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Messages - spark

Hi.  I don't read much about this stuff, but I feel my chakras rather strongly.  For me, I feel that Chakras extend from the body front and back (such as, e.g., the heart chakra).  So, feelign something about a foot behind you makes sense.  Also, I can feel another chakra which seems about 1+ feet above the head, and perhaps some more higher.  I don't pay so much attention to that though.  Anyway, that is how it feels to me.   
Hi.  I don't necessarily buy in on the ET theory, but I have had assorted "perceptions" of such type events.  In general, I try not to read too much into what one perceives verses what is really occurring.  Anyway, as an FYI, I have over 20 years of OBEing, have performed successful remote viewing, can feel all the chakras, can see auras, can feel objects from distances (like people, trees, etc.), etc.  But, I still feel that folks tend to assume too much sometimes.  Anyway, I tend to think that some of these things you mention can be addressed by engaging in feelings of love and harmony with the world around oneself.  I think that perhaps love is sort of like being in harmonic oscillation with all things, and I have a feeling that when you are in that state, it is hard to be harmed.  Also, I tend to think that much depends on ones attention or focus.  I tend to think that you perhaps are sort of are where you are focusing.  So, if you essentially focus away, you may actually be diverting such things.  I also have a feeling that diet and exercise are critical to strength and vitality -- and so called energy strength too.  So, I expect that such would be helpful.  Anyway, I had years of issues in OBEs with so called dark entities that I perceived, and all the battling seemed to not be helpful.  Only love and focus elsewhere.  Anyway, I dont profess to know though ... perhaps, my brain is being slowly eroded by alien pests ... But, I still tend to think that focusing on love and faith are the core things to success.  We cannot really know what is happening.  There is just too much.  And, we are too small.  All we can do is dig and dig, but all the while having faith and love.  Of course, not blind faith or to smile while stepping in front of cars or axe wielding psycho aliens, etc.  By the way, I have had perhaps 5 OBEs where I see a sort of device that seems to be positioned over my abdomen (stomach chakra region) ... Kind of freaky!  Whether aliens, who knows!  The last time I saw it, I also saw little black monkey looking folks in kind of star-trek like clothes!  And, I must admit that I fought a bit before I decided to focus on love and run off. :-) 
Hi.  Try focusing on feelings of "love."  I think it is easier to relate to.  Basically, I sort of see love as being in harmonic oscillation with the world around you.  Anyway, if you do that, vibrations should feel intense.  And, if you do that and are concurrently seeking higher vibrations, that should come more readily.   
Hi.  I quickly looked at your post.  I think those black dots are very possibly eye floaters.  I have them too.  They seem much as you describe.  I think folks that are focusing on these other types of things will tend to notice floaters more too.  So, it probably shows a good level of observation.  Anyway, I have exchanged a good number of emails with Robert Bruce.  He seems to have a great level of knowledge.  So far, he has been very helpful for me.  I like him very much.  Anyway, I am in my 40's.  I have over 20 years of so-called OBEs.  A few months ago, I started to perceive energy ... it is rather strong for me.  I doubted it for so long until I unexpectedly started to perceive it all myself.  But, there are some real complexities to perceiving it too ... balancing things physically and emotionally.  I think people probably wont perceive things until or to the extent that they are ready.  But, to be honest, it is really wonderful.  Anyway, as an FYI, years back, I also spent many years seeing black shapes in OBEs that were seemingly trying to attack me.  It was very frightful.  But, those experiences tend to be rather different than the "floaters" that you seem to be experiencing.  Anyway, as an FYI, the way to overcome these dark shapes in OBEs was to focus on love and faith and not to embrace fear.  When I started to see them, I would envelop in feelings of love and then say good bye and leave (i.e., turn my focus elsewhere).  I think that love and faith are fundamental to all these things ... including OBEing, and perceiving energy, etc.  Anyway, I don't really plan to use this site much.  I just happened on and felt like replying to this since I have had similar experiences to what you described.
Hi.  I am a long time OBEr, and I have performed successful remote viewings, and I am now able to see and feel energy (might sound unbelievalbe), AND I completely agree.  Meditation is boring.  I am not really a proponent for the idea that everything takes practice -- i.e., from the perspective of BORING repetitiveness.  But, that does not mean that things should come in a snap.  Rather than thinking in terms of "meditation" maybe you can think in terms of focusing on consciousness and understanding your thoughts and states of mind.  For example, you can do that which is sort of meditating while you drive, or whatever.  Once in a while while you sit at your desk for about 20 seconds.  Or, while you doze off to sleep.  Anyway, I tend to feel that life is not about sitting around humming sounds and sitting in a strange posture.  I think all these things are attainable living an active lifestyle -- as I have.  I think steps are achieved based on physical health and stability and based on realizations (e.g., understanding of the higher self so-to-speak, etc.).  So, dont waste time wasting time.  Get focused on figuring your way through things.  That is what i did.  But, of course, it takes time too.  But, the activity is a little different.  Anyway, just my 2 cents.
Also ... I think the idea of entering another's dream is kind of silly to focus on.  Sorry.  I think it is like saying you want to hit home runs off of major league pitchers before you even learn to play baseball.  There are many equally amazing things to experience before that point.  Personally, I am doubtful that anyone can be that skilled at dreaming to do what such person professes.  However, after having thousands of OBEs, and after doing it readily at will when I desire to, I am experienced enough to know that folks could easily be confused about what they are experiencing and believe themselves to be entering dreams of others.  However, I have had some experiences in which I appeared to have co-dreams with others.  But, our experiences were not entirely the same.  I think there are interpretive aspects that come to play that muck up things too.  I assume that anyone professing to be entering others dreams is probably not really sure what they are doing.  Anyway, I would just focus on learning to OBE simply.
Hi.  I just tried what you are talking about, and I felt it too.  Anyway, I am not sure if that is the best starting point though.  I am not sure what it is.  I only tried it a minute ago.  Perhaps, it relates to some energy flow, or more just a muscle flexing.  For me, the sensation was largely in the back of the neck at the base of the skull.  I think it could relate more to the throat chakra than maybe the head.  Anyway, I am not sure.  As for stimulating the 3rd eye chakra, that seemed to start a little for me when I tried.  Anyway, if you are interested in getting into OBE or lucid dream state, there are other things to focus on too.  I initially started with focus on OBEs/lucid dreams until I became good at entering dream state from wakefulness.  Now, my focus is more on so-called energy since that lead to my perceiving of energy (e.g., feeling chakras, flow, and all sorts of stuff).  Anyway, if you want to try to OBE, I personally think you might want to start thinking about it during the day (ask "yourself" during the day to make it happen).  Anyway, you also might not be completely ready for some reason -- maybe, inside you really don't want to but prefer to just dream normally ... or, maybe, you might have some internal fear stopping you (likely, temporarily).  Just take it easy.  It will come.
Hi FOlks.  I am curious about the releasing of Kundalini.  I am able to feel upper chakras strongly, like heart, throat, 3rd eye and crown.  But, I only slightly feel root chakra and one at stomach.  I actually just recently started to feel them, and I simultaneously started to see auras, and to feel objects, like trees, etc.  I assumed, without reading anything, that I had perhaps released this Kundalini or whatever, but it appears that I have just widely opened certain chakras.  Anyway, one of you mentioned that you released Kundalini.  I am curious about breadth of your experiences, etc.  For me, I am very experienced with OBEs (from waking state) and remote viewing too.  I am 45 years old.  I have a feeling that I may be able to do this, if, by chance, I set out on the right path.  Anyway, I also tend to be very health focused, and I have been thinking of fasting for a few days anyway.  But, I have never really done any energy work --well, that I know of.  I might be doing it without knowing what other folks are referring to.  For example, I will relatively often go for a very slow jog and focus on breathing and taking in not just oxygen, but "other stuff."  Maybe, that is similar.  Anyway, I am trying to a) find other folks that have similar depth of feeling of objects (for me, I can essentially walk around and it is as if I have another sense now, and I can feel trees, etc., from far away too) and b) discern how to grow with this more (in a balanced fashion -- i.e., I discovered that with new experiences come complexities that need to be balanced to maintain oneself) such as, e.g., to release Kundalini, etc. 

Anyway, I have exchanged emails with Mr. Bruce in the past.  I found him to be rather experienced.  So, I am thinking of just buying some of hiis books and reading.  I am not one that likes to read so much, but I think it is only fair to him since he offers so muhc of his time.  And, he seems to have good knowledge. Anyway, if you have any quick thoughts on releasing kundulini, please let me know.  As an FYI, I dont really know how others focus on the chakras.  I just basically sit in a chair, or whatever, and focus on them and relax.  I realize that there are all sorts of "techniques" but, i think they likely are seeking to achiebasic things that can be done without the techniques.  For me, I like to isolate what the focus is... for example, I have read various pointers on having OBEs.  But, I have found simple ways to just slip into them without following routines.  Anyway, so if it can be boiled down in some way, I am curious.

Thanks Stookie.  I believe that we are essentially on the same page.  I am glad to receive your responses.  As I mentioned, I have not read any books or anything.  But, I am starting to think that it may be helpful for me to continue to develop if I do so.  I have exchanged some emails with Robert Bruce, and I find him to have a rather good depth of knowledge.  So, I think I will pick up something he has written on the subject.  And, I think I will check out this Steiner guy too.

Also, as an FYI, I think this shift came in me because my daily perception of the world shifted for a considerable amount of time ... like a week or so.  Basically, while I had over 20 years of OBEs (about 25 -- I am now 45), and many interesting experiences and potentially validating experiences, nothing was very conclusive to me until I performed some successful remote viewings with a local university.  And, my level of proof I needed was somewhat high, I think.  It was not until the 5th remote viewing that I was really convinced (even though in the first 4, I identified the object correctly one time saw very similar aspects of the objects the other times).  On the 5th time, they had randomly placed 3 spoons out for me to remotely view, and I rather clearly saw 3 spoons.  After that success, I realized the truth in it all.  And, my world shifted.  Things that were hypotheses and intrigueing thoughts became my world I was living in daily. 

I felt like I was living in a big bowl of soup -- like everything was connected.  It was rather odd and unsettling for a while too.  I also realized how when I often close my eyes and see images that those images may often have a real source (or be based on a real source somewhere).  Anyway, At that time, I essentially felt this change in perception of the world for a long time (i.e., it was really intense for about a week).  And, then, to my surprise, I started to feel trees, etc., and to see auras.  I also found that I would remotely view things sometimes -- like when I closed my eyes and relaxed. 

Anyway, so, I think that it might not be as much that you need to focus in some intense way on some other object, but I think it might be that it is helpful to try to do it throughout your day.  SUch as, e.g., when you are walking down the street, or sitting at your desk, etc.  I think it is similar to hwo OBE activity can be enhanced by cfocusing on what you desire to achieve during the day.  Anyway, talk to you later.  Thanks for your input.

Hi Stookie.  Thanks for your reply.  I think what you are saying is similar.  Although, I tend to feel that much of this stuff is all similar.  For me, the feeling intensifies if I focus on the idea that much of what I feel/perceive is sort of being presented to me by another source.  So, it is more like accepting of some inputs from other sources as opposed to feeling, I think.  Anyway, I think much of these mystical-type things ... e.g., getting into OBEs, performing remote viewing, feeling objects, seeing auras, etc., have similar aspects ... e.g., that they occur based on what you are focusing on.  I think there are a few key things: a) focusing on the right thing (e.g., if you are remote viewing, focusing on the item to be viewed) and b) allowing the outside source to present it to you (e.g., sort of a request, absent fear, stress, force, etc. -- e.g., it helps to feel like you know it will work since i think that helps think absent negativity).  Anyway, to some extent, I think a) and b) are really very simple.  I don't think that they require chanting or banging one's head on a board or whatever.  But, they are also difficult because our minds shift on a dime ... Anyway, to be honest, I have some level of frustration with this feeling of energy since it is so amazingly interesting to me and I can't find others that have similar experiences.  Anyway, I will check out the person you mentioned related to the book.  Perhaps, that will lead me some direction.  Regards, Steve
P.S.  I tend to think that my feeling of energy strongly relates to my heart chakra being very large.  I have viewed my chakras (well, I think I can see them in a mirror and by sort of remote viewing them) and my heart chakra appears to be really enormous.  On the other hand, I only see auras feintly, and when I do, I can cause my head to hurt (i.e., seeing auras appears to be largely based on the third yet so to speak).  Anyway, later...   
Hi.  I recently went thru what you are talking about.  Basically, I was into OBEs, etc., for over 20 years.  I decided to contact a university to perform experiments related to dreaming.   I was so familiar with remote viewing before that.  But, we did some remote viewing experiments, and I had strong success.   That actually surprised me.  And, after that I learned a few things about what was going on ... started to appreciate duality of the self so to speak (higher self or whatever you want to call it).  While I was into this stuff for years, I never had so many clear validations of the truth of this stuff.  So, when this happened, my view on life changed.  It was very exciting, and also very unsettling.  In a few weeks, I started to then feel trees, and objects, etc., again to my surprise.  And, I started to see auras.  All this was to my surprise.  It all seemed and still does, so comical, and peculiar, and wonderful.  And, it was very unsettling for a few weeks.  I needed to find balance with it.  Among other things, that came from learning to feel the chakras, and realizing which chakras were at play and how to essentially control their opening and closing too.  Anyway, I dont read about this type of stuff.  I am mostly a self learner.  So, I dont really know the common terms.  In any event, now I am totally changed.  But, not in any way myself as a person.  Just what I know to exist.  And, it is so much better than before.  But, it is still strange at times.  For example, even writing this feels strange to me.  I have so many friends and family members that would not understand.  But, yet, there are many folks out there that do.  And, after all, my goal has always been to move towards truth.  ANyway, short answer is you wont really change.  I am still the same goofball that I was before.  But, I think if you do cross the line, you need to be balanced.  I think folks can go insane or have troulbe if they assume too much or let fears drive them.  Remember, no matter what you see or learn, you still only have a fragment of it all ... maintain faith, and dont assume or overindulge.  And, be silly.   And, I suppose, remember to learn how to balance things ... some folks talk about grounding.  That is rather important ... else, you can be spaced out... get headaches, etc.  But, with balance, it is very good.  See you, Spark

Hello:  A few months ago, I started to feel objects strongly (and to see auras, but there is a lot written about auras).  However, I am looking for other folks that are able to feel objects strongly (e.g., to feel trees from a far distance).  Anyway, I am not talking about feeling objects with one's hands (e.g., kind of buzzing or tingling in hands).  I am talking about feeling objects more in one's chest and body -- kind of like a rather magnetic feeling that can physically push and pull your body if you allow it to.  Anyway, I am interested in discussing aspects of this and exploring some things.  I am also currently involved in some experiments with a university related to remote viewing, and may seek to perform some experiments related to this too.  Anyway, among other things, I am interested to discuss observations related to particular objects, tuning in an out on objects, etc. 
Hmm ... I still have a strong doubt here that it scientifically works to pick up audible sounds in the teeth.  Having a professor mention it as so in a class is rather different than having scientific study that proves it to be so.  It seems like a rather easy thing to study and prove too.  ALthough, perhaps there has been such a study or perhaps no real desire to study it.  Anyway, I am a patent attorney, and graduated from engineering school and work in the technical field too.  Sounds fishy to me.  I think it has probably about as much proof as in this OBE world. 
One last thing ...

I find it strange how much people assume things.  I see my grandma in a dream where I am lucid.  Hence: "I must have traveled out of my body and talked to an old dead woman."  Or, "This candy is small, and it is okay to eat it in moderation." 

To me, this is nonsense.  The nonsense that only humans can do.  All other animals dont possess our great ability to rationalise inanities.  How the heck do we know one way or the other?  So. do toxins hurt or do they help?  To me, it is sort of a strange question.  To me, the question is why do people eat toxins?  I find it so befuddling. 

And, I have heard so many responses.

"You fool, scientific research has shown emphatically that vitamins a, b, c and xyz do such and such."


"As people, we are able to rationalise and determine what is right and wrong."


But, in the end, it is largely B.S.  There is no reason to presume that toxins won't have some interference.

And, as an FYI, I think the fundamental answer you will find to all these neat little questions, is that the world works as it is.  You can eat the food that was given, you can OBE, etc.  It requires love and faith and trust in the world.  But, not the world the way WE define it to be, but the one that we are born into.

Okay, sorry.  I guess I am too emtional about this stuff. :-)  And, I type kind of fast. :-)
Hi All.  I am a frequent OBER, and have had thousands of OBEs.  I am 45.  I have heard varying degrees of thoughts here.  For me, a good diet has always been extremely helpful to success in OBEing.  Actually, I first started to OBE very much back in college when I went on a few month stint of eating raw veggies and raw fruits, and nuts only for a few months, and lifting weights and running every day.  Anyway, I don't exactly think that is the best idea, but it was a great way to start into this.  Anyway, I find a very basic veggie diet to be extremely helpful.  For me, when I want to get back into things more, I sometimes go on a kick like that for a few weeks.  I am not a granola type.  I am a lawyer.  I just basically think people have gone off track in their assumptions as to what food is.  Anyway, I think that one reason it is helpful is because the more energy and better health you have (including better and easier breathing airways at night, etc.), the cleaner you will sleep and the clearer your mind will be.  Anyway, I also think that eating partly okay has not done much for me.  That is, if I eat icecream in the evening and salads otherwise, I think that the icecream still stays in the system and probably interferes still.  So, for me, it has been the extremely clean diet that tipped the scales and opened the door very well.  By the way, back in college I also ate lots of raw potatos!  Sounds gross, but I started to really like them.  I recall that the main reason I stopped eating that way was that I started to taste all the pesticides on the produce and it was becoming disgusting to me, and I gave up on it ... but, i still go back to it once in a while ... and, always know that is the best way to be ... well, at least I feel that way.
Good luck,
P.S.  Of course, assorted drugs could probably do the trick too!  Like mushrooms, etc., but you might impare other parts of your brain! 
P.S.  When I was eating the raw veggies and doing the exercising I mentioend, I had some nights with hours of OBEign in the morning.  It was bizzare.  I felt like I did not go to sleep, but felt wonderfully rested. But, that was after months of being that way.  I have never had that same intensity, etc.  Now, I can have multiple OBEs in the morning, but they are usually shorter in duration and my energy wanes after a minute or so typically. 
Hi All.  I really like the "theory" about picking up frequencies in the teeth... I am not certain about the physics of it, but it seems to be a good possibility.  I do note however that if it was really well documented, I expect it would be well known.  The only time I ever heard of the idea was in Roger Waters album Radio Chaos. :-)  Anyway, personally I think it is best to lean towards the skeptical.  After all, we all have no clue ... or maybe 0.00000000001 clue.  Whatever that means.  Personally, i have heard things like that many times.  It has ranged from family members talking to doors shutting, to the TV, etc.  I think this theory is rather interesting.  I do recall reading once about a design for some new walkman type thing that resonated the teeth... apparently, sound travels very well from the teeth to the ear drums.  Also, I read that dolphins actually use their teeth as receptors in their radar type vision.  So, it makes good sense.  Anyway, I am a kind of frequent OBEr and have been looking for other frequent OBERs... that maintain skepticism and/or that have a good depth of knowledge.  After many years of this, I am now 45, I am finding that I am hitting some walls ... like understanding the landscape out there in astral land ... with all the entities, etc., that we "perceive" -- I say perceive since the fact that we perceive it does not make it so.  As it has been said "I think, therefore I am."  Not, "I think, therefore what I think is."  Well, to be honest, I am not even so fond of the real quote either. :-)
Sorry, I am not a big fan of the terms EXIT, or OUT OF BODY.  I have done this stuff thousands of times.  I think folks are too quick to assume that they are leaving their body.  There are lots of techniques that lead one to feel and perceive that they are exiting, but I think it helps to not concentrate on exiting so much as to concentrate on a proper state of mind.  Basically, if you get to the vibrational state you are almost there.  Often, you might even be closer than you realise.  I recommend that when you hit the vibrational state, that you concentrate on feeling love and bliss, and that you let yourself relax and feel this strongly.  For me, after doing this I tend to slip quickly into the OBE, but that is after many years of doing it.  I think you "might" feel yourself start to fall asleep or to feel more relaxed.  I suggest that you try to sit up from that state.  Often, you can get up into the OBE when you thought you were perhaps awake.  At least, that happens to me.  Anyway, I see this as all about focus and mental state.  And, again, while it feels that we depart once our senses are off ... it is very hard to know what is happening.  Perhaps, we are just floating there and being presented with sensory inputs from a galactic bug that is preparing our souls for a tasty meal at our deaths. :-)  Anyway, I am joking and there are lots of reasons to feel that one knows better, but I think folks too quickly accept what they perceive as exactly as they perceive ... and, if you do that you will likely be making it harder for yourself because if you buy in to the whole thing, you will be more readily influecned to run amuck down a silly dream rather than to focus on what you are doing and seeing with a kind of inquisitive view.
Hi.  Althought I have done this stuff for a long time, I try not to make too many assumptions.  I personally tend to think that everyone already Astral Projects.  But, i think that they kind of do it poorly.  Basically, I think that is sort of what dreaming is all about.  I think it is kind of day dreaming thru a dream.  I think all these words like OBE, astral projection, lucid dreaming, etc., muddy up the water.  I think it is all about focus and viewing without forcing the situation, and embracing in "love" which I think is kind of the same thing as riding the vibrational waves (i.e., sort of like floating in harmony with the world).  Anyway, I have gone on and off here and there.  But, in general, I can tell now if I am ready to OBE well. ... Sort of by how I feel.  I think it is helpful not to worry about it too much.  Also, I think meditating helps.  And, I think it helps to focus on trying to get there from a dream.   But, even for me, I find myself getting stuck in silly dreams where i am sort of close to clear minded but not really being so clear -- like showing folks that I can fly since I am an OBERs...
Anyway, good luck...
Sounds like a nice OBE.  Anyway, I think now you should focus on controlling your intensions, moving about, etc.  Try to not get over indulgent in what you see too.  Else, you might just end up running down a regular dream.  Anyway, what you said about physical body impacting the experience is similar to experiencs I have had.  Anyway, the tunnel part was very nice to hear too.  Initially, I did not see it as tunnels.  I would zoon up through the celing and look at the ground as I went higher into space... wonderous feeling.  Anyway, there are lots of neat things to try, like asking guides questions, etc.  Sorry, my fingers are tire of typing ....  Good luck...
Hi.  Many people talk of higher selves, etc.  I don't exactly define things.  For me, I have many years of OBEing and lucid dreams.  Thousands of them.  Only over the last 2 years, I have started to notice other states, such as, e.g., in trance or in waking life where some similarities occur, like hearing things or seeing images, etc.  At first, it totally freaked me out.  I basically tried to shut it down.  But, i think my fear came from feelings of external things -- feeling like ghosts.  I find if I focus on what feels like myself ... people say higher, I tend to feel it as lower -- then, I feel not afraid.  Anyway, i think it is perhaps hard to separate your imagination from what you perceive sometimes.  But, i think sometimes it goes way beyond and it is clear.  Anyway, if you listen, and relax, and let yourself embrace the potential with love inside, I think you will be shocked to hear a lot more.  Anyway, often this happens when there is white noise in the background.  To some extent, I think that is not because our minds play tricks on us, but because the white noise kind of prevents are sensory input and, hence, sort of opens the door to hear these sorts of things.  That is, you can probably hear it any time as long as your senses are not picking up other things ... but, that only happens when you are sleeping, close to sleeping (like meditation), or surrounded by white noise or the like ...
Anyway, probably it is an evil beast that wants to eat your brain!  Ok, just kidding.  :-)  I think this stuff can all get very scary.  It is one thing to watch a scary movie, than to live inside it and to be totally unfamiliar with the writer or ending to expect...  In general, it sounds corny, but the way to overcome fear is to embrace in "love." That does not mean that you should put on blinders, and embrace someone with love if they attack you ... you can simply smile and move away...
Hi.  Yes, it is common to hear or see music or art, etc.  I have heard many songs.  And, I have had songs played to me, where the lyrics are directed to me ... and, the next chorus started after I replied!
Anyway, I am over 40 and have had these OBE things for over 20 years, a somewhat frequently.  So, I am rather familiar with this.  Anyway, in my opinion, everyone experiences this.  But, I think that they tend to zip through the state without paying attenion.  Once you know what to look for and try to do so, it is easy (sort of).  Personally, I think it would be hard to OBE if, e.g., one was unable to fall asleep.  If you are able to fall asleep, then I think you should be able to OBE.  Of course, I am sort of joking a little,  but I don't see it as a great feat any more.  Actually, it also takes lots of practice controlling oneself, etc., so just gettting to the state is kind of just the first step.  But, perhaps the most exciting one. 
Hi. I have been OBEing for about 20 years now.  For me, I have varying ability to do it at will.  Sometimes, it is relatively easy.  I can do it on average about 50% of the time when I try to.  But, I dont always try since it takes time.  Anyway, to be honest, once you can OBE when you want, you are better positioned to analyze what is happening and to try things.  For me, there are lots of factors that lead to being able to OBE readily ... Now, I tend to know beforehand whether I will have high success or not.  For me, a few things help to doing it at will: a) thinking about doing it during the day (and, about what you want to achieve in the OBE), b) reminding yourself before you sleep that you will do it, c) getting up a bit early (like 6 am for me, washing up and using the restroom ... to enable you to relax fully ... well, sorry but it is actually important, I think), d) then, going to bed and focusing on the OBE stuff...  Anyway, I think d) has some key aspects too ... but, to some extent, I think what you do beforehand is very important too.  Anyway, I am guessing that you are familiar with d) ...  At least, for me, it took a while before I realized that there were things to do during the day that would help.  Also, it helped me too when I realized that there is not so much a dichotomy or separation between dreaming and the waking world.  So, thinking about it during the day is not so much taking time out, but kind of realizing and seeing how aspects relate here too.  Anyway, i am not sure if that makes sense.  that is just how I got to be more consistent with it.

Oh yes, I forgot, for me eating lots of veggies and a completely natural diet helps enormously too...

Sometimes, I will go on all raw veggy binges (fruits, nuts, veggies) for a few weeks and my OBEs become very intense....

Anyway, later,
Hi.  I think that we always need to remember that we have no clue.  So, 5% is just a joke.  A way to say that we know little.  Maybe, it is closer to 0.00000000005%.  Who knows.  To me, statements like "we make our own truths" are really big misstakes.  Who can know that?  And, it is also a misstake to say that you learn from experience.  Well, what is it taht you are experiencing?  Can you be certain?  As for OBEs, I have had thousands, and I can do them relatively easily.  I dont presume to know what I am seeing as real, or as false.  To some extent, skepticism is perhaps too strong of a word.  I basically mean that one should not lock onto any particular belief too readily.  I think it is kind of an easy way out.  For example, it is a lot easier to stack a bunch of bricks than to keep juggling them.  So, e.g., we put down bring #1 "in dreams, we leave our bodies."  Then, #2 "I talked to a dead man, so life continues after we die."  And, etc., ... again, those are just examples, like the 5% ... I think the key is to see, to perceive, to react, to remember, to learn and to grow, without making too many inane conclusions ... personally, I think those conclusions often thwart our growth ...
Thanks for the posts.  In response to one question, my goals are kind of widespread.  Basically, I don't really envision being able to sort of save the world.  Nor do I presume to be able to do so.  My goal is to enjoy and grow.   And, my goals are to improve my life in the hear and now and also better understand what lies beyond ... and, perhaps be ready upon my exit from this fine place.  Anyway, I think that my self description of very advanced OBER could be misleading.  Many years ago, after my first few hundred of OBEs, I kind of thought I had it all figured out (well, not really, but I did not realize how much more there was that I was missing).  But, as I have grown, I have also come to realize the complexities.  Anyway, I truly think that people assume much to much.  My goal is also to ascertain some truths about what is occurring and to improve my abilities therein... bit by bit.
Hmm ... semi validations would include, e.g.,
1. Recently, I have been trying to contact my son from the OBE state.  Afterwards, I would say to my son "Did you have any dreams this morning?"  And, he would recant a dream very similar to what I did.  For example, in one OBE, I crawled over him in the bed.  He racanted that he dreamed that our dog crawled on top of him.  (We do look alike, of course. :-)  In another, I went to him and reached down to him in the OBE.  The scene was very white and kind of near the vibrational state.  In that, he said that he dreamed that we were both in whiteness and I was above him.  He said in his dream he said, "there you are, lets go."  Anyway, personally, I think that the language we use in dreams is more accurately concepts that are kind of translated by ourselves.  But, those things are pretty interesting.  Oh yes, I did once contact my wife as a child, and I asked her to tell me a fact, and she said that she was happy that her parents allowed her to skip swimming at the school's indoor pool.  Anyway, I did not know that her school had an indoor pool.  I think that is unusual.  Anyway, there are a lot more.  I think the totality tends to push towards validity.  Actually, I also have a client that has a lamp that supposedly in alterable by one's mind -- see  I have found that in the pre-obe state, the lamp changes very frequently to what I desire.  I have had some experiences changing the lamp correctly about 10 times in a row.  The chances are very low for that to happen.  Although that is a pre-obe state, I think it is all rather similar.  And, actually, i think that the method of making mental requests is similar too.  Anyway, sorry to rant, there are a lot more examples.  I generally have never taken notes, etc., of these experiences.  recently, i started to a bit.  but, i am more into improving technique than recording things. 
also, as an fyi, i tend to get into rythms, such as, e.g., spending months mostly trying to validate something, spending months going down tunnels, spending months talking to dead folks, spending months trying to see my body and go thru the roof to the sky, etc.  recently, i have been focusing on trying to heal my son (who has some health issues).  i have had all sorts of conversations with entities about him ... and, have tried to heal him in the OBE state -- actually, that was one of the co-obe's i mentioend above, etc.
Okay, I better go to sleep... else, I wont obe tomorrow... :-)