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Messages - knightlight

Well I can say that after reading Psychic self defense that I was a bit Neg-afide as well but I got over it.  That book is like the ultimate guide to inducing paranoia and freaking people out.  I consider that book to honestly be a giant propaganda document meant to scare people and cause a need, an attatchment to Robert Bruce.  If he says "Be wary of negs, this is what it will be like, this is what you should look out for (because you have them without knowing it unless you use my methods, etc) and this is how to get rid of them. "  Its one giant self fulfilling prophecy.  I respect Roberts other works, Astral Dynamics, NEW, etc but this book I dont respect one bit.  I too did the visualization you speak of with similar results.  If you go into a trance and look for something most times you find it.  We both went in looking for negs and found "them".  After about a month of neg based fear and paranoia as well as an increase in negative experiences during sleep and normal projection I stood up one day and screamed "This is ridiculous!  I wont take this anymore, all this stops now!  I wont be controlled by my own fear!" and ever since that day ive had very few negative experiences, and when I have I was the one in control, quickly dominating the situation. 
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Fighting ?
September 29, 2006, 02:41:38
Quote from: Awakened_Mind on September 28, 2006, 12:26:04
Astral warriors? I would be very interested to see the size of an army that the subconscious mind could create in the astral realm!

For your comfort, you real-time projected double is a very power being. It's energy source is renewed by the physical body while it is asleep. It takes only a little courage if you come across anything to scare it away. Fear is an issue that needs to be overcome as soon as possible in AP. Any being greater/more conscious than you will be more of a guide than a threat. You are in good hands.


VERY VERY true.  All negative elements I have faced in battle have been manifestations of my own mind.  Any being I have encountered that was more..... powerful... I guess...  was always looking out for me and answered any questions I had.
I wouldnt call it sad, its natural to attempt to connect with someone you are attached to in such ways but isolating it to sex is the sad part.  Imagine instead melding into them and becoming one in the astral.  Would that not be so much better?  I think your heart is in the right place but leave your crotch out of it.  Connecting with someone in the astral is a very powerful thing but connecting with them simply because you want sex is not only difficult but a tad... well... immature maybe??  I dont mean to be negative and anyone who is looking to project I offer my full support but think of the possibilities, in the end the thought of sex will be nowhere in your head.
Quote from: leroyskagnetti on September 28, 2006, 22:41:39
If you mean, where have I come since I had the experience last weekend, I have come nowhere....but also have not really tried.  If you mean, what was my experience like before last weekend, well....

I took a class on Buddhist meditation in the Spring...since that time I have meditated irregularly and become more interested in studies of consciousness... I have been meaning to use a floatation (sensory deprivation) tank to help me either achieve projection or simply explore my unconscious though I have not yet. 

Other than that, I do a fair amount of reading/inquiry on related topics, so they're not totally alien to me, but I have never had tangible results.  There are so many "methods," but rather than try them all I have simply sort of tried to feel it out myself... relax myself as much as possible and attend to/react to the things that happen as they come.

As this seems to have been a random projection (if it actually was), I will simply double my efforts and try for a controlled attempt.  By the way, regarding the alcohol;  I woke up at 8 AM the morning after going to bed drunk and I didn't really feel drunk, so I think it had passed.  I agree with you though...I have never been able to dream when I've gone to sleep drunk.

I appreciate everyone's support and interest... I will let you all know if anything else happens.  And by the way, if there are any psychedelic 60s music fans like myself, check out "Que Vida" by Love (or at least the lyrics...I won't repost them here in consideration of space).  Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I could definitely believe that given the consciousness expansion of that time the song was making reference to astral projection.  Another song is "Hypnotized" by Fleetwood Mac.  Maybe I'll pose that in another forum as well.

IF it actually was??????? come on.  It was.  First you must erase your doubt.
All I can say is good luck.  After a few months of trying you will understand why.  A very misguided reason to try to project.
When you talk about the sinking experience this is a classic element of a very deep trance.  The green double vision you speak of happens to me when I force myself out of sleep or from a bad lucid dream and am not fully awake yet.  I will swim up towards consciousness and as I reach my body my eyes will fly open and I will be paralyzed and my vision will be a strange blend of green and red with geometric patterns overlayed on top of whatever I am seeing.

Your doing great!  You just need to get used to the sinking sensation.  This is such an easy platform for projection.  I dont experience it very often but when I do I can easily project as long as I stay with it and dont freak out.  It can be really disturbing in a way.  What I do is when I feel myself falling like that I try to control the fall by drifting to one side or the other or if im feeling lucky I will "physically" roll off my bed.  Whenever I have dont this I have rolled out of my body.  I cant garuntee that you wont fall to the ground and go "BAH!!!! stupid internet advice!!" but its worth a shot.

Sounds like a classic projection to me.  I have had a few instances of exactly what your describing with the sort of... slipping from the womb feeling.  for me its more of a sliding off of a giant block of ice minus the cold feeling.  The recurring element in your phrasing is "not what I expected" when you describe your experience.  Trust me with this, nothing will be as you expected.  Just because the pop sound wasnt how you expected to be does that make your projection not a projection?  If you exit and experience something you didnt expect to does that mean its just a dream?  This was obviously a projection.  Keep up the good work and keep us posted.

ok maybe a bit of poor wording.  I know you didnt and I apologize for suggesting you did.  I suggest you cruise around this and other forums and judge for yourself.  I prefer to mold my beliefs from personal experience and personal experience only.  I suggest you do the same.
ok now this is just getting ridiculous.  Where are you coming up with this stuff?????  half of the references at the bottom of the article are from the 70's.  My mind isnt controlled by satan and im not rejecting god and creating my own god to be at my "beck and call".  You can have your views of things but if you really latch on to this article and say "Yes, speak the truth my brother!  This is truth and I must spread it!"  than whos mind is being controlled.

again... poorly written propaganda.
Thats... like... really long and dogmatic...  I read some of it and can see how a person who has absolutely no experience with "new age" type stuff would think this is actually worth reading but COME ON.  Yes, lets rip on people for trying to unleash their own inner potential, and all that stuff about emptying their minds is crap.  Anyone who empties their mind and then accepts any orders from an authority figure is brainwashed not enlightened.  THe point of stilling the mind is to be aware not unaware. 

Poorly written propaganda.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Fighting ?
September 26, 2006, 00:15:57
Astral fighting is as far as I can tell basically pointless.  I wont say its not fun because it is truely a blast, but nothing seems to be accomplished by it.  Find out for yourself.  Thats the best answer.
I agree with stookie in a way.  The real answer is we cant REALLY know.  Stookies theory in my eyes is the most acceptable to me personally but how can we prove it one way or the other?  :wink:
      Welllll this one was a bit out there.  I woke up early after having a very short RTZ OBE in which I walked out to my living room, saw my mother and told her I was OBE.  Then I rolled over on my side and phased into a house.  The door in front of me suddenly smashed down and Jack Bauer from 24 burst in and told me to freeze.  I was like "whoa dude I just got here.... besides this is just a dream, take it easy!" and he grabbed one of my hands and bent my arm behind my back.  That made me rather angry.  I ran backwards and smashed him against the wall.  He let go of me and doubled over for a second.  I saw a crate full of guns in the corner and grabbed one and pointed it at him.  He walked right up to the barrel and grabbed the gun.  I pulled the trigger but it wasnt loaded!!!! *doh* He ripped the gun out of my hand and whipped me across the face with it.  Man did that hurt.  Most of the time in lucid dreams I dont feel pain... just... pressure.  This HURT!!

      I could feel blood pouring down my face and he grabbed a sac off his waist and threw powder in my face.  I could feel my sinuses filling with the powder.  He held me against the wall and said "That was anthrax.  If you dont cooperate with me you will die slowly and painfully.  If you do cooperate I will give you a cure.  Come with me."  As always I thought of just waking up or trying to teleport away but I always get pulled into the experiences.... this isnt exactly something I get to experience or dream about often!  I figure I usually wont find anything more interesting to do and I didnt want to wake myself up just yet.  He led me down a flight of stairs into an elevator.  We went down for a while and when the doors opened he said "I was sent to bring you to our secret base.  What everyone says to you is a lie.  Join our organization and learn the truth.  This is a one time offer."  I was just like "uh.... what?"  and didnt know what to say.  He led me to a room with 4 others and they looked at me in a rather shocked fashion.  One of them said "Thats him?" and another laughed.  I was about 2 seconds away from just saying screw it and beating the hell out of all of them but then I started to loose lucidity and I cant remember what happened after that...........  :x

I also had a very brief experience in which I was a half robot half man who was hit in the head with a crowbar every day of his life for 35 years by a corrupt cop.......... and this was part of a plot of a hannah barbara cartoon....  I need to see a psychologist!!!!  :lol: 8-)
I phased into walmart and could hear music coming from a few aisles away.  It was really ridiculously harmonized guitars old school metallica style and they where building up.  I ran towards them and in the middle of walmart there was a band.  It was 4 guys, all about 30 or so, scruffy.  THe drummer had an electronic drum set plugged into a computer and a giant amp and was playing ridiculously fast as the band churned along.  I rocked out for a bit and observed the band from multiple angles as a point of consciousness.  It was like directing my own music video basically, and the band was really good.  They dissapeared randomly and I was a bit dissapointed.  I walked around aimlessly and wondered what I wanted to do with the rest of the experience.  I knew I was asleep really heavy and wouldnt wake up for a while because I was VERY much rooted in the experience and couldnt feel my body at all, this usually results in my longest experiences.  I saw a girl wandering around and I asked her what she was looking for and she said tweezers and shampoo.  I said "well the tweezers are right there and the shampoo is in aisle 8"  For some reason I knew the info and she looked at me like I was a wierdo and walked away. 

I walked towards the doors of the walmart and as they opened a snowy midevil scene opened up in front of me.  The walmart dissapeared and I was surrounded by tall brick walls.  I knew I was in some kind of contest and saw 3 other people, a woman and 2 men.  The two men where attacking the woman so I decided to help her out.  I ran over and drop kicked one of the guys in the head.  The other guy pushed the girl down and pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.  The girl kicked it out of his hands and it slid to my feet.  I picked it up and the guys ran off.  The girl ran up to me and said "We have to find a way out of here, they'll be back and it wont be pretty this time."  I ran towards the wall and looked for a way out.  There where no doors at all, just 4 solid walls.  I saw someone on the top of the wall but they where standing right in front of the sun so I couldnt see who they where.  As the person walked to the right I raised my gun and prepared to fire.  The woman told me not to.  As the guy became more clear I could see he was holding a rifle and seemed to be making sure we didnt leave, like a royal guard or something.  I pulled the clip out of the gun to see if I had any bullets left or not.  The clip was constructed so you would put bullets on both sides facing away from each other and when you needed to reload you would pull the clip out and flip it around and put it back in.  I found this amusing and as I went to put the clip back in I had it at a bad angle and the bullets started to fall out all over.  As I bent over I caught a glimpse of the 2 guys coming back.  I looked up quickly and braced for impact.  One of the guys ran right into me and knocked me over, the other guy brandished a frickin bazooka and shoved it in my face.

I figured it was basically over from there.  He would blow me away and I would wake up or I would teleport myself somplace else but as I thought about what to do the guy pulled the trigger.  I was thrown into the air as a point of consciousness and landed back in human form in a setting alot like... well... the place where the Teletubbies live.  Big rolling cartoony hills and an enormous sky (no evil sun baby face thingy though).  The girl from the fight was standing next to me and she started walking.  I followed her and asked her where she was going.  She said I should follower her and she was taking me somewhere new.  We climbed a tall hill and on top of the hill was a little alcove.  In this alcove was a variety of coolers and backpacks.  The coolers where filled with warm soda that expired in 2004 and the backpacks where filled with junk food.  The girl told me that janet jackson had hid here during a time of turmoil and left this all behind.  I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee my astral pants.  How random is that?  Then she walked back down the hill and as we rounded the hill I could see a GIANT tower in the distance, one that was so tall you couldnt see the top of it.  I stopped in my tracks and just stared at it.  Then of course I woke up.......  :cry:  I always miss the good stuff.
SO what your telling me is that you felt a lot of classic OBE symptoms and where about to phase (pass out) but didnt?  The few times I have phased from a completely awake state like you almost did thats essentially what I felt.  After the pass out feeling kicked in physical sensation started to fade (much like passing out) and it felt like every atom of my body passed through a screen and I was fully phased into F2.  I was standing by a car in the parking lot of a gas station about 3 miles away.

Next time forget fear, your ok, and you almost made it.
im in 100 percent agreement with James on this one.  I went to an online psychic and asked him if I could read HIS aura.  I read it, he blocked me half way through and when I called him on it he disconnected.  Most of them use the people on the other end simply for the money.  its a per minute market out there for physics and prostitutes alike.  They milk you for everything they can get and when they meet someone who know anything about... well... anything they dissapear in a flash.  Be wary of internet or phone psychics... or.. well.. any psychics.
LOL frickin seriously.  No matter how you dice it this is horrible excrement..... Who cares whos responsible.  3000 people died.   Can you comprehend that?  Imagine going to work and the next thing you know your forced to choose either a fiery death of pain or diving swan style out of a 100+ story building and smacking concrete so hard you bounce off creating a snap so loud its like a shotgun.  bonk you.  Its a tragedy no matter how you dice it.  You have your US government milking it for everything its worth and your muslim extremists using it as a spirng board to domination/political goals/whatever and its sickening.  ITS bonking SICKENING.  I sat at work and caught a glimpse of a video clip of a man diving down 100 stories..... flipping around in the air current plummeting to his death.  THATS what its about. 
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fear.  Its something that is incredibly impossible to get over.  I wont lie, when I am trying to project and a strange noise happens next to my ear or I see a strange flash of something I get scared.  I think its something that just happens because we are human.  OBE's are so far outside the box that no matter how much you experience the freakyness it still gets to you.  Dont worry about it though.  I have had an immense amount of strange experiences during the transition to OBE or even while OBE and I am still in one peice and alive.  Its nothing to worry about.  I understand its hard to deal with but the only way to get past is to go through... I think thats my new motto........

Good luck,

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Frank
September 17, 2006, 03:03:52
I cant say I entirely disagree with you Patterns.. (or atleast not as bluntly as the last poster) but Frank, during his time here, aided me greatly.  I'm not saying every word the guy ever spoke was truth but he not only exposed me to what Phasing was and what it was all about but he explained it in such a way that anyone could understand it as well as helping anyone that asked.  The guy was the most giving teacher I have ever known and I didnt have to buy his book first for him to give me advice.... ultimately it was him who inspired me to begin my journey to projection and it was him who nurtured me into my first phasing experience.  Say what you want, I know this is a double sided topic and I cant argue with the other side, they have their point, believe me, but I truely miss Frank and only wish to know whats up with him.
HA!  Id give just about anything to reach the 3d blackness that easily.  My advice to you would be this:  When you hit the 3d blackness ask to go somewhere else.  It sounds simple but just say "I am thankful to enter this blackness, but may I please be moved somewhere else?" and see what happens.  The 3d blackness is very easy to influence once you experience it enough.  Good luck, your well on your way.
Their basic course is OK.  It teaches the basics and doesnt go to far into the more mystical realm of things.  I dont like the teachers and I dont care for the atmosphere of the place.... a swarm of newbies waiting to be sheeped along by who know what group of people over the net... but it teaches the basics.  As long as you realize whats crap and what isnt and keep a level head its worth a try.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Frank
September 15, 2006, 02:51:54
mmmhmmmm....  sure wish I knew where that guy went to.....  :|
Ive had a couple of experiences that where very similar to that.  Its always a bit creepy but theres always an edge to the experience for me that says "you know this person".  I hope you figure out who it was.
Well of course your adrenaline is going to rush when your about to do something so radically insane as OBE.  I'm not saying your heart ISNT racing, but its within limits that are acceptable to your body.  Your not going to have a heart attack or anything, its just your bodies way of going "WOOOOO YEAH BABY!!!!"  Dont worry about it... thats what it boils down to.  Your heart chakra will race as well, I thought that was what you where talking about.  It feels like your heart is going 300 beats a minute but its really your chakra.