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Messages - Bedeekin

Exploring a building usually with a sense of childhood... every room is different and holds different meanings.

Having a task to do and not being prepared; involved in a play and forgetting lines or not being ready.

Realising I have been conducting my affairs in the dream in my pants or naked.

Spending time in the dream with my best friend who upon waking wasn't my best friend at all... but in the dream they were.

That's all I can think of at the moment. :)
That could have been a very emotive description of one of my first OOBEs. :)

Awesome description of Sleep Paralysis there.

Welcome Holygift33.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hi : )
July 05, 2013, 03:35:32
Hey pm1978.

Welcome to the 'Pulse'.

I often gazed into the sun.. I still do when I walk the dog early morning or in the evening. I could discern a sun spot once. :)

And that's the best option. Don't hang around long enough.
Hey Bulletinte.

It does get easier. Now SP to me is a very pleasant shift. Sometimes when I'm not expecting it I'll get hit with a powerful one... but these are rare now and rarer still is their fear factor.

Try to resist and ignore the sensations. They can seem very violent. You got what you were asking for then frightened yourself back. Your intent was pulling you out. Because you felt your mental and physical (??) efforts were stopped voluntarily doesn't mean to say your intent to 'separate' listened.

Try to relax... try to ease your way out. Surrender to the sensations and use them to your advantage. The sucking barrier effect you are feeling is quite pleasant once you break away. The freedom felt afterwards can be amazing. Just try not to be scared by the process. It's perfectly natural. :)
Ok... I understand.
Well just the sheer quantity of different and obviously internally created things I've experienced during SP and their unconnected content in comparison to the following Out of Body bit, never washed with me as being important. They have simply been too obvious. The truth behind them correlate to my current fears at the time. Most of the 'nasty' ones happened early on and directly applied to simple fears.

I hold the current understanding that the hallucinations during SP are dualistic. They are spurred on in whatever capacity by ones own expectations and creative ability during this state to make thought reality. Including this is the perceived presence of ones self sensing oneself. Like a type of feedback. If one is scared by the 'supernatural' or sense of presence (oneself) then the physical in this dualistic state releases adrenaline... this causes mechanical effects upon depolarised neurones causing intense buzzing and pressure. This has a knock on effect that causes more fear... until it crescendos.  

I've never really been scared during the actual OOBE/AP/projection... unless I have projected myself into the belief I am in SP in another location, when feeling trapped or during precognitive projections.  :wink:
All of my precognitive OOBEs were involving nasty things happening to people. It was one of the reasons OOBEs started giving me panic attacks. They never gave clues as to WHEN they were happening. Very sharp crystal clear flashes of the 'event' seen through the eyes of those involved... paramedics... people driving past... and on two occasions through the eyes of the murdered. It was like I was sent them to make me think twice about getting what I wish for.
It was also due to a very low level shanty town that surrounded the plant. Directly over the plant's fence. There were so many factors.
Why not try it?
The dilapidated factory is still there. They didn't bother cleaning it up... or rather McLeod Russel Ltd. of Calcutta isn't quick to clear the site. Naughty.

The factory had a couple of accidents leading up to the big one.
That I can't confirm IAB.  :lol:
The problem I have with the SP state as having a 'supernatural' core is the collection of things I've seen during it. I simply can't see how the Predator or Jason from Friday the 13th can manifest as real beings in my bedroom. It was those types of things that made me think.. 'Hang on a second'. This sent me on a 30 year mission to find what SP really is. It just so happens that a great deal of SP can be explained as having physiological origins.. which is good. It means that millions of people aren't getting psychically attacked by a plethora of demons. It also means that we can spend more time on the actual OOBE experience and less time on SP. Sure I talk about it a lot.. but that's to quell people's worries that they are being attacked by a demon.

Quote from: Szaxx on July 04, 2013, 06:07:50
One thing that stands out is the ability to (most times) work out the result of something sensitive you may be asked to answer or do.
The bull in a china shop attitude is greatly reduced.
You become wise and more respectful.
Enemies are also something you don't seem to make too.

definitely. This may be the main benefit in my own eyes. Empathy to other people's internal problems are a massive benefit for growth.

Also I mentioned in a post recently the intuitiveness of laying plans and future decision making... seeing patterns internally and acting upon them.

Sometimes though the benefits are pointless to those who don't understand the 'whole'.
Hey joneagle_28.

'just a dream' isn't a bad thing on the Pulse. Dreaming is seemingly an observance of ones projection.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Destynee's Plan.
July 04, 2013, 10:21:01
Hey  Serenlylove.

I received mine yesternight. I'm not too fussed about the age of my student. It's just easier to instruct people older than 16... and girls are easier than boys for some reason. Anyway... I look forward to the challenge. ;)

Brilliant idea and well done for getting us to do it.  :lol:
It's sad that they give out over the counter drugs like Clonazepam to curb them though. They still have to make the connection there.

Imagine how refreshing it would be for a family GP to say to the person.. 'they can be scary but maybe you should try initiating an out of body experience from them. Here are the details for classes and online information... here's your complimentary Mindfold and a comfy pillow."
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Gotta go pee!!!
July 03, 2013, 17:32:31
I've had a full pee FA... it was that it was coming out in a thick stream of continuous pee that I awoke. I would love to say I was really doing it but I awoke miraculously completely dry... but desperate nonetheless.  :-D
Quote from: Kanes Messenger on July 03, 2013, 14:09:39
Yeah it was though I don't even know that my body was asleep or I reached sleep paralysis because when the feeling became too intense I was able to immediately sit up. It was a thousand times more intense than the best sex or craziest rollercoaster. Words are useless when trying to describe it.

It doesn't matter about SP or whether this happened or that... Sounds like you had the 'right' experience. Well done. :)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Destynee's Plan.
July 03, 2013, 17:05:54
Quote from: its_all_bad on July 03, 2013, 17:02:10
Especially if we don't tell them how hard it is to meet someone. Most of this is easy until we we read so many different opinions and put up all the mental blocks that wouldn't have been there otherwise.

Oh god... you are so right. This is I think 80% of the reason people stumble.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Destynee's Plan.
July 03, 2013, 16:49:49
very true. :)
I think you have got me wrong. I am saying exactly what you are saying. I also distinguish the two states. I'm not sure about the list of specific 'astral' things you've made though... they are so variable and many I could make a book out of a list.

'-attempts to open the eyes lead also to a complete awakening'

I've opened my eyes a lot.. and it hasn't broke the SP. I've entered SP with my eyes already open. Your eyes aren't affected by REM atonia... only the muscles that control full movement are a bit wobbly.

As well as I can read your English I have also noticed the misguided way science approach OOBEs. Science has got SP in a nutshell because it's counted as a 'medical problem'... they're not interested in OOBEs because they're not a medical problem. I agree... the efforts have been lame in terms of OOBE research, but they're just limited in what they can invest money into... that's all. No need to put hate on a branch of humanity that makes your life extremely easy. It's not so black and white as 'science hates the paranormal'.. it's more like 'who will back them financially?'. All of the scientists I know have there secret little ideas about paranormal but won't bring it up because of the establishment ridiculing them.

Like IAB says they will come around when they run out of options.
Every time you experience an OOBE it's a leaning curve. Each barrier you come across is something for you to get over. There really aren't any hints and tips when it comes to specifics.

Whenever I have felt things in the way I've made it a mission to find ways around them. Each time a barrier comes up I have to figure a way to overcome it. You can get through any barrier by perseverance and practice. Generally there are reasons for certain problems and invariably they're self imposed. You are the only one responsible for getting from point A to point Z... I imagine each time you are getting into OOBE you are placing these restraints of movement upon yourself because you think they are there.

Try to relax. Have a plan to go somewhere.. an intent that takes you past the point you are being stopped at. If you don't have a reason for getting past this stage of uncontrollability you will find yourself stuck. Try not to think of this as something like a computer game or something that has rules and hints and tips. It's all YOU.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Destynee's Plan.
July 03, 2013, 14:52:37
IAB.. .I don't know of anybody yet who has met up in the 'astral'... apart from some anecdotes from Tom Campbell. I apologise to anyone here if I'm mistaken.