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Messages - Micael

Quote from: Cool101 on May 26, 2014, 08:11:02
How do you project things like love at them do you think of live

I'd say it works the same as it does with fear or hatred, you feel it intensely within yourself and then you project it to another being. So you gotta have it within you.

But don't take my word for it, I'm by no means an expert on projecting love in the non-physical.  :lol:
Quote from: deepspace on May 26, 2014, 05:13:50
The first step is dealing with your own blocks, whether they are fears or other things. You first have to be able to get to that place where you can help, that's the biggest hurdle. The higher you can raise your energy level/frequency the more you can do. Many times when I am helped in the AP, the helpers just touch me and that does it. 

I have only met someone one time who I feel needed help, but he couldn't reach out. He seemed very frightened and was in a hurry to leave after I started talking to him. He was a religious man who had an accent from the southern U.S. It seemed like I had gone back in time and I explained about how we have the internet where I am from and that I would look him up when I got back. I got his name which was a very unusual name. I could only find one reference to anyone with his name when I looked him up. It was a guy who had died about 3 years ago. He was from the southern U.S. Hoping I run into him again and can offer help if he is willing. 

That's a great verification deepspace, what are the odds. Hope he gets out of his own fright.

I know that eventually I will get there because spirituality, meaning, going within and growing up is pretty much my life. I could go as far as saying that at some point spirituality was more my father and mother than my actual parents.  :-P

Quote from: Szaxx on May 26, 2014, 05:47:48
I do hope you guys have the chance to do retrievals. It's a busy afterlife and help is always required.  These experiences are crystal clear and have a different feel to dreaming or AP.
You know some details at the start and instinctively follow YOUR way of doing what's required.
They can be quite grand at times once familiar with a good number of experiences. To start it's typically a one on one and never above your capability to do the job.
You'll understand my motto, 'failiure is not an option'. It has a new meaning in retrievals that's hardly apparent in the physical. I hope you're free of most fears and your emotional side is ready for waking to new experiences.
The inner strength you'll already possess and the care is obvious from your posts.
The roof experience may have been a test.
If it had a sort of FEEL to it after the experience you'd have noticed the difference from typical dreams in the overall ambience.

Well I did have a feeling after the experience so much so that I couldn't sleep afterwards but I figure that could've been my interpretation... It was a pretty vivid dream also but nowadays my dreams generally happen like that because I'm heavily building my recall, the situation also seemed to progress from regular dream content. Either way I know I can do this, I just need my expanded awareness and a chance from our buddies 'up there'.  :-)

That's great news EV, I'd love to help and it would make me very happy for various different reasons. I'll keep practicing.  :-)
So as expected such thing did not happen at random but was actually an experience of you reliving a very strong challenge you had to go through in life. In a way it's much easier to make sense of that event this way. I do not know the specifics of why you might have had to relieve that nor would I ask you to share anything you wouldn't share by your own iniciative but all in all you did grow or benifit from the experience right? Reality being what it is, being what many people have discovered it to be... it was probably a learning or healing opportunity. It's hard to imagine a 4 year long regression being an empty event.  :-)
I wish someday I am able to help some people move on too, but I may have to fight some fears first and not to mention enhancing my abilities.

Two nights ago I had an interesting regular dream though. A guy I know in real life was doing something very dangerous, I was at the roof of a big building and I have a fear of heights but he was playing on the edge of the building. I firmly told him to stop because that was a very dangerous thing to do but then he kept going back because his little sister followed his behaviour and now was maybe trying to end her life? This ended with me getting her in a corner with her brother by her side and trying to convice her not to do that, both of them were crying, I got the sense in that moment that she had a very difficult life and was abused by her mother, so I told her it was difficult but she had to move on and she wasn't alone etc. Then when I felt it was ok I just softly caressed her head and woke up.

I don't think this was something real but perhaps a test to my intent/natural reaction? Who knows, when it happened I just felt I absolutely had to act. I'm confident some day I will get to help for real.
What got you feeling so frustrated was maybe the time you felt you wasted? Me personally I'd love the opportunity to re-do a lot of the ways I lived these past 8 years, even if it was to be just a dream. But man re-doing year after year in the physical world, that's a piece of work.  :lol:

Your experience is something truly unique, thanks for sharing with  us Ellury.
Quote from: Ellury on May 25, 2014, 22:38:36
I once had a dream where I woke up 8 years into my past, and had to go through my whole life again. I only made it to about 4 years, before I finally woke up 12 hours later, annoyed as hell about the whole thing and slightly confused.

Oh... what happened to the time you spent sleeping in those 4 years? You experienced the whole thing??
Most definitly what Xanth said.

I just happened to have a lucid dream today where after a certain event I thought I might have to face something really negative and creepy as a consequence of my "misconduct", I wasn't scared but then I thought "gee I know better than that, now it might actually manifest because I create my reality with my thoughts" but since I wasn't really emotionally involved and fearful I opened a door and sure enough there was a regular dude there wearing a red t-shirt that opposed me. He even got a few punches in but they didn't hurt that much because I wasn't feeling myself that threatned so I just grabbed him by the neck and sucked the life out of him until he was just bones BUT this might not be the best reaction still because conflict has the potential to actually introduce more conflict in your experience. But if you're having fun then whatever floats your boat.

Also in consensus environments things might work differently but I suspect that the basis for your experience is still the same. Attention, intention and expectation create your reality both in the fact of there being a fight or not and you actually being powerful or powerless if it manifests.

So no you don't need to learn how to fight. But even if you ever fight or need to do anything else, just believe in yourself. You know what to do.
Oh I'm suprised, I've always had this linear mild white noise on my ears. I'm not aware of it through the day but if I think about it and just look for it I can tell it's there either in the 'background' if there's considerable sound around me or pretty definite if the environment is silent.

It also intensifies to some extent if I focus on it but it's never ever overpowering or even bothering.

Guess you never stop learning, I tought this was part of the human condition. Maybe there's opportunity there for me too.  :-)
Quote from: Fusions on May 25, 2014, 15:53:15
I know that feel, Lionheart said he saw the people around him age. I heard this one time more, someguy said he lived a whole life on ayahuasca. Can you link the stories you have? (I lost the ayahuasca one, it was on 420chan, I don't think they store their info)

It just happened, 2 out of 3 times of using galantamine I had some pretty sick realitic lucid dreams, this occasion wasn't one of the times I used it I think.
It was at the middle of the night, like 5 am. Dreams later in the morning(7-11 am) , that are forced kind of, tend to be lucid more often but shorter.

Unfortunately I lost track of these links, I found them mostly "here and there". There's the famous Monroe episode where he is said to have a had a 100 year OBE and then, there's some reports from various people around the internet.

I do also find that in my case most of the interesting stuff tends to happen in periods when I'm more relaxed and not stressing so much about it.

I never tried galantamine or any kind of supplement for that matter but I'm thinking about giving melatonin a shot, might go for galantamine instead if it is better.  :-)
Quote from: Fusions on May 25, 2014, 11:01:47
Lionheart said he had an experience of 33 years ^^

That's the kind of thing that fires me up, a lot of the people that report such things are actually very trustworthy individuals and nowadays it's certainly more than one or two. You phase for a while and you end up having months or years worth of experience. I'd love to see what Lionheart can tell us about this. Is that information on a thread or something?

Quote from: Fusions on May 25, 2014, 11:01:47
2 times I felt like I was in the dream world for 6 hours, while it lasted only one hourd (or less) IRL.
The second time I was lucid almost all the way through, and I remember being at the end of the dream and saying, well this definitely lasted 6 hours. But when I woke up, it didn't feel like I was there for 6 hours anymore, more like 2 or 3 (while it was one hour IRL).

You also got a taste at some point, and pretty significant if you ask me. Did you notice anything particular about the time you experienced this? Not any particular technique probably but more your state of being, or sleep pattern, your health etc. Or as far as you can tell it just happened?
Is this all we got on the subject guys? C'mon I can't believe it. :)
I'd say you are phasing into a non-physical scenario and as you probably can tell in a pretty advanced stage by that point.

How you get rid of the shock that brings you back is to expect the results of your pratice to be what they are, there's no reason to be overexcited or fearful and all the reasons in the world to stay calm and let it happen, and if that doesn't immediatly work then I would say you just have to get used to it and keep doing whatever you're doing because it's working.

Quote from: DanishGuy on May 24, 2014, 14:50:18
What's about this observing state?

Some dreams actually play in 3rd person view, for various reason. It could be you just getting immersed into your new NP environment all the same.
Quote from: Xanth on May 24, 2014, 03:02:02
You already do.  :-)

Not nearly as consciously as I would like to Xanth, not even near. But again I suppose that's part of evolution, I take the long view.
If the body has strong vitality can the consciousness even take off that easy? I'm a little sceptikal on this one.

Quote from: Stillwater on May 04, 2014, 03:21:46
Probably something like the last one. I and others have had experiences that seemed to last for actual weeks, but happened all in one night.

Stillwater if I could refer you to my time dilation thread I would be a very happy guy.
I too hope to consciously exist in a great variety of dimensions. And yes being stuck on any one given our multidimensional nature even while experiencing the physical is a bit like being in a coma of many layers of our being. That's where my work and effort come into.  :-)

Do you think this physical reality will see these changes in the near future beavis?
Oh that's extremely interesting Beavis, not only did you validate an experience together with your friend but you also watched what happens when one gets 'stuck' somewhere from a 3rd person view AND had a time dilation event between you and your friend. Thanks for sharing, definitly very neat.

All in all this situation seems to happen to a lot of explorers and we actually know so little about this but I do not see a lot of discussion around the internet about it, wonder why that is.
Quote from: AAAAAAAA on May 23, 2014, 20:27:54
Yeah. For some reason, the Grand Clocks is one of those places that's "hidden"... but not really. You literally should just be able to "will" yourself there. The skies might look different, but you'll know you're at the Grand Clocks when you get there. Despite how the sky looks, there's always one giant clock in the middle of this place, accompanied by many, many smaller clocks surrounding it. You can take one of the smaller clocks with you, and when you leave the astral, the smaller clock will always find its way back to where ever you got it from.

Interesting. So these clocks work as some sort of astral technology or magic artifact. Do they work with time or time perception? What do you think in terms of your experience? And also where do they fit in a big picture of reality and what is their most fundamental purpose or blueprint? In another words what else can you tell us about your discovery?  :-)

Quote from: Xanth on May 23, 2014, 20:36:42
Something I'm slowly starting to figure out is that the concept we hold as "time" is something that is outside the scope of a "consciousness". 

I'll explain.

As a consciousness, you can only ever directly experience "NOW" (the very moment you're experiencing).  You can't directly experience anything other than "NOW".  Does that make sense? 
You can only experience the past in terms of a "memory", this even includes while projecting.  You can experience the past, but you can't change anything objectively.  The future is the same.

This means the "present" is the only thing which exists.  The past and future don't exist. 
This also means that "time" isn't a property that consciousness has.  "Time" is only in relation to the reality which a consciousness is experiencing.  Does this also make sense?

So the concept of having an experience where you "feel" that much more time has passed is probably quite correct.  That time HAS passed for your consciousness while experiencing that particular reality.
I've experienced hours in another reality which has only been a few minutes in this reality.

This also brings up another thought in me... that all realities we experience all have their own rule sets.  This explains why in some experiences you might have trouble flying, when in another experience it's super easy.  The reality you're experiencing might not support flying all that much.  Just thinking out loud here now.  :)

The idea of the only time that ever existed being NOW is very familiar and resonates very true to me. It is in fact one of the core teachings of the Advaita (non-duality) tradition and other schools of thought, Eckhart Tolle is IMO a good popular teacher that emphatizes this fact and the way we're conditioned to create a psychological past and future beyond the pratical need for their existence and their fundamental nature. So it's nice you bring that up because I think it definitly relates here. That being said, when talking about our perception and experience do you think that in the more "malleable " or thought responsive non-physical realities not bound by a strict rule-set it is possible to adjust this experience of time by intent or any other means like some sort of technology that AAAAA talks about?

When I say 'perception' or 'experience' I don't mean it just in the sense that we get the feeling we've been out there long but also being able to recollect experiences consistent with the increased period of perceived time spent there.

Or perhaps this is something that is not possible to manage and is a phenomenon specific to a given reality or experience consciousness might have occasionaly but can't induce?

Please do let me know if I get too confusing, I'm very passionate and curious about this subject so it's quite easy to get carried away.  :-)
This is a really good point you made here, it delves deeper into what many experts like Tom Campbell say about the matter. Now I was trying to find the resources on your blog that you talked about on your techniques for increasing awareness and I found a lot of good stuff but not what I was looking for. Could you point that out?  :-)
Ok AAAAA thanks for letting me know. Do you care to elaborate a bit on the nature of these "Grand Clocks"? I take it you're used to working them and prolonging your experience that way?
Hello guys, I'm wondering how many of you have experienced this phenomenon of feeling like you are in the non-physical for hours, weeks, months and beyond while you were projecting for a regular time. If you did, does this happen often to you? Do you feel like you can induce the experience? What do you think it is all about?
Hello Jessica, I'm also a new guy around here but what the heck... welcome!

It's really good that you already have very significant skill and experience with lucid dreaming because that means that the most demanding part, which is getting yourself accostumed and open to the experience, has already been done. Now it's more a matter of re-conditioning yourself, your subconscious and conscious aspects to pay attention to your NP experiences and bring more awareness into it again. Dream recall being a big factor in that regard IMHO.

That being said, I believe these experiences are a natural part of our consciousness and who we are, so if definite focus and a little bit of good information on how it all works is not enough or seems to not be effective overtime I would say it is certainly unconscious self-sabotage. There's a lot of conditioning that we go through in many different ways that we often need to let go off even if only for so long before we can bring these experiences in whatever state we may be at a certain point in our lives. So perhaps you could try to ask yourself, "what is it about being in a dream that makes me have to wake up?".

Regarding pot specifically I myself was not an heavy or regular smoker for that long but when I was yes, I definitly felt that it messed with my dream recall and perhaps even the amount of REM sleep I got. However if it is only a sporadic thing then even if it mildly or significantly impacts your habilities the effects would of course still be... only occasional.  :wink:
This was such an inspirational talk from start to finish, thanks for taking the time to share.
Why did you think you were being possessed? Perhaps it was your conscious merging with another energy that got you confused? I personally never heard of anyone getting possessed while going out of body or as result of going out of body and I've been studying this for a while. Try to shake off that fear as much as you can, even if you were to see a 'bogeyman' I think it's very unlikely that you'd experience anything close to a possession.  :-)
You're actually getting yourself quite a few nice experiences. Good job, practice.  :-)