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Messages - erynys

hmmmm. thats NEVER happened to me. nothing like it has happened to me either.
i thought it was kinda cool. at first, i thought that there was green tile and the light was reflecting off it. and then i was like, there's nothing green in here. so i was like. this is right after i just expanded my heart chakra throughout the room. so i tried compactin git, and it went away. :) coolness. and mah lucid like. yah. tarded. cause i couldnt do nuthin except with the sky. and the bus was all weird in like. a different city. it was funneh.
yay. i had a lucid dream last night. it was lucid. cause i was on a bus, going to the airport, cause i was in the foreign exchange student thing. and then i was like, wtf, i didnt get into this program. and i started to remember, and i was like, IM DREAMING. and i was like. holeh crap. im  dreaming. and then i tried to change my surroundings, but i couldnt do anything, except make the sky thunder and flash bright yellow colors. it sucked. i was like, wtf, im lucid, but i cant do excrement. ok, somebody tell me why. thanks ppls.
lol. for some things, i can do that. i will try harder cause i think i can do it.
i can tell the difference between imagination and reality. im not insane. ive been through that whole ordeal.
how can i remove it.
i recommend his healing very much. its worth the sacrifice of small things. and who knows, you might not need your antidepressants after you get healed. i dont need my therapist anymore. all i need is a nice blue energy bubble and a shower of white liquid light coming from the top. that makes me feel so good, and it was so easy to make after i got healed.
yeah thats great. thank god there's a search button on this thing. btw. the green light. why is it there? ive never heard anyone say they saw light from their own chakra emanating throughout a room.
i prolly will. i love donnie darko. and i love jake gyllenhaal. so yeah. lol. i seriously dont remember a timeline. all i remember is the thing coming out of peeps' chests.
and can anyone tell me why i might see flashing lights in my head when i go to sleep...when its pitch black. itll be random, like ill be trying to sleep, and this light will blink really fast. let me know, please. thanks.
how DO you change thought patterns? like, i want to change a thought where the strings on a certain part of my song waver out of tune like a damaged record player as a result of my tampering with the pitch and enhanced tuning on that track.. ive done many things to fix it, but i think the fact that i expect it to mess up makes it stay that way. and there's no way i can get around it. and i also want to change my mindset about macro tk, i can do micro if i give my belief an extra push and take a chance, but i have such a solid belief against it, its very hard. please let me know what i can do. thanks.
thanks. thats very true. its a bit hard because i am a very sensitive person. all my senses are a bit heightened. which is not really a gift or anything like on some comic book. it just makes me a but weak and easily hurt or annoyed. i am a very emotional person, so thats why its hard for me to rise above things like this. however, i will take your advice and i will try my best.
most of my experiences happened when i was a child, before my depression. i claim no abilties, i simply tell you what i experience. if you choose not to believe, thats fine. its not a sideshow affair where people are paying me to perform some trick. im just trying to learn as much as i can and get feedback on what i see. i loved donnie darko, but i dont recall him seeing a timeline. i remember a watery ether protruding from the chests of people, which is what i see connecting people when they are in love, except its not water, but a slightly invisible substance accompanied by a soft orange glow, or a dark red glow. but thats not the point. i am a little tired of people calling me fake, instead of giving me feedback. its very hard to learn that way, and i spend a lot of my energy responding to those accusations. i do have a tendency to learn things extremely quickly, and i am very intelligent. all of my teachers can tell you i am extremely bright. i think that because of my aptitude and intelligence, i may learn certain things a lot faster. this is only a theory of mine. i am not saying i am sure about any of it. in the future, if anyone has anything to say to me, please send me a private message instead of accusing me in the same place that i try to learn.
im just gonna like, post my experiences on this thread, so i dont clutter the other boards. ok. so i was about to take a shower, when i decided to fill my chakras with a white light, strengthening them, and casting out all negativity. when i got to my heart chakra, i decided to blast its energy throughout the room. when i opened my eyes, the room ha a green glow. i had to blink a lot before it faded away.
oh yeah. i have that all the time.  but i my dream consciousness is on a higher level, so maybe its f10. but yeah, if its dark, i dont have to close my eyes, i can just look at the black, and its there. omg, today i was in class, falling a sleep again, and i felt myself drift out of my body, and then i got this chill as i was immediately brought back in. its the same feeling i get when i have that falling dream. not the usual one, the one i usually have when i first try to go to sleep. im in the sky, and its just blue sky and clouds in all directions, even down, and i step off an open door, and i fall into my body i guess, because immediately after i step off the door, i experience a falling feeling and jolt awake. ive done it in class and people start laughing cause i just jump out of my seat and scream.
lol. yeah. well, my vibrations are higher since my negativity left. but im sure i could vibrate higher. should be easy enough. did that to a stick of gum today to see if i could transmutate the energy from negative to became kinda gooey in my hands....just a little bit. not anything dramatic. anyways...what is f12 and c1 or w/e?
no...i think its called "life."
yah.......i really wish i could delete select posts.....i suggest that the topic starter gets the power to delete any posts he wish.
actually, you are intentionally trying to stir up negative emotions and you poorly disguise this as an innocent opinion. i find it very childish and inconsiderate. i dont know whats going on with your life, but i pray you find your peace. and as for testimonials, principle did some healing for me, and i have to say it worked tremendously. my energy flow has improved greatly, my chakras are extremely healthy, and it is now easier to attempt certain abilities. if you do not believe this, that is your choice, however there is no reason for you to insult anyone on this board. thats not what it is here for and i suggest you find another outlet to release your stress if you cannot control yourself. and by the way, using the word "alleged" does imply that you meant fake, as it is common knowledge that the word has a negative connotation. i am deeply disappointed in your "opinions" as you call them, and i hope i've made it clear that i no longer respect anything you have to say.
but are their faces made of stone? i dunno. weirdness. why cant they just use the internet like everybody else?
i think everyone is over analyzing everything.
im glad everyone is taking it so seriously. oh well. we all have jobs.
im doing the easier one, where i just say to myself, at some point before my life, i had a chat with all these people and we decided what was gonna happen, so dont hate the people for doing their job. besides, we are all here for a reason, and some people are just here to make us stronger.
ok. so i was in class geometry...and i was sitting there..bored to death. so i decided to explore my eyelids. by that, i mean i close my eyes and look at the vortex of checkerboards and explosions and colored stars that appear in the blackness which would be my normal vision if my eyes were open. so, sometimes i see the faint ring of light, but recently, principle charged my chakras...a lot... so when i sat there, i shot energy into the vortex, and low and behold, the ring came back. now, usually, it appears as half a ring of yellow light. this time, the light got brighter, and it got so bright, it went completely white with just a small yellow glow. and it grew till it almost closed at the bottom, except that as it got brighter, the dark center of the ring illuminated and i saw an extremely vivid face. he had a body, but the ring stopped, so all i could see was the top of a tunic meeting his collar bones. so i was sitting there, and his face was so vivid. now, he was a man, it was kind of obvious, he wasnt from this time period, and he had really curly hair, not short, but not long, not coming below his neck, not all frizzy or puffy, just curly. and he wore a single band on his head, that kind of held his hair away from his face. i was then interrupted and had to open my eyes because my partners who had been doing "our" group work(which i hadnt been doing) made me get up and turn it in. so i opened my eyes, and i was facing a window, and the light outside seemed so bright, it made me a little blind. so everything seemed really bright, and i kind of staggered towards my teacher's desk. what was interesting is that there was an afterimage left by the halo, like when you stare at a light, and the light leaves a stain in your field of vision for a little while. i had a big vibrant yellow afterimage in the shape of a halo. ok. thats what happened today. please tell me what you think happened. :)
talanay, the images i see are exactly like the images others see. im just using different words to express how i view them. i know they're not spider sacs. ok. they're balls of energy. to me, they look like how a spider sac would if a spider sac was made of energy. i dont do drugs. ive never done drugs, and i dont drink anymore. im not on any medication and i dont create fantasy worlds for myself. it bothers me that you say these things merely because it is insulting and rude, not because i feel you are doubting my experiences.