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Messages - patapouf

Quote from: Major Tom

A while ago a couple of economists have compared standard of living and buying power in today's times...with that of the 50s.

It turned out that things have actually gone backwards.

In the could actually start a family...get a morgage on a a car for transportation..and all those things when you were in your early 20s, or younger event.

Nowadays..a lot of young people live with their parents until their late twenties..since it has become much harder.

So much for economic development. Somebody got richer, but it's not the average worker.

You're totally right on that and this is easy to observe. Nowadays, the whole family have to work if they want to live a normal life; in the 40's many woman's were not working. Today, what is considered a normal life is different also; you need so many things now: everybody got a car, a cell phone, a microwave, monthly payments for the cable, etc. We use import/export to a point were it is ridiculous, things that could be easily done in our countries are done on the other side of the planets. As a matter of fact, extremist capitalism is used. The economy is taking way to much space in our cultures and it is literally choking everybody (even other life beings and the whole planet). We have become disconnected in many aspect of what is a normal adaption of living, we will have to change soon or later because we will pay the price for it.

If you go to the grocery store and you are poor, it is still possible to buy some non-organic veggies and fruits for a decent price but people do not like to eat veggies and fruits; they will buy the frozen foods or Krap Dinner mix thing in a combo with a 2 liter of Coke or Pepsi (which is cheaper than water....) with a all sugary dessert.  

New laws against pesticide might help to force some people to turn toward organic farming. But there is another huge problem that just take the place of the other: modified foods. They now change the genes of many things to ''make it stronger'' and ''bigger'' and already say that there is no danger for the future generations! They have done some intensive study for 100 years already? That is plain ignorance of course.... Anyway, organic farming (I hope) will grow larger and this is us, the population, who have to work toward it.  The richy filthy just don't care about others, they only want to drink their 1000$ dollars bottle of fermented alcoholic beverages (wine).

Take care,
Quote from: Frank
But in today's capitalist world, the life of a burger-cow is probably not even worth an equivalent pile of newspaper. I always wonder how sick this world can become and each year it reaches a new low.

Oh yeah this world is really low, they even import wheat from poor countries to feed....the cows (that will then feed us or make us fatter); while millions are dying in those countries; how ironic.... This might be a good reason for many to try to fast a little bit.... I thought cereals were added in the microwaved burgers of Mc Doooo, but recycled cardboard and papers won't surprise anybody either....

Quote from: Major TomLike 12 organic eggs for 6 dollars (close to minimum wage I think) versus feeding your whole family for 10 dollars at McDonalds.

Vegetables here are more expensive than meat, since the meats are subsidized.

We probably need a veggie lobby like the meat industry

That is true that organic food is expensive, depending what you want to buy of course and what are your priorities in life (how you spend your money basically; ex: how many times you eat at the restaurant, etc.). As for organic food, I drink a lot of organic soy milk (chocolate flavor) which replace the liters of milk that I was drinking before. As for fasting, I never tried that but I don't know if it is recommended if you are working out at the gym regularly or if you do a lot of exercises. This is something that I might try one day....

Take care,
Welcome to News and Media! / Bush Sucks.
June 10, 2005, 16:00:37
Quote from: Willis

The big question isn't if the system fails, it is when, and how much damage will be done in terms of resource depletion, human suffering, and environmental collapse.  

America is turning its eye away from this looming problem, ignoring it for short term gain.  We are turning our back on the world in the name of forceful peacekeeping, in the name of a strong economy no matter the cost.

We will see more fundamental change in the next couple decades (if not sooner) than humanity has seen since civilization's inception.  This change will occur by voluntary choice or will be thrust upon us by the forces of nature.

In one of my biology course we have seen that any species that grows exponentially will sharply go down drastically, I hope that it's not true.

I'm a Canadian also and happy to live in this country but it is as corrupted as any other ones; corporate puppets are also at the head of the gov. and you have probably heard about the big scandal of the liberal party.... People are so proud of our health system but the gov. is making everything so the private sector can have a place where they can divide the rich and the poor. And just yesterday, the Supreme court have open the field in the province of Quebec for this private/public health system. Who do you think is the most happy? You know that the insurance companies are! So if you want to invest, you know what to do.... Baby boomers will get the corporate pig even fatter in the years to come. Again, this is another step toward the division of the rich and the poor.

Take care,
I'm far from being a good projector but I want to experience such a thing and recall it with another person the next day, it must be a good experience. Nobody seemed to have gone there two weeks ago. I didn't have the time to try (I was tired and fell asleep like a log...) Maybe one day I'll be able to swim in the water there.... and meet another person from this forum.

Take care,
Oh yeah, I know what it is when the computer freeze; especially when your typing an essay due in 1 hour and you loose almost 4 pages because of that. It is extremely frustrating (but the stress that goes with it is even worst). I had an old computer that was doing that and it was freezing when I was trying to type things with Alt or Ctrl. We got a new one pretty quick after that.... But to reinstall windows is probably a good solution, don't had to many useless programs, especially if you do not have a lot of memory and if it is an old computer. Anyway, computers are cheap nowadays, you can have a P4 for less than 500$ easily.

Take care,
I also want to say welcome to the new moderators and, as I can observe, Major Tom seemed to have decided to go in retirement. Now the list of moderators looks bigger (more like it was before). I hope all of you have a good time folks.

Take care,
Interesting, as a matter of fact, religious practices have always been adapted to particular cultural practices and this syncretisim can still be observed today; it is a normal process because cultures change throughout time.  (ex: Mayan's syncretized Christian religion costumbreand  there are so many other examples!).

Of course we know that this organization was and is still highly corrupted, we all know it if we look at the state of the world today and what they have done. Jesus was telling them that they were a bunch of hypocrites; probably a similar scenario would be seen if he was here in the present, and this would not surprise anybody.

A problem that I see is that the book have an Hollywood kind of scenario that give the impression that the ''good secret societies'' are trying to hold the truth against the ''evil church'' kind of approach; they completely divide them when many of highly corrupted ''religious'' persons are probably also Freemasons. Anyway, the trend now his to show to the masses how ''cool'' the ''secret'' symbology of secret societies are; a good example (and similar scenario to the Da Vinci Code) is the movie National Treasure. Some people asked me: ''Did you read the Da Vinci Code, wow, there is some cool stuff hiding in the paints of Leonard(...) bla bla...'' Many might interpret this as ''facts'' or ''truth'' and it's the major problem that i see....

Take care,
''Crimes'' can not only be related to neg activity probably; there must be some individual characteristics in play? But, as a matter of fact, if many of these people did not have a ''negative attitude'', they might not be in prison.

Take care,
Quote from: Astral Projection
I must mention Deja Vu. Many many times, when I see some scene I thought to my self 'I dreamed this'. I saw that scene before, but I don't know if I dreamed that...

This also happens to me some times and it makes you stop and think for a few seconds: ''Wait a minute, it seems that I already saw this ''scene' that I am presently living ''. But it is hard to say when you saw it and you forget about it soon after (for me particularly...).

Take care,
Really interesting folks, I never experienced such a thing and it seems that this fear is one of the major obstacle. Again, probably, we have to put fears aside if we want to know. It's like experiencing OBEs symptoms for the first time again, first we do not know what it is and after we learn to ''go with the flow''.

Take care,
It is not surprising to observe a negative atmosphere in prisons and probably it is a nice home for some negs. Prisons are only there to lock them up and it is sad that they seem not to care about really helping them out.

Quote from: TyciolMaybe it's from experience. You know that old saying 'don't drop the soap'.

I believe what you say and we don't need to learn it from experience  :D . Better not drop the soap in there....

Take care,
I wonder what he wants to prove with that. Just another ''spectacle'' type of event for the mass I guess....

Take care,
Quote from: James SHi again Beth,

I just read your last post.

I wonder if part of the beauty of these ancient texts is that they can mean different things to different people?

We're not all on the same journey, and it's arrogant for anyone to think that we should be. If different people can get different spiritually beneficial messages from these writings, to me, that makes them all the more "Divine".


I agree with you, it is essential in this globalizing world nowadays to adopt a better cultural relativist approach instead of using this ethnocentric ''narrow minded'' kind of view that many people of this ''modern civilization'' tend to have. As for the ''journeys''; they're are more than one trail going up to the top of a mountain; some might prefer a specific trail but others might use another one. This do not mean that your trail is ''better'' than mine since we will both see each other at the top. It's a cheezy and an old regurgitated metaphor but it represent this kind of approach somehow....

Take care,
Well, I've read half of this book and it is more a nice action story than an analysis of historical events; he is using a really restricted scenario and linear kind of analysis which many hypotheses can rise up but are left out. As for the ''historical facts'' of Jesus, this books brings nothing. Why France? Why not Japan like Dr T.J. Chalko! Maybe he had a wife, so that's cool! What's the problem?The next ''amazing hypothesis'' will be that he had a mustache and not a beard. I believe in his approach of love and compassion but  whether he liked to wear sandals or not, if he had a kid or if he had long hair or short hair, they are superficial details (but it seems that some make a huge deal out of this....).

Take care,
Yeah, damn spyware like you said. Norton scanned and found out what was the problem but ''Norton'' was probably ''sleeping'' while it was being installed on my comp. It is just surpring that it is being incorporated like this in the forum!

Thanks again,

Take care,
Quote from: no_leaf_clover

You could have some kind of spyware on your comp that changes certain phrases to links. I've had programs like that add themselves before. Why it would make a hyperlink out of 'past-present-future', I have no idea.

My computer is brand new since last Sunday and I the only screensaver that i downloaded got me a spyware! wow! I will reboot it to the day of sunday so it might go away.

Thanks again no leaf.

Take care,
ok, everything seems fine.... my computer was drunk for a few seconds....

one last try.

why this link appeared?
and now nothing!
well at least it is settled.
Thanks no leaf.

Take care,
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Reincarnation
May 25, 2005, 22:13:46
Yeah, maybe the notion of ''time'' is totally different. ''Past-present-futre'' is probably different from ours.

Take care,
There is a weird link appearing when i write ''"past-present-future''. What is that? :?

But it does not appear if i spell it ''past-present-futre'' but still do it if I change it to past,present and future. I did not want to add such link and had to delete my post. Well, I will write it with the word ''futre'' in it so this weird link won't appear, try it for yourself and tell me if it does the same thing with you....

Take care,
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Donors (PSI-VAMP)
May 23, 2005, 07:05:15
There are many people who feeds on emotions of others and do not realize that the are doing this kind psy-vamp. process; I have met a tremendous amount of people being this way. It is not because they are psy-vamps necessiraly but because they ignorantly act this way and they do not realize that they make both themselves and others suffer because of it.

Take care,
Quote from: Joe_OhFirst of all, I know her a little bit, she was in the same class as I in high school.

And secondly I have a slightly insane fear of being considered a stalker/sexual predator so magicly appearing where she may hangout to give her the web addy is out of the question.

If you know where she live, it is easy to put in her mailbox an anonymous letter referring to this site.

Take care,
Quote from: Selskipatapouf

This weekend!

Are you bringing that fella wearing the Speedos?!  :lol:

See you there


I don't know the guy  :D , I found the picture on internet with the google search engine. As for me wearing this funky kind of elongated string ''V shaped'' speedo; I don't know.... takes a lot of courage to wear that! I found another picture of the same guy! I'm sure he got a fan club now.... This speedo is just too incredible....

Super Speedo

See you on API,

Take care,