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Messages - Terry B

En Taro Adun!

Great! Kudos for telling your mom. But being shot down is not that good, heh.

The first vibration is usually kinda rough but when you have more experience, it will smooth up. Nowadays I get the gentle buzzing kind of vibration. From my experience, when you get the vibration if I just relax in them, everything will unfold naturally. I prefer to bath or relax in them, the vibration washing me all over and then usually my body will float on it's own. If not, I can rollover or intent to float up. Pre-projection technique are useful to get to this state and you wouldn't want to start all over again.

Also if you find yurself stuck, you might try tricking yourself by using your fear of falling from the bed. I use this sometime and it did help. Be careful though, you don't want to fall off your bed.[;)]

BTW, you could have an OBE that ends or get mixed with a dream though. There is no reason you can't dream while having a dream, similar to daydreaming, only more real. Awareness is very important.

Frankly, the first part of this thread feel very different than the latter part. I found 13 questioning is okay and helpful to the thread. I also agree with much of Gandalf's last post.

I remember reading some older post regarding medium or channelling of spirit but it's very hard to find them. The following two link is some that I can find.

Keep the discussion going.

Personally, I have used weight on my ankle and wrist when training martial arts. That was some years ago. I use it when training alone and not when sparring.  Mainly it develop speed, muscle endurance and allow me to move quite fast. Strength may increase but only a little.

However I would recommend caution in using them. Wearing all the time for a few month is not be a good idea. Basic strengthening first is a must. If you're supporting muscle is weak then you might sustain injury while training, especially on the ligament and tendon. Do not overuse, train with extra care. If you're practising kicking especially, please practise proper and safe kicking technique. If you wear them through the day, please do not wear them for too long. And make sure that you don't use them everyday. Some rest day are always a good idea(don't wear weight). I don't know your age but if you're too young like 14 or below please do not use ankle/wrist weight (Sorry but I forgot to see your age in your profile. I use them at the age of 16. At the age of 17 and 18, not too much. Nowadays, I don't use them anymore. I don't even train [:I].

They increase my movement speed, and arm strike. The leg also feels much lighter and faster but I don't train much my leg as I prefer to use my arm more.  Beside, I'm too lazy too practise kicking, and strectching. If you're using them for martial arts, remember to train without weight to be accustomed to your increase in speed. I usually remove them at some point (It was very exhausting training that I subject myself to) and continue training without them for a while.

I use it for some time, then I don't use them anymore as practising using them can be quite a mess (the one I bought tends to leak so I don't use them anymore). However, the speed seems to stay for me eventhough I no longer use weight. When you've already out grow them, just continue training, but without weight. You could wear them occassionally, (with caution) if you want. There are some limit to the increase in speed by using ankle or wrist weight. But don't worry, you'll find other way to increase your speed.

Your post is very well thought out.

But actually, Allah is God in arabic language. Even the arabic speaking christian and jew call God as Allah.
Probably because it is to motivate people to post more. You see, first you have no star and green with envy, then you create  a useless thread. Behold, you get the beautiful green star. You become excited and fervently posting in anticipation of something more wonderful to show up. You thought you will get a shiny silver star, but the best they offer you is a drab grey star. You were fill with remorse, and anger. Not willing to be victimised you somehow knew a gold star was just in the corner, if you can post enough. The cycle start again. Up to now, there are only, 3 member with red star (which fall second in term of attaractiveness from the grey star IMO). It would be a long time before there is anything after premiere member (if any). Would Frank be able to endure the not so super attractive red star. We all hope he do as his post is very informative and helpful. What about squeek? He seem to be slowing down his post nowaday. Would he be able to achieve the red star? Or is he really trying to avoid the red star?

All this and more coming on the next fall in 2012....

Pre-projection symptom?

Sometime when on the onset of projection I experience certain sensation, like hearing sound which may make sense or don't, or see people coming into my room, walking around, opening the door etc., sometime I may feel poke and prod on some part of my body, even a pinch on the butt on one ocassion. However, never in any sexual sense that I know.

A few time,  a hand (which doesn't feel physical more ethereal like) pull me out of my body. Actually I was stuck in my body at that time and feeling a little bold I call for help mentally. Out of nowhere I feel two hand holding my upper arm and pull me slowly out. Eventhough it was I who call for assistance, I was startled, and scared by this. I never though it would happen to me. Since then, sometime when I relax in the vibration, feeling my body floating and buzzing, a pair of hand would try to gently pull me away from my body. The first few time I was scared. Frustrated by my own action, I decide to experiment and let it flow. A few time I come out of the state eventhough I'm not that scared anymore. But the last time was interesting as I manage to finish it. I arrive somewhere, meet someone and have some conversation. At this time, it is too early too make conclusion and I need to investigate more.

Regarding your question, I don't know. Maybe something is really touching you or it could be just a sensation.

Prayer have been used to ask for rain in case of drought, or other change in weather condition. Sometime, the result are very immediate.
What about chinese astrologies?

LOL, the first time I heard the beautiful musical composition in sleep paralysis state I thought it was the work of the devil, trying to entice me...

That was years ago. It's not that fearful now.
Thanks, Timeless.

Wow, you're relly good at this. Hope it's contagious. Regarding making joke, I pretty much like to make joke in rl. Although most of them are not even funny (my batting average are not that good). You're rigt, only the person dreaming can interpret it best. Especially since I've left some detail like there are many girl around my age there an my friends seems to get on with the most pretty one there. And me getting into the kitchen inadvertently searching fr the kid and in the process meet the girl, around my age. My first thought is that the previous girl is prettier (am I that shallow?[:I]) but then I come to realise, "wait a minute, this one is pretty too. Beside, she look really kind, and sweet".  

The flat searching dream is strange in the sense that I sense that the guy adamant about ampton flat is recently out of jail..

You're interpretation really is a good starting point for me. The dream dictionary link is very good. Much information that need to be soaked for a while. When I have the time..[:D]

Hey Psi and Greytraveller,

Spirit guide? Hmm, could be. But frankly I'm not that comfortable with that idea yet but I'm not scared either. I'm okay with the idea of higher self or another aspect of oneself. If I come upon him again there are really many thing that I want to ask him (like why the smugness?[;)]). I was diving into the "happiness"(for lack of better word) pool but it it seems that I can't reach the bottom, like I'm too floaty or something.

Nirvana really take me by surprise. Most of his answer did. It's always one word (or very few) and seems that he answer them in lighthearted manner.

What I found interesting is that there is something resembling me in him. Like my sense of humor, word twist, and I do like to catch people by surprise with amusing comment at time. I'm not sure if I'm that smug though.. [:P]

Time will tell..

Thanks, Frank.

So it could be both. The reason I ask this is because there are time that the communication is sort of like I'm realising what the other convey without any verbalisation. Pretty strange and a little bit confusing to me. For instance I get the realisation that someone I'm conversing want me to follow her and the I automatically follow her, and then I arrive somewhere else. The transfer from realising and action seems to fast to me.

In my post "red cap guy" in obe exp forum I've met someone who I think have been pulling me out of body at least that last time. We talk normally so Iask him shouldn't we just communicate telephatically or somethimg like that but he just chuckle at my question (I still haven't gotten over his smugness..) His answer is always short (one word mostly, like "friend", "travelling" etc) and not what I expect at that moment.


In your experience, how is your interaction in the astral or conversation carried out? Is it by thought transference or could it be like normal talk? What about with your guide?

I check the thread just now but can't seem to find it anymore.

Could it be that the moderator which (the original poster is a moderator) delete it?
Enjoy it while you can!

Actually I don't have answer either but I would surely be interested to hear some take on it. For me it is when I'm relaxing, trying to project or doing energy work.

Maybe it was a super fuzz cheek chakra tingie or something..[:P]

Although I cannot say there is no contradiction in Christianity and don't understand Wiccan at all, your statement that Islam promotes violence is wrong. You would know if you really want to learn about the fact. Is there any religion that really promotes violence? All the major religion that I see don't promote violence. There are people that use violence in the name of religion to make their action seems justified, but it is not the essence of the religion. True, religion has been used as a powerful tools by some to further their agenda but this does not means that the religion promote that stuff. Just because we're promoted with that kind of understanding by the media doesn't mean that it's true as we all have seen numerous time.  I must echo GTP that commenting without understanding or with skewed understanding, we would not be able to analyse the situation correctly. Taking half fact from here or there doesn't count. Also I understand that Buddhism is technically more of a philosophy than a religion.

Maybe everyone has diferent answer as to why they believe in God. As to proving God exist, Sublime sums it well in previous page. It would be nice the ask the opposite too. Why they don't believe in God (they probably have different reason too). It would also be interesting to prove that God doesn't exist. Human mind can reason everything, which way they want. So much for using the limited intellect to grasp all that.

Would this help any? I don't know...

Again, believe what you will. To you your belief and to me my belief. It's not my job to change anyone belief (and I can't). If you really want to believe, trust me you will.

This thread could go on forever (this way or the other). [;)]

Btw, don't confuse me with fact, learn what you can (and want).[:P]

I also noticed the MI. Sometime in grey, sometime in colour. But I have not notice the adjusting of focus yet. Maybe if I can slow it down and pay more attention to it.

Just last night, I have a somewhat long OBE and series of vivid lucid dream (they were many!) following that.

Perhaps someone else can explain this.

The best starter pack that I can suggest would suggest Robert Peterson 1'st book, Alan guiden online book (accidental expert and sequel to travelling) and Donald J. DeGracia astral projection and oobe class text file.

All are simple and easy to understand without too much unnecessary jargon. Being available for free on the net won't hurt either.
I guess I would hijack this thread.[:P]

Last night was quite busy, I post some of my experience in OBE discussion but I think some are more suited here. So here we go...

I remember one about me on some house with some friend (not really sure who they are). I need to find some kid who just wanders off into the kitchen (need to change his diaper or something[xx(]). Searching the kid and frustrated, I make some kind of joke. I heard someone laugh. Saw a girl smiling at me. Look really pretty. There was a woman about late 30 cooking in the kitchen talking with the girl and calling her Yerin. "Yerin?" I ask the girl. She smile and nod. I thought it was a strange name. She then hold my hand and we talk for a bit (it seems the kid is her brother). She show me an opening on the wall and we see many kid and some grown up playing around on the park. I saw an older guy playing with some kid and I ask her if that is her father. She said yes. I comment that he look fierce, she giggles and say that her father is not fierce, very kind actually. We talk some more but I don't really remember about what.

In another dream I went searching for a flat. I ask my friend do it for me and he got one with a 2 storey room! I don't quite get te name but it is ne_a_a something. while there was another friend that ask for my friend to search for a flat but he is adamant to get Ampton Flat for some reason and we were searching for it driving a car.

Another one, My vision were not very good so I try to se my two hand. They look quite the same for me but then I notice there are some vein bulging from my palm so this is a dream. Vision went clear. There were 4-5 person around me want to beat me up for whatever reason. They don't look that menacing for me. I ponder what to do for while weighing the choice of fighting them or just letting them beat me. After all this was a dream... I decide to ask them some question like who they are, where they live, what year is it, what they do for a living etc. but they seems confused and spout nonsense answer. No longer interested to beat me up they said they want to go back. I follow them. One of them went back to his home, saying he want to sleep. I join the other to house which one of them lives at. We went into the house and eat something maade from rice (the texture is a little bit like shushi rice but it was a big chunk). Taste okay but a little bland.

They are more dream last night but I'm not going to list them as some I don't remember really well and some I don't want to tell.

Thanks for reading this.[:)]


To tell the truth, I sucks at dream interpration but if anyone want to comment I would be really happy to read what you think.[:D]
Thanks for the quick reply Kromeknight. So it won't overwrite, huh. Seeing many cool avatar just make me a little bit envious.[:)]

Anyway I still have some space left for some new cool avatar. (poor Adrian, he need to check all those avatar...  Must take some time.


Do you find a way to delete the avatar?
I have to disagree too. Some degree of focus is needed. Fullfledged worrying is not very good but shutting up the surface mind one hundred percent would not be necessary. Struggling to do so will just hamper your progress. OBE is not a struggle.  Just went to sleep naturally. What you need most is control of the awake asleep line. To stay awake while going to sleep is the purpose of many induction technique. Robert Peterson address this well in his free online book.
If youcan manage to stay awake and not fall into a dream or lose conciousness you will see the hypnogogic image. Usually it doesn't take that long, depending on your condition at that time. As for a few hour relaxing and drifting, I don't kow as I usually just fall asleep at that point.

Greytraveller, why do we need to be a good visualizer to see the image? We're waiting the image come and not creating one.
Me too. I always get the "train roaring through my head" sound in my younger year. Usually with sleep paralysis. In fact my experience is pretty much like what Finn has posted that I can't really add anymore.

Nowaday the vibration are of gentle buzzinng kind and no longer violent.