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Hi reishi & welcome! I'm from the UK too! :-D Yes there is plenty of info, I'm digging my way through the older threads as we speak!
What is the purpose of Reiki, how much of an effect did it have on you? I know people who have had sessions, but never actually researched it myself!

Anyway, welcome & look forward to reading your experiences!  :-D
I know, he went way too early! :cry: I heard 'gangstarr - battle' when I was a teen & got way into Guru & premier from then on, & when I heard 'moment of truth' jeeez mind exploded! I still got a lot of GURU to hear yet though & a lot to bed learned, which pleases me!!  :-)

Quote from: Stookie_ on August 23, 2012, 11:39:04
I listen to all kinds of music and have an equal love for everything, though what's separated hip-hop is I've always felt a part of it, not just an observer.

Same here, to maybe a lesser degree I was seeing the things they often talk about, the negative aspects in poorer communities, & living around those things then hearing people articulate it through music in a way I could understand & relate to, really made hip hop stand out to me over other forms. Though, some artists take those issues & glorify/promote them, as being 'cool' and pack their music full of egotism, which is what seems to get promoted through mainstream.

A lot of theories about why, some involve the way a culture has grown, & music has grown along side it or maybe vice versa, some talk about a connection between private prison & the glorification of these socially negative, often criminal aspects being sold to a working class generation as being 'cool' through media, being dumbed down, the phrase 'area's designed to breed crime' have been said. Me, I couldn't say myself, I'm not informed enough on any of these aspects to make a judgement, I just know it's B.S I don't hear the kind of knowledge I do through the internet, being put on T.V & radio. Though admittedly I started out on that egotism trip, but quickly stepped over into the more intelligent expressions, thankfully!!  :-)
That got added to my fav list before the end of the first verse :lol: Too many quotables in there to count - 'You only get honest expressions when I spit in your ear, that means even when I'm dissin you I'm being sincere' loved that one :lol:

It genuinely saddens me that so many people hear the joke music sold to them as hip hop & miss out on the wonders of the real deal. & to add insult to injury so many of those fans when shown some real hip hop, Jurassic 5, blackalicious your man One Be Lo, will just reject it for some nicki minija - Im'a bad beech :cry:

But to make things a little better, & this really made my day, nay, my week, some random guy on youtube in-boxed me this - video is wicked. But yeah made my week that someone just randomly fed me some hip hop out the blue!
2nd time today this video has creeped up on me. :roll: It's too damn creepy to be a 'welcome to the company' piece, I picture 'Illumicorp' having a more upbeat jazzy vibe :lol:
yes that's a better subject line!

'Riding on that, I've always thought this song as a great example of hip-hop as poetry' - Yeah that's how I see hip-hop, that is a very good example of it. I saw this video you might enjoy, an mc showing how hip hop relates with Shakespeare -

My fav bits @ 5:30 & @ 17:30 - though the rest is very much worth the watch
Ahh I was literally just read some of the comments on the original video, saw someone else let him use the beat, was just about to look it before I read this! Feeding me tribe! Good man!! :wink: Cheers!

Edit - gonna have to chuck some Arrested Dev for any passers by - :D
hehe I know, you just set me up so well for that one, I couldn't help it!  :-D On a serious, how much do you think we unconsciously show are subconscious feelings through language... what started this thought - The news was on, some big American business openly shared it's ignorant feeling about homosexuals, and they had people outside protesting against the business. The reporter talked to some of them and one of them said

"I'm a big believer in human rights, & gay rights!" My point being what does the separation of the two sets of rights, in her words, say about her? Probably nothing at all, but it sparked my thoughts on how much of our beliefs, subconscious or other wise, come to light in the way we use language, and how to differentiate between a badly phrased sentence, & a sentence that gives actual insight.

Edit - I mean more like accidentally phrased with no meaning behind it, rather than badly.
An artist I'm a big fan of, very intelligent guy, his music has a whole lot of content, no B.S here, and he is actually in the mainstream! :-D I could enjoy this song just for the beat, I love the sax!  He touches on quite a few topics in this song, & I wanted to share it, thought someone might enjoy :-)

If you click on a line it pops up with an explanation, if you don't get what he is referencing to in any particular line.
Quote from: Xanth on August 18, 2012, 13:35:58
They'd have to give it to everyone in the government as well... considering the huge religious divide there too.  The divide isn't just in the non-political individuals.  :)

Was that a peek into your subconscious Xanth? Those who work within government no longer fit the criteria for 'people' :lol: I'm inclined to agree! :wink:

Quote from: Bedeekin on August 18, 2012, 14:52:45
I call copious amounts also... after a bit of rooting around I found this...

:lol: Nice find Bedeekin. Need a thumbs up emote!
I find it hard to believe that they would do anything that would even hint at cooling off such a big divide between people, strong religious affiliation.
meditating on a chair... double entandra :wink: I think as good a place as any as long as your comfortable & well balanced :-D
I get your frustration, but why would you not want to live on this planet anymore! The bad stuff may be more obvious, but the good stuff is golden & just as abundant, if you're looking for it. One day things will change and be different, we'll live in a better system etc the bad stuff will still be there though just in a different way, everything is in a state of flux.

Change is ... inevitable MR ANDERSON 8-)

But your here now, so chin up, feeling bad about any of it won't really help any one, so enjoy yourself & if you truly care about something, find ways to make things better, even if for only one person, if you're not already doing that of course. :-D
Ah OK, that makes sense, I will keep this in mind Szaxx, thank you.  :-)
Welcome to Dreams! / Non physical people question
August 16, 2012, 08:46:22
I had this dream, a while ago,  I was running up the street, I quickly became very aware, it was as vivid and felt as real as the physical, nothing dreamy about it...

So anyway, I put my intent on seeing my at the time girlfriend, and she started to slowly appear, but she wasn't like everything else, everything else was very physical like, but she was like an apparition, transparent, kind of how you envision a stereotypical 'ghost' to appear. She didn't say anything, just kind of stood there with a little smile on her face about 5 feet in front of me... it ended pretty fast after that, no communication.

How can you tell between your own mental projection of someone, and someone's actual NP self? Other than through information gained in non-physical & validated later in the physical... is the fact my intent was to see her in front of me, rather than me going to her, a sign she was of my own mind, not of 'herself' ... I hope I'm understanding these things properly & actually making sense in what I'm saying...  :-)
Nice share, I love these vids! I saw a very cool one that panned out from the earth, all the way through to the end of the observable universe, can't say much on it's accuracy, but it looked pretty special! I'll post it here if I ever find it again.
Interrupt the line of thought, acknowledge it, and visually see it in front of you and then slide it off to the side and away from your mind and get back to the quiet. That's the one I use.

Visualize an empty rice bowl - I hate this one, it seriously makes me hungry :lol: but I've seen it suggested in so many places it's gotta be worth a try.

I got an idea you could try, which I did myself & feel had a brilliant effect on me, I have no idea if this a load of rubbish & just my imagination though. :lol: Pick a situation that makes you unconformable, & practice keeping an empty mind or focusing on one thought while you are in that situation.

For instance, I had a phobia of water, mainly being under it, I couldn't put my nose under water without majorly panicking & instantly jumping out. So when I was learning to meditate, I thought if I can hold a clear mind or focus whilst under water even for just 30 - 40 seconds, the last place I would want to be, the place that causes me the most amount of anxiety, I could definitely do it a lot better when I feel comfortable and relaxed... Obviously I could only do it in short stints due to the pesky issue of having to breath, but I'd practice doing it consistently & clearing my mind became a lot easier to do. I practice this in elevators as well... If the elevator was the only way up, I wouldn't go, I'd skip what ever it was I needed to do just to avoid the elevator, now it just makes slightly uneasy.

Maybe it's B.S & really had no more of an effect than my normal practice, but either way I got over a couple stupid phobias :-D
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Relaxing
August 11, 2012, 23:21:17
'progressive muscle relaxation technique.' - That's the one!

Yeah that's it, going top down. I've not used it before but read about the technique a while back, supposed to be very effective. Sorry a bit of a bad habit of mine is skimping on details & precision even when they are important, & going with a general concept. :roll:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Relaxing
August 11, 2012, 22:33:04
Tense your whole body, laying down.

Start with your right arm, tense up & hold for a few seconds.
Then the left.
Then the right leg.
Then the left.
Then tense the stomach.
Then tense both arms.
Then both legs.
and the whole body.

Hit all the muscles you can, and hold each tense for a few seconds.

Supposed to relax your body really well. Other than the kind of silent mind meditating to relax, I like to daydream eyes closed, build up a place I'd like to be in my mind totally focused upon this creation in my mind and after a while when I stop daydreaming my mind is very clear, no wondering thoughts, might just be me, but I find it very relaxing  :-)
haha wicked pics.
Quote from: Bedeekin on August 06, 2012, 17:56:52
(He's the one that looks like a member of the Mujahideen)...

  :lol: *spits mouthful of tea all over the screen* :lol:

Wicked pics.

Lion heart the vid was nice, & I know it sucks the news has become another tool to serve agenda instead of truth. I've never heard that reason for the cover up attempt before, the fact they were getting so many alerts from the public about UFO's during that time and that was what was causing a more imminent danger, it sounds so much less sinister & sordid than any other reasons I've heard for covering it up.
Beedekin, thanks for the link. Who's your alien friend in the profile picture, he looks ridiculously awesome! :lol:

Lion heart, thanks for the link, I'm having a watch of it now.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Suicide and NDE
August 05, 2012, 21:36:32
Quote from: Xanth on August 05, 2012, 20:33:55
Well, I don't believe for a second that suffering is "required" to learn, however, suffering is also not the big bad evil thing that most people believe it to be.
If you look at everything this reality has to offer, there isn't anything that is "bad"... there are only two kinds of experiences:  Those that increase your spirituality and those that decrease it. 

Everything is "only" an experience.  Any kind of moral/ethical attribute we give it is only that... something WE attribute it.  It's not fundamental.

I think there is one type of experience; it neither helps nor hinders, it just is - we internalize it and it manifests it's self within us and we shape the way it is manifested through our interpretations - it can build us up or pull us down, but I think that comes down to the person experiencing. Like a compliment interpreted as an insult can still hurt ones feelings, but in and of it's self it is neither an insult nor a compliment, it just is. And I think the more aware we become, the better equipped we are to interpret experience, manifesting it within us in a way that 'increases spirituality'.
That's the way I've come to look at it anyway.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Suicide and NDE
August 05, 2012, 19:55:26
I totally get why you look at in that way, and I can understand it.

People go through out there entire lives not learning there lessons, we can't always see the problems others face either but it doesn't mean they are not there. I don't think there is such a thing as an easy life, sure they don't worry about money, but money & fame bring there own negative aspects that the every day person never has to face. We all have different struggles, some more different than offers, no amount of money will change that.

We see it all the time with celebs who don't know how to use their advantages in a positive way & instead destroy themselves over national t.v for millions of viewers to watch as entertainment, the charlie sheen type characters. And less extreme is the egotistical lifestyles a lot of them lead, things from without don't bring happiness, they soon need something new, or more attention or more money always more, and the circle continues until they learn.

Only recently on the news were a VERY wealthy couple, both addicted to drugs, the wife O.D & died and the husband wrapped her up in the bedroom and left her there for 2 months, while still living in the house... Do they sound like happy people with easy lives, something must of happened for them become addicts in the first place, after all drugs is about escaping from our reality, if it's so easy for them why would they want to...

I actually feel glad I'm not famous and I do feel for them, being judged by every other person round the world for what they do, what they wear, how they look. Being attacked by newspapers so they can make some money, never knowing the next time they will be publicly humiliated, being prostituted by corporations to turn a profit. having all manner of vultures flock around them because of their money, never knowing who their friends are, apply that to lovers also. having to constantly check what they say & do, being followed everywhere by journalists... I wouldn't want to live that way.

Just my opinion though.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Suicide and NDE
August 05, 2012, 16:55:11
I think in this scenario the physical manifestation of a 'bad' experience is only important in the sense that it can manifest itself, the physical trauma, as a non-physical trauma, within. And my believe that these trauma’s within have to be dealt with during or after death, says to me they do not need to return and go through it again. From my perspective they wouldn't need to repeat if the physical trauma has already manifested within as a non physical trauma to be experienced and dealt with/learned from before or after physical death.

And too add to that, I think the same applies with the more positive aspects, there is a lot to be said for learning from the hardships in life, but I think equally as much from the luxuries.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Suicide and NDE
August 05, 2012, 14:49:14
from information I've gathered, suicide doesn't have the desired effect of alleviating the pain within... It doesn't just go away like it never happened. Someone said to me it's better to know yourself before you die... because in the living we have like a buffer, we have quite a bit of control over when, and for long we face our 'inner demons' at any one time, but as you probably know thoughts manifest a lot easier in the non-psychical... I don't see why issues would just up and vanish without being dealt with first. Maybe it's a mental thing, manifesting a scenario of a choice to fight to stay alive or give up completely, but I don't believe you can just choose to go to a heaven and the pain is gone.

but just my opinion, I could be well off the mark, & I'm interested to see what others think, I knew someone who did commit suicide, so it would be comforting if it's anywhere close to truth. :-)
Bedeekin, I tried to find that online couldn't see anything about it... You got a link? I'm not that into the the ufo alien stuff, if that's legit it's pretty epic!