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Messages - Terry B

There is an earlier post that said being afraid/paranoid erect a potent shield that prevent OBEers from getting close or viewing you. So being in the loo should be safe.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Robert
June 04, 2003, 21:22:13
Funny, yesterday I was thinking of posting about this but due to some problem I can't. Glad that you can make it.

I think changing your name to Robert would help traditional projection while chnaging your name to bBruce might help phasing like experience. Robert Bruce has the best of both world.

Not even 2 cents.

Sounds more like astral sex to me...[:)]
I do believe in my situation these incidents stem from from my inner feeling or emotion. I've done something that embarass me to talk about. when I realise that, I stop what I think I'm not supposed to be doing and the environment or my view of it seems to change somehow. The change could be just a little detail here and there or it could be more grand.

If I understand correctly in this method you just get very relaxed and after sometime you just roll over to the side. There are some more into the preparation but basically that's it. I've found that it is a very good method for OBE. If I use my fear of falling from my bed I would fall down. I was like a liquid pouring on the floor. Variation of roll out that I've used is float up and just waking up normally. At one time I even use my finger to pull myself away from my body while lying on my back.

One more thing is that sometime I also feel the feeling of no substance but I describe it more like being hollow. Lack of energy? I also feel the same when I keep falling from my bed and climbing back up for many time until I realised I'm already out and should just move away. This happens many time and shows me that there are many cases of absent minded projection.
Well, I don't know what to make of your dream but I've once dream of my toes having a hole and some liquid pour out from it.

I also tend to dreams about snakes, and scorpions (and sometime lots of them). Whatever they may mean. My friends says that I have too much SA. Woohoo...[8D]
Well, you can stop hoping for someone else here to have the similar thing happen as this is also one of my major problem [|)].

For me when I'm projecting my feeeling/drives are heightened and it takes great effort to control myself. I guess in some way the "Thought equal direct action" rules have more immediate effect. In the physical world desire is just that and nothing happens unless we take action but the non-physical is much more direct. I think some taoist inner alchemy exercise to cycle and balance the energy might help.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hahaha
May 30, 2003, 01:47:01
I shows tips no 48 to my roommates but so far he hasn't shown much interest to it.
How about "Timeless". No, that's not a pen name.

Try Elyssa Grand, or Elisabeth Night. [8D]
I always like Calvin and Hobbes. In fact I believe Hobbes is a real bona fide tiger in the comics world.

Everytime I post useless junks and seeing the phrases below, I feel a deep remorse within my heart.

New Reply Posted!

Thank you for your contribution!

For God's sake there's no need to thank me.  I'm just wasting everybodies time ...

If I may ask you're biological scientist and not by any chance a physicist, do you?

Btw, a closed mouth gathers no feet. (note to self) [B)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hahaha
May 29, 2003, 10:01:42
Thanks, Nay. I'll meditate on that list and tell you my experience.

On the serious note if any of you here are staying with roommates, you might want to take the following 50 tips.

1. Smoke jimson weed. Do whatever comes naturally.

2. Switch the sheets on your beds while s/he is at class.

3. Twitch a lot.

4. Pretend to talk while pretending to be asleep.

5. Steal a fishtank. Fill it with beer and dump sardines in it. Talk to them.

6. Become a subgenius.

7. Inject his/her twinkies with a mixture of Dexatrim and MSG.

8. Learn to levitate. While your roommate is looking away, float up out of your seat. When s/he turns to look, fall back down and grin.

9. Speak in tongues.

10. Move you roommate's personal effects around. Start subtlely.
Gradually work up to big things, and eventually glue everything s/he
owns to the ceiling.

11. Walk and talk backwards.

12. Spend all your money on Jolt Cola. Drink it all. Stack the cans in the
middle of your room. Number them.

13. Spend all your money on Transformers. Play with them at night. If  your roommate says anything, tell him/her with a straight face, "They're more than meets the eye"

14. Recite entire movie scripts (eg. "The Road Warrior," "Repo Man,"
Casablanca,") almost inaudibly.

15. Kill roaches with a monkey wrench while playing Wagnerian arias on a kazoo. If your roommate complains, explain that it is for your performance art class (or hit him/her with the wrench).

16. Collect all your urine in a small jug.

17. Chain yourself to your roommate's bed. Get him/her to bring you food.

18. Get a computer. Leave it on when you are not using it. Turn it off when you are

19. Ask your roommate if your family can move in "just for a couple of  weeks."

20. Buy as many back issues of Field and Stream as you can. Pretend to  masturbate while reading them.

21. Fake a heart attack. When your roommate gets the paramedics to come, pretend nothing happened.

22. Eat glass.

23. Smoke ballpoint pens.

24. Smile. All the time.

25. Collect dog excrement in baby food jars. Sort them according to what you think the dog ate

26. Burn all your waste paper while eying your roommate suspiciously.

27. Hide a bunch of potato chips and Ho Hos in the bottom of a trash can.  When you get hungry, root around in the trash. Find the food, and eat it. If your roommate empties the trash before you get hungry, demand that s/he reimburse you.

28. Leave a declaration of war on your roommate's desk. Include a list of  grievances.

29. Paste boogers on the windows in occult patterns.

30. Shoot rubber bands at your roommate while his/her back is turned, and then look away quickly.

31. Dye all your underwear lime green.

32. Spill a lot of beer on his/her bed. Swim.

33. Buy three loaves of stale bread. Grow mold in the closet.

34. Hide your underwear and socks in your roommate's closet. Accuse  him/her of stealing it.

35. Remove your door. Ship it to your roommate's parents (postage due).

36. Pray to Azazoth or Zoroaster. Sacrifice something nasty.

37. Whenever your roommate walks in, wait one minute and then stand up. Announce that you are going to take a shower. Do so. Keep this up for  three weeks.

38. Array thirteen toothbrushes of different colors on your dresser. Refuse  to discuss them.

39. Paint your half of the room black. Or paisley.

40. Whenever he/she is about to fall asleep, ask questions that start with  "Didja ever wonder why...." Be creative

41. Shave one eyebrow.

42. Put your mattress underneath your bed. Sleep down under there and  pile your dirty clothes on the empty bedframe If your roommate comments, mutter "Gotta save space," twenty times while twitching  violently.

43. Put horseradish in your shoes.

44. Shelve all your books with the spines facing the wall. Complain  loudly that you can never find the book that you want.

45. Always flush the toilet three times.

46. Subsist entirely on pickles for a week. Vomit often.

47. Buy a copy of Frankie Yankovic's "Pennsylvania Polka," and play it at  least 6 hours a day. If your roommate complains, explain that it's an  assignment for your primitive cultures class.

48. Give him/her an allowance

49. Listen to radio static.

50. Open your window shades before you go to sleep each night. Close them as soon as you wake up.

Okaay, so this is hardly original but everyone is entitled to my opinion. [:D]
Trial or hardships can break you, or make you stronger. I don't deny the value of trial. Comfy cushy life can be a sort of trial in itself. What would you do if you're rich? Would you help people or would you just live a spoiled life? What is the repercussion of what you do or don't?

I highly respect Robert Bruce and what he has done. He has sacrifice and endure much trial. I can't even see myself doing what he did (so much for spiritual attainment [:)] ). But the thing is we might be talking about spirituality but we mean different thing. I'm not even sure what I mean by spiritual life..  heh..[:)]

All I know is that it's my life. [|)]

I usually obe when I'm in the moods. When there are disharmony in my life I don't feel like obeing (so this is not escapism[|)]). Usually I would try to sort things out first.

Maybe it was a negative entity. But I'll not rule out the possiblities that it was an aspect of yourself (problems, fear, anger disappointment etc) meeting you head on in the astral.

When you get up from your relaxation/trance how do you feel? How do your muscles feel? That's because when I'm up from a projection it seems that my body seems very... very relaxed. Too much actually. When I wake up,my body seems to go numb on me, like there was not enough circulation, the body feels very sluggish and stiff. Well, I asked this because sometime when I wake up from my failed attempt, it doesn't seems like a huge deal. My muscle feels relaxed but fresh.

Also the rope method was not to be done for a long duration. RB mention this. I can't remember right now but  was it 5/10 min tops?
Goingslow can you tell me more where do you found out that the "sucking sensation" or "forehead pressure" is related to third eye becoming active? I always thought they're related but have not read anything that says about that. Sometime when I get to sleep paralysis the feeling of pressure starts from the area in the forehead and spreads from there.

In my history of sleep paralysis I have many times sense my projected double like you said probably related to mind split effect. Shamefully, some time I was scared of myself.[:I]
I also found out that when I'm aware I'm in a dream and try to reach for my physical body I would get out. Usually there is no vibration. Just the body loosen up and float. Sometimes I fall from the bed left and right while keep trying to get back to bed to sleep.[|)]
Being miserable does not make you more spiritual.

I agree with Jilola, "there should only be one". Why would they be seperate? Life is life.

2 cents.
First, is the pain is like a feeling of pressure or compression like a tight ball inside your head? Well if this is the case, I do get it sometime when I'm totally relaxing my face when I'm going to sleep/project. I guess this feeling of pressure is related to relaxation. Maybe others could add more about this.

Second, hearing voices whether it makes sense or not is fairly normal pre-projection symptoms. I have heard heard many thing on nearing projection/sleep, some make sense, some don't. Yeah, I do admit that sometime I'm also freaked out by that but now I'm been trying to be more bold.  

Sensing presence is quite common and I have my share of experience. I've seen thing that doesn't make sense like my friend coming in my room (which actually doesn't happen). More usually I will feel some sort of presence. Sometime I get the sense of movements and one time it even brushes my hand while passing. Getting pulled out of my body while trying to project has also startled me a few time.

You might want to keeep in mind that when we project, what's "inside" us tends to manifest "outside" us. You might like to check this post:

It might help if you project in the day or with the lights on. At least until you're more comfortable with it.

We are unique (and special), just like everyone else. [|)]

The Mayan calendar doesn't say anything about a war or the world will end. Basically the calendar ends in 2012 (something to do with mathematics and cycle of time). So what, it has ends before, starts again and will do so again (until the world ends, heh). It has something to do with change but not the end of the world like what some people think. This is just a misuse of their calendar. If you really want to know you can try searching this forum for some older thread.

It would be great if a big nothing happens (or something so subtle happens that it's like nothing ever happen).

Fear can be powerful but not uber powerful.[|)]


It is an exercise founded by Dr. Kegel that involve repeatedly contracting the muscles around your pubic bone and prostate (the pc muscle). The purpose is to keep the muscles healthy which in turn will improve your sexual stamina. Benefits inslude healthier prostate , greater bladder control, and stopping wet dream.

The best way to learn how to do kegels is to try to stop peeing in mid stream by clamping down on the muscles in your pubic area. however, you do not do it while peeing.

This thing is not entirely new but has been practised by the taoist for centuries. You can check some book on Taoist practice. It is supposed to make it easy to channel energy from the sexual center to upper cnter, at least in the beginning stage. would be a good start.


In hatha yoga there is some similar exercise (such as asvini mudra) and bandhas (mula bandha) or lock while holding some posture/doing breathing exercise.

It should be good for projection too as it can help with your problem. [:)]

You could try Kegel exercise (also called the deer exercise by the taoist).

Some people vouch for it.[:)]
Sometime when I'm dreaming and become aware of it and stopping whatever I was doing the surrounding seems to "change" into another. The scene peeled away sort of fast but not instantenous as you say. Peeling the illusions come to mind. Most of the time I get right to the astral.

Other time when I'm aware of dreaming I come to my body and then I take it from there as I was already in a very relaxed and aware state.  

The environment seems much more stable compared to LD where you tend to hop here and there.


I have some experience with the mind split effect. There are times were I was having an obe, but at the same time I was struggling to get out of sleep paralysis (and got quite a few witness). They thought I was having a nightmare. Also sometime I got control of my physical body while at the same time aware of another body at another place. It is a matter of how much focus you're here (or there). I was once frightened by my "obe self" while laying down in sleep paralysis state. At that time my focus were more on my body on the bed but I saw/feel my body having an absent minded obe. I was walking but the manner that the other body seems to avoid my view suggest to me that it was a mind  split effect.

I rarely get vibe but when I get them it's very gentle and pleasant buzzing feeling on the whole body. When I get them, I just relaxed into it as Tisha say or to put into another word, I just bathed into them. I don't do anything at all just bathing in it then at some time I would float up effortlessly. In the process of floating I still feel the vibration in the physical body which slowly fade from my notice. I could feel my "obe body" buzz a little bit.

I would suggest that you don't worry much about the vibration as they are not really necessary for a projection. Maybe they're there but we just don't notice it. However if you happen to get them it's time to experiments with them. Someone says that if you get the coarse kind you might get stuck so try smoothing them but I don't really know how.