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Messages - silentjohn

I feel that, the people who "need" it, always seem to find it. It's a self-journey so I feel too, that the best help we can give, is to spread the energy, and exist where we know we should.  We should avoid preaching, and only answer the questions asked... I've started this sort of lifestyle after about a good month of actively bringing it up, and its been much more effective.  It stops the ego from creating a defensive standpoint, and fighting it off as a something foreign, and lets the true self of the individual grow and seek out what is needed to progress. :)

Thats an indicator of energy

From my perpsective:  It varies depending on the music, intent of the music, and focus of the music...

Music is definately a spiritual phenomena (at least when it is true)

I feel the artists who are in it for the money, etc.. the ones who basically fuel ego and such.. those could be harmfull.. but only if you let them be :)

Ah, yes, there is lots of confusion about this phenomena .. My theory is based on energy, I feel it's the 3rd eye being open enough and receptive enough, and working its way out of the prison that is ego.  The next time you start seeing all these "comets" and "astral gnats" flying around, try "unfocusing" around a tree, you will see more of them.. try doing some energy work too, eventually You can notice the influence your breath, or nice warmed up hand chakras can have on it.

I think a lot of it is a combination of a natural, and spiritual occurance... IE part of it is the natural blood moving behind your eyes and so foruth.. but that is kind of MIXED in with the energies..  Perhaps when you let your eyes relax enough to an unfocused state to "witness" the blood moving, it sort of is a short-cut to basic auric sight...and thats why its mixed with visions of energy, orbs, so fourth

21 views and nobdoy has any input? Anyone have any similar experiencs? anything?

^  "psychic energy system"
^  "spiritual energy system"

You can view more examples on his website..       :)

I highly reccomend however, trying to find a copy of "Sacred Mirrors"

are we speaking of the same  alex grey?

I havn't seen the picture you mentioned, but it could be in some of his earlier work.. he startd as a performance artist type then moved into painting...

His subjects are very in tune with this forum and website :)