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Messages - beav31is

Jazzarati "Their belief became their reality."

That happens a lot.

"If I observe the gap between two objects I see the space between them bend and flex"

I have seen this a few times. I wish I could see it more often. You are thinking in the right direction.

"What if tomorrow the war could be over"

Be careful not to interfere with the way earth is controlled now. Its controllers wont like it, and they probably know more psychic stuff than you.

"The red pill or the blue pill."

Give me 2 red pills. Throw that blue bottle away. I dont need it anymore.

PS: I'm happy you learned so much from me. Its important to let the other humans (if they're ready) know where they are, cause they probably wont figure it out on their own.
The point is: dont be afraid of negs and they wont bother you.
"the most distracting aspect I've had in order to understand the propositions raised in this forum, is the insistence of relating psychic aptitudes with religion and science"

EVERYTHING that is true must be related.
Dna changes. Everything has dna. Thats enough evidence.

But theres lots more evidence. The list of similarities between species is huge. If they werent related, they would be more different than they are. Some of them wouldnt be carbon based. Some would have an odd number of eyes, ears, etc. Humans wouldnt have animal brains below the outer part of their brains. Why do most mammals have 4 legs (including arms)? Why not 6, 5, or 3? Why do the same viruses infect so many different species? Why is it possible to put organs from one species into another? All that and you complain about bones. Bones arent the major evidence.

This only means that evolution happened. It does not rule out alien genetic manipulation.

Building pyramids (on earth and other planet(s)) is impressive. They probably had better technology or paranormal abilities.
Tell it to talk to me. I'll make him grump down.
Holy crap thats too long. You'll get more readers if you condense info next time. From what I read, I see no reason why it couldnt work, other than the difficulty of telekinesis on objects as big as a key (but I have moved bigger), for whoever answers the questions.

Is it necessary to hold the pendulum? That might create false swings. Why not hang it from something that wont move?

Who moves it? How do you know its not you doing telekinesis? Or is that what you want? Your unconscious mind knows a lot more than conscious.
I prefer the truth over making people happy. Theres lots of evidence for evolution. Something probably created the place we are now, but it could have been made by me or some other spirit. The amount of power "god" has described in religions is not necessary.
Nightmares are fun. Last night I had one (not lucid) with somebody chasing me with a gun that shot needles. I woke up and wanted to go back but couldnt. All emotions, including fear, can be used for spiritual growth, and can be fun with a different perspective.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / leaving.
June 18, 2003, 17:46:15
Are you here to learn about OBE or to be manipulated by insults? You lose valuable info by leaving.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hahaha
June 18, 2003, 17:36:26
* You believe that if you think hard enough, you can fly.
* Things become "Very Clear."
* You and Reality file for divorce.
* You can skip without a rope.
* You can travel without moving.

oh excrement I must be crazy

wait a minute I like being crazy... nevermind
"I am a scientist though and an atheist with a great desire to believe in something more than what the eye meets."

I was an atheist scientist without that desire and I found that OBE is real. It is possible without faith.

"My true reason for wanting to OOB is to be able to distinguish it for myself from a lucid Dream. I believe in the powers of the mind and want to OOB for myself to see that it is not just in the mind but an actual leaving of the body."

You also leave your body during a lucid dream.

"The idea of the mind split though where a copy is made and one copy flies about seems too artificial to be remotely spiritual."

It doesnt have to copy itsself. The parts of the mind split are connected.
"I've noticed a few people seem to go outa their way to find negs and destroy them, even if that paticular one isn't doing any harm. Thoughts and Comments?"

Those people become negs.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Succubus
June 17, 2003, 21:20:28
Silver Incubus "Why would you not want to have sexual urges?"

I like being in control of my human body. I allow it to control me sometimes for fun, but I cant let it think its the master.

"Besides, Succubi only attack in dreams, and they are sex dreams. But not all sex dreams."

Theres much more fun things to do in dreams than sex.

"The sex drive is there to make sure the human race continues. I see nothing bad about that."

Its not bad if you like doing the job of a bacteria, REPRODUCE!!!
"always here this high pitched ringing sort of sound"

Be aware that this sound is commonly caused by a physical problem in the ears called tinnitus.
Books tainted with religion like to scare you. You cant die in OBE because you need a body to die. Your body just goes to sleep here.
silentjohn, I doubt you'd be posting here if the same thing was happening to you now.
You can believe what you want, but "as a metaphore" is not what this thread is about.

Its not the same kind of dream. Its a group dream. Everybody controls it, and right now they want it to be a predictable physical place so it is.

If I asked you while you were in a "normal" dream if you were dreaming, you would probably say no, so if earth is a dream, you probably wouldnt know. If you answered yes while in the "normal" dream, your answer would be based on earth not being a dream. They are too different to be the same thing, you think, and since everybody here says this place is real I'll believe them... It seems solid enough. Maybe solid is a sign of illusion and you've been tricked. How do you know they arent reversed, earth being a fantasy and dreams being reality? How do you know either one is real? I think they both are. Astral (where dreams are) is more flexible. It could contain both dreams and earth. It can contain just about anything. Physical "reality" cant contain astral, but some things from astral are here, like telekinesis and ghosts. Can they exist in a reality incompatible with their own? Dont take this on faith. You wouldnt learn anything. Just think about it.
nevermind, they werent talking to me
"I don't entirely get what you mean by Astral Projection. Is it where you simply imagine things happening exactly behind your eyelids? So much that you make a world in your head with rules and so it seems vivid?"


"Or is it getting into a trance until you actually leave this world and cannot simply move your physical body anymore until you return."

yes. you can move your body any time, and that will make you return immediately

"Is it a world where you can meet other people or is it all just part of your own dream?"

Your surface mind can be active before you AP, but not while you're leaving.
Slightly less energy in a dirty place.

Ask yourself this: Have I used it in the last few months? Will I use it in the next few? If not, sell it or throw it away.
I remember how to read while AP, so we keep our memories.
literal. Hard to believe, but its true.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Aura question(s) ...
June 16, 2003, 19:47:18
After image.

You dont use your eyes to see an aura.
"when we awake what are we?"

A white/clear oval shaped ball of energy with incredible power.

"By set time i mean sorta like everyone dies in there 60s- early 100s of old age."

The "laws" of physics are part of the dream. They are responsible for predictability.

"Also, why are we here for so long, 60+ years seems too much for a dream,"

bigger dreams for things of bigger intelligence

"that would mean everything that happened is in some way fake or never happened."

Dreams are not fake.