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I had a very odd night of OBE experiences.  I started my trance work and I slowly slid into a suitable state to exit my body.  Once out of my body I had a slight sensation of being able to control my movement, but that faded as I realized I was unable to see.  I pulled energy into me through my body.  I then asked for astral sight, but still none came to me.  I believe I then opened my physical eyes and was back in my body.

I quickly exited my body again and still nothing.  This happened so many times I was not able to keep count.  Some of the time, I was able to open my physical eyes and be back in my physical body and then close them and be back in my projected double.  At one point I was out of my body unable to do anything and it seemed like my Mother and brother were talking in the next room.  They started talking about leaving and as I had not seen them in some time, I wanted to make sure to greet they before they left.  I found I was unable to return to my body in such an excited state.  So, I calmed down and command myself back into the physical.  I woke up and realized that it was impossible for my mother or brother to be in the next room, as they were most deffinetely half a country away.

At some point durring all of this, I had a very electrifying experience.  Laying conscious of the physical body, I had a sudden urge to perform a yoga position I had done earlier in the day in my yoga class.  Now the following is a little hard to describe.  I was in my physical resting as one would before a projection, but when this urge came over me, I forced my projected hands (the effort felt like that required to pull strong magnets away from each other) to meet directly above my head in what I would call a prayer pose above my head.  When my hands snapped together it was like they were conducting this energy above me down through me (much like an lightning rod would force lightning down through a grounded wire) and my entire body was bathed in the most intense energy I have ever felt.  It felt like being electricuted by an insane amount of power, except that it did not hurt.  I told myself that I could not stand anymore, so I pulled my hands apart and it stopped.  For some reason I had the urge to try again and the same thing happened.  

So, has anyone expereinced a similar surge of energy through their bodies?  And why am I having trouble seeing and moving when I'm projecting?  It feels like I have a sufficient supply of energy, especially when I breath with my physical and pull energy into me while projecting.  Perhaps, I should not be so sure of what I think enough energy is.  It's been fun so far, but I really want to get mobile ;)  Thanks for any help.
Last night I experienced multiple APs.  Now that I am sure of the sensations, I am certain that this was not the first time I have left the physical.  They were deffenietely the most memorable.  
My main purpose in posting this is to thank any Astralpulse members that may have been out there last night.  As I was getting to a point where is seemed like I would be able to AP, I asked for help from any Astralpulse members.  At some point I felt energy pokes on my body.  I don't know if this is normal or was someone helping me out.  
I did run into some problems at first.  When I exited my body, I flipped over to the side of my bed and sunk to the floor.  I couldn't figure out how to move and it seemed like I was trying to move the physical.  Also, I could not open my eyes.  (I forgot to try asking for Astral sight.)  Eventually I opened my physical eyes instead and popped back into my body.  Anyone have suggestions for helping with these issues?
Thank you
So why is it that I can access individual threads but I get that silly our server is down message when I try and access the actual forum listing?

interesting that we can still post even though the server is no working


what an interesting time for it to happen at.

lol!  Maybe they were too good [:D][:P][;)]  hehe
aa, sodesuka.

simple and to the point kalratri.  thank you.
I know when I was first attuning myself to the sensation of energies, it would always seem that when it was easiest to become aware of the energy body the full moon would happen to be out.  I haven't really been keeping tabs on this for the past year though.  But then again, I wasn't trying to keep tabs on it when I first noticed it.  I just happened to have a very strong awarness of energy and I would note that at those times the full moon would be out.  Now, I can't say that I notice my awareness being clearer? at some times over others.  Things seem to have smoothed out over the past year.
I say why bother with building up a pastlife resume.  Just teach the truth of liberation and that should be good enough.  

hrm, i'm very interested in hearing what you have to say about "the almost psychotic obsession with love apparent in new age", aryan.
Heh, i have a question, but I can't seem to formulate it into words.  Perhaps, the general is the way to go.  Would you please tell me about why you see the new age obsession with love as being almost psychotic?   Obviously, this is kind of a tangent topic, so feel free to PM if you don't want to post here.
well, gosh darn, thank ya for making me aware of this interesting revelation.   Now I must educate myself
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / OBE to Death
September 28, 2004, 10:32:19
hrm, interesting.  It was his wife.  I remember him talking about how she died in his book 'Far Journeys'   Amazing.  Makes me want to get my skills in gear so that I can willfully pass over when the time comes.  
Thanks for the info.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / OBE to Death
September 27, 2004, 10:05:26
So that's how old Monroe died?  He decided not to come back?  This is the first time I've heard this about Monroe.  Where did you run across that info Rastus?
Thanks for the disclaimer [:D]   I know, but I like to view things from all sorts of angles.

Glad you understood what I was after.  Thanks again!
ah, thanks MJ

Then ignore the "either or" questions and just go for a reading on what the deck sees happening in our relationship and how we can best make it last.

Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Orb = me?
September 20, 2004, 11:41:47
heck, if you've read any of robert monroe's books, you might consider that you are yet to appear as a red orb before your parents.  Like, it's happened to them, but you are yet to travel through time as the red orb, so it hasn't happened for you yet.
I once saw Lord Vishnu.  Such a beautiful blue...  It may have just been a hallucination though, but he seemed to appear before me and I was able to talk with him.  When I apparently couldn't think of anything intelligent to say, he skipped town.
For those that didn't suspect this from the  very beginning:
just checking ;)
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / How to shed the junk
September 06, 2004, 12:40:09
I cry a lot too and laugh a lot also.  It is funny my laughing and crying sound so similar that people usually have to see my face to know what I am doing.  

Kenneth, *hugs* from across the seas.  I have read many many books and a countless number of web pages and you, my friend, have been able to communicate in a way I can relate too that I have not found before.
heh, I know it's funny that when someone wants to be certain that a point is clarified and  the other someoen doesn't give an answer that fully clarifies and the first someone again asks for clarification in a different way so that perhaps the person who's comments are in dispute will better be able to clarify it is seen as running in cirlces.  I guess we are just to read comments without critically thinking about them and we are to write comments in the same manner and not be responsible for what we say.  heh

But back on topic or we'll be welcome to nice shinny padlock.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / How to shed the junk
September 02, 2004, 10:47:57
Frank, I take your points and I understand them.  However, your critque of me is lacking understanding of who I am and how I think.  I am very very very social concious.  As I have statted earlier, I have been seeing the world in a similar way as you do for many years now.  I am repeatedly brought to tears over the state of the world.  But for the most part I try not to let myself get caught up in it and for the most part I am successful.  I am able to watch the things around me and not be drawn in by them but still understand them and see their effects, etc.  My mind is as far out of the rat race as it possibly can be and still be in it.  My only concearn career wise is to make a little money to get through the rest of college and then I will either teach, join peace core, teach yoga, or travel.  And for that matter I pretty much am happy to let things happen as they will.  Not to say I'm not trying to set a heading...  the heading is set and I am certain i will get to where I am going and as far as the details are concered they will form in time.

And after that brash defense of my wimpering ego, aye you are right and I have thought this for awhile that I should be focusing more on helping people who really need it.  I guess there is a bit of the last of my fear left down that avenue as to do that I would pretty much have to completely let go of worrying about my financial situation.  Hrm...  

But i still think that your saying our situations are different may not be so accurate.  How big is the collective human consciousness campared to the vastness of the universe.  If you were to set me, and the collective human consciousness next to the universe I'm pretty sure I and it would be pretty undistinquishable.  So, what scale do you want to use and ultimately are there really any such things?   And if I am sensitive in the one to one situation then deffinetely I am sensitive to this one to many situation.  And maybe when someone is focussing their dissatifaction at me they are tapping into that dissatisfaction vibe from the collective human consciouness...  I don't know i'm just wandering around trying to defend myself probably  how silly I'm sorry  have a nice day
Alright, I'm banging my head against a wall here.  

Frank, how can you say:

Who cares what they think? If someone is grouchy because their photos aren't on time, or whatever, so what? That's their problem! It's really not something that should even enter your awareness.  
You need to seriously expand your horizons and always keep focused on the big picture. Then you will see all the title-tattle that now concerns you just fade away. You won't see it as being "attacked" because it simply won't affect you.

and also say:

You are sensitive to people's moods as I am. I too find it difficult being among crowds of people as, after a while, I start to feel drained from all the negativity. For example, in typical cities these days you cannot just simply drive down the street without coming across hoards of ego-maniacs using their cars as some kind of awfulness weapon. The only way I found to survive when I lived in London years ago, was to work as few hours as possible and the rest of the time I'd drive to country areas and go for long walks. As soon as I could afford it I moved to the country, and now I gave up the rat-race altogether.

For the most part I could care less if someone is upset.  (Occassionally, I let it get to me as being something personal and that is only when I am extremely tired and usually I am quick to recognize what is happening.)  What gets me is that it is draining on many levels to have the focused dissatisfaction of a customer directed at me.  I am T I R E D and I feel all twisted inside after a day of work.  But isn't this only so, because I am thinking about it as them vs. me and when it happens I think that I don't want their negative energy because it is so draining?  If I just accept what is happening would I not be drained or is that not to be helped?  Or do I need to accept the fact that yes it is draining and if I don't like being drained then I should move on?  I guess I'm a little too far out in the metaphysical / existential waters for my own good.

I would love to give up the world.  There is nothing here for me except the idea that I would like to help people out and bring joy into their lives.  Maybe I am exageratting, but that feels to be about right.
I'm no expert and I may just be adding another spiral to the hole, but I think when people talk about premature kundalini awakening or forced awakening the only thing that is going to get damaged is you.  

You must do energy work to prepare your energy body for Kundalini.  It is a very powerful thing and an undeveloped energy body will not be able to handle the load.
Frank, I am not rid of the disease, but I clearly see it in me and in others.  I mean, if you don't see that there is a problem, what are you going to fix?  Maybe that means I've graduated...  I don't know.  If I did, the testing requirements weren't hard enough ;)  But I'm not living in a land of milk and honey.  I still get caught up into things.  I still get stressed out even though while it is happening I can be watching myself and laughing at how silly I am.  I work with people stuck in the consumer mindset all day and I find that if I come to them with an open heart I will likely be witness to a beautiful smile and some fun conversation.  If I stand there and think "blah, I can't believe this person is getting so upset because her photos aren't ready 30 minutes early"  then I'm likely to be witness to squinty eyes, an upset voice, and some crazy negative energy sent my way.  Sure, it sucks, that I have a chance to be subject to such attacks...  but to get caught up in the attack only shows attachment to my ego.  I know that the universe is a much bigger place than I can even imagine and that we are more than this physical body, etc.  So, what's the point of letting this person get to me.  Maybe, I'm just reinforcing their ego-sense, but maybe just maybe they will see that I am responding in total love and not just because I think that if I do not satisfy their needs that I will be punished with their craziness.  And maybe that love will inspire them and give them access to seeing with more open eyes.  Then, if seeing this in me and they ask me my secrets I will get to explain to them my lifestyle...  

If all people like you and me move out into the hills then aren't we taking the control rods out and just allowing a nuclear meltdown to proceed uninterrupted?  

Really, i do get stuck on this idea of graduation.  I also get stuck on this idea of environments.  Do we get to graduate from the idea of graduated environments?  Maybe these questions could be considered punching below the belt?  But I am serious when i ask these questions and at the same time I laugh at myself and...  hehe  

Oh, i should probably delete the last part because I haven't thought it all the way through or explained myself thourougly enough.  But once again, I got a pair of sandals to catch... lol (you'll get it if you think in a super corney way)

That was very easy to understand and very informative.  I shall give it a go.

Many Thanks