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Messages - halfphased

The false prophet sent email to everyone today that his yahweh was not going to show the spaceship. Rather his yahweh told him to eat, go back to Los Angeles, work out at the gym, take boxing, and maybe in July 2006 he would show his spaceships. The false prophet said that his yahweh did not show the spaceship because the media did not show up.

I don't know if that is a witty and carefully crafted fable by the imagination of pmlonline or an actual exerpt from a statement by the prophet.

Either way, it is simply beautiful.
Yeah, but maybe that is the perfect place for him to be at...
In an F1/F4 overly, would it be possible for me to have the impression that I was talking directly to someone, although I was still aware of my physical surroundings and sensations and that the person I was communicating with was nowhere near the vacinity of my physical F1 focus of awareness? (maybe to describe it as talking mind to mind is not exactly the best way to describe such an occurance)

Also, would it be possible that if I were to talk about that part of that person focused here on planet Earth, would it be possible for that person not to  know of the communication, unless he had switched his awareness to F4?
Hehe, I don't think you lost track ;)  You know it was suppossed to be today.  He didn't specify the hour, so I guess he is going for the surprise factor.
You simply are the bestest for offering such a fun and informative service, Runlola!

I am curious as to what I will end up doing for a living.  Not that I am clueless...  I believe that I will end up doing something along the lines of instructing yoga or teaching in a classroom setting.  I also have the possibility of this well of creative juices exploding out of me to where I might end up doing something with music or some other artistic outlet.  (Not that I believe teaching or yoga are not partially artistic in nature.) :)

Hehe, if that is too much for one reading then I would be interested in  a general reading about my hatha yoga practice.

Many thanks!
Ah...  Yes, it makes more sense to say that I am in an f3 state.  Good to know.  

I feel so loopy when I attempt to shift from f3 to f10.  But I believe you are correct in pointing out that I should try and look beyond this screen.  Heh, I guess it is kind of like quicksand.  Even just a brief moment of focusing on it can lead to me being fully engulfed by it.  I find that phenomenon to be amazing in itself, however it is keeping me from doing what I would like to do.

Thank you for your reply.  I found it to be most insightful.
Hello Frank,

I find that your model of consciousness is very user-friendly.  As of late, I have discovered that my mind is not located inside my head as I have usually placed it, but rather it lies elsewhere.  

It is strange to describe, but I believe that you have put it into words as best as possible in describing it as a 180 degree change in focus.  For me it seems that there is a screen "infront" of me that I can fix my awareness upon.   Maybe, more accureately, it is a screen within that I fix my awareness upon.  (something just past my thoughts, although those thoughts may imprint upon that screen)

However, I do have trouble.  I often slip into a dreamstate, when I start to focus on this screen.  I get caught up in those thoughts, which turn into a dream scenario. These dreams are especially intense in the morning when I first wake up and then go back to sleep.  Ocassionally, I will achieve a lucid state, but only momentarilly.  Then, I will fall back into the flow of my dream, without the realization that I am dreaming.  

I know I have posted similar posts before and yet I have still to move beyond my current limitations.  

Often, I will be fully awake and aware of my physical surroundings, yet I will also be aware of the dreamstate thoughts that I am having.  Is this what you would call f1/f2 overlay?  

I find it difficult to reach an f10 state without getting sidetracked into my thoughts and dreams.  Is this a hurdle to overcome or is there something else that I should be doing in order to maintain the f10 state while these dream thoughts are taking up my focus?

I am curious, how does f3 different from f10?  also, do you have any tips on how to avoid slipping into the dreamstate?  I find it so overwhelming,  in that I can not distinquish from dream and reality even though I may be trying to maintain my focus from a waking state to a f10 state.
Thanks for the lesson about faith.
Well, Han gave an excellent technique, probably the oldest one in the book.  

Plus, I have proved to myself that what I have told you about being positive (that positive attidue is going to make your aura positive and the mental signals you are sending out more positive) and broadcasting mental nudges about tiping does indeed work.

But if that is of no value to you then please ignore my knee-jerk reaction.
lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The dangers of being too introspective.


Thanks Han.  I needed that.
I also work in the service industry.  I know how amazingly frustrating it can be at times.  I can offer some of my insights (heh, I was going to say I can give you some tips)  

Examine your attitude before, while, and after.  

Think about what tipping is.  Do you feel like these people owe you something?  Do they feel like you owe them something?

Is $2 worth more than a friendly 'Hello' and a smile?

Is a bad attitude and a frown worth two resentfully given dollars?

Is a calm and balanced mind more desireable than an upset, unbalanced, and angry mind (especially while driving and with 5 hours of work ahead of you)?

For me, I try and look at the situation as a whole and from as many angles as possible.  There are always so many things to factor into the situation.  Maybe they were having a bad day.  Maybe they come from a country that does not tip.  Maybe they don't have a lot of money and work like a dog and just want to relax for once that week.  ect. ect.

Sometimes I do get upset when someone does not give me a tip.  Especially when I have gone the extra mile and been super polite and helpful even though they were treating me like some 3rd rate slave (which is entirely inexcusable regardless of the social situation) and then they drive off in their Mercedes or BMW.  But I must remember that if I do not make it a personal issue then I can more easily go on my way and enjoy my day.  Of course, knowing that these people are going to go out and treat others the same way is not a pleasant feeling.

[Side tangent that you can ignore entirely, but it is something I want to get out:  It is amazing how messed up our society is when in the name of politeness and buisness we have to take being treated like s**t and at the same time smile and be very polite.  Thus, reinforcing these people's bad attitudes and the idea that we can treat people however we wish to as long as we are paying them money.

That means that to work in the service industry you are going to be suppressing a lot of anger and then venting it out onto someone else.  Some lucky few will be able to take a more constructive approach to the situation and learn how to never accumulate the anger in the first place or if they do happen to get angry they will be able to balance through meditation or yoga or some other physical activity.  But then they still have to live with the idea that they are allowing people to believe that it is perfectly fine to treat someone that way.

If we really wanted a healthy society, I would be able to tell that person right then and there that the way they were treating me was entirely innapropriate.  So instead of having the situation be suppressed into the collective consciousness of the human race we would be able to work through it right there!  Just look at all the issues that the world is going to have to face and is facing in the name of being polite!] [/rant]

Essentially, I have learned to take a more "positive" attitude through it all.  Although, I understand that tipping is how we make our money and that it is common knowledge that if you are going to go to a restaurant and have someone serve you or you are going to buy a pizza and have it delivered to you (at the same price it would cost if you had picked it up yourself) then our current social agreements require that you pay for that service.

It appears to me that when I have a "positive" attitude (or read '"positive" aura', if you wish) and I do not worry about what tips I am getting then I have noticed that my tips usually are better and I have fewer people stiff me.  When I don't think about my tips at all, then I know it has been a good tipping day.  

But if I start to get bogged down from one person not tipping me, then I know it is going to be an issue all day that I am going to have to work through.  Life will not let you escape yourself.  

I have also noticed on days when I am being "positive" and I know someone is going to stiff me that it helps to just kind of broadcast the idea of tipping with my mind.  I have actually had people stiff me (as in I am standing at the register and they are standing infront of me signing their credit card reciept without bothering to write in their total much less a tip) turn around to walk out and then turn back and pull money out of their pocket and give it to me.
This has happened multiple times.  Too many times for me to think it was just coincidence.  

Intuition tells me that I would avoid trying to do such a thing with anger in your heart.  You can be positive with an understanding of the situation like "I know I do not hate this person, but he is suppossed to tip me, since he has knowingly accepted the service that I provide."

If you were to do it with anger then I would imagine that he would probably respond with anger and he would want to tip you even less.

I don't wish to imply that you are angry with these people.  Even if you are, then to a certain extent you are entitled to feel that way.  Some people are cheap bastards.  Yes, but I do not hold that against them.  If you are holding it against them then you have an excellent opportunity to examine yourself and see why you feel that way.  Sometimes you wont be able to figure it out, so just be angry or upset and let it out.  But don't hold on to it by holding it against anyone.  You'll just end up harming yourself and others.

If none of this applies to your situation then so be it.  I'm just talking to myself anyway.
I feel that this discussion is something that has been on my mind for a long while and I am glad to have run across two people who have the ability to express it through a viewpoint that I am not as skilled at using.  I could pretend to be as skilled as you two, but lets not kid myself.

I do not see it exactly as we are solely the product.  We are also the consumers.  In this economy time is equivenelent to money.  i.e. I make $10 an hour or get paid a salary of $3000 a month.  It is entirely possible for me to convert all of my time into money, if I so desire.  All products take time to produce and we have to exchange our time converted into money to purchase them.  

Perhaps this is a stretch, but you could trace this idea back to the beginnings of agrarian culture, where an individual did not have enough time to produce all the things she needed in order to survive.  So, communities of people would ban together and use their time to focus on specific tasks.  The end result being that they would share the results between each other and thus everyone would have everything that they needed.

I could be out working and making money or I can use my time to sit at home and watch tv.  So, when I decide to stay home and watch tv I have chosen to purchase television watching with my time.  The television companies decide to convert that time into money, since they are equivalent in this economy.  To do this they find the advertisers who wish to consume time with ads so they give money to the tv companies in exchange for the time.  

The result is that advertisments can be piggybacked onto the thing we wish to purchase, so we indirectly purchase something that we really do not want.  (Although we really do want it, because this economy depends on it and we all love the fruits of this economy)  No one would spend their time to watch advertisements (although I have run across a few shows on tv that specialize in showing the "funnies tv ads" or some other nonsense) but they will watch some half an hour show that makes them laugh or touches their innermost being because of how they relate to the characters in the show.  

It is the job of the tv companies to produce tv shows that are desireable for tv watchers and advertisers.  They make it desireable for the tv viewers by making it enertaining and make it desireable for the advertisers by having a lot of people watch those shows.

The insane thing is that at the same time we are purchasing tv watching with our time we are also becoming a product due to the highly suggestive nature of television.  

Damn, it just gets more complicated the more I think about it and I don't know where to end as there always appears to be loose ends.

The breaking point for this system will be when we are forced to use our time to do other things besides consuming these products or when they run out or resources to make these products they wish to sell.  I have a feeling that these two things will happen very close to each other.  

If we continue to use our time to work at jobs where we produce things for ourselves to consume, and such things destroy the environment, there will come a point where we will be forced to use our time to repair the environment.  We will no longer have time that we can convert into money to purchase the latest gadget, unless that gadget happens to be a machine that can fix the environment.

You can see that trend already starting.  Fixing the environment is now a product that you can consume by buying organic or recycled paper.

This economy is in for the long haul and we're going to go out kicking and screaming if they don't start selling us on the idea that we have to transition into something different.

hehe, I just like fire and brimstone scenarios.  I'm still trying to get over my frustration that we could have been a little more wiser and less submissive these past 300 years.
Hrm, I guess I need to clarify myself a bit.  

My analogy about the snake and the rope was not suppossed to prove that something does not exist.  Rather, I was using it to show how someone can place their own personal views ontop of reality and thus distort what reality really is.

i.e. a person who has no idea what a snake is would have a worldview that did not include snakes.  So when they encounter something in their dark barn that has a shape that resembles a rope they will most likely think it is a rope.  It will not even occur to them that it could be a snake, because due to their limited knowledge about the world, they do not even know what a snake is.  Of course, they will soon find out when that rope decides to bite them.

We are always in the dark, so-to-speak, in that we never know everything.  There is always the chance that when I encounter something new I am going to mistake it for something else that I do know.  For all I know, someone could of soaked a roap in some sort of poison that can be absorbed throught the skin.  I, never being paranoid enough to think that someone would do something like that, come across this wet rope and believe that it is a roap that has been soaked in water.  So, I pick it up and next thing I know I'm dead.

If we do not actually exit during an OBE, then all the things we see, whether good or bad, are aspects of our own nature. That being the case, nothing can harm us during an OBE.

I am willing to say that we harm ourselves all the time due to aspects of our self.
I am sure there are things about yourself that you would like to change because of their adverse affect upon you or you know people that harm theirselves just because of their personality or bad habits etc.
I guess what is important is why do you think you are having these experiences.

It is the old analogy of the snake and the rope.  If I walk into a dark barn and see a snake I am going to be scared, because in the past I have encountered snakes or heard about people encountering snakes and their description of the snake and all the terrible things that it can do to you.  But then someone turns on the light and I see that the snake is actually a rope.  

I know it is a rope, because I have used this braided length of twine before to do many tasks like tying my horse to a post or stringing it up to hang my laundry up to dry.

Of course, what happens if I have never seen or heard of a snake before?  I go into my dark barn looking for a rope only to pick up what I thought was a rope and have it bite me.

We find it convenient to trust in our beliefs, but we must get to a point where we are always aware.

A rope is not a snake and a snake is not a rope no matter how similar they might appear to be in the dark.  We must know a thing for what it is and not what it appears to be based upon false belief.

But I must give the mystics of old credit.  They were scientests to a certain extent.  They did a lot of work for us and helped to widdle away much of our false beliefs.  However, they made the mistake of widdling away a layer of false belief just to accept the next layer as fact.  

And of course they are going to warn you of demons and all the lot, because they don't want to see  you get hurt.  Thus all the love and light stuff.  If your thoughts are pure and you are full of love then when you go within yourself, you are going to experience nice things.  But if you are full of fear and angxiety when you enter focus 2 then you are going to encounter all sorts of terrible things.

For the mystics, it made more sense to say that they were traveling to some place outside of themselves where all these crazy beings existed.

For Frank, it makes more sense to say that you are going within yourself and encountering aspects of your mind, which tells me that these mystics were pretty fearful people.  But you would be too if every day you had to worry about having enough to eat or worry about being killed for the food that you did have.

Heh, it kind of makes sense now that the mystics of all people would be the ones to seek power and security.  Heh, they are so high and mighty yet the only reason they are high and mighty is because they are so scared to be brawling over scraps of food.  No wonder they saw demons and hellspawns everywhere they turned in focus 2.  And of course, they had to spread the good news of their own consciousnesses and make everyone else as scared as they were.  Thanks guys!  We owe you one.
Thank you both for your replies.  It appears that you both exactly understand where I am at, which is refreshing, since it gives me a little confidence boost to know I am on the right track.

It also lets me know that I have been having more success than I had thought.  Quite often I do find myself engaged in a daydream of some sort.  However, at that point it if I have any awareness that I have switched over to Focus 2 it is very minimal and I soon get sucked into the daydream.

It is almost like being on a tetter-totter.  On the one hand there can be too much awareness of the physical body and on the other hand I can be daydreaming and not even realize it.  I have actually had this problem recently where it is hard for me to wake up from a night of sleeping, because I can not tell if I am still dreaming or if I am awake.  

If I do gain any firm awareness of being in Focus 2 it often signals the return to Focus 1.  As soon as I realize that I have made the switch it is like my dream begins to fade around me until I am back in a near focus 10 like place.  I find it quite easy to go back to dreaming from this place, but I have not had any success with maintaining my lucidity.

Perhaps, it is because once I gain my lucidity I get all excited and I think I have to do something, so I loose my cool and start running around all over the place.  I'll even have it happen where I gain the strong sense of lucidity for a little while and before I know it I am caught up into the dream again.

Frank, am I reading your correctly in thinking that the conscious shifting of the point of awareness from behind my eyes to up further into my head is the key to having lucidity in Focus 2?


How do I use F2 as a launch pad?

It was a strange sensation to be looking into the mirror and feel the presence of another in the room with me.  Yet it was not the presence of another being it was the presence of a body that happens to be the point of my focus most of the time.

It just felt so strange being in the room with my body and having this sense that there was someone else in the room with me.  There was this body and then there was me, which is confusing and strange since I have had my awareness held away from this body before and I have never felt anything like this before.

Perhaps, it was the effect of looking into a mirror with the lights dimmed so that I could not make out the features of my body.

But is that the key to all of this phasing stuff?  To dissasociate one's sense of self with this body?  Which can be really hard when you have this body awareness even when you are putting your awareness away from the body.

I understand now what Frank means when he says that our minds are not contained inside of our bodies.  If anything it would seem to me that our brains are at best an elaborate processing unit that is built to quickly analyze and assess the data that is fed through the senses.  It also allows us the ability to program in reactions to that data.  It is not within our brains that we go when we go within ourselves via phasing.  Nor is it within our bodies that we go, although you may take your awareness to a point within your body.  

It is so mind boggling and with my brain always trying to come in and analyze my experiences it makes things even more difficult.  It seems that I am always coloring my experience with this sense of how it relates to my body, and such an awareness immediately draws me back to focusing on my body.  

When I lie down to attempt phasing I run into a brick wall which is my body.  It is lying there filled with sensations.  I can not stop the sensations because it is the job of the body to sense these sensations.  So, I end up lying there trying to dissasociate my self with these sensations and all that ends up happing is me becomming very calm and relaxed for awhile until I become very uncomfortable from not moving.  My awareness is full of the sense of my relaxed body just lying there and I am probably on the edge of monroe's focus 10.  From there I am lost.  

It is almost like there is something elastic tied between my focus and my body.  If I attempted to move it away from my body I am snapped back into it.  For instance, I can move my focus to what is behind me, but the pull of my body awareness makes it difficult for me to keep my focus behind this body for any extended amount of time.  I also lack detail or solidity in focusing away from the body.  It just is not as crisp.  

I have a feeling that I need to peruse the relevant phasing threads once more.  I shall do that, but if anyone has any quick pointers or wishes to share their relevant experiences then I would be most glad for it.

If you want a more gentle ride then the way to go is to chew the salvia leaf.  You'll have a smoother "entry" and "exit" and it is suppossed to last longer also.  I'm sure you can find that method easily if you google it.  If you smoke it then you have to keep it inhaled for about 20-30 seconds and make sure it is a big hit.  

When smoking, this stuff hits quick.  Faster than you would think.  Faster than you can think.  (if you use the kind fortified with extract.  I have only tried 5x fortified)

I believe that the skill of meditation comes in very usefull when using salvia. (As it does in any situation)  If you can not remained concentrated then it will be very easy to get caught up in your thought processes and get lost in your thoughts.

At least for me, it was very easy to get swept into a dreamworld and loose my sense of being grounded.  Of course, I'm a dreamy pisces, so perhaps I am a little more pronned to that.

Fortunately, salvia has been very kind to me so far.  It always shows me something about myself and no matter how "out there" I get when using it, she always leads me back home.  I have also always felt awesome the next day after using salvia.  

But if your problem is just the need to relax, then I highly recommend taking up something akin to hatha yoga or tai chi.  The ability to be able to relax at any moment without aid is a skill that is well worth having.

We forget what a rotten state we leave our bodies in and don't even think to see the connection between our physical state and our mental state.  When you use plants or chemicals you are trying to alter your mental state without fixing your physical state, which can push you even further out of balance.  

I can only recommend, from my own personal experience, that you work on fixing your body and mind before you use any  mind altering substances.  You may find that you will find it even more difficult to meditate if you use them.  Sometimes they would allow me to meditate very well and then afterwards I could not meditate without them.  Sometimes, I could use them once and be able to keep that meditative state for weeks at a time.  Sometimes, the fact that I couldn't meditate would cause me to get lost and I had a bumpy ride back to earth, so to speak.

If you do decide to do anything, then start with small doses first and work your way up.  That way you can get a feel for the experience.  I know it can be fun to just get dropped kicked into another area of consciousness, but then if you discover that you want to get "Back" you'll have no idea which way to go.  (Or maybe you'll find that you do know, if you calm yourself and look inside for directions)--but can you calm yourself if you're in the middle of the ocean with sharks circling around you?

Salvia -  you'll go in very fast and be out before you know it. (If you smoke it (properly), at least)
I second what Nick said, but I would add as a side note that you should always feel free to express your emotions.  If you watch animals you will know they hold nothing back.  It is only due to societal rules that we feel the need to surpress our emotions.  When we do this it creates huge mental blocks and can seriously harm us.

Even if you are angry at someone you should get it out right then and there.  Animals roar when they are upset.  It is a way  to clearly deffine your territory.  Better to have it out in the open and done with, else it will just wait to come out at another time and the issue will go unresolved possibly turning a simple matter into an ugly mess.

And if you don't feel comfortable shouting, then take up stretching or yoga or taichi to help you move the blocks out.
Because I can see chakras I am aware that they exist and cannot presume that i have imagined them as you do so I don't agree with your premise .

I also sense my energy centers, although I do not see them, and I do not question their reality in relation to our present experience, but rather as you said:

well ultimately all is an illusion

which is what I assume about everything, and the reason why I asked my questions.

So, if ultimately these chakras are an illusion, how is it that... well now I've gone and lost myself.  

How is it that the illusion points towards the Ultimate?  At some point do we blur the lines between illusion and the Ultimate where we have no need for chakras anymore?  

Yet, I am still not expressing the question that I really want to ask.

When I said that the chakras were a belief structure it was because if ultimately all is an illusion then at this present moment we are creating the illusion of chakras as we are creating the illusion of everything else that we can say exists in relation to us.  

When I say that ultimately there are no such things as chakras, I mean that chakras do not exist in an ultimately real sense although they may exist on this intersubjective level of reality.

So, yes, chakras are energy centers, and we fill them with prana, but why did we create a reality where we have chakras that need prana filling?

I believe I am lost on some wild tangent.  I made a wrong turn at Albaturkey and was sucked into a black hole.  I jumped too deep into the existential whirlpool and now I will rest calmly at the poolside.

Thanks for the ride
and peace as always
No need to bargain with yourself.  just intend what you wish to happen and be honest with yourself about your desires.
Thank you much.  I always love to add another dimension to my understanding of things.

However, what in the world are these chakras anyways?  Nevermind the many systems that have been devised to describe them.  

Am I correct in thinking that:

Ultimately there are no such things as chakras

the chakras are a belief structure that we use to interract with our precieved reality

If I am correct in this line of thinking then:

what is the thing that the chakras point towards?

How is it that the chakras are useful for us?

Chakras are imaginary centers that we assign certain areas of consciousness to, so that we may better manuver through consciousness.

We play our chakras like a flute in order to gain access to certain areas of consciousness

we are to our higher self  as  chakras are to consciousness

am I headed in the right direction?  
pointers are appreciated

muchas gracias
Konichiwa Nobunaga san,

I really must take up Japanese again.  I love how it makes my head feel.

I can relate to your current experience as I used to walk around being a psychic sponge and freaking out that everyone could read my thoughts.  

Issues that caused great difficulty at the time where:
The idea that I am me and she is she and that we are seperate.
These are my thoughts and energy
Those are her thoughts and energy
I do not like this
They do not like that

In a way, I set up my belief structure that made it very difficult to interract with the world at an interconnected level.  I found very quickly how terrible it could be raising my energy and becomming more aware of an energy system without also incorporating new belief structures.  

When we become more aware (I hate to use the word energy as it severly limits our perception, so I'm going to try and drop it for now) we start to see our reality in a different way.  Some people are best able to descripe it as an energy.  When we choose to describe our awareness in terms of energy, we must realize that we are using the word 'energy' as a shorthand for something else.  Maybe becomming aware of consciousness would be a better way to think of it.  If we start doing energy work without understanding what this energy is, then we will very quickly run the same old maze of categorizing this 'energy' as my energy of her energy or bad energy or good energy.  

You are just becomming more aware of what is going on.  Previously, all the same things were happening to you, but you were not aware of them happening, so you did not have to consciouslly process them and try to bring them to some level of understanding.  Now that you are aware of them, you are running that awareness through your brain and it is analysing it in the same old way that it analyses everything else.  Basically, it brakes it down into dualistic concepts of reality, since that is the programming most people are stuck with.  So, when you sense 'energy' your brain will immediately add a layer of interpretation to it that says this is mine or that is hers or it is bad or it is good.

I believe this is why sages of old and present were so adament that you be firmly grounded in understanding the nature of the universe before starting any meditation practices.  At least, they thought you should have an experienced guide along the way with you or that you should heavily cleanse your phsyical and mental bodies (i.e. the eight fold path or the 8 limbs of yoga where we must purify our thoughts, actions, and physical body before we ever get to meditation), which is why occult practices were always so secretive.  They did not want the average joe, to start trying this and that and then go mad.

Now, it is not necessary to have such a guide.  If you are careful and take things slow, most of it will reveal itself to you.  There are 'lessons' to be learned and if you fail to recognize something, believe you me it will make itself clear to you even if it has to become a fire breathing dragon boogeyman to do so.

The point currently being that we are interconnected.  There is always going to be an exchange of 'energy' as long as people are transmitting their 'energy'.  It has helped me to realize that in this interconnectedness we all share everything.  I have learned to let the surronding energy flow through me without letting it get blocked in me.  If there is a blockage in me then that energy is going to get absorbed into me when it attempts to pass through me.  If I feel heated because of someone's hate it is only because that hate also exists whithin me.  If I become sad because of someone's sadness it is because that sadness is expressed within me.  We must learn to let go and have no attachements to anything.  We are everything.  There is no need to be attached to what you already are.  I am me and you and him and her and us and them...  I am that I am

Let go of your negativity and negativity will no longer bother you.  It will pass right through you in the eternal flow of consciousness.  You will still be aware of it, but you will no longer be it because you are aware that you are no one thing.

Even all of this is a belief construct and as such it will change with more insight.  Yet, it seems more useful than the old one that I was using.  

I still do not understand what it means to do energy shielding and how i can incorporate that into my current belief system.  If anyone has any ideas, please pass them on.  Else, I will be forced to do the reasonable thing and look inside for the answers.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Qs for Frank
April 11, 2005, 03:53:32

If you have ever read D.T. Suzuki's book "Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist" then maybe you remember his chapter on 'A Little Point' when commenting on a sermon given by the German Theologian Meister Eckhart.

The passage from Eckhart goes like so:
The union of the soul with God is far more inward than that of the soul and body... Now, I might ask, how stands it with the soul that is lost in God?  Does the soul find herself or not?  To this I will answer as it appears to me, that the soul finds herself in the point where every rational being understands itself with itself.  Although it sinks in the eternity of the divine essence, yet it can never reach the ground.  Therefore God has left a little point wherein the soul turns back upon itself and finds itself, and knows itself to be a creature.

I have not digested this material fully enough, so I will just give you a paragraph of Suzuki's commentary:
When Eckhart says that 'God has left a little point', ,this is, according to my understanding, to remind us of the fact that we are all finite beings, that is, ' creatures', and therefore that as such we 'can never reach the ground'.  But inasmuch as we are 'sinking in the eternity of the divine essence' we are already on the ground.  This is where we are God himself.  It is only when we see the 'little point' left by God that we return to ourselves and know that we are creatures.  This seeing is splitting and all forms of bifurcation take place and we are no more God, we are no more, as Eckhart says, 'One to one, one from One, one in One and the One in one, eternally.' This is 'where time comes in and all the properties of things which belong to time -- existing beside the timeless'.  We all make time sit beside timelessness.  But why not time in timelessness and timelessness in time?

heh, alright, that is just a tease and there is much to be filled in, which Suzuki does... I just would be sitting here for much too long if I tried to put it all into my own words.  Perhaps, I will let you ask questions and then find the response to those questions...

Also, keep in mind that when Echkart talks of 'God' he is not talking about  it in the sense that most Christians would use.  Sorry, if that is excessively obvious.

We are very lucky to be alive at this day and age where we are free to shake off a lot of the religious baggage in our discussions of such things.  I can only imagine how limmiting and frustrating it made things back in the day.

In regards to the sense of self being extinguished, if it were to be extinguished upon enlightenment then how do the enlightened people ever get back to Earth so to speak?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Qs for Frank
April 09, 2005, 04:08:47
Jnana yoga is the yoga of wisdom / knowledge.  If you are familiar with the Indian phrase "netti netti" -- "not this, not this" it is phrase that a jnana yogi would use.  It attempts to cut through all the crud by using the ability to discern what truth is.  
I would highly recommend the book "Jnana-Yoga--The Way of Knowledge; An Analytical Interpretation" by Ramakrishna Puligandla.  I believe it would be right up your alley.  Not that you really need to read it, since you already seem to know everything it has to say.  

QuoteProblem is, so many of these words like spirituality, and chakra, etc. are overloaded with attached belief constructs. Many of which are just plain wrong. Problem is everyone tends to parrot everyone else. So you get a situation where people think that because everyone is saying the same thing then it must be right, lol.

Indeed, the words may be the same, but who knows if the ideas behind the words are the same.

QuoteThere will be science constructs in a hundred years, but, as I say, in about 20 years the science of Physics will make the discovery I talk about. This will pave the way to our development of a completely new science. This will be our current science of Physics *plus* the incorporation of subjective frameworks of reality. So in my mind I always think of it as "Physics plus"

I completely understand why people will have a hard time digesting this.  I find it difficult to even begin to try and expalin why...  I think it stems from emphasising science over spirituality.  I believe a lot of people would say that they have already made this discovery through their spirituality.  So, why does science end up the victor?  I know that may not be what you are saying, but it is a conclusion that I believe people will draw from your words.  

Comming from where I come from it makes more sense to me to say that science and spirituality merge together at that point.  You would rather call it "Physics plus" and yet I still think we mean the same thing.  My idea of spirituality is far removed from what I believe many people mean by it.  There really is not a word for the thing that I think it is.  It is just a word I use as an inadequate placeholder for some abstract idea I have.  

For me, becomming aware of F2 or F3 is a spiritual act.  I only use the word spiritual, because it incorporates the idea that our experience of "reality" as it is in our day to day earthbound life is just a fraction of the story.  I don't mean there is some god or ritual or any other such thing.  Yet, other people do mean those things when they speak of being spiritual, which can make things messy.

It can also be a scientific act, as it was for Robert Monroe...

Whee, this is a good way to make your head spin.  

QuoteAs these new discoveries are being made, people begin to accept less and less the old explanations such as those presented by mystics and religion. These constructs simply get pushed further into the background of our awareness.

But at the same time, people will also begin to accept less and less the old explanations such as those given by scientists!  It's just that the couple of people who are finally able to point out what reality is, in a way that is digestible by the widest number of people, happen to be scientists.  So, we call it a scientific discovery even though philosophers and "mystics" have been saying the same thing although they had to use much bulkier terminology.  Thus science is redeemed, even though there are probably millions of scientists living presently that would scoff at such an idea as you have proposed.

Heh, the funny thing is that I would consider you a mystic.  I say that even though I hate the word and believe it to be terribly misleading.  Yet, what I mean by "mystic" fits  your very well.  

Bring on the type of communication that you say we can have in F4!  Then we can avoid all of this mess of words.

Heh, I really would like to know what you think about chakras.  Perhaps it is a mystery that I am meant to figure out on my own.  It is precisely that there are so many belief constructs attached to them that makes me so curious about them.  What they heck are they really?  If I follow my current way of reasoning I must conclude that they are ultimately nothing more than a belief construct.  But how is it that people use that belief construct to aid theirselves in reaching other focus states?  Hrm, seems like it is an infinitely complex subject to speak of...  

heh, guess I shouldn' get my head all into a knot over it.  

lol, hope I don't cause people too many headaches with all of this...