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Messages - urshebear

I would say, try not to be so skeptical or doubtful of your experience...maybe don't analyse it until its over and you may be able to hold on to the experience for longer
The physical can be dangerous too, but its people who dwell on the negative that bring that very same energy into their own lives.

I have had family tell me that I am opening myself up to demon possession, my reply was that I have never heard of someone being possessed from AP however I have heard of people becoming "possessed" by just living their everyday lives (to be honest I don't even know if I really believe in that stuff though) aaaand also, we all do it, It may not always be remembered but we all do.
I got it a little bit when I was a kid. I had a bit of a string of it at age 17 which was when it was super freaky and I had no idea what it was or anything about AP...I actually thought my house was haunted.

Then at age 20 I started getting it frequently again. This was right after I had my first child which triggered SP for me because having a young baby meant that my sleeping patterns were suddenly irregular and I was waking up a lot in the night. This was when I started researching about what is was and found out it had a name "sleep paralysis" and I learnt it can be a way "out-of-body"
Tried it that same night and was successful the first time.

Now, at 24 I have my second baby but rarely get sleep paralysis anymore even though she wakes through the night....maybe my body is too used to irregular sleeping patterns now.
Soarin - That is interesting although I don't actually know any of my guides apart from possibly one who may be a guide but I don't have enough evidence to prove that to myself because I haven't had enough experience.a

The visualization thing I do sometimes problem is that I can visualize that I am watching myself walk through a park but I cant visualize actually walking through the park. I keep trying though
Escapevelocity - I have a range of different experiences. sometimes I will get up in NP and realize I just got out of a bed that wasn't mine (when this happens I don't see my physical body in the bed)...I am sometimes in foreign houses or otherwise hospital or airport type places. I feel like from here I am in such a rush to keep moving that I forget my intentions. Sometimes I may stop to chat with someone but every time the conversation is vague and dull so I keep moving....every projection end with me finding a window and attempting to fly to the moon...I don't know why I don't even attempt to do anything else perhaps I do not have enough awareness to think in more than one direction but in saying that, I am like that in the physical as well. I zone into what I am doing and find multitasking (or multi-thinking) hard.

If I start out in RTZ which I usually do. I do tend to get a massive subconscious overlay where I can pinpoint different things I might see as the same things I might have thought about that day/week. from there I always end up flying again as I cant think of what to do next and as I said I don't want to stop and think about it out of fear of losing awareness or becoming too aware which always snaps me back to physical.

I have tried to achieve my little goals in the past....for example I used to try something that Frank Kepple mentioned about standing there and staring into space till you start getting blinds of image and blackness...It worked but once I was fully emerged in the blackness I was too aware and snapped back to physical. That was back when I was easily projecting and wasn't afraid to waste an experience because I knew I would get the chance to project again soon.
Perhaps limitlessness will eventually get boring?
Maybe that's why we are here
As an experiment as to how we will cope with limits
EscapeVelocity, I have had projections outside of RTZ, but I don't like relying on SP because I seem to be getting SP less and less (perhaps as I get older?).

Thinking of lessons hmmmm, there could be many because I am still very much a novice

I do feel that when I am in the NP I am always in such a rush....I have to keep busy all the time and if I cant quickly think of something to do next I fly because I am scared if I stop to smell the roses I will lose it and that has happened to me before. This often results in me waking up feeling disappointed because I haven't achieved many goals that I have set myself - experiments I want to try such as asking about a spirit guide, looking in the mirror, walking into a mirror or a picture etc.
I used to attempt these things but haven't for such a long time because my projections are now so few that I don't want to waste them and risk doing anything that may cut them short.

This is why I am so eager to learn how to phase because I feel like I will be able to project more often if I am not just relying on SP
but then again I really don't know because have never phased before and perhaps you do feel more physically aware using the phasing method, I have no idea cause I have yet to experience that.
Thanks Suzy :) I can AP but just not by using the phasing technique. I usually have to get out via sleep paralysis but feel I am experienced enough to want to move on from that. I defiantly couldn't AP from where I was, I did try but I feel I might have been still too physically present if you know what I mean.
I have been trying to do the phasing technique for quite a few years now with no success, I have read so much on phasing but when I attempt it I usually fall asleep (fall asleep whenever I meditate too)

anyway the other day I was staring into the blackness for quite a while when I started to feel like I wasn't lying down anymore, I felt like I was upright in the blackness but it was still just image will come along every so often and I will try and zone in on it which I can do for maybe a few seconds before it disappears.

Is the upright feeling progress at all?
when I get around to it I might post something acapella. I wrote a song about Sleep Paralysis when I was 17 so that might be a goer :D
cool :) I can sing and have been thinking of making a youtube channel or something....I often sing in the NP, its just my thing I guess I don't even try it just naturally happens especially when I am flying I just feel the urge to sing....
I can play guitar and drums too but not well enough to share lol
I don't believe this would work??? simply because the vibration you are looking for is more of a mental one than a physical one, If I woke up to my feet vibrating it would put my main focus on my physical body and regarding projection, you are aiming to direct your main focus away from that.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: dreams of killing :(
April 20, 2014, 08:48:36
what about linking dreams?? anybody know about this

another example is that I will go some place in a dream and feel a sense of deja voo, then I will realise that it is because I have been to the exact same spot in another dream...sometimes the dreams can be years apart.
Welcome to Dreams! / dreams of killing :(
April 17, 2014, 11:35:24
I just woke up and need to share this crazy dream I just had.

So I was sitting in this flat with 2 guy-friends. We were awaiting this drug dealer to come around and sell us some drugs. I was so scared of this drug dealer and didn't want to be a part of the deal however I wasn't so scared about being a part of his murder...we were hatching a plan to kill him.

Next thing I am on the balcony high as a kite, higher than I have ever felt and my best friend rang me...I told her how high I was and she wasn't very impressed at me being so weak to feel the need to take drugs. I got off the phone to her and the next thing I knew, it was time to kill this guy...we had already pre-planned the murder so I knew what to do. I didn't kill him, one of my acquaintances did but it was all very quick...bang bang and we leaped over the balcony and ran/walked trying not to be suspicious all the way home.

When we got home I noticed my friend was still holding the gun. There were people at my house having a party so I temporarily stashed the gun under some clothes on my bed...My friend and I began talking about hiding the evidence...I told her "here is what we will do, at 8am everyone is going to be rushing about going to work so nobody will suspect our car, we will take all the evidence out to my ex's farm, there is loads of bush-land there, so dense that nobody will ever find anything...don't worry I have done this before...yes I have done this before, that's right I have"

I suddenly started to recall another dream that I had years ago. where I killed a women, bound her wrists and feet and sliced her up into pieces discarding her body out on the farm.  The gruesome scene replayed in my head. I started to feel terrible having this memory just thinking "how could I do that" I felt disgusted in myself and sad for the women...I wondered why I had never heard of her family looking for her? did they just think she was a missing person??

Then I woke up and breathed a sigh of relief that I have never killed anyone and don't have to live with that burden...the strange thing is that in waking life I actually had forgotten that dream about the women, It was like 2-4 years ago. I think its strange that I remembered this dream inside another dream because even if somebody had of come up to me in my waking life and said "remember that dream you had about killing that women" I would have said "no"

This is not the first time my dreams have linked up either and every time I think its all 100% real...anybody feel like there dreams link up too??
Also can anyone shed some light on these horrible murderous dreams that seem to be focused around covering it up before I get caught. I feel like a freak dreaming of such horrible things.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / no common sense
April 15, 2014, 05:08:54
Sometimes I hate my personality so much.
I am clumsy, forgetful and have next to no common sense when it comes to waking life. I am constantly in a dream world and often cut myself off from reality, I sometimes get frustrated and angry when people ask me questions or try and talk to me when I am busy thinking. I am messy and socially awkward. I am shy because I am embarrassed of my awkwardness. When I do get close with people and open up I often walk away from social situations hating myself because of what they must think of me.
Everyone else seems so "on the ball" compared to me. I struggle with common sense at work too and always feel like I am crap at every job I do because of it.
Having a bad day today, feeling really sad that I cant be like normal people
oh and to answer the question, I have never fought in the astral....but I have tried out making a ball of love energy that I charged up and then released but I didn't release it at anybody, just wanted to try it in case I ever do need to use it.

I have also wrestled with stretchy negs in my earlier days until I realized that wrestling them doesn't work lol
haha I have talked about seeing spiderman in a projection in a few posts recently....perhaps it was one of you two  :wink: lol only my spidey was webslinging around the dome I was trapped inside
I have one friend who astral projects. I kind of taught her but she was already into meditation, chakras etc so I barely had to teach her anything, just gave her a little nudge and she was away that very same day.
This is interesting, I don't know much about it but I have heard of people successfully activating the third eye using a coin.
Perhaps its just the pressure on the third eye area?
I don't know?
My dad committed suicide when I was 18, almost 6 years ago.
I have communicated with him, through dreams and also through a medium who picked me out of the audience at a live show which was amazing and life changing.
He is OK, he showed me the answers to my questions. I am fine but I do miss him everyday and think about him all the time. For the first year after losing him, I did lose the plot a bit.

I think everyone thinks about suicide at least once in their life, but its a selfish way of thinking and I for one would NEVER do it.

When you feel that way, remind yourself that even when it seems like its been raining for ages, the sun always comes out again.
You don't have to be astral projecting to see a loved one, look out for your loved ones in dreams and trust your gut. when you get that feeling that your loved one is around, they are. trust that. don't second guess your intuition.
Last year I was pregnant and my daughters father was working in Singapore.
When he came home he told me that he met 2 men who told him this folk law tale about a demon who lies over pregnant women when they sleep and sucks their baby right out of them, apparently the women wakes up to this demon all in black with red eyes sitting on or laying on her...he said both men had it happen to their wives and one had gone to scans and everything then went to the doctor after the attack who told her there was no trace of her ever being pregnant.
The night he told me this story I experienced sleep paralysis and saw the entity he was talking about. but when I woke up I still had my strong is the subconscious mind? obviously I only had that experience because he put it in my head otherwise I never would have.

Not saying I don't believe your story because I am not in your situation but just be aware of the power of suggestion, especially with these stories that go from person to person and suddenly everyone is experiencing the same thing. Next time you go out of body, try fill yourself with happiness and love not fear....I have had many negative energy's attach to me while out of body, they have never hurt me though just annoyed me.
I really want to be able to do retrievals someday.
I am not all that good with meditation, I have two children (3 and 6months) so I struggle to find time. When I do meditate I constantly feel uncomfortable. Yesterday I meditated during the day mainly to calm myself down because I was pretty stressed out, I wasn't tired at all but I soon lost awareness and started dreaming. I think I must have been in a light sleep because I didn't "wake up" just opened my eyes and it was over but as I say, I was not able to maintain my awareness.
Thanks for the link I will read it tonight.
Hey guys

I have been only projecting into my own imagination for three years now. I have never seen an entity that has offered me any interesting insight, just random stuff like spiderman webslinging around the place. I have tried to go a bit further with consciousness many times but have failed. In fact, one time I actually found I was in a dome of my imagination and couldn't get out. Its almost boring now, I am over flying around aimlessly.