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Messages - BillionNamesofGod

Quote from: astralspinnerI was disappointed with MAP. It didn't seem to have anything new in it - it was pretty much "Astral Dynamics to a timetable"

If you're interested in that approach, then go ahead and buy it, but if you're hoping for more knowledge than AD gave you... don't bother.

I don't know before I purchased it, I knew exactly what it was, and I knew it was Astral Dynamics to a time-table.

Perhaps I'm too impatient.

This is weird, but I got this book after Astral Dynamics, and it appeared to be exactly what I was looking for, Astral Projection for Dummies if you will, all in neat little lessons, that build on previous lessons!

But I just couldn't help skipping forward and seeing what's next, and now I've completely lost patience, and can't follow each little lesson, and read the whole book, without doing the lessons properly.

How crazy is that?! I've just lost the discipline!   I think It might have worked better if I was e-mailed each section,and only got the next section after a fixed time, so it's not possible to cheat.

Quote from: FrankHi:

Nope, not edited at all. In case you missed it we had a problem last week and had to restore the whole forum from the last full backup. So we lost about 1000 posts.

See Adrian's notice in Chat:


That's a shame as I'm sure I read some great stuff. Hey, Frank you know one very easy way to write is to just use what you've written in the forums here! --- So writing a book would be easy for you!

so the way I think of it you and we've just lost a whole load of fantastic interesting material. I think I'll start saving anything really interesting as a precaution.

just out of interest just so I'm not going nuts or something - this thread has been severely edited right? what was the reason?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / COMA
May 05, 2005, 13:00:54
A Coma which is like a "twilight zone" between life and death, is interesting, as I've never ever read anything about it in context of OBE/Astral Projection!

What is a Coma exactly? Does anyone have any links/info that bring in OBE elements into a COMA?
well, I can only quote my self here!

Quote from: BillionNamesofGodI think it's pretty clear to me, that depression / anxiety or any kind of mental imbalance is not a good grounding for Astral Projection.

It will only, make things worse for you, Higher dimensions is a very big leap, for even someone who is perfectly OK.  It can only lead to confusion and even more trouble if you aren't mentally OK.

To be blunt if you can't handle the Physcial Daily Realm of real life, you don't have a chance in trying to handle unseen dimensions of RTZ, Lucid, OBE or Astral Realms.  It's difficult enough for people who are can handle normal waking reality!  AP is a "Path" and you can't be mentally unstable in anyway if you are going to succeed at AP.  It really is as simple as that.
Hope that makes sense.  You have to be ready to get into this stuff, I suggest you stay clear of it , the Fear Alone that's experienced is enough to unbalance anyone! In some ways, it's as if you can only succeed in AP, if you succeed in normal waking life, so that you are happy.

My suggestion, would be to back off for a while.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / wow
March 30, 2005, 21:09:48

" If you fire-off the two energy centres as I described then you'll simply plop out of your own accord."


In my case, I can always start sensations in my base/spine easier than anything, easier than energy work!

Hence, I would love if Frank would write a detailed essay for us newbies,
on the exact process in stimulation the Yellow <-> Purple connection.

I notice in diagrams these seem to be connected!

Please feel to expand into an essay Frank!  I've never ever heard of this technique before, as a way to project. It seems simpler than most, on the surface. In the sense focussed on two centures than the whole, body and following a big routine, which never seems to work. Thanks. Can Anybody add to this method?
Quote from: MindFreakThere are alot of people (myself included) who believe that the gods of the past were extra-terrestrials. And that they put us here. They built the pyramids, stonehenge, and many of the other mysterious ancient landmarks. There are cave drawings and hieroglyphics of ufos. There were gods that had "boats" that could fly to the stars. The Dogon people of africa knew about a star thousands of years before it was discovered by modern astronomers. They believed they were descendants from inhabitants of that star system. This is why fully developed civilizations such as Sumer just popped up out of nowhere.
Im sure most of you will think im crazy.

But Im sure there are many different types of ets. Its a big universe, or should I say multiverse.

Never mind the pyraminds!!

We can't figure out how a feeble man, single handedly built
a castle out of gigantic stone blocks.
No-one ever saw how he moved the blocks, and worked at night, without any kind of machinery !!! Just him and the giant blocks of stone.
he claimed to have discovered the secrets of the pyramid builders.
If we can't figure out how a guy in the 40s did this, we have no hope to figure out how the pyramids were made, and so far, that's perfectly true, after all, he left a giant castle as proof.

The pyramids do clearly hold a hidden message perfectly kept thought the age of time, so perfect.

Edward Leedskalnin, builder of the mysterious Coral Castle.,2640,61421,00.html?tw=wn_story_page_prev2
Quote from: markulousWell I don't think it was the Reaper himself.  If he exists then to me it would seem that he would be a little more casual and not so murderous scream type.  I could be wrong though.

Two reasons I think it was trying to scare me.  1. It's a negative entity and that's it's nature.  Or 2. It was trying to get me to react somehow.  I recently stopped doing protections on my house because I keep reading everywhere that it attracts negs.  Maybe this thing wanted me to bring it back up?  I don't know...

I think you've kinda answered your own question.

Why should protection attract negs? surely it would keep them away.
No wonder, your attracting negs!
Quote from: MindFreakThere are alot of people (myself included) who believe that the gods of the past were extra-terrestrials. And that they put us here. They built the pyramids, stonehenge, and many of the other mysterious ancient landmarks. There are cave drawings and hieroglyphics of ufos. There were gods that had "boats" that could fly to the stars. The Dogon people of africa knew about a star thousands of years before it was discovered by modern astronomers. They believed they were descendants from inhabitants of that star system. This is why fully developed civilizations such as Sumer just popped up out of nowhere.
Im sure most of you will think im crazy.

But Im sure there are many different types of ets. Its a big universe, or should I say multiverse.

I saw another program hosted by Roger Moore, about how Russians found a alien skeleton under a pyramid, and the pyramids are like a star chart, indicating where this alien was from - all very interesting, clearly the ancients do indeed have greater knowledge of the stars (and moving massive rocks) than we do now.
Quote from: MajorTom
Quote from: BillionNamesofGod
Is it just me or has anyone else had the passing thought, that "fear" is something "intentional" to stop people projecting who aren't ready?
A kind of barrier, or rites of passage in Projection Terms?

Unlikely, since that would presume it serves a particular worthwhile purpose that should be listened to.

I doubt there would be any OBEers left on these boards if they would have listened to these barriers.

My best successes came from not listening.

I agree, but you could argue you were ready. Very Ready.

I'm talking about people who are not on the "path" and not on these forums, people who don't know much about it, happen to get into OBE type scenario, the fear then would be a very effective barrier to stop people doing OBE unless they had a pre-determined plan.

When I first experienced, I just panicked and stopped, and went back into body.  So it was enought to stop me, and I knew what I was doing and exactly what to expect. Although I knew what to expect, so it's easy to handle, and try and overcome. But for a person no on the "path" just messing about, it seems like a very effective barrier.

In some ways it's the first lesson we all have to learn to Project, to be mentally determined to over-come it, and that alone I think is a very effective barrier, to stop casual people getting into it.?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / hi
March 28, 2005, 19:32:40
I think it's pretty clear to me, that depression / anxiety or any kind of mental imbalance is not a good grounding for Astral Projection.

It will only, make things worse for you, Higher dimensions is a very big leap, for even someone who is perfectly OK.  It can only lead to confusion and even more trouble if you aren't mentally OK.

To be blunt if you can't handle the Physcial Daily Realm of real life, you don't have a chance in trying to handle unseen dimensions of RTZ, Lucid, OBE or Astral Realms.  It's difficult enough for people who are can handle normal waking reality!  AP is a "Path" and you can't be mentally unstable in anyway if you are going to succeed at AP.  It really is as simple as that.
Hope that makes sense.  You have to be ready to get into this stuff, I suggest you stay clear of it , the Fear Alone that's experienced is enough to unbalance anyone! In some ways, it's as if you can only succeed in AP, if you succeed in normal waking life, so that you are happy.

My suggestion, would be to back off for a while.
Quote from: markulousOkay well I had two projections today from lucid dreams.  And basically on my second OBE as soon as I left my bedroom this thing that looked like the Grim Reaper came after me with this horrible scream.  He had the skull face the black cloak.  And of course the trademark scythe.  Now I don't scare easily and I have been attacked by lower entity's and had virtually no fear.  But this thing scared the living [edit] out of me.  Does anyone know what this is?

I would have loved to have the confidence to face it but I haven't the slightest clue how to fight astrally.  I tried creating a sword before but that didn't work.  Or to see if I can shoot light out of my hands and that didn't either.

And one more question if someone may know.  I always project from lucid dreams but what I don't understand is that every time I project it's dark outside(in my OBE) where in the physical world the sun is out and it's bright...

Jesus that sounds incredible, I can't help you, but I can't wait to get into such scrapes.
My limited understand would say, if it acts, like and looks like it, it probably is the Grim Reaper, or something passing it self as it, to directly induce fear.

Something like in the the film "the Frighteners".  Know what I mean.

So the question you should ask yourself, is why is someone trying to scare me?
Quote from: Naiad780I've heard people talk about "astral aliens" which might be like the negs people talk about in the self-defense boards.

I once had a lucid dream with those symptoms and I was terrified that it was an alien abduction nightmare, so I made myself wake up.  Now I realize that it was probably a projection that never happened because I was so scared.

Is it just me or has anyone else had the passing thought, that "fear" is something "intentional" to stop people projecting who aren't ready?
A kind of barrier, or rites of passage in Projection Terms?
wow thanks that Robert Peterson stuff was exactly what I was looking for!!

For example, I've just read something on this forum, which many other people would class as an Alien Abduction Scenario!

Quote from: flowdiggityHello everyone

The other day I was in a hotel in Chicago and was pretty tired so I decided to lay down on the bed and do some energy work.  This was during daylight.  Now I haven't successfully projected before, but I have come very close.  I tend to pull myself out of it at the last second.  Anyways... after maybe 20 minutes of mediation/energy raising suddenly I could see through closed eyelids.  This has only happened to me once before and it was for only a few seconds.  From reading Astral Dynamics my best guess would be that I had Real Time Zone sight.  Everything was murky brown/white colored.  I seemed to be "seeing" from where my physical eyes would be.  Suddenly from the left side of my vision a white ghost/spirit something or rather came floating by(I couldn't adjust my vision, left, right, up, down or otherwise.... it was just stuck in one place).  I wasn't scared of it (which surprised me), and instead I focused on it and tried to say "Hello".  It stopped when it was right in front of me... just beyond the foot of the bed.  It was clothed in robes/rags, that sort of thing, and I couldn't see a face.  Nothing happened then so I was sort of baffled for a second... it just stared at me.    Then it flew at me real quick, and I woke up.  I noticed  an energy rush right when "collided" with me.   All in all I thought the whole thing was amazing.  The most vivid experience I have had to date.  I doubt this is really something out of the ordinary for a veteran projector... but it's new for me!!!  In my ponderings I have come up with a few theories.  First, I thought it was real time zone vision, and I saw a spirit.  Then I thought maybe I had projected, and the "spirit" was my projected double reentering my body(though I had no vision or memory of being that second spirit/body/thing).  The energy rush at the last second was maybe the energy symptoms associated with reentry?  I briefly pondered that maybe I had become, but I'm not worried.  I feel great, nothing out of the ordinary has happened since, and the spirit didn't seem hostile or anything of that sort.  

Well, got kind of long... but that's that.  It was a most amazing experience for me.  If anyone has any ideas of exactly what it was - I'd love to hear em!!  I am pretty much a rookie at OBE of any kind.  I know this doesn't compare to some of the wild stories I read on the forums... but it sure blew my mind for awhile!!!   Thanks much!

Take care,
Quote from: knucklebrain1970In order to astral project properly and enter the trance state, my opinions below.
1. You need to have enormous amounts of time to do this.
2. The best time to do it is in the afternoon. When 99% of us are at work.
3. You can't get up early and do it before work. You have work on your mind and no clarity.

So, I have come to the conclusion that it is extremely difficult for most to devote enough time for this. It does not work after working all day. We are just plain too tired. It's analogous to having a huge garden. This is for people like Martha Stuart, that don't have to work for a living.


I pretty much agree with this, modern day busy lives are not ideal for AP.
Which explains me to a tee, when I was a teenager, I devoted a lot of time to it, and things happen.

I think the answer is Simple.   NEVER GIVE UP !!! Make  it part of your life.

I personaly, am very jealous of people who have the time, or are natural projectors.

People don't reliase how difficult it actually is for the average person in the rat race.
Just saw an interesting program, about this, and I could not believe it?

Basically, what people were describing, very exactly were OBEs!

A lot of discussion about very loud sounds,  sleep paralysis, vibrations!
And of course, complete blind mortal primal fear. (you have to experience it to grasp how scary it is.)
Interesting though, it tried to explain all these as 100% physicals chemical effects in the brain.  Well Sleep paralysis, as we know is chemical - perhaps the primal fear, is actually a chemical also, like it explains in the program.  I've never seen this explanation of "Fear" in context on OBE - i.e. it's chemical. Which is why this program was very interesting, just because they were heavily exploring what happens when you fall asleep!

It appears to me a lot of people describing  "Alien Abduction" is just really
a OBE/Astal type event, and since they have never had that experience before, or know anything about OBE, they link what they see to the closest thing in their imaginations - which is alien abduction type stories.

Very precisely, people are describing having a concious sudden OBE, and when out of OBE startled at seeing strange people, and thier imaginations (astral) take over.

Does anyone else think this way?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Yoga
March 24, 2005, 21:35:37
I was just wondering if anyone knew much about  siddhis
and sanyama.

These kind of describe Astral Projection as a psychic power that is developed through Yoga.

I was just wondering, these knowlege seems very old, but I've never seen any of the saying or methods of Yoga/Meditation to aid Projection ever been mentioned in a modern context.

Has anyone got any info on these methods to aid OBE?

Just that it seems on context, ie. all about relaxation and breathing, which are key techniques described in Astral Dynamics book, but these moden books never mention Yoga Terminology.  Are we missing out on older more deeper knowledge?

Very Interesting Astral Spinner.

Maybe this explains things like love at first sight, and people
you get on incredibly well with, when you've just met them.

It may be that you are already friends in higher dimensions.

Quote from: Gman
Your perception so the guides are a part of your consciousness, a part of your higher or multidimensional incarnation perhaps?

This is the view/impression I got from Adventures Beyond the Body Book, but doesn't explain people in your family, or loved ones.
I suppose it's love?  A already deceased love one, perhaps just wants to help, in the Astral.  So I suppose if you have no family or loved ones that have passed away in this life, you won't have any astral help.
Why is it that most experieces I read state someone is watching them, or helping them?

It seems part and parcel of the AP experience.

But yet, I've never seen any explanation of this.

Has anyone had any take on this? It's as it deceased loved ones know you are going to AP or something, and are there watching or helping.

Does the act of merely trying to project send alerts to guides and people on higher planes?
I'm compelled to quote here, I got this from the book I'm reading now:

'Adventures Beyond the Body' by William Buhlman

Page 233:

" Man's Mind stretched to a new idea, never goes back to it's orginal dimensions " - Oliver Wendell Holmes.


Some people are skeptics, and will not open their minds, and take any leap of faith. I think it's best to leave it at that, to agree to disagree, as you are constantly on the negative, and not willing to accept even very well established leaps of faith that even scientists take these days, so I can't get even staying in the domain of pure proven science.

So I'll just have to agree to disagree respectfully in this case, and my mind is expanded now, and really can't go back.  I don't want to go back to 2D flatland thinking, I was never happy there.  I'm happy thinking Multi-dimensionally, and treating dreams as real as waking reality.  Humans must pursue what makes them ultimately happy, I sincerely hope you find what you are looking for!

Quote from: TelosAhh.

See, I was under the impression that there is no present King of France.

Your confusing facts with leaps of faith based on assumptions.

The capital of France is Paris. Big Deal.

Light is a particle and a wave - well leap of faith.

There is  big difference. One's something on a quantum level we can never see, and ones a guy who's bald....

Quote from: TelosJust to make sure. Do you think you can just make stuff up and always be right? Like, what if I said the present King of France is bald? Is that true because I took the blind leap of faith?

Otherwise, thank you for being kind enough to leave space for someone who actually wants to have a legitimate discussion.

Now we are getting somewhere...


Einstien did  and Penrose is doing  it right now. You can "Imagine" and be correct. (not make it up in your skeptic talk)  Remember my previous musings?  It all starts in the imagination before it's built or proved. You have to know what proof you are looking for in your mind before you find it.  You example is nonsense, it's not a scientific leap of faith based on assumptions, analogies, and Holistic Logic as I call it now.

Like Light acts like a wave.

Like Light acts like a particle.

How can it be both? Jesus God Knows, but Well, let's assume it's both (no proof why) and move on. Everything in Quantum Physics is Leaps of faith based on quite crazy assumptions, but it's just how it is. You can make maths to represent them, and look clever, but it's still completely crazy way out stuff, that makes no sense at all to most people.  Assumptions which make sense, if you take oboard other dimensions. I think if you stick with Penrose and his leaps of faith that the mind is a Quantum Computer.   I mean I've always thought the for very similar reasons. Does that make me  a genious like Penrose?

Or are we all just spotting what's just quite obvious, but what appears on the surface as quite crazy assumptions - but it works it fits, and it makes sense no matter how weird and crazy it sounds. You just have difficulty that it's so crazy. But the whole of modern cosmology and quantum physics drove Einstien crazy, even he couldn't accept it.
Accept it and move on, that's my advice. If people who study the quantu, physics can take these giant leaps of faith why can't you?
Quote from: TelosOnce again you've proven to be quite the ignoramus.

Penrose takes no stock in extra dimensions.,1284,66751,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_2

You really ought to pull your head out of the sand. And try really hard to not put your head back in other sand. I mean, honestly, that's so Flatlandish.

Sorry, case closed, I didn't mention "Dimensions" in way in my last post regarding Penrose.

So time to call it a day on this one.  Read the penrose books, and study them hard, I mean very hard - evenutally you'll might get to understand penrose, frankly from your point of view, quite outlandish leaps without any evidence. Yes, leaps of faith in effect, all the maths in the books just makes his leaps of faith more realistic, but you don't need them.
The wired article quite clearly says he's going right off into his imagination - but he's right, but he'll never be proven right - no-one truly can measure anything on quantum level. So what's left is intuition, imagination and leaps of faith -all stuff you skeptics hate - so case closed.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Quantum Quackery
March 02, 2005, 17:33:07
From the web-site:

Roger Penrose's The Emperor's New Mind (and later Shadows of the Mind, Oxford Press, 1989 and 1994). Quite famous for his work in relativity, black holes, geometry, gravity and quantum mechanics, Roger Penrose had turned to the problem of consciousness and concluded the mind was more than complex computation. Something else was necessary, and that something, he suggested, was a particular type of quantum computation he was proposing ('objective reduction' - a self-collapse of the quantum wave function due to quantum gravity). He was linking consciousness to a basic process in underlying spacetime geometry - reality itself! Hence, the brain is intimately tied to a quantum level to the universe.

"Mind and intelligence are woven into the fabric of the universe" -  Freeman Dyson

In recent years I have concluded that such a connection to the basic proto-conscious level of reality where Platonic values are embedded is strikingly similar to Buddhist concepts, and may account for spirituality.

Again, funny how respected scientist are recently just saying what buddhists have been saying all along.

Of course, you won't believe it - you are a skeptic.