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Messages - Adun

Quote from: majour ka on September 17, 2008, 17:58:44
Now ive never believed any of this 2012 palaver...but if you have seen the media talking about the experiments that are being carried out in Switzerland. The short storie is scientists in USA have tried to get it stopped as they belive it could create a black hole.., it was all over the british paper last wednesday "Will this be the END OF THE WORLD!!??" the intersting thing is...if it does create a black hole it will be tiny and only for a second and will take until december 2012 to build enough energy to create one...however the guys in Florida are saying that it could expand and swallow the for thought

Read the story again, you've got it all wrong.

The place the experiment is being done in is called CERN, and it's an international project, there are scientists working on it from various countries, including the USA.

The guy you started all this hysteria doesn't have a degree in physics, just a minor. Scientists don't even know if it's actually possible for the LHC to produce micro-black holes, but if they did form, they would dissipate quickly due to hawking radiation.

Basically, it's the physicists saying it's OK against a guy who's not a physicist yelling out it's not OK.

And by the way, if he did say the supposed black hole would build up until december 2012, he pulled that date out of the deep end of his butt because right now there's no way in hell to predict exactly when such black hole would become fatal.
If you're claiming the supposed creation and "man's inherent divinity" are truth and not fiction, then yes, of course I dispute it.

If that's not what you meant, then I just misunderstood your other post.
Well, I am. :-P

But it's 4am and I gotta get some sleep. I'll read kurai's post tomorrow.
Quote from: kurai kokoro on September 13, 2008, 15:26:10
well he wasn't being materialistic he most likely didn't ask his followers to give him such treasures, but rather they gave those treasures to him, because of the fact that they was curupted by the treasures they possessed thus ridding them selves of there material possesions would rid themselves of their bonds to the physical world. that was what i was getting at but again that wouldn't explain alot of things.
see at the end of my last post i put critisism in it to proove that somethings would be unexplained by my last post and this one. so don't think them to heavaly and i've been reading things that explain alot more.
this is what i've been reading

What I meant is that in your scenario Jesus is materialistic for basing his visits on a physical cycle that doesn't affect him in any way.

Right here, the site you linked lost any credibility it had:

QuoteIn December 21, 2012, for the first time in approximately 26,000 years, the Sun will rise to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way (eye, heart, center) and the ecliptic plane. The sun aligning with the galactic center, is referred to as the Cosmic Cross.

The 26,000 years cycle, not only it doesn't appear in the long count calendar, but it also has NOTHING to do with any "galactic alignment". 26 thousand years (or about 25,7 to be more precise), is the length of the precession of the equinoxes.
So the supposed son of god Jesus, scheduled his Earth visits based on the precession of the equinoxes? How materialistic of him.

How did you come up with that information anyway? You know, you shouldn't blindly put faith in all the material that supports a predefined conclusion.

The correct way to do things is first look at the evidence, then draw conclusions. Don't be bound to faith based beliefs.
Quote from: kurai kokoro on September 12, 2008, 16:27:50
because god is god he is everlasting and all knowing, so if thats the case then he wouldn't need a creator

This is your argument:

Quote1 - Assume god exists.
2 - ???
3 - Profit!

You give god the "magic" attribute so that he may be exempted from all logic. Unfortunately that's not how things work, until you prove god's logic-defying magic powers, the idea of god is as bound to logic as everything we see in the world.

Otherwise I could just as well reply to you that the universe is magic and thus doesn't need a creator.

Better yet, I could say that an omnipotent spaghetti monster that's cold, hot and made of yoghurt, all at the same time, created the universe tomorrow. Doesn't make any sense you say? Doesn't have to, he's omnipotent. :-P
Planet X or "nibiru" was debunked once, then again, and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again... and again:

An alien life form is by definition, alien to this planet. That means they didn't form here on Earth, which means they formed in different conditions, so chances are they don't even have DNA. Even if they do, cross-breeding it with our own would be an EXTREMELY unlikely scenario. Point is: you know nothing about biology.

To sum it up: This board shouldn't even be. But if it has to, I demand the opening of boards dedicated to other years, like 2009, 2010, and even, 2043!

PS: Repeating your post in 4 different threads was really unnecessary.
I'll repeat: the Mayans didn't predict any galactic alignment, there's no evidence pointing towards such alignment in the near future or 2012 specifically and should the alignment occur there would be no repercussions on earth.

Time doesn't go backwards, even if it did that's completely irrelevant to the point we were arguing.

You may believe in god, fairies, demons, etc. But unless you provide proof or a logical reasoning for the belief, you can't use them as an argument.
I can't understand a thing from your post, try writing with a little more coherency and punctuation please.
Quote from: kurai kokoro on September 09, 2008, 11:49:00
1.the people that wrote the bible wrote the bible from god's words
2. yes in fact it does, history repeats it's self compair current affairs with histroy and because 2012 is the equinox, for a good example of past and current events look up the girl with 8 limbs it's not a coincidence.
3. it all depends on your views of time linear time goes forward while non linear goes back, existing parallel to another yet still not relative.

a site about end times (imagine that everyones obsession)

[edit:]sorry i couldn't find any records so far, i'll continue tomorrow

1. Why?

2. Yes, history repeats itself a lot, but not always. Just using that logic to prove something without providing evidence is a fallacious way of thinking.

3. Unfortunately that's not how things work in the real world, time goes forward whether you like it or not. Not that it would affect my previous point, which still stands either way.
Quote from: kurai kokoro on September 08, 2008, 01:44:32
well, one in the bible it says that an object will fall from the sky from the deep reaches of the galixy, two it's beleived that it's happined before, and three it is common every 50-60 years count all the years up and most likely it'll all add up, i don't know as of yet if it does but i'll conduct research on it sometime.

1. I doubt the people who wrote the bible even knew galaxies exist.

2. Something happening before doesn't mean it'll happen again, and even if it did, why on 2012 and not other year?

3. An impact event with effects on a global level isn't that common.
Quote from: Tayesin on March 05, 2008, 20:04:39If we move away from the perception of doom and gloom, end of the world ideas, then we can get a clearer perspective. Our sun will reach the Galactic central plane on 21, December 2011 according to the latest figures(...)

No it won't. It takes millions of years to reach the galactic equator, and any effects would most likely be felt long before reaching the plane.

QuoteThe Annunaki are supposed to return at the end of the 3,600 year cycle of Nibiru (Marduk, 12th planet, etc) but until it happens we can only speculate.

There are many problems with Zecharia Sitchin's "research":
Quote from: Colden on September 03, 2008, 23:58:27
There is reason to expect 2012 to be different as many people including the Mayans have prophesied this date.

Evidence the Mayan prophesied anything about this date? And if they did, evidence for their claim?

QuoteWhere as your example of 2015 or 2026 is meaningless sarcasm and shows your maturity in not being open to possibility.

Meaningless predictions, exactly. Just like 2012.

QuoteMore than likely you made this assumption without reading all the evidence at hand.

Please do direct me to the evidence then.

QuoteIf you are on this forum then you probably have experienced things that science can not explain and most people would laugh at you about so how dare you come in here and make fun!

So your reasoning is that if someone experiences something extraordinary, that person must automatically believe in every baseless claim that comes forth?
Oh right, the "bible code". How could anyone forget that? :roll:

After 2012 I won't be glad nothing extraordinary happened because "nothing happening" is the usual every year. There's no reason to expect 2012 to be any different.

Will you anyone be glad when 2015 or 2026 pass and nothing happens?
Good to hear, for a minute there I thought you had jumped right into the paranormal without seeking medical attention first.

I really don't know what to suggest then, although it might have been a one time thing in which case you would have nothing to worry about.

I can only advise you to be careful when seeking help from a "psychic", regardless if there are true psychics out there, the truth is that for the most part they're either swindlers or victims of delusion.
Did it occur to you that the "psychic attack" could have been a symptom of something wrong with your body? Did you try going to a doctor at the time?
Question: How do you know you're a "vampire"?
The planet Nibiru was proposed by Zecharia Sitchin, based on his own translations of ancient Sumerian texts and his interpretation of Sumerian myths.

Actual evidence for the existence of "Nibiru" has yet to be observed.

As for 2012, there's also no evidence of anything happening on the date. Loony new age material will talk about galactic alignments and cycles, but it's all pseudo-science and has no basis on reality.

For starters, the solar system is always aligned with the center of the galaxy and also there's no reason to believe "alignments" have any kind of effect.

The solar system wobbles up and down while it moves around the galaxy. Some will talk about alignment with the galactic equator being the root of 2012, however the solar system crosses the equator at cycles of about 30 million years, while the supposed cycle for the Mayan calendar is just of 26 thousand years.

If the Mayan calendar is indeed of 26000 years, then it surely is based on the precession of the equinoxes, a natural process with gradual effects (not noticeable with our limited lifespan).


Found out now about this site that details the flaws of Sitchin's work.
I started reading this page here: Stopped after ten lines or so.

It's just Wilcock stating, without giving any sources, a bunch of what he claims to be unexplained mysteries about objects in the solar system. Are we supposed to somehow connect that with 'ascension'?

But not all claims went without a source:

QuoteEARTH: In the last 30 years, Earth's icecaps have thinned out by as much as 40 percent. Quite inexplicably, just since 1997 the structure of the Earth has shifted from being slightly more egg-shaped, or elongated at the poles, to more pumpkin-shaped, or flattened at the poles. No one at NASA has even bothered to try to explain this yet.

Right after that he linked this article, which actually gave an explanation. Makes me wonder if he actually read the whole thing.

In the end, it's irrelevant if any of those claims are real and really unexplained. Sticking a supernatural label over every unknown is not a wise option.
Do you have any sort of evidence to support that claim or did you just 'imagine' it in order to conform with an already chosen conclusion?
Quote from: AndrewTheSinger on July 08, 2008, 23:11:26When Noah along with his offspring were handed over the world after the flood (...)

You didn't mean that literally, right?
Quote from: Seeking ET on July 05, 2008, 23:08:12There are the "Planet X" theories (...)

Quote(...) "the great flood" (...)

The Mayans made their long count calendar based on observations of the changes in the sky due to the earth's precession. The effects of the precession are small and gradual, so for one person to notice them a longer lifespan would be needed.

The "beginning" and "end" of the cycle are arbitrary positions decided by the observer and so have no special meaning. Besides, the duration of the cycle changes overtime so even if there was some meaning associated with the end of a cycle, the Mayan date of 2012 would be wrong already.
Very good post, Jazket. But you're mistaken here:

Quote from: Jazket on July 05, 2008, 09:48:37The Galactic Alignment on the other hand, is a scientifically proved event. Our Solar System wobbles up and down within our mother Galaxy. Each period or wobble (this is what I believe and have studied, I have no source for this however) seems to last about 26 thousand years (this is what the Mayans referred to in their Calendar as a Galactic Day). Each 26 thousand years (or 25,625 to be exact) our Solar System is to pass entirely by the Galaxy's equinox (point zero) and then back to another spike that last another 25,625 earth-years before it hits the middle of the galaxy again. That's about all that is known.

It takes the Sun 33 million years to cross the galactic plane, not 26 thousand. So you see there's no connection between the Solar System crossing the plane and the Mayan calendar. (source)

The 25,765 period you speak of is associated with the precession of the equinoxes.
Quote from: Awakened_Mind on June 20, 2008, 15:47:24
For starters I haven't touched your karma. I only applaud, its the fact that it's a karma system... just the irony in 'smiting' :-)

Second the orignal post says :

"Well from what I know, if Earth stops rotating, doesn't that mean the magnetosphere will dissolve for a while? That means we'll have no magnetic protection from the solar winds. Also, don't we need our magnetosphere to power our machines? Electricity will be lost for the time being. Furthermore, if machines won't work neither will our bodies. Since our brains and whole nervous system simply run on electric, will we die?"

I think we are just simply interpreted the same thing differently. The term 'pole shift' in my OP was used, to be honest, because before the thread pole-shift theory and geomagnetic reversal were the same thing to me. My mistake. However I still think the theory of best fit, for the magnetosphere diminishing, the earth stopping rotating and changing direction of orbit is geomagnetic reversal.


I wasn't blaming anyone specifically for my negative "karma", simply commenting what I think is a funny occurrence. Not that I really care.

Geomagnetic reversal does predict a switch between the north and south magnetic poles, however I don't understand how that could stop the earth's rotation or even change it's orbit.