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Messages - Bedeekin

I think we are our subconscious when we project. It is our Subconscious self that we get wrapped up in during a dream... a lucid dream = controling aspects of that subconsious self... the more focused you are on it the more integrated you are into the environment. Daydreaming being the base form of connection to the subconscious self, focus 4 (AP?) being the highest connection. (sorry I need to really get to grips with Kepple's focus level scale).

Just a thought anyway.
For me it is a clear distinct transitionary state.

I haven't tried phasing although my friend uses this method and didn't realise it had a name... I have had instances where I inadvertently phased.

When you say 3D blackness... do you mean the void-like environment that forms into the metaphysical after anchoring? This sometimes comes after I have either actively separated or during SP.

Sleep paralysis seems to be the overall description of the body asleep mind awake state... second state... vibrational state. etc.

The percieved physical sensations can range from gentle numness to full locked paralysis... not unlike a siezure. We all know this is just a conscious awareness of REM atonia though. A stage missed out or 'side tracked' by 'phasing' if I'm not mistaken. 

I assumed this was focus 10... I'm confused with the focus scale. Maybe I should learn it and identify the stages I identify with so I can communicate what I mean a bit better.  :-D

Regardless of this I use SP as a springboard to enter what you may call a real/time OOBE and AP. 2 distinct types... in my experience anyway.

Unfortunately... 5 million people do identify this stage and are terrified by it. The common term 'nightmare' is folklore for Sleep Paralysis.

I hope we are talking about the same thing actually.
Nice model... I'm tempted to introduce a third diversion from F10/Sleep Paralysis... that of 1st phase. This can diverge with any Focus level as it seems to run parallel to that particular thread.