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Messages - Adun

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling God!!
September 03, 2005, 23:19:39
So that means "he" is not god.

The "you need to have faith without seeking proof" doesn't make much sense to me, it sounds like what a religion wanting control masses would say.

If god existed and talked through 55 pages on a forum he wouldn't mind to answer a simple question like the one i asked.
I wonder why most of the photos are not very clear? :roll:
Quote from: InteresantIf not i got serious doubts about this AP thing ...

So what if there hasn't been any meeting yet? Does that prove anything?

If you don't believe in oobes there is no need to tell us, me and most people won't care. This forum is do discuss oobes and aid those who need help oobing, if you want to clear your doubts you have to experience it for yourself.

Anyway, some months ago someone made a topic about a meeting with his girlfriend. So yes, meetings happen.
Still, that doesn't prove anything. The only way to be sure is to see it for yourself.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling God!!
August 31, 2005, 12:55:29
Hey god, if you are so powerful and all-knowing tell me what i was holding in my left hand as i wrote this post? (i used just the right hand to write)

Not so smart now are we?
Don't you ever get tired of making topics about this "curran"?
Sorry but that's not the "real story".
I didn't bother to read everything but if "This was before the recorded history of time, you might say, as there wasn't anyone recording time." then how do you know it happened? :roll:
"stupid to the point of being hilarious"

My thoughts exactly.
He got TIE-Fighter :lol:
Actually he didn't directly guess it, but he gave it as an option from a list.
I doubt it, but I doubt even more that this "YAHWEH" will summon anything at all.
Quote from: ProjectorWhat do you mean friendly?? Or waz that a joke? That guy is an A-Hole I will fight him any chance I get. Lucifer wants to take me out of the astral or join him. He kept promising me 'impossible' things like being able to project anytime and stuff. He is a liar.

Why didn't you accept it? Being able to project anytime must awesome. :roll:
A friend sent me that site some days ago, I thought of "light bulb" and he guessed it.
Later I thought of "lightsaber" and "wookie", he guessed them too. :lol:
Try "Waking Life". It's not about OBEs, but it's close (i liked it).
IAC also exists in Portugal but those events are probably in Lisbon, I have to check on that.
Quote from: FrankAnd if each focus is indeed an independent entity and the primary essence is what conects them all, what do you think it happens to a focus after he/her dies?


Please see the post above. A focus does not die. The focus personality merely shifts its Primary Focus. It is impossible for a focus to die. There is no time within subjective reality. There is no beginning or end. All simply IS.


When i said die, i meant the end of the physical existense of course. You did reply to my question, when you said that after the physical experience ends the focus shifts back to focus 3.
That's the answer i was hoping for, i really dislike the "merge with your oversoul/the source/whatever" theorys.

One thought: What if for two physical experiences i choose the same time period and I "meet myself"? That would be weird.
Thanks for the reply Frank.

So these other focuses are independent entities from each other or the "Primary essence" has it's counsciousness and chooses what focus to experience?
In either case, what do you think it's the purpose of experiencing the physical?

And if each focus is indeed an independent entity and the primary essence is what conects them all, what do you think it happens to a focus after he/her dies?

Also, in subjective reality there is no linear time but in each individual perception events happen in a linear way, for example, if i'm in focus3 talking to someone, i perceive the communication in a linear form: "he told me this, then told him this, and he told me that". Is this correct?
Frank, since I read the topic in the FAQ section about your model of Focuses I wondered what was your opinion on other lives.
You said there were other focuses but "they are not you", then what are they?
It may have effect in you and people that share the same spiritual path/belief but again it's because you expect it to do so.
I don't have nothing against the use of the object, but I think that anyone who buys such object for $75 is just stupid. 20$ sounds more fair (I don't know the costs of making one) but still i would rather buy the brainwave generator.
The "VRIL generator" or the "dorje" is just a small object with no special powers whatsoever.
It may have effect but just because you think it will. It's much better to build your own (form or material doesn't matter, the intent you put into it does) instead of blowing $75 IMO.
I wouldn't buy such a "device" from someone who claims the earth is... err... hollow *falls down the chair laughing*.
Oh wait, i would not buy it under any circunstances.

Do it the narutal way, you'll feel better afterwards. :)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / .
June 17, 2005, 21:33:00
Quote from: Sapphire-
Quote from: FeNc3rOh no, I'm not immortal! I should not try to get out of body then, I better reject all the knowledge that comes from OOBEs and leave it to the god sapphire, right? :roll:

Just some minutes ago i read a topic in Astral FAQ about Frank's model of focuses of consciousness (is the spelling correct?) and this "Being a god and killing demons" smells like Focus2oC...

Whether you are immortal or mortal is not up to your decision.  When you die for most of human kinds that unable to Astral Project.  You could still be  immortal.

Just our souls slipped out sometimes not by will.   Just because we are needed in some where else in other part of universe.

Yes it is not up to me because everyone is "immortal".
To the rest of your post i won't reply because i can't understand it at all.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / .
June 16, 2005, 21:18:13
Oh no, I'm not immortal! I should not try to get out of body then, I better reject all the knowledge that comes from OOBEs and leave it to the god sapphire, right? :roll:

Just some minutes ago i read a topic in Astral FAQ about Frank's model of focuses of consciousness (is the spelling correct?) and this "Being a god and killing demons" smells like Focus2oC...
Quote from: 1109I suggest

It's one of the best torrent sites

Correction, the best torrent site. :D
So, how much does it cost to get that "health, pleasure and riches"?
I've seen that before, caused by overheating (it makes sense since the temperatures have been high lately). I maybe wrong though...