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Messages - galacticsurfer


Without always writing down lots of dreams every night and working on lucidity I would soon lose general interest in mindfulness as  I always have to have a concrete goal to acheive more and the control over lucidity(even OBEs) leaves endless room upwards in mental control/awarenss in astral or dream realms. I used to meditate and stuff but generally there was no comparison against which this state could be measured so it bored me. Now that I write down lots of dreams every night and watch my awareness carefully in them I have an "objective" control to see how I am getting along in my mindfulness in the waking hours. Mindfulness is just a very intensive form of relaity checks which is essentially nonstop reality checking.

I am glad that you got the download and are experiencing what it feels like. Keep looking at that mindfulness text every couple of weeks again and you will see that stuff they are talking about that you did not understand or just skimmed the first time is really happening to you as it is a build up from just the superficial thought block out and being now to where you start cleaning out ever deeper stuff that is really old inside you. Anyway the more you do mindfulness the more the article makes sense in all its parts. Its a life long journey.

I find it personally really easy to mellow out and go into trance generally by using energy techniques and such. However as I  am trying to become lucid in dreams this personality trait of being really fuzzy and unclear makes it very difficult to do reality checks whether in daily life or in dreams so that Lucidity is a matter of pure feel and emotions(like being angry enough to notice I am just dreaming) if I do go lucid at all in a dream. Somehow I think I have to strike a balance between the feel good element of being mindful and present which creates the bliss and the concentration element which allows the bliss state in the first place. Essentially I tune out when I have concentrated enough to create bliss. But to remain here all the time is the trick to stay lucid in my dream or in real life.

I remember the explanation from coworkers as to how to deal with pressure when I worked a while as a cook for in a restaurant a long time ago and everything would get very hectic suddenly. The basic thrust was to "take it easy - but fast". In other words like a perfect sportler "in the zone" at peak speed and performance but never lose your cool in that situation. This is the real trick with awareness, doing it faster and easier all the time. Becoming awareness without getting tuned out of your environment. The lucidity in dreams is a good check for this. If it is not happening then I think that the mindfulness is not being done effectively. This of course probably will take a lot of effort on my part.
I have been doing Holosync intro disc for a couple times a week since September and have now ordered the 1st level. I basically think this program is good and has stabilized me in a way that I can concentrate more to become serious about such things as OBE among others. Of course the price bugs me too.

I think it must be possible to find out exactly which freqencies holosynce uses in each stage down for the next set of CDs which increases their effectiveness each time.  Frequencies are certainly not patentable. Their theory that you have to take it slow to completely change your brain waves like monks in Tibet or Zen monks who meditate for 40 years until they can acheive such deep states without problem seems pretty logical. A one time shot will only change you today. One CD alone as being offered here could not acheive such a change as 12 CDs over twelve years with progressive deepening could. Once you have gotten used to it the effects must wear off just as the idea is with holosync so that you have to switch CDs one after another until you reach the last stage. Obviously a cheap alternative is needed but the market for such  a product is too small to get a serious copy that is really identical in concept to Holosync going over the net for free or at CD burning cost.

Maybe they could just change this download slightly each time to correspond to the change to deeper frequency as holosync has in each of their deeper CDs and number them 1-12. Of course for that somebody has to buy the whole holosync set and analyze them in some sort of sound lab and they only sendt ehm out one at atime even if you pay for allof them at once (to stop copycats?).
Welcome to Dreams! / Had to share!
May 03, 2004, 07:45:21
I started a couple of weeks ago a technique on using the chakras in dreaming from the Tibetan perspective.

You are supposed to concentrate on a red letter A in the throat chakra and this will give a very pleaseant dream. After a couple of hours you are supposed to wake up again and See a small white ball on the brow chakra. This should give another sort of dream(intellect? I forget). After another couple of hours you should concentrate on the heart chakra, visualizing some tibetan word that sounds like "HUNG". This is supposed to give brave dreams-seems to work somewhat. Last but not lease you are suppsed to see a liitle black ball by the sexual chakra and this will give wild, raging dreams. The idea is a buildup throughout the night to where you can handle more all the time. They give special breathing exercises and show how you are supposed to lie(left, right on your back) for each of the four parts and suggest laying a bit higher by using more pillows to heighten lucidity. I think this all helps to increase at least my dream awareness and most likely gives me dreams of the specific types in the preferred order they are suggesting in the book. The thing with lucidity is that it occurs more often early mornings and in wilder dreams so this system should increase lucidity occurence somewhat. I have had a couple lucid dreams on the last part and more aggressive, wild ones as well(not sexual- despite concentration on the sexual chakra).

As my chakras are pretty active through previous training it is not too hard to get them feeling warm by concentrating on them so I guess they just keep on being warm afterwards from themselves and the focus of the energy body is then on that part of the body. It seems logical and they say it has an unbroken lineage for 17000 years and has worked for thousands of people so I will continue using this along with NEW technique from Robert Bruce and hope for good results in lucid dreaming and OBEs
I have been noticing in my dreams small premonitions of objects that occur in my dreams. For example I saw a  long metal shoe horn in one dream and in another dream on the same night I was fighting over cakes with kids. The next day at my in laws they had such a shoe horn and served a lot of sweets. Of course I knew we were going to visit and had seen that shoe horn before and was used to being served sweets there. Yesterday I saw a long stick or speer being used to attack someone in my dream and then saw my kids messing around with long big branches dangerously on the playground and thought immediately of my dream.

Now due to these occurences I have started looking at my dreams not just for subconscious stuff being worked out but always with an eye towards possible little occurrences during the day to see if I could not avoid some sort of trouble. If I had taken that "advice" from my subocnscious a couple of days ago I would have felt better and not eaten so many sweets and cookies[:D]

Maybe with a little practice I could stretch my time frame for my premonition dreams out a little further than just the next day or make the things more connected to one another( a whole serie sof events and not just some objects in the middle of some other type of dream).
Welcome to Dreams! / shared dreams?
May 03, 2004, 06:40:40
I had a dream a couple days ago that my wife said to me if it were not for me and the kids she would have gotten a visa and made a world trip. I told her about this dream the next day and she said amazed "that is exactly what I was thinking". Unfortunately she does not write down her dreams but I suspect that when I dream with her in it that she could really be in it. It would therefore seem to be the best thing to do to try to share dreams with one's spouse as the emotional ties and interests are just so close and you could agree on it so much easier without making any complications in relationships and check the facts later upon waking up. Hey this could even improve the marriage love life considerably![:D]

Welcome to Dreams! / Flying in a Lucid dream
May 03, 2004, 06:25:32
I have had several flying/lucid dreams since starting on writing my dreams down  a month or so ago. On last Friday Morning I just projected myself into a picture of a hypnagogic image and it turned into a film instead of a picture and I was flying above the people on a basketball court for a few seconds.

On Sunday morning I was in a dream  sitting on the ground in front of a house and just started slowly going upwards, my legs underneath me. I flew around over people's heads(there was a sort of party going on) and tried but failed at first to fly to the clouds above. I tried again and managed to reach them and tested going through them, how the clouds felt and so on. Then I saw a really dark cloud and thought I would go through it but I could not. It was pretty solid. Iwas suddenly again sitting on the ground and went back inside the house. All the people were gone and I asked how long I had been gone.

I think maybe the dark clouds are subconscious problems I have to get at. Old memories or deep set attitudes. At any rate after worrying about these problems half the day the rest of the day I felt really relaxed and without stress or time pressure.

My problem with Lucidity is that I hardly ever notice it is a dream directly through logical reality checks. Either I fly or I do not and otherwise I do not get it.  

A few weeks ago I got angry in a dream as I was being attacked and I just flew away as I had the suspicion the whole time that I was in a dream( I was blocked in that dream by building cranes from going higher).

The more I do this the less the lucidity is threatening or stressful. But now although noone is attacking me like that my subconscious problems are still blocking me(clouds).

I thought of taking a sword to those clouds afterwards during the day like RB described. This might do the trick with other blockages other people have as well.

The absolutely coolest flying dream I had was last summer when I was not into lucidity or writing down my dreams at all. I had just seen a while before Matrix reloaded and Matrix for the first time. After a fight with a man who I thought would kill me or something I just put my fist up like Neo and flew straight up and over the big city and the people looked up and thought I was Superman. I then landed in some isolated place by a big dam and met with UN officials and important world officials. Now that really was just a dream. No one in their right mind would think that sort of stuff when lucid.
I was making a lot of progress over the weekend and got a couple of very real lucid dreams and then on Sunday night after reading in Astral Dynamics how to do it I tried the rope technique after waking up from sleep. It did not seem to work completely but I think that was the split mind effect and my heart was racing like RB says. I imagined contact with my astral projection looking at his hands in the kitchen and later I felt a rush which could have been a return in the physical body. I later had a dream of running around in the streets  in my underwear at night trying to get back to where I was sleeping which might have been my downloaded shadow memories coming up.

In the night when I got up afterwards my astral body feel was much more strong with a feel of energy body going out farther than usual. For example I went in the dark to the bathroom and as it was dark and I was a little afraid of ghosts or noise in the bathtub I felt my energy go in that direction with my fear.

This is a lot of fun as it really seems to follow the sensations RB lines out in his book and gives me a lot more self confidence than before. I notice what I was writing in the forums last week and it is all arguments based on logic and trying to prove some point through what I know intellectually. Now I just could care less of proving anything or making points. I feel good and more relaxed slowly but surely. This is only getting better the more I work on it.
I read the discussion about the Brain technique in the other forum and started doing a "brain massage" with NEW  a few days ago. It works just as well as NEW on the other body parts. It just keeps going from itself on its own momentum. I tried that on my inner organs too and it works as well.

I got a headache the other day after getting too little sleep combined with too much energy work and after I woke up the next day and felt bascially better without a splitting headache but I noticed that my brain throbs somewhat and especially my frontal lobes(the whole area directly behind my forehead) can be felt throbbing very distinctly. I am uncertain if this area controls the visual cortex as it is directly in back of eyes.  

Last night I was dreaming and started waking up but saw a hypnagogic image which started to fade out. I willed it back several times until it became quite real and jumped into it. I was floating in the air above a basketball court with the men playing basketball beneath me. I was still under my blankets in this "lucid dream" and wanted to get out of them and really fly but lost my grip on the dream and woke up.

Each time I increased the visualization so that it would be more sharp I felt an energy surge in my whole body. I have the impression that I pulled energy up and put it into my frontal lobes to force a visualization and that this worked.

10 days ago I similarly was in a dream and tried to do a visualization from inside the dream but could not hold the picture very long. After that I learned NEW and have since made more energy progress which seems to make all the difference. I am hoping to be able to hold the lucidity much longer as my energy level/control increases. I just got Astral dynamics and will read it over the weekend to find anymore tips in this direction.
I remember vaguely some quote from Ramana Maharshi in the book with all the conversations with him. Somebody asked him about suffering and enlightenment and he says "suffering is the way to enlightenment" or something similar. I think that must be true. Only when we are unhappy do we try to find happiness. Ultimately this happiness can only be spiritual. Jesus said to cut out your right eye if it offends you. This is along the same line of thinking. Spirit has preeminence over body. The body is the cause of suffering as it has all these attachments to itself(hunger, sleep). It is a big ego trip( "Oh I am so handsome, strong, etc.")

Only by comparison do we feel better generally. I mean like somebody has to be worse off than ourselves then we thank God we aren't in their shoes. If however we are the worst off we curse God and fate. Everybody does this, not just people with handicaps, but everybody, everywhere. This is bad and only through a deeper spirituality can we just learn to enjoy the moment and simple things. I read in a book that a guru a couple thousand years ago predicted there would come a time when millions of people would use meditation instead of drugs to keep happy. I think this is actually happening today as we do not have any choice, either drugs to forget or prayer/medtiation to remember our true selves.
I think that our concept of what it is necessary to teach ourselves and our children changes from generation to generation as our view of the world and our relationship to it changes. Since 19th century and the industrial revolution people have been getting standardized education and living in big cities. Since this time alienation from nature and the soul has become widespread due to the pure materialistic dogma of science and materialistic economic credos(communist, capitalist, social welfare state).

This is to be expected as astrologically speaking Saturn and Jupiter have met every 20 years in earth houses for 200 years. In 2020 this period will end as they meet in Aquarius. I am not talking about the "Age of Aquarius"(2000 year long phase)" but just about a normal cyclical thing which lasts 800 years, 200 years for each of the four elements.  

Nowadays there is so much knowledge and interest in spirituality and consciousness and even the physicists(starting with Einstein) have admitted perspective or consciousness as important. these concepts will change the way we learn academically(Brain Mapping technique for example) and the content as old logical paradigms give way to creative ones.

Basically the Zeitgeist determines what is shoved down our throats at school and in the media and our whole environment. The average person fits into the mold  generally, but a lot of people do not. This zeitgeist changes slowly and sometimes very suddenly and that makes for revolutions in our thought paradigm. The 60's was important for the esoteric teachings being introduced and accepted by the masses in the West. The acceptance of Western materialism in the East through globalization may destroy spirituality there but give the seething masses in India, etc. the longed for better material life. Let us hope we can combine the best of both cultures and develop a way to absorb all the new technology and information overload and control it so that it does not control us.

I am trying to teach my 5 year old son NEW and he finds it fun. I think the right way is for us to take one step at a time as  individuals with our own kids.
I know when I talked to my brother, who has been heavily into fumdamentalist type christian churches for quite a while, about meditation and astrology and stuff he intimates that meditation leaves an empty mind and this lets you lose control and then the devil comes in.

In my opinion this devil is simply your fear of your own dark side. I read in one book about OBEing or lucid dreaming that when the guy first did it he met his dark side which was a really evil looking guy all dressed in black with red eyes and he freaked out and woke up all scared so he never wanted to try that again. He told his friend about this and he told him that is just all your fears and bad nature all wrapped up together. He then thought a lot about this and got over his fear through understanding. When he OBEd the 2nd time he met this dark creature again and it was very weakened and beat it into a pulp till it disappeared and he never saw it again and has been in the astral realm having lots of fun since then.

Now I have not been terribly lucid in many dreams since I started up on this a month ago but I have remembered between 1-4 dreams most nights and one time early on I went purposely to a haunted house to confront my fears and another time I fought an evil type person. I notice that these are all subconscious fears made concrete in my dreams. This sort of thing is diminishing for me. A couple of days ago in my dream a big shaggy dog was trying to get at me. I decided he was just being friendly and I just hugged him.

I noticed in my dreams all sorts of subconscious neurotic fears and bad self attitiudes are expressed("I hate myself, I am a failure" etc.) Realizing these negative subliminals is the best way of getting rid of them then it will get easier to become lucid in dreams by understanding the subconscious and the fear trips it puts on us.

I did not answer whether I believed in God or Devil. Of course there are bad spirits out there trying to keep us from enlightenment or unity with God/Christ consciousness. Fear is the number one thing stopping our unity with God. Breaking out of the limits of the middle ages by accepting techniques not specifically written in a particular religious text and suppressed therefore by the clerics at that time has been important to the rise of our current civilization(no the world is not flat and the sun does not go around the earth, etc). We should not let the modern scientific dogma do this fear trip to us either by saying we are insane if we have kundalini, lucid dreams or OBE. We are in the world coming to a much larger picture of reality based on the deepest connection to ourselves and nature and the physical reality. Someday maybe everyone will learn NEW techniques and do lucid dreaming and have kundalini experiences and learn simple telepathy. This is a matter of survival itself to get over our fear of the unknown,. Evolution is a purposeful act of the individual and not a coincidental mutation of some genes. Our current materialistic paradigm is destroying mother Earth. We do not have any choice but to go forward. There is no way back to the middle ages.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / some help.
April 29, 2004, 08:56:13
Maybe you are seeing their past or future selves or the state of their souls now(or else you  have taken too much acid lately[8D])

That is like clairvoyance isn't it?

I read also some Tibetan books on using lucid dreams to develop oneself and Rigpa is a very important concept there. This is like the lucid dreamer knowing he dreams but this works when we are awake too. the idea is that when you think of it our waking life is just as much a dream as our dreams are and if we always are "aware" we are "dreaming" we are in Rigpa.

At any rate I also stumbled over a good text which is sort of a basic buddhist manual(30 pages) on minfulness(The Power Of Mindfulness) from a buddhist institute. It is very easy to understand. I uploaded it to the e-books here. It is worth a read.

Here is the table of contents to give a taste of it:

•   Introduction
•   Four Sources of Power in Bare Attention
•   1. The Functions of "Tidying" and "Naming"
o   Tidying Up the Mental Household
o   Naming
•   2. The Non-coercive Procedure
o   Obstacles to Meditation
o   Three Countermeasures
•   3. Stopping and Slowing Down
o   Keeping Still
o   Spontaneity
o   Slowing Down
o   Subliminal Influences
•   4. Directness of Vision
o   The Force of Habit
o   Associative Thought
o   The Sense of Urgency
o   The Road to Insight
•   Notes
•   Further Reading

I read RBs Reincarnation text.

I read a lot a few months ago on quantum mechanics and last summer I read Seth Speaks(a channelled "spirit"). Seth explained how he was up on a higher plane permanently as a sort of teacher to our plane of existence and that our 3 dimensional world and time is actually all happening at the same time. Everything runs parallel. This book is really terrific and mind blowing. There appears also a Seth 2 in the book who comes from a much higher sphere of existence than the first Seth and channells throught the first Seth.

I would try to guess that like modern physicists speculate that there are many dimensions(maybe 11 or 12) in their mathematical models to explain all the energies in existence and all the particles they have found and all the energies until they get to a Grand unified theory(= GOD) where everything goes backinto itself and stops at the beginning of everything.

If the physical world and time are together 4 dimenstions then a lot of other existence is out there(in there?) waiting to be discovered and we just cannot get it at this phase of our development or we would not be here now.

Supposedly in hindu cosmology there are many spheres of existence similar to the physical bodies (Astral, Mental, etc.) which we have to ascend after many lives at each level, I read about this in Sri Yukteswar's vivid account of Hirnyanloka( a planet in the astral sphere for people who had acheived enlightenment in "Autobiography of a Yogi"). This planet was in the Astral sphere and people lived there like for 1000 years per lifetime and had astral bodies of light which could take any form they wanted. It was explained the next level after was purely mental and much more difficult and made just of ideas and that when that level was finished wiht one would completely melt into God.

I like Einstein's idea which has since been proved that everything effects everything else simultaneously and now they are thinking of using this to develop new computer chips(also star trek tpye transporter machines for electrons). If this is true and what appears as time and space to us is an illusion then my past and future selves are one and the same much as I am the same with everone else and God in the sense of a hologram where every part contains the complete picture of the whole(hologram). So really there is no contradiction to being influenced by our other selves it is just a question of breaking the mental block to realize or feel our other selves(like memories of past and future existences).   No, I have not been past life regressed, yet. Would be great fun.

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Alien message
April 29, 2004, 07:19:47

Thanks for your bravery. I wish I had some experience in this way but I notice that even somebody like Robert Bruce who saw clearly a UFO and has enormous AP experience is not saying that he could somehow control the Alien experience or set up a meeting consciously with them by telepathy or something.

Some people have written "channelling" types of books and similar where they claim to be speaking for aliens or beings from other dimensions. This is hard to swallow(I liked Seth speaks of course). I read John Mackes(Harvard Professor) book on Abductions(hypnotic regression techniques) and found it convincing and pretty definitive.

I do not believe they are going to be letting us in on their game so openly as would be suggested in that alien message, however much we would desire it. We are their zoo animals or pets at best in their minds I should think and would not be put on a completely equal footing in our present physical /spiritual form anymore than angels would willingly talk to any John Doe in the bar about football. I think that sort of experience will be reserved for very special people indeed.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Guru's
April 29, 2004, 07:06:28
I read in a book about learning and personal development that one should have a lot of gurus who are experts in many areas of interest. For example I buy a book on yoga or OBEs or something and the techniques they give are important to me. A guru in the old sense of the word was from when information was completely limited. Nowadays we can collect information from everywhere from people  who have enormous amounts of experience in so many areas and are much more advanced than we are so that we can ride on the coattatils of such people and not always just try to reinvent the wheel or live in total ignorance. The internet is a wonderful tool for finding out sources of such information as I would have been quite a different person had I not used the internet to find such experts who teach techniques like RBs NEW and many other such things over the years. Everybody picks and chooses from a huge smorgasbord of such teachings according to his own desires and needs. So we are our own gurus in that we pick what we need and we also need help from others to save us time. I mean people long ago made their own shoes, clothes, food and everything else. Nowadays I go to specialists for everything. The world is one big supermarket of ideas and we should take full advantage of that. Do not get too hung up on one teaching or Guru. If his technique bombs try the next idea. Eventually we will find something fitting for us.
I don't know about the month/year thing really.

The chinese calendar is based on the five elements and 12 year cycles together to make a complete 60 year cycle.

Fire Metal Wood Earth Water
Rat Ox Tiger Hare Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Boar

They use only twelve double hours and not like in the west 24 hours for horoscope birth time. This would also fit for the practice in India of just making your ascendant the whole house and disregarding degree for ascendant(12 houses = 2 hours per house).

I always heard the babylonians invented the 60 minute hour but am not sure.

From reading Graham Hancock books and paleo ufology one gets the idea that due to all these monoliths in the stone age everywhere that were spread over the whole world that this idea(12/60) is pre ice age and astrology was a sort of global religion with extreme accuracy and knowledge of astronomy and that nobody invented it whose culture we can directly now connect with as they went under in several big melts which covered up big areas of land in the indian, pacific, atlantic, black Sea, mediterranean, caribbean and forced everyone to high land as the coasts were very uncertain everywhere and nobody knew where the water would stop.

The Shamanistic/Amerindian culture uses a 4 direction astrology. this is the most primitive form based on the 4 directions of the heavens. Later on people divided each direction by 3.
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Heating
April 29, 2004, 02:31:28

Thanks for the good technique. I saved it to my hard drive and printed a copy. I will take it home and try it out.

Do you know a similar one for cooling in the coming summer. We had the hottest summer in 500 years last year in Europe and I understand that will only get worse in the coming decades. Lots of old people died from heat stroke. Now I am only 39 but I have to be prepared for old age and could probably use it even now.

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Alien message
April 28, 2004, 08:52:07
This message is purportedly from aliens asking us to decide whether they should officially appear and change everything on earth.

I read a lot about UFOs including for example Robert Bruce's short personal experience in this area. I however do not see any reason to believe that this particular message comes from aliens or that we can really know what is going on with them in their heads. Do they have a noninterference code(star trek) or do they constantly interbreed with us to save their race from extinction or to save us after we have destroyed  ourselves and then the earth will be repopulated with the mixed race children (X files).

Do aliens have control over matter and energy in such a way that they can levitate, do telepathy, go through walls, show you all your previous lives, etc, as reported in many books.  If so does this make them higher spiritual beings or are they just as self serving as a monkey or a person who is morally evil due to his own personal karma?

Do their space ships disappear into another dimension or do they come from far away in other galaxies and use  "cloaking " devices to disappear suddenly?

Last but not least

Has anyone of oyu ever seen a UFO for certain or an alien(close encounters of 3rd kind)?

You do not have to tell if you think this is going to get you laughed at but maybe we could do a poll on how many of us believe in aliens, have seen aliens or UFOs or have actually been abducted. Wouldn't that be great?

Is this off topic?

Direct advice

Suffering is the fun of life, otherwise it would be boring. Get a challenge or a hobby or a change of scenery. Get out of your rut.

Sociology lesson

Suicide rates are generaly high in countries where the welfare state is most complete in taking care of us. Do poor Africans in aids ridden countries with civil wars get depressed and kill themselves? Actually maybe I am wrong there but I have read that more and more teenagers due to the increasing confusion due to too many choices and deterioration of family life, moral traditions, etc. take their lives. In traditional cultures this was not the case as people had fear of hurting a larger family clan and of consequences in the after life. all these barriers have now been eliminated and sometimes nowadays people in big cities in our industrial world have no beliefs and no friends or family so that whatever they do is their decision and nobody could care less.  

Philosophy course

You are who you are and were never anybody else for all eternity and all this is just an illusion, so just play like you are in "the matrix" and realize the illusion and then you can free yourself from the boredom of the routine(which is really just an internal numbness due to a  lack of awareness of the beauty of every moment) and find purpose in the reality that everything only exists in your mind for you as a dream. Create your own reality. Play with your consciousness. Then you will feel a freedom from the prison of the routine of your self imposed mental habits. There is no place better than this earth. The astral plane and heaven are just further illusions where the soul invents new games like in a computer game to keep itself occupied but the basics stay the same. To quote John Lennon "Love is the answer and I know that for sure".

Buddhist type Quote from an e-book I posted on the forums (Mindfulness)which seems really deep and appropriate-

One who has clear and direct vision, stirred to a sense of urgency (samvega) by things which are deeply moving, will experience a release of energy and courage enabling him to break through his timid hesitations and his rigid routine of life and thought. If that sense of urgency is kept alive, it will bestow the earnestness and persistence required for the work of liberation.
Thus said the teachers of old:
"This very world here is our field of action.
It harbors the unfoldment of the holy path,
And many things to break complacency,
Be stirred by things which may well move the heart,
And being stirred, strive wisely and fight on!"
Our closest surroundings are full of stirring things. If we generally do not perceive them as such, that is because habit has made our vision dull and our heart insensitive.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / The Awakening
April 28, 2004, 06:07:40
I have just been rereading this mindfulness text for the first time in 3 weeks. A thought occurred to me that, similarly to the NEW method of RB, mindfulness is an idiot proof, very thorough and simple method to enlightenment which once its usefulness is discovered everyone says autmatically "why didn't I think of that?". Am I comparing RB to Buddha as a genius in discovering the obvious? Well, maybe just in packaging it for the masses without a big Guru trip.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / The Awakening
April 28, 2004, 05:27:25
I find this topic relevant to me right now as I got interested in Lucid dreaming and OBEs a few weeks ago while at a kundalini chat group.

On a lucid dreaming web site I found through the links the guy mentioned being observer or mindful during the day to have more success at lucid dreaming. For me I found that to be quite a cool way of going into meditation during the day. I sort of gave my head a bath of energy to chill it out when my thoughts got too loud and got mellowed out immediately. I found however after awhile that the existence of the thoughts alone is not the problem. I mean when I just stop really thinking this does not makee happy or enlightened on a permanent basis. I gradually noticed as I observed my dreams and used mindfulness that I got into deeper territory of the cause of my thoughts, my deeper subconscious motivations, not just the superficial everyday thoughts themselves, but who I am or who I think I am in a deeper sense of my self concept drifting up in my dreams and becoming really obvious so that I stopped believing mindfulness in and of itself was the answer but instead just a stepping stone to quieting the mind so I could dig up all the deeper psychological garbage/ belief systems , etc. stopping me from becoming happy and successful and enlightened. Awareness of these bad and self destructive attitudes stopping spiritual development is really the key. Developing a positive mind set and not letting the feelings which exist (if the thought takes on a concrete form or not) go by without getting noticed. So one does not just observe thoughts but also feelings and deeper neuroses until one finds one's true self under all the protective layers built up over the years( and reincarnations?).

Anyway, I left an e-book in word format "the power of mindfulness" copied over from a buddhist site for reference on the e-book downloads here and also as attachment to this e-mail( I hope that that works out as I never tried uploading before). As I knew nothing about buddhism before seeing this text and myself having come along on the "yoga path" I found it new and interesting to read (30 pages) and practical without much jargon.

Document: The Power of Mindfulness.doc 113920 bytes
I was at a yoga initiation seminar a few years ago and we did that too as a group and then we tried to make bigger clouds. It seems to work but for the skeptic I would have to say that clouds are always froming and dissolving. A really big deal would be to form clouds on a hot dry day in the desert and get some rain or make a cloudy day bright and sunny and not just giving yourself the credit for coincidental wind directions, although a fun experiment which helps build your faith in your abilities and not ot be taken too seriously.
I know this is pretty late for this topic but I am new here and have been reading up on most energy development topics one at a time.

Astrologically speaking dates are important due to how the planets are aligned. Numerology is a completely different thing and also seems to be very real in its effects on people.

For example in Chinese numerology people born on the first have a certain type of mentality whereas people born on the 8th have another type of personality. Whether these numbers are somehow "objective" from the view of the universe is hard to say. The Chinese base everything on the number 60 so that everything is a big cycle and repeats after 60 days, 60 years,etc. Since the chinese calendar begin has to do with some super planet conjunction thousands of years ago which very rarely repeats then it has some objective value astrologically.

Since the western calendar is supposed to be based on Jesus birth(6 years out of course) it could only be of worth if Jesus is like God or something in an objective sense(Avatar, etc.) and if it were an accurate calendar.  Since nobody knows exactly when he was born and literally speaking everything about him was written down 3rd hand 100 years later we cannot even prove his existence, much less his actual status so that the western calendar is not of proven astrological value(which could conceivably make it of significance to planet earth as well as to the other planets = "deities").

I remember a website where I looked around some months ago called the "harmonic concordance" which is the title they gave to the perfect sextile of 6 planets during the eclipse which then occurred on Nov. 8th, 2003. Lots of people met together on this date and had parties. 4 of my birth planets were perfectly aligned with those 6 planets at that time so I had been wary about that eclipse for some months beforehand due to some things I read about my horoscope phases at that time due to my Jyotish(india) horoscope.

I really did not notice anything happen on that date so that my worries seemed unfounded. I suppose however that the effect of such an eclipse is now being felt in that I am involved now with NEW technique and learning about OBE and lucid dreaming so that I am making a lot of spiritual progress which could well be an interpretation of the long term effects of such a transit. I imagine this spiritual growth was all possible due to my diligence in spiritual practice in the run up to such a big personal transit/planetary conjunction as I was so worried about it.

From the scientific standpoint of course I could see this as simply a circualr belief system. Of course only the results matter.