little explanation to tell you how each phase of creatures suddenly appeared, but the quickest way to say is that it was by design.  A design that was completed about a million years ago after about 4 billion years of evolution.
Quote from: astralfan on July 08, 2007, 17:44:08
I always wanted to learn to develop psychic powers but it is hard to tell what is usefull info and what is bs. Sometimes i just give up but i know how to astral project very well so im happy.

In using your psychic ability, you cannot use it for somebody else.  Charlatans use phones, computers, and anything else that can be used as a medium.  Anything that can capture your stream of thought.  When you pick up a telephone, all of the electricity that is in that telephone is now in you being magnified by the speaker system of the handset.  It is so much more complicated with a computer.  It is highly atomic with a little dose of radiation with a telephone line or cable going all out in the atmosphere around you, the electricity to run the machine is filling the room, and that little dose of radiation is coming from that screen you look at.  Telephone psychics probably hold the telephone line when they talk to you so they can 'hear' something.  Don't worry if they don't get it right  the first time, it might be your girlfriend down the street that is on the phone too and they're so close, like 'How'd did they know her name?'

Your psychic abilities are your own.  Like the newsletter states, our ancestors in caves used their psychic abilities to hunt by drawing the prey on cave walls.  But, you see, they had to do something to supply their needs.  There may have been a concept of supply and demand in force.  There may have been many animals that they could have killed and by drawing what they were after gave them the image so that they could distinguish the prey.  But then, you have to consider if there was a lot of the animals of the one they they drew, that one that they drew could have been chosen for their food and the surrounding energy responded to their asking.
Quote from: Telos on March 31, 2006, 03:34:46
I just noticed that the front page says, "How to effortlessly attract infinite wealth, health and happiness," not actually get it. Very clever.

I think what is clever about that is he is not telling you what to do to get it.  He leaves it up to you to get it.  'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.'
Quote from: french_hustler on June 09, 2005, 22:03:52
Since no one replied... I'm gonna start it :)
Keep in mind that I am still trying to get out (it's been a yr now).

I start by laying down in my bed on my back.  I look at the ceiling for about 10 minutes.  I concentrate on the radom thoughts that are coming in my head.  After 10 minutes, I close my eyes and I get all thoughts out of my head.  i imagine my self falling in the dark.  I keep falling and falling.  eventualy the vibes hit and I imagine my self grabbing a rope on top of my bed and pulling....

So yeah, I use the rope technique to get out.

You mean, you have to have a technique?  Ah man!
That rope technique sound good.
Seriously, I have tried that before and it did work.  But, it has gotten to the point that I don't need a technique.  I guess what led me to that point is trying different things.  The most successful is visioning myself as a surfer in Hawaii and everything around me is waves.  I don't even have to close my eyes and it happens quicker if I don't.  I just cannot be looking at anything until I'm on the wave.  Then when I get on the wave and I stand up on the surfboard and I rise above everything.  I don't know that it is actually true that when you do that you can appear to somebody else; I haven't got that power.  But, what I do is go anywhere that I have seen and it is in my memory. 
Now, a split-second way that I do 'go out' is just step out the back of my head and shoot straight up and go where I do.  What I do is study Google earth maps on my computer and that gives me a memory reference.  Of course, it helps if you have been living in the same city for about 42 years or more.