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Messages - jalef

i think this could really help normal people to understand shizophrenics for example. also i think it is very interesting for everyone to experience it once on his own without being afraid of mental health problems.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / How Cool Is This?
March 24, 2006, 09:52:11
:shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:
once i floated upon exit, but i gained contol quickly. i think with some practice youll master it.
much more!
i saw myself in teh mirror. i looked normal besides that i looked younger. i never saw myself in bed completely but once i was out and looked back at my bed. the bedcover had a form as though i were lying in it but i didnt see my body but i saw  sometimes small white flashes where i supposed my chakras to be. it was a fascinating experience. in the same obe i looked at my hands for a few seconds and saw them melt: my finger got shorter and shorter until they were only stumps. also very interesting :grin:
i also read that articla in a slightly chsnged form. they say that they cant say if this is the only source for obes happening. also i dont think that i trained this specific part of my brain to malfunction by doing energy work and meditation in only 4 weeks.

"Lots of people try to explain something away which is for many people, an amazing experience that has transformed their lives." said Blanke.

i completely agree.
Quote from: andonitxoJust in case... watch out computers!... you could format their hard disks... ;-D

lol :grin:

i think i wil try to gain control over it and 'shock' other people only if i want to :lol:  :roll:
thank you that reasures me.

i feel this pulse all the time without my finger pressing on it when im really relaxed and focus my atention to it.
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream about death..
March 21, 2006, 05:14:58
Quote from: LeilahI've killed people way too many times in dreams. Sometimes I get the feeling there's another me living in an alternate universe, going around murdering thousands.

i killed only once i think. that was in a cool fighting dream where i fought against gandalf who is a vampire and revealed his true face to me. he gathered the armys of good and evil and i had to stop him. my brother and another child were also with him but i saved him. i had a wand and a female who was a in the clothing of a nun tought me a spell with wich i can impale gandalf. i killed two of his evil servants (they were humans so i didnt need the impale spell) and then cast the spell upon gandals but i wasnt powerfull enough to kill him so he said he will come back. this dream made me think a lot about my true nature because i didnt have any problem at all with killing these two people in my dream. :confused:
i watched a report about a town where they installed a handy communication tower (dunno how to call them but i hope you know what i mean) on a very unlucky location. after that just about every metallic thing sometimes turned into a handy receiver and you could hear distorted sounds mostly. in the curch there were even voices coming out of the organ. first they thought it was a demon lol but then someone had the idea that it could be the tower. they removed it and everything stopped. this i think could also happen if there is lots of metal and devices and such a tower (or a radio tower) is near.
i think that relates. i heard of some people who are seen just like normal while they are projecting. on the other hand your friend wasnt projecting but doing normal things. i heard of such doubling also but never got into the details. that sounds interesting and is very rare i think...

btw yogi in the mountains of tibet or nepal are said to be able to do this also (but hey are yogi, they can do just about everything :smile: )
i noticed that since i started energy work i have these little electricity discharges at the fingertips when i touch something more often. one day i could even cause them to happen by directing energy into my fingers but now i cant...
did you notice anything similar?
last night i stimulated my navel chakra and it began to beat just like the heart beat. i decided to stay focused and to see what happens next. the throbbing went faster and faster until i was a mild vibrating (very pleasant feeling). it was similar to the racing heartbeat sensation but not that intense. did any one of you experience this also?
the problem is the altered state of consciousness. it is just different and i think most poeople expect to much (like i also did): they expect to be at full waking consciousness while they are out of body. because it isnt like that they question they experiences. also there is the habit of being sceptical (at least this is true for me). i wouldnt say that this is bad because what use would it be if everybody would believe everithing...
down in the south is a town called pissen :lol:
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream about death..
March 18, 2006, 16:30:33
lol me too a bit :grin:
currently they broadcast it here in germany, very interesting.
well you described those things so they arent indescribable any more :grin:

sorry  :roll:

the first thing could have been hypnogogic imagery. it can happen that dream fragments carry over to a waking state. this can be terryfying but is nothing to worry about.

the bars can be an energeticall disorder. i think so because they make you feel sick and i guess that you are at good health otherwise you wouldnt write it. are you doing energy work? if not then you should start. it is beneficial even when it doesnt help in this special case.
was it just a realm of pure light or was there also a feeling or a state of consciousness that you expereinced only there?
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream about death..
March 18, 2006, 11:14:20
i died many times in dreams and never in real life :grin:

dying in dreams leads me to lucid dream so the legend is drinately not true :wink:
Welcome to Metaphysics! / VISIONS
March 18, 2006, 11:03:20
maybe hypnogogic imagery?

although its unusuall if you see them 'right now'. i also see that kind of stuff but for me its clearly hypnogogic imagery. first it strats with just swirling colers then there are images that seem completely senseless but vanish imediatly. then the time each image stays becomes longer and if i allow my mind to focus on them a dream starts...

of course it can be that for you they really have a meaning.
i had one on monday, this was the only one during working days. the rest was either on saturday or on sunday. its usually the time between 9 and 11 am because this is the time i wake up at weekends. the one on monday was at about 6:45 am.
if you mean whether the analytical mind works like it does in real life then the clear answer is no. iwouldnt try to slove a mathematical problem while projecting. its hard just to read texts and draw a meaning out of them. you will be able to see a bunch of letters but there mostly will be no sense. if you mean logical thinking concerning reallyity then i think its dependant on the energy level of the projections. i think the less energy there is the more it will be like a dream and you wont even realize it. of course it will be more realistic that a dream and you are still able think clearly in some way but for example you wouldnt bother with a dog jumping around you although you have no dog in your house or things like that. when theres more energy available than consciousness is more like waking consciousness and you immediately recognice things that dont belong here. i hope i could have helped.
I tryed to project this morning because didnt have to go to school early. after some time of trying to calm my mind i thought that im propably in the right state of mind to induce vibrations. i did the full body circuit and vibrations fadet in but only in some parts of my body. i felt my heart(-chakra) racing and felt very strong vibrations in my hips that kicked my hips out of body. at that time i thought that my physical hips moved and that its over because i moved and i broke my concentration and immediately fell asleep. now you shurely think: 'why does he write such a boring experience into this thread?' that is because i have an i dea concerning the dreams i get after 'failed' projection attempts:

1. i can think more clearly that in other dreams although i think im awake. that is because of
2. every such dream starts with a false awakening and takes place near my body.

so here is what i think: false awakening ARE dreams but they are dreams that are highly influenced by a projection that is going on just at the same time. for me it is like this: whenever i experience vibrations im going to have an OBE whether with normal consciousness or dream consciuousness because i never just came to full consciousness directly after vibrations. i either had an obe or a flase awakeining. i wonder if this is true for everybody and here is my problem: i often heard from people who experienced vibrations but werent able to get out and gave up frustrated. this is a question for all these people: did you directly return to full waking consciousness after vibrations fadet away or did you also have such a 'dream'.

thanks astraluminated for sharing another cool video. ive read a book about tai chi and the author (a master who does it since 40 years) says that when you are very advanced you can direct and control your chi outside of your body. i think that was exactly what he means!