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Messages - Zecora

QuoteThis in itself will (if not already) be a major part of an experience.
Expanding the visual field to such a degree is a relatively new phenomena, but an exciting prospect nonetheless.

QuoteYou'd know exactly how difficult it is to move in the desired direction if you are percieving a sidewards view from the 360* available view.  You see apparently forwards and any attempt to move sends you in a different direction.
Yes, noticed that as well.  I didn't realize others had those experiences as well.

QuoteIt's a total mind game working out whats required to correct the forwards direction viewpoint. I recall many frustrated nights in the late 60's working this one out. Eventually it was a case of intent to move in a forwards direction then secondly alter the window of perception.
Im sure you have met this
Lol, yeah.  I really felt that it pushed my mental threshold, which was fun.

QuoteBeing formless is accompanied with an ambient tranquility, I can't think of one experience where this wasn't the case. Can you recall this feeling too?
Yes, definitely.  It's one of those saving graces I count on for the most part, say if I'm experiencing something intense in an astral form, I just slip out and it really changes the feeling, can focus more, think clearer, etc. and continue on my objective.  It's such a fun state to be in, and experience. 

QuoteAfter a few unsuccessful tries a little decorum may be required without it.
What do you mean?

Anyway, thanks, it's been quite enjoyable to hear what you have to say, love your insight. :)
QuoteDoes this explain the feel?
QuoteYou are learning to manipulate the environment in a precise way. You have to keep the mind focused on what changes you make and focus on them NOT altering which they will from others thoughts. 
Oh, Makes sense, what you say really ties in other experiences with environmental manipulation.  Jeez, never put two and two together.

QuoteImagine being responsible for getting some beings to safety.
You are chased by guys with guns set on killing those you're with.
You move to the attic and the next roof is 30 feet away.
If you don't keep the bridge you've created mentally intact, it can collapse if one of those escaping thinks it's goin to break.
Scaffold comes in handy in experiences like this. You maintain its integrity and prevent those chasing from realising their goal.
Good analogy.

QuoteIt's a challenge and I can't get enough of these experiences.
Yes, quite.  I find it really fulfilling, very challenging, and enjoyable. 

QuoteThe lesson itself, did you have a body that you actually saw?
At first I was in my astral body, then took 3rd person view(floating just above & behind myself), then after I got that thrust into a room kinda feeling, I lost all sense of a body or form.  With looking around, I wasn't turning my head per se, just opening up my field of awareness(like when you can see 360*), where I was maintaining my focus on that one point, so a small circle of vision, and then opened up a separate one which I played around with broading the circle of vision.  Then experimented with moving it around separate from the first point...err, kinda like a chameleon does with it's eyes, I really struggled with that, as just the intense focus can be very mentally fatiguing, and as soon as I loose focus I loose the image.

You sound spot on.  This really helps clear things up for me. 
So this has been going on for a bit now, in summary, one of my spiritual teachers gave me instructions on how to make an underlining surface to appear, then unfold; there were several class like situations where we covered this, but it's getting more complex, and less instruction-like now, more like being thrust into an immersion class, and no instructor nearby!

Fast forward, whenever I enter an altered state whether meditating, hypnogogic hallucinations, AP, LD, whatnot, when I see a shimmering darkness, or it's as if the darkness is alive; I focus on a single-point, various geometric shapes of increasing complexity arise, I'll try and increase my focus, and as I do so, the shape starts to glow, sometimes so much I open my eyes to see if there is another point of light.

Some geometric shapes are easy to figure out, but as they get increasingly complex, and abstract I'm at a loss as to the significance or purpose of what I am to do.

The most recent event involved my spirit guide/teacher grabbing me by my hand and whooshing me into a glimmering darkness area, I saw the tell-tale movement and pattern indicating time to focus per prior training.  Did so, focusing on a single point of light in my field, then widening my awareness of my surroundings whilst maintaining a particular level of focus or it would dissolve away. 

I'm not sure what I'm doing really, but kinda went with the flow, more concentration, broaden my field of awareness, till I turned and looked around, moving geometric patterns, coalescing and inverting on themselves, like collapsing, invert, flip, and exploding, remaking over and over.  It was as if I was floating in a sea of fractal patterns, undulating full immersion glimmering darkness and light, everywhere I turned there was various geometric patterns, in vivid movement, I tried to maintain my level of focus and take it all in, but it can be quite tiring, and eventually passed out/feel asleep. 

So questions, has anyone experienced various fractal patterns or geometric designs?  What's you're take on it?
QuoteWords alone don't even touch the awe factor and it's all in the way we are personally perceiving what we see that really matters. That can never be relayed or felt by another, via a simple description.
Quite right.  I've found similar that not only is it more of a direct experience kinda thing, but even so, if one doesn't have the direct experience, that person can run the risk of creating a hinderance for themselves working off an incomplete map if you will. 

QuoteBut I found that there are places you can go and things that you see that should not talk about. I have even received "warnings" about that fact. One time I went against the warning and found I couldn't get back for awhile.
I've noticed as well, for various reasons personal or not, that there are just certain experiences which would not be wise to share. 

QuoteI learned from that and agreed with the rules and have never had a problem since. I am a firm believer, (because of this belief I probably have manifested it to be true) that there are rules and guidelines beyond this physical reality. I believe that there is a format and structure that we all undergo/undertake when we "transition" over to the other side. For there to be rules, guidelines and formats, there also needs to be some "others" on the other side that is enforcing them.
I've also noticed that there are various areas, with their own particular code of conduct, with such a degree of difference; when I behaved in the same manner across the board, as in one way on one plane/region(which was a normal thing), in the other, I was pulled aside and told about the rules of that area.  In regards to the enforcers or police, I've called them protectors, or gatekeepers, quite fun to talk with, find out their role, source, and whatnot.

QuoteThe same answer that it's not "objective" seems to be the answer to everything, lol and that is my personal opinion or view on that.
Objective vs. Subject, valid vs. invalid. I've found that the delineation of subjectivity is in itself, quite subjective, and in my perspective more expansive than is commonly spoken, or even more so than people may realize, and largely based on one's awareness or lack thereof.  Perhaps if the people who claim the various objects of subjectiveness(the levels vary but in all, are of similar root), looked at themselves with as much focus may shift their opinion or at least expand their basis of knowledge.

Thank you for the links as well, as well as sharing.  It's rather relatable.

Astralzombie, very true.  I can count on one hand the number of people in my life I would relate some things to, came here for a bit of comradere, but like you said, there are just certain experiences, like yourself, that I regard as...sacred.

Thanks guys, it was quite nice reading your replies.
QuoteOnce you learn to explore as simple point of consciousness, you will truly see that not only is the sky not the limit, but neither is anything else!
Certainly, in relating to the op though, I've found that my base vocabulary or lexicon is severely limited in expressing such experiences or the nuances of such.  Then there is that added quandary of acceptability or norms of which those tend to fall out of the consciousness, such that I tend to keep those private.  But it sounds like you have some personal experiences of such, why don't you share? :-) Also, do you find it difficult to find the words for those experiences?
QuoteExperience is individual and unique to each person.  You can't have another person's experience.
I agree with this, but isn't this also what happens, say when an event happens like a wedding, crash, what-have-you, and when a person questions the witnesses there's a different story from each person or however they say?

Anyway, to get to the OP, I generally spend my OBE's in my own inner space/mental construct, or suchness, akin to a small class like environment learning a particular skill, those tend to change in form, not much to say there. 

A few other places I tend to go to would be a void like space, constant shimmering darkness, no ceiling, just a whitish floor, sometimes there will be fog, in which I'll wait for the person to arrive, find out some info.  It's a type of unmanifested creative space, or intense mental feedback training space, I like to use it as a practice ground.   If bored, I may watch dreams form, and hop in, or continue upwards to other adventures.

When I'm feeling social, a place I may go to is a vast space, swirling in circles around a sun-like entity.  I can't get too close as it feels like I would vaporize from the sheer radiance, it's a bit of a hang-out.

I'd say the most boring place I've ever OBE'd into, would be myself. LOL.  I remember once, slamming against a wall, upon direct inspection, it turned out to be my physical face, I saw two odd shaped windows.  I realized those were my eyes, and I could peer out, see my room, but just couldn't slip out of my body.  Frustrated, I turn around went back inside and fell into a deep sleep.

Not my obe, but I've also seen my SO obe, night, as I woke up, saw him floating above my bed, my instant reaction was that I jumped, but then once I realized he wasn't falling on me, but floating, I calmed down.  Observed him for a bit, he was asleep, both physically, and sleeping OBE, saw the silverish cord, was pretty neat experience.  He didn't remember ever having an OBE. 

And along that line, once when I slipped out, I was in the RTZ, I heard my sister screaming for help.  I floated over to her bed, asked her what was wrong?  Her body was asleep, but she was screaming inside.  She said she couldn't get out of her body, so I grabbed her elbow, pulled her out.  I don't remember where we went off to though, we were kids, so probably some place dorky.
Congratulations!  I wish you many more to come!
QuoteThere's just no guarantee.
I feel very strongly on this subject, so I'll weight in.  You give yourself the guarantee.  Mindstuff, intent, whatever a person labels that intangible goods, is all that matters.  This isn't a statement from a perspective of youth or naivety, but a deeper understanding of what effects death as well as how one handles it, through direct experience

I do understand those fears you pose, as I have seen it in those around me.  The advice you give is solid and helpful, especially for those who operate from a similar loci as yourself.

But, big but, I have experienced otherwise, so it's just not a concern for myself, and perhaps others here are speaking from their experience as well rather than from indirect knowledge, it's all valid, and non-conflicting from my perspective.

Death, and the experience of death can be as traumatic or peaceful as one wants, irregardless of external circumstances.  Perhaps through your own experiences with imitation of the dying experience you will feel that inner strength and confidence as well.
@Lionheart, very true.  I've found OBE's are one of the most effective and efficient ways of satiating my curiosity as well as need for "new" experiences.  That good to hold in mind whilist trying to OBE.  Thanks!

@Szaxx,  Wise words.  My fear is very much unfounded.  Thinking upon your words, and reflecting on my own experiences, there literally is nothing that can harm me.  It gives me some ideas to help me focus, and resolve my issues, thank you!

@Soarin12, Yes, very good.  I noticed that when I get caught up in my own fear loop, I just wind myself up, lost focus, I like your term, something I'm going to practice during the day, so that when the time comes, It'll be second nature.

I've been able to pull some time aside, analyze my ball of fear, and noticed it's more of an entanglement of several fears(as well as external points of reference), so now I just need to find the unifying thread, pull it and the whole ball will unravel; as well as anchor all aspects into a more internal state of focus to stabilize my experience on that level.

Thank you for your advice all, it's been really helpful in guiding me to a full resolution.
Thank you for your reply. :-)
Conceptually, I know I shouldn't be afraid, but on an emotional level, I still feel fear with that different point or reference of being.  I'm slowly working it out though.  I did have another experience, playing with slipping in and out of no time.  It was pretty neat, and oddly physical.  I guess it's like putting a toe in a cool pool of water, getting acclimated then dive in and enjoying.
I suppose in general though, we all have fears, that we face, how do you face your fears?(If you feel inclined to answer).:)
I prefer to project, rather than fall asleep, easier for me that way.  Although, if I had a few intense or busy nights, feel overworked, I'll just skip projection, may try to dream instead or hop right into that blackness of sleep. 
Hi all!
New here, so hopefully, this would be the appropriate section, I also hope that this is the right forum for these kind of questions, so here goes.... a bit ago, I had an experience whilst OBE, it was pretty intense for me, and it took me a good month to go out of body again.

I was doing my normal thing, but to cut it really short, I experienced, no time, no space, no form.  I watched my astral body dissolve, I panicked and thought I was dying, I started to spin in space, couldn't trace my body, and started to merge with my surroundings.  I always felt like I had a poor sense of time, but nothing like this, almost indescribable sensations.  Anyway, once my astral body fully dissolved, I calmed down as I'm used to being formless(really preferred state but usually I'm still in space and time, just operating as a single point of consciousness), hey still existing kinda thing. 

I noticed there were...something like my frequency was no space, no time, but as I mentally peered around, I noticed a friend was stationary, solid, and there was a sense of time in that bubble.  I only merged with the room, after that I didn't/couldn't pick up anything, kinda like the void if you are familiar with that stuff, but without the up and down.  I wasn't sure if my body would still be there or not, but decided to try to anchor my consciousness to the other(stationary).  I decided to create a form/astral body(as I couldn't touch the other person) in order to interact, ground, then hop back into my body.  Did so, really neat experience, BUT...I realized I have this fear of no space, no time, or a feeling of death if I discard my astral body.

I like to hop between say, my physical body, astral/ethric body, and mental body, to loose the sense of the other bodies(physical-ethereal) was tough.  I'm not sure if those are the appropriate terminology, not very versed in OBE sub-culture.  But I think it would help my fear if I hear of others who've BTDT, as well as those who've experienced fear of death, attachments, and overcame it, how'd ya do it?  Also, tips, opinions, jokes, all appreciated.
I like to use the ringing as a focus method to project prior to sleep.  I'd say, it's very similar to what the prior posters said...
as soon as I lye down, I prefer flat on my back as that induces sleep catalepsy most/higher success rate for an OBE.  Then I focus inward, listen in for the hum, or buzz, it may be soft at first, focus in, listen in, focus in, listen in, alternating, and keeping mindful of the sound.  When I'm distracted by my thoughts or outside, I focus back in onto the sound.  Then relax my body more and more, eventually, all sensation of my body disappears, when the outside sounds fade into nothingness and all there is, is the internal sound, I know I'm close to projection point.  I may try to wiggle my energy body back and forth, if I don't have a strong feeling or move my body, I focus on the sound some more.  Then just pop out.  Sometimes I may play around and try to push it more, the sound can get as loud as a jet engine, and I get this paper flapping in my ear canal sound.  If I'm having trouble slipping out, I may focus on my guide or an astral friend, and project to them, like hone in on a signal.

But basically, for me the trick is to maintain a balance of increasing focus and relaxation.  In out of balance...too much concentration, mind awake, body awake or too wired to slip out.  Too much relaxation, not enough focus/concentration, fall asleep. :p
Hope this helps.