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Messages - Bacterio

Last night I found an interesting thing about rundown. I was not trying to phase (I am taking a break) but I started a kind of rundown in order to fall asleep. The result was the opposite!. So I decided to use "intention" while doing the rundown...and everything changed. As I put intention in the rundown I could feel a change in my awareness almost inmediately. So maybe the formula is - rundown+intention+stop spectations -
All that you say about NWO seems to be the traditional mass manipulation. You can see in ancient Rome, middle age kingdoms or recent european history...they are not so well organized, they are drunk of power but are ignorant of the meaning of life. If you like history you will find lots conspiracies...even more sophisticated. I have no doub there are many conspiracies running now (as always) and we have only one way to scape...self evolution.
I find the word dangerous many times in the forum...if we are all explorers we have to asume there can be a potential danger hidden somewhere  but actually it seems we are the most dangereous thing for ourselves
Quote from: soli on May 04, 2010, 17:15:10
I think consciousness is made up of energy but not all energy is consciousness.

Maybe it depends on what do you mean by consciousness.
IMO consciousness has energy...and everything has energy. Matter has energy, thoughts have energy, feelings have energy. So I think Consciousness is not the same as energy but conscioussnes has energy.

Heat, light, etc are ways of energy exchange so don't expect to detect energy only with a heat detector, you would only detect energy radiated in form of heat.

Energy has no shape itself. Maybe you mean a manifestation?.
DIFFICULT QUESTIONS!!!! Only can have opinions beliefs or theories.

I've think a lot about that...but I have only hypothesis.

As Xanth I think the brain is only a kind of computer used to act and be in a physical world.

I believe the energy body is important in our physical existence but has little to do with phasing, OBE or LD...people living in afterlife don't need that energy, if you have no body you can't have energy body as it is linked to it. Why ill people have sometimes spontaneous OBE's while their energy body is so weak? I don't mean that energy body has nothing to do with consciousness exploration but it's not as important as lot of people think (IMO).
I use it everytime I try to phase. I put all the things I have in my mind...mostly using simbols, i.e if i am worried about future I put a cristal ball. I take out my body and put it there as well. After I put everything inside I put the box inside a kind rock made of glass. If something bother me anytime during the attemp I put it inside a smaller box and send it away. Sometimes I put my left brain inside too.
Quote from: Xanth on May 02, 2010, 00:06:55
I don't generally like to shoot people's beliefs and ideas, but... I must ask that you whole-heartedly ignore what Tiny just said.
It is not the truth.  Not even in the slightest.
You are perfectly safe while OBEing.

Please read this:;msg17571#msg17571
And this post:;msg9738#msg9738
As I believe that they will help ease your fears.

Frank was our resident Phasing expert until he stopped posting 5 years ago.
He represents 20+ years of experience doing this kind of thing.

~Ryan :)


Don't create Fears.
Don't rely on useless medication, just learn how to use those wonderful skills
I never used brainwave generators, but I use Hemi-Sync a lot and I find it very fact I could never have achieved any success without it because my lack of patience. It helps a lot but you have to know how to use it. Don't expect having OBE's using it, but you can use it a tool to improve your meditation skills which are important to phase or have OBE's

I don't know it it's the biggest, but for me is the most complete.
In my opinion you don't need to forget your body to phase. Frank call it "Focus overlay", and is the kind experiences I am having...of course getting your body to sleep is the better (maybe the only) way to achieve full technicolor 3D stereo surround experiences but stepping into other areas of consciousness can be done beeing quite aware of your body. I've had some interesting experiences while feeling my body (very relaxed but awake). You don't have to wait until you can achieve a mind awake/body asleep state to start only have to train to focus your attention.
I don't know if the results of WILD and Phasing techniques are different, but I don't think so because the process is the same so I can't Imagine how the results could be different (as long as you don't fall asleep in the middle)...maybe the intention is the only different variable. 
Thanks for the Pdf. It's a way to preserve Frank's legacy.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hi everybody
April 21, 2010, 18:27:55
Hello. I found this forum through another one (very useful too) and got hooked with the phasing issues. I started this as an afterlife search but I am discovering many interesting things in the way.

I have read almost half of Frank's posts and I am becoming a Frank fan (It`s a pity he is not here anymore).

Thank you very much (to everybody)