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You don't need to apologize, it's a good idea. Spinning is probably the best way to detach easily. I think it would be possible without any kind of trance to bring the somatosensory phantom out of alignment. We just need to faithfully recreate the spinning sensation. It might be like visualization, needs a lot of practice.

I bet the more drastic head to leg spinning would be better for complete desorientation, starting off as if you were swinging back and forth in a swing. I have not yet spontaneously encountered this kind of movement but I feel it's more appropriate for this kind of forced detachment. If one would able to recreate this sensation after laying down it will result in a very strong etheric/RTZ OBE.

Based on my experiences with forced separations I bet the result would be freaky even painful, probably dangerous, too. For example, when I would force separation by sort of turning inside out and rolling aside at the same time I would often feel a strong pull in my abdomen, usually at the left side and slightly above my belly button.

A couple of times I even felt pain in my solar plexus. It has something to do with the early stage of the silver cord formulation be it the stem of displaced etheric flow or the extrusion point of the somatosensory phantom (in this case unsubstantial), or as I suspect, both.
Haha, so I bet we'll see what synchronized swimming is all about.
I do the exact same thing what Stookie.

Another good exercise is to gaze into your own eyes. It's not just another form of trakata but also an exercise to empower your will. Also, it makes your face part of regular hypnagogia and automatically associates your with lucidity. So you end up being conscious in regular hypnagogia which is not so bad.
You weren't deep enough. Twitching happens when you want to separate but trance/sleep is yet too shallow. You need to actually fall asleep. Passing out briefly or seeing some hypnagogics a couple of times is usually deep enough to try again. At this point a new problem emerges though: sleepiness, lack of volition and coherence. Good luck!
Looking upward is only part of the trick. The full drill also entails the act of pushing yourself upwards through the center of your head. To spread and even local vibrations sometimes it's a good idea to picture yourself in a miniature tornado that swirls around your body.

In my case vibrations are rarely felt anymore. Now even sounds are gone and since I cannot visualize well and am not a hypnagog person per se lately I have problems even with recognizing the projection state. I will probably use suggestions again, as in my first years, except you folks have a better idea.
In my experiences, there are two set of energy centers associated with OBE and being in the body, respectively. I'm not clairvoyant so not sure that all of these centers are indeed chakras, but I often call them so because of their position.

Solar plexus, neck, and the point above the head is strongly associated with going OB, having RTZ projection, or projecting directly into the astral. It's also a sensory triad that consists the focal point of the sometosensory, auditory and the visual system, in this order, as apparently, concentration on these centers entails the better manipulation of these sensory modalities as well.

On the other hand, the geometric centers of the three cavities, pelvis, chest and head seem to be associated with being in the body, as well as at the edge of it, inducing vibrations and sleep paralysis. This IBE triad seems to be a projection of the reticular system from brainstem to cortex.

Leaving behind the waking consciousness by any means coincides with an orchestrated shift between the two triad respective members and entails the shift of hara/genital chakra to solar plexus, chest to neck, middle of the head to the point above the head. Depending on where awareness focuses within the triad the result will be experienced as either etheric/bioplasmic OBE, projection to the collective dream plane (RTZ projection) or phasing into the astral.

The third eye regio is very amibigious. When we deal with the head region, brain centers and their representations within the inner body image are in close spatial relation. Usually, what people feel as third eye is the frontal lobe, which is the focal point of the brain bounded waking consciousness but the center in the middle of the head also projects here.

When you submerge your focal point from between your eyes to the middle of your head you also switch to the OBE persepctive and to the inner body image. From this perspecive this shift seems to happen from the middle of your head to a point above.

I know this sound confusing, but the head regio is the only part of the triads where the switch can be directly encouraged, by point shift. In some extent, the direct switch works at the hara/sola plexus regio as well, as of flying upwards in the body, but doesn't seem to help if I'm not already close to paralysis. Therefore, still, the best way to switch between triads is to manipulate associated sensory systems.
That's very likely as serotonin imbalance is supposed to play some role in isolated sleep paralysis.
Hi Manuel,

The most important thing is to prevent loosing sensory coherence. The transporter force apparently knows our limits and uses tunnels and walls to gently detach our attention from the visuals of the previous dream. But you should also actively an passively participate in this process otherwise you will end up with incropehensible visuals or nothing at all to grasp onto and you wake up.

The best way I found to keep sensory coherence is to periodically look at my palms while being transported. My palm would distort but this doesn't matter as long I keep refocusing it. If you look up and around you will interfere with your transport. It's not a bad thing if you keep a fluid mindset and emotional detachment.

It needs some time to get used to the strong accelerations and abrupt direction changes which feels in your stomach. Another thing you may watch for is the position of the attachemnt point on your back (to identify the entity that carries you) and the general way of transportation.

The movement can be kickstarted by hazy commands, but in this case you would likely just loiter around. A simple trick I found useful to stop this is to give an ultimatum of some sort by redefining my goal and starting to count backwards. Sometimes the transporter force seems uncertain what to do, probably being faced with many hazy opinions to chose from, and by simply giving an ultimatum you can end its misery.

All in all, the transport shouldn't require more than 2 minutes. The longer times are probably due to energetic and perceptual changes that take place in our consciosuness, either body bounded or unbounded. You can also always ask questions, plug in your ear and look inside for answers. I usually miss the beginning of these replies but apparently there is always instant help available.
As many said before, inducing sleep paralysis is not an easy thing and neither it is necessary. But it's an excellent training and a very concrete goal to grasp onto while falling asleep.

To start with, you have to severely disrupt your normal sleep schedule like waking up after about 2-3 hours of sleep and remaining awake for 1-2 hours at least or alternately waking up and falling asleep in very short time spans in the first 3-4 hours of sleep.

Then you should fall asleep on your back. It's the best position to get aware of sleep paralysis. Concentrate on your hara while falling asleep or the middle of your chest and repeatedly pretend that you are paralysed. Do this also every time when you catch yourself dozing off. Later when you get actually paralysed you may feel strong pressure at one of these points. Use this point in your later experiments.

I've found that the chest pressure comes with more dreamy experiences. But I would prefer to hold my attention on the hara / lower dantien regio because it's more easy to feel. Try to raise energy through your legs to locate and stimulate this point in your lower abdomen.

This action probably actually potentiate the REM sleep generating acetylcholine system in the brainstem. I believe when my hara starts to pulse right at the beginning, my state is especially favorable for directly entering REM sleep.
I already advised the mods in private several times to change your nick to validator. Great work anyway.
Hi Inward,

QuoteOne thing is for certain, a person who is wide awake, can even be running laps around a track, can almost instantly get these heavy vibrations running up and down the spine. It seems obvious to me they are chakra energies just as obe vibrations are chakra energies.

I believe the same. I've just mentioned the possibility that our understanding can fail (even though it doesn't matter at the end).

QuoteI am trying to understand where you are coming from. Are you trying explain away any non-physical energies such as chakras and the astral body?

Not at all. Chakras and the astral body are living realities for me.

Think about this: if the brain and body are indeed the channel of our soul when it comes to express itself in the physical plane, no supernatural feats are possible without coinciding changes in brain and body.

I truly prefer the mystic way of understanding when I'm alone. Unfortunately, as long as we are bound to any language, the waking state will remain best suited for the scientific style of understanding. I mean, we have really no other choice, except zen koans and poems. They would indeed provide a truly hilarious way to communicate but will soon lead to the death of these forums.
I think MJ explained my point well.

Also, being in a "delta state" doesn't mean that the brain produces only delta brain waves, neither requires the meditator to be in sort of a "mind awake body asleep state." Different parts of the cortex may produce alpha, beta and gamma waves at the same time even while we are deeply asleep.

The most pronounced change during sleep is indeed seems to be the reduced arousal, or more precisely, the synchronous, high amplitude oscillations of cortical cells that render the cortex useless for cognition, but all this only touches the real mechanisms behind sleep.

EEG provides information only about the cortex, which as a whole, plays only a passive role in sleep. Moreover, this information relies only a distinct population of cells with special orientation and position within the cortex. Basically, the magnetic component of cortical activity also failed to be detected by EEG. Thus, tracking consciousness states by measuring EEG alone is as hopeless as attempting to understand a city by hearkening.

The real switches of sleep that regulate different states of consciousness are different neuromodulatory systems, mainly the acetylcholinergic, noradrenalinergic and serotoninergic neuromodulatory system (let's call them ACh, NE and 5HT for short.)

Sleep cannot start until 5HT modulatory decreases. This is how and why internal silence works. In fact, as the brain falls asleep, all the above mentioned neuromudulatotion decreases and during non-REM sleep are kept on a very low level. In REM sleep, however, ACh system hits or even exceeds the level associated with wakefulness, while the other two system show less activity than during non-REM sleep. Altered states is thought to be some sort of dissociation between the work of these neuromodulatory systems related to different parts of the brain.

Here is the famous Hobson's AIM cube as I modified it 2 years ago:

A - activation (arousal)
I - input (a continuum between external and internal)
M - modulation (neuromodulation)

fej = head
alhas = abdomen
belső csönd = inner silence
(I don't remember the reason behind different color markings lol)

QuoteActually I was talking about when a person gets really really really awed, the goose bumps and all to the point where heavy strong vibrations run up and down the spine. I've felt it on occasion and was wide awake, walking and talking.

It is also possible, although highly doubtful, that these vibrations are not related at all.

But even if the hypothesis about the connection of brain waves and OBE vibrations is proven to be true, the presence of coinciding energy movements within the body cannot be excluded. In fact, they can be measured. Physiologists just lack of conventional explanations (i.e. nerve impulses, hormones) that could be attributed to these coincidences. I think this is because both the body and the brain, which is like a little body inside, reflects changes within consciousness.

For example, I've found very distinct connections between different parts of the brain and body. To remain on topic, I'd say that the above mentioned neuromoculatory systems also project on the (brain generated) inner body image as dan tiens or "elixir fields" (different pools of energy). This is, for example, why resting the mind around the lower dan tien helps to directly enter REM sleep from wakefulness, by keeping up Ach neuromodulation. The solar plexus or the neck has a similar effect but that's another story (they are projection of actual centers of consciousness which I believe involve the hypothalamus (solar plexus) and the hypocampus/frontal cortex (neck) complexes). Still, the main point in practice, is that you have to get out of your head.

QuoteYou can _perhaps_ liken the Soul as the cpu, the memory chips as the mental body, and the astral body as Microsoft Windows, lol. That's probably a terrible analogy though. The mental body is always connected to material body otherwise the person would be a zombie.

I might end up with a different allocation but that doesn't matter. Every analogy or conceptualization we made would help us to have a better grasp on otherwise untouchable things. It is like accepting an irrational symbol, hypnagog picture in deep meditation as a valid representation of my goal then manipulating it with purpose.

You can also type without the exclamation point and smiley baggages.

No, I'm just kidding. Don't let them bring you down.
QuoteWaldo often noticed that when his astral body came near the physical body that his astral body would vibrate.

I've observed similar things, too. This is, however, not exclusively related to the silver chord (which I've experienced probably 20-30 times). You can also feel strong vibrations only after separation has been completed.

I come to the conclusion that when you approach your sleeping body you actually approach it "dimensionally." Along the way the energy body's spatial uncertainity decreases. This decondensation process happens within a hipercone of some sort. It's like when a jinn goes back to his lamp.

In the final stage, within the so called cord activity range, your conscious sensations hit a threshold, where they are actually processed by the bioplasm "body" and its "physical" brain. By this point your focal point of sensory awareness entered the workplace of associative brain regions and still heading towards the primer sensory focus we are more familiar with from wakefulness. After waking up only entopic lights, regular inner noises and mild vibrations remain as result of desynchronised ("beta") cortical activity. This theory may also explain why reality fluctuations tend to happen near to the body.

QuoteSo really the vibrations are not sleep dependant.

But strongly connected. Another way to put it is to say bodily vibrations are due to increased delta activity in the somatosensory cortex. Tumors, for example, often cause increased local delta activity and similar vibratory sensations.
I think vibrations and blaring have the same origin: increased slow wave activity which is inherent to the sleeping brain, especially in sleep stage 3-4. This increased synchrony is either felt as vibrations through the somatosensory cortex or whistle through the auditory cortex.
I just did a google search on "clearing my room." It was really illuminating. But you cannot trick me into actually doing that.
If it's a wallpaper I have read that just rubbing soap on the stain can do amazing things.
Yes the main point is to use the most comfortable position. You may also want to sleep in a position that normally doesn't associated with sleep. For me this is laying on my stomach.

I often start sleep on my back to isolate "essential or core" sleep. The first 3-4 hours of sleep is especially deep and recuperative. To make it even more deeper and separated (compact) I often start sleep in trance meditation laying on my back.

I would regain consciousness after the need for essential sleep is satisfied with a strong urge to roll over. If I'm prepared enough and able to resist I could detach from the physical and have a very stable projection. If this fails or the projection is over I would stay awake for 1-4 hours until I feel I'm in the proper state to project the ordinary way.

QuoteI think you can project on your stomach, but it's harder that way (in my opinion, at least), as it's harder to breathe that way.

For me exactly this is the point in sleeping on my stomach: breathing is more difficult and needs abdominal control. A deep and regular breathing pattern would be set which is conductive for all kinds of projections.
If I try I have one pretty much every morning. The problem is when I'm getting lazy or feel I'm not coherent enough for such activity and don't even try. I believe I've never had more than 20 in one month, but I didn't check it. I haven't had spontaneous OBEs for a couple of years. Could be that I try more often than it could happen on its own.
It's more easy to fall asleep on my stomach and it provides a more secure feeling, too. It also forces abdominal breathing. I sleep on my back only at the beginning of the night when I want a restful, deep and more compact sleep. If I couldn't fall asleep on my stomach the second best choice for me is to sleep on my right side.

If you lay on your right side, or press something against your body beneath your right armpit, or just keep breathing through your left nostril for a couple of minutes the right hemisphere will become more active.

For the opposite side the opposite is true. Projection is more easy when both hemispheres work in sync or at least the left isn't dominate the right. I have no statistical data to prove this claim but it's a well known yogic technique. The Luciditiy Institute has also been long trying to investigate this issue, but they just keep passing deadlines and asking for new data.
That was a cool experience! Just be on stand-by, sit back and wait for your opportunity. You should familiarize yourself with this state waiting to be offered an opportunity to either roll out of your body or zoom forward into the darkness. These are in build mechanisms and your consciousness knows how to do it.

The melting effect as well as the impression of being in a larger space happen when the peak of EEG activity drops into the lower theta range. The energy body expands and you become more spacious in your mind. You look into your own energy body which opens up in the magnetosphere like an antenna. Probably the hemi-sync technology did work for you.

Try to recreate those exact conditions without expecting too much if anything. F10 indeed facilitates OBE conductive states by narrowing down brain activity around 4Hz (if i remember correctly "Exploration Sleep" uses carriers @ 100, 300 & 500Hz - all set to binaural frequency of 4.0Hz).

The success, however, depends on many other factors that you cannot really control. I'm not talking about inner duologue and disturbed emotions but the natural fluctuation of consciousness. During the day we pass through many opportunity to project. It is similar to REM cycles which continue during wakefulness.

You got a connection too and perceived it almost visually like a tunnel of energy (which it was, actually). You also perceived it as a pressure on your right eye. Things are more simple in this state then in waking reality and should be taken almost literally. In an expanded energy body state, perception of the body below the head projects into the the opposite side of space. It has to do something with how the Self penetrates into waking reality and how it plugs into the organism. Nerve cross-overs reflect this law so you may feel yourself lying in the opposite direction before and between separations.

Every sensation that is asymmetric indicates similar brain activity (I mean power not synchrony). This asymmetry seems to be inherent to the "etheric" OBE state. But human condition really progresses toward a state where bicamerality is transcended in an unified field of consciousness. The Self, for example, is said to be a multi-brained consciousness that has many parallel incarnations but possesses no body.
But seriously, this likely won't happen with any of us. If it could, common lucid dream and OBE activity would have been seen later as a profound waste of opportunity. (or a serious learning experience)
Other dreamers' head seem somehow pronounced for me, almost like shining. People with familiar faces would change as I talk with them. I come to the conclusion that my mind projects familiar faces on different dream beings, or it is they trick to make me comfortable. My father, for example, turned out to be a dream helper of some sort. He had been watching me for a long time, waiting patiently for me to realize its presence. It's a new relationship anyway and I'm still somewhat excited.
Yeah that's fun, I remember doing that a couple of times. I always needed to somersault out of that position to get myself free because my head would stuck. If I remember correctly these projections have started without vibrations and been taken place in the RTZ.
Vibrations and noises often continue in the background during my projections. You might be also aware of them when you are close to your body. Continue your OBE attempts and the discomforts in your back will go away.