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Messages - psychonaut

So many of my friends are hardcore addicts snorting away their money and brains. How can I help someone who doesn't want to stop their addiction? I mean they do A LOT, like tons. it's unreal. When one of them doesn't have coke they put orajel in their mouth.  :?

I'm just concerned about them because it is an evil drug isn't it? Should I not do anything and let them snort away?
Wow that's amazing DH - I applaud sending you good karma.  :lol:

The first part seemed a good enough miracle but what happened after puts the sugar on top. I'm seriously glad your grandson's alright.

Maybe I should "listen to my gut" some more when I feel something too. thanks

UFO Compilation I found today...OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!

lol some really cool ones in there I've never seen, but a few lame ones too but you can just skip those. I didn't watch the interviews at the end though.

If "aliens" are as technologically advanced as we all think they would be, I would assume they would be as advanced out of body as well.  :|

I saw that show too I think and they claimed those experiences after hypnosis regression, no?
I was just thinking how my OBEs (not AP or dream) only happen after a new experience. (Something that you have never done before, or has never happened to you.)  I mean an experience truly new happens before you go OB. I've been "out" four/five times in my life (of body  :-P), and I'm pretty sure each time something truly unique happened sometime soon before. (don't know about one or two of them...)

Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone has noticed this too? Or has anyone here had an OBE after just a plain ol' normal day of nothing truly new?

Or maybe I'm just curious about what types of experiences people have, as in emotionally,physically, mentally before the have an OBE. Is there a consistency? I've read a few books on APs and OBEs but few seem to talk much at all about this. Maybe a bit personal?

Maybe I should just keep reading about peoples favorite techniques?
sweeeeet.   :-D

it is a unique feeling isn't it! could you write more about what you did/what happened before you got out?

Maybe something you did before might have caused it?

Congrats on getting out and being in complete control for your first time. thanks for sharing.

     I think it would be  8-) if we shared any miracles you may have experienced.

Mine is a tad bit personal, but if this starts to flow I'll share it for sure.  :-)

It doesn't really have to be something like, "a divine intervention by which the ordinary course and operation of Nature is overruled, suspended, or modified."

It could be "just" a time when you encountered god somehow.

his last book, coming home with god, was a little better than garbage in my opinion.
i would recommend all to not read it as it is slow, repetetive, sappy, and just plain boring.  :-o 
I just didn't get that feeling of, "wow...these really could be god's words" at all if you know what i mean.
the rest are good though...
If I am everywhere, I am nowhere. That is so as to say...I am now here.   :?

Welcome to Writers Corner! / Re: Entity
January 13, 2007, 04:28:57
Excellent expression! the feelings you convey are put in motion well.

also, after reading the fourth line, and substituted the entity formally known as "him" to a certain special she, i was semi-amazed at how i could relate to it as i finished the poem.  :lol:

Today young men on acid realize that all matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.  :-P

We are all god. But you create your own reality so whatever you dig floats you know what I mean?
sorry but you look hot in the third picture
the spice extends life. the spice expands consciousness. the spice is vital to space travel.

yes i know- from dune. though, the first time I ate this entheogen was in the great sand dunes national monument.

plus..they're lyrics to a trance song named ambient galaxy by astral projection. you should check it out if you like an ocean full of sound waves in your head.

this was, in effect, cool to read.
very points vivid - about the hi.

Yeah!! I've also experienced the ringing sounds right before an obe once...

It sounded very electronic to me too...quite similar to how you described it as a "phone" dialing. At the time, I thought sounded like techno, like the sound neo heard when he entered the matrix, only backwards. Instead of fast and moving to slow like in the movie...the waves of sound went from slow to fast at a perfect climbing interval. Then once the sounds climaxed I floated out. My vision was also dark during this particular experience too...the only thing I made out was a "pentagram" looking symbol with an S in the middle of the circle. The S resembled the "Starter" logo. Then I returned to my body.
When I returned to my body I wasn't hearing anymore sounds, but the pillow seemed to breathe, for lack of a better word. I could feel it move up and down a few times with my head on top and arm below...I may have been in sleep paralysis during this but after about 4 pillow breaths I got up quickly to look down at my pillow and all was normal.
That was my second obe.

Cool experience with the alarm clock that sounds pretty wierd.
here's an arcticle about real gnomes and fairies.
When I fly my arms are spread out in a christ pose and im head first.

I use lean to turn...which lowers one arm and raises the other.

...and to accelerate I move my arms back as if to create less drag. to slow down i act like I'm about to give someone a hug palms out.

hope this helps lmao
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Fear of heights.
December 12, 2006, 10:52:38
Yeah it's wierd I'm only afraid in the dream when I'm on top of something solid like a rock in between cliffs or a structure like a crane or a building. It seems strange to me because in my flying/floating/gliding dreams I'm not scared at all.  :?
I guess I'm just afraid of falling off...

How did you know it was your spirit guide?

THe dolphin dream was cool because they took me to a couple of strange islands. They never pulled me underwater very long...they just pulled me speedily along the surface.

Now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever breathed underwater in a dream before! Who has?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members' Artwork
December 12, 2006, 10:41:12
nice! i see her now :-) 
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members' Artwork
December 11, 2006, 16:00:16
may i ask what's in the boat?
Yeah I had one just a few days ago in which I was 100% lucid so I think it was a projection but a funny one.

I was just revolving around someone who looked to be about 2 feet tall. He seemed very angry with me and was throwing whatever he could get his hands on at me, but I didn't feel a thing. He had a gotee on his face lol so i guess he was an adult, but he was acting very childlike. I laughed at first but then just stared at him when he was throwing things at me. I wanted to stay lucid so i just focused on his face which worked, but as I tried to change the scene (phase?) I woke up.
Welcome to Dreams! / Fear of heights.
December 11, 2006, 15:41:35
Does anyone ever feel insane fear of heights in their dreams? I've had a few dreams where I am on top of a VERY VERY tall building or structure and I basically FREAK OUT in the dream cause it's so high.  For example in one dream I am on the top of a tall tall building which has only about 2 1/2 feet to stand on with a sheer drop on all sides.

OTH I've had parachuting dreams which are really fun.

Ps. - after the tall building dream I had my first riding on the back of dolphins dream which was pretty sweet.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members' Artwork
December 11, 2006, 12:55:19
Bodacious. keep it up! post more! and that house one looks like a pastel.

yeah i've had was my first experience i called astral projection.

        In short, I floated around my house and through one wall outdoors and back in like butter, and after floating through my house while doing a 1080 (three spins) I managed to crack open a door and slipped through the crack outside.
        I then decided to fly but only floated up about 25 feet until I tumbled back onto some neighbor's lawn and bounced off of it and floated floated up right outside some little girl's window who was going to bed and her mom was behind her. I felt I didn't want scare them so I went back down.
        The whole experience I was in semi-control of my what i wanted would happen, but HOW it happened was not in full control. 
        Later I was transported to a forest meadow which felt like a crime scene and I saw what I thought was a psychic detective. The reason I say this was "etheric" was because after I saw her I floated quickly toward her after she saw me...and I gave her a hug. To my surprise I saw my outstretched arms were transparent with a bluish-white outline formed of many tiny dots!!
        It was then I asked myself if I was a ghost, and maybe subconsciously thought I was dead and got scared, but I then woke up in my physical.

p.s. I went down to my bedroom to write down this amazingly unique experience of mine I turned on the radio and the whole lyrics to the song that played was this:

Sweet berries ready for two, ghosts no different then you.
Ghosts are now waiting for you all.
Are you...

Dreaming! Dreaming the night! Dreaming all right!

Do we! Do we know, when we FLY?
Where do, where do we go when we DIE?