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Messages - Rachael Hicks

Just watched, priceless is the only word I can think of. He's an Einstein of our era. Love this, thanks for the link. Only bad thing is that I feel so inadequate after hearing of his journeys, all the knowledge he's obtained. And I'm worried about what beach to chill at.... I'm selfish, so selfish. My intent from now on is going to be nothing but LEARNING lol. I think my new affirmation should be I am Learning, I am Loving, & I am living!!!  If you have any more great clips of Monroe feel free to post them, cuz I'll watch them :-D
Omg I didn't realize this was a thing, I'm so glad you started this thread. I've done this numerous times and always looked at them as a failed ap attempt. Wow, confusion cloud just lifted a little more! Thank you all so much!!! I'll watch the video for sure now lol :-D
Congrats escape velocity!!!!  :-D
Thanks, since I've put a loop on a track I got from Monroe and a track I got from raditus, I've been able to phase/ ap quickly and every time I play it I seem to be able to visit the non-physical. So now I know I can ap when I want, but I need to be able to go where I want. Am I the only person that has a hard time of this lol? I think the truth is I'd love to go anywhere. So my intent is anything. I need to really pick a destination. Just I don't have a clue where I want to go? Maybe I'll try going to Egypt to see how the pyramids were made, that's always interested me. That or I'd like to see a past life of mine. I'm going to work on my intentions, I'll post if I have a break through. I did wake up the other morning in a hotel room instead of my bedroom! Yay! When I went downstairs there was a convention going on and people everywhere. That was a first. I loved the experience, the people there lived like we do here, well except some of the booths had moving fairies and knomes. But I don't know what I was supposed to have learned from it. I guess sometimes there isn't a lesson, and with that there's the lesson.  :-D
This is where I'm still having trouble, should I go about the day saying to myself I'm going to outer space then astral project at night? Or wait till I've projected then put my intentions on outer space? I know I'm making it way too hard on myself but I is who I is lol
Thanks for the tip, but my iPad just won't cooperate or I'm an idiot one lol. So for now I give up... Just imagine my avatar as a little baby bunny with floppy ears :-D ( that's what I would have uploaded )
I've read some where on another thread that you can phase while being awake, is this truly possible? I just wanted to know if it's like a daydream when you do it or if it's like a full oobe? When I imagine this I imagine it kinda like remote viewing, in which I'm still trying to conquer lol. I think I'm straining my brain to hard is why I'm not good at that. So if you aren't good at remote viewing is it possible to phase while sitting at a park etc?
Yeah you can send the file to me I'd really appreciate it. You can pm me here or you can email it to me @ Thank you so much. Like I've said I've tried hemi-sync, isochronic tones, some binaural beats off utube and I haven't found the right one for me yet. Maybe the one you'll send me might be 'the one' wish me luck and thanks again :-D
Congratulations I just recently learned to phase too, I kinda miss my signposts and sometimes I phase so fast I don't even realize it till it's over. So it's good that you had a great experience. I stayed in place and ruined my first several phases lol. It's going to take awhile to get used to this different style of projecting, but I'm glad we're progressing :-D
I think everyone starts in the rtz or the training zone, hope you get to experience it soon Aaron, good luck :-D
I've been trying to post an avatar for ever lol I think they used to have avatars you could choose from but there down, and I asked a moderator how to post my own pic and he said he used dropbox to upload his pic. I have dropbox but I'm using a iPad and I can't post one to save my life :-D I hope you figure it out and if you do tell me lol
From believing that it's hard to project at night is keeping you from projecting at night. I hope that makes sense. I never thought I could project during the day I was jealous of people that said how easy it was. But after some reading and practicing I realized I could project during the day. I promise it's just as easy to go to sleep tonight and project within 30 min or less (depending on the person) your kinda in a belief trap that you believe it's difficult to astral travel at night. You might want to ask yourself if your Leary of the dark, maybe your blocking yourself that way too. Throw everything you think you know away and believe. It will work. Hope I helped lol. This astral traveling stuff can be confusing but simple at the time.
Almost every time I hear voices while I'm about to project it messes me up too lol, it's really hard to not to be afraid when you hear parties going on around you :-D I'm slowly getting the hang of it but its still weird. If you don't mind me asking what sound file was you listening to? I've about tried everything and I haven't had one experience through music. I can astral project fine without music but want to try to with music. I know everyone is different but curious none the less. Thanks
The easiest method I've been using lately is astral projecting at night, I just get comfortable in bed close my eyes and pretend there's  a tornado on top of my head sucking out all my silly belief traps. While doing that I tune into my heartbeat like I'm listening to a radio station in the background. If I pay too much attention to either things I don't project but if I let go while barely hanging on I project every time. The harder I try the harder it is to project, when I don't really try I'm already in the non physical. I hope this helps, good luck and keep us posted on your progress :-D
I think everybody has some type of 'scamp' scenario. I once thought a huge black figure was running at me screaming 'don't wake up', but after the omg I'm dying feeling I keep looking and the figure turned into a little boy. So I consider that a scamp situation, even though I think the little boy wanted to look like that towards me because he himself was afraid of me. I haven't had anymore incidents like that one. Now their peaceful, beautiful, and calm. Everyone is different so my experience will be completely different than let's say 'my neighbors'. It's how we interpret things and I also think it's a sort of test. I scare easily when the next May just laugh it off. The secret is don't focus or even think about anything negative. The truth is there is NOTHING that will harm you. Millions of people astral project daily and they wake up just like the people that don't.  :-D
Wow thanks again for the much needed advice, I've never thought about trying to get somewhere through a feeling, but that makes sooo much sense. I'm gonna try that tonight, just think about something that made me beautifully happy and let go of everything else and let my 'self' take the reigns and enjoy the experience no matter where it takes me. Wish me luck, I'd love to see those trees in the astral proper :-)
What works best for me is I concentrate on my heartbeat, nothing but my heartbeat. And the less I try the faster I project. Sometimes if I try too hard nothing happens, so now I just relax listen to my heart and phase out. I hope this will work for you. Sometimes things don't have to be really complicated, believe me I've tried a lot of complicated methods lol. Once u realize its as natural as breathing it becomes easy. Just hold n there, one day you'll be teaching all of us something  :-D
Thanks, I just wish learning wasn't so hard lol
I glad someone posted about this because I didn't want to be the one that brought it up, it's a touchy subject. That said I've only met my 'guide' once and it was a wonderful experience but the first thing that popped into my head was m370 that's when I started to cry and shake my head, I rem thinking it's too late for them and that's when she bent down and kissed me on my forehead. She never answered me but the thought I got from her is that it crashed. I wish I would've thought to ask for some coordinates. Deep down I'm hoping my experience was wrong and they're alright somewhere, all we can do is pray.
Thank you, I feel like a bother but this is all so new to me. I think I've got everything down to a 'science' besides the intent part of it. Once I've shifted I get lost in the moment and forget everything, it's hard for me to rem once I'm 'there' to think of a place to go or to fly somewhere. I just walk around like a zombie or stand there like a dear in headlights. I've been watching Tom's utube videos (well trying to) he's so fascinating, just wish the videos were in order, I'm having a hard time piecing them together lol :-D
Thank you lion heart, I've been reading everything I can get my hands on and it all leads to what you've said, which is good lol. I think I've learned to finally phase yay, but honestly without the signposts how do you all go about ap? I know it sounds crazy but I kinda like the green light so I know when to explore, but phasing or shifting is so fast, instantaneous, I'm not used to it. I'm trying to grow accustomed to it but it's really harder than I thought. I miss the weird humming :-(         And another off the wall question, I've always stayed in the rtz and it's always been peaceful and quite, but now it's so LOUD and I can hear harps playing, it's just so out of the ordinary for me, so my question is could I have finally almost experienced something other than the rtz?  If the answer happens to be yes than I'm gonna cry because I just laid there during them, like. Big ole dummy :|
It's been 20 days since I've had a solid ap, I've lost all sensations to let me know when to get up in the rtz. Now when I go to sleep I'm there than here than there than here etc etc, I'm so confused its hard to know when to get up and explore. I'm losing my mind, it's hard to tell what's what and I'm wasting opportunities. Has anyone experienced this and what should I do? There has to be something better than just laying in bed during them, but when I get up I'm already back here! What's wrong with me? I'd pull my hair out if I wasn't already losing it on my own lol. Thanks for any advice
Thanks escapevelocity, I'm starting to understand but it is a bit confusing. But I'm coming around. I do notice a big difference, I'll get to the proper one day lol wish me luck :-D
Or you could be like me and stay in the rtz forever lol, I've been doing this since childhood and didn't even know there was other places to visit until I found this forum, I assumed where I was going all these years was the norm. All you really need to do is enjoy the fact that your astral projecting. people spend lifetimes and never succeed once, so your blessed. I've learned to enjoy the rtz it's not as bad as you think, you get used to it lol. But if you find a tech that works plz let me know. I'd like to see what the astral proper looks like. I've heard it's the best place to be, but I wouldn't know  :-)
Thanks for your replies, so I should just keep on trucking lol and enjoy it no matter how I got there. That sounds easy enuf  :-D... Though this phasing stuff intrigues me, I'd love to phase out whenever I wanted especially at awkward family functions ex. "In laws around the holidays, nosey OCD ADHD grandma conversations, @ the grocery store (during a omg it's going to snow rampage )".     P.s I'm not as crazy as I sound, I swear... I just like being silly, life's too short. So ignore my craziness  :-D  :-D  :-D