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Messages - Oliver

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Trying to prove TK...
December 27, 2002, 03:16:19
I did it :)

I looked at the pin wheel and i got it to move, i did it on three occasions, so im convinced it wasnt a breeze. The first time it spun forward a little bit, and the other times it sort of rocked. I didnt have my hand next to it, i just looked at it.
Its exciting to do something like this, its a new experience:)


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Life
December 27, 2002, 01:16:30
Hi Cainam,

"I am begining to think that perhaps you ask this question because you do or have done some thing and you don't know why it is done, or the answer given seems illogical"

I think you should re-read my original post, the reason i started with a question was my way of bringing forth my idea.
I dont think that you are getting entirely what im talking about. Im talking about life, everything.

When I got off my bed from my meditation the otherday, this feeling suddenly hit me, its hard to describe, if u re-read my post you might get what i meant.
I'm kind of saying that we are life. We are everything.


Welcome to Metaphysics! / Trying to prove TK...
December 26, 2002, 22:04:04
Wow, cool:)

There seems to be a lot of people here who have had success with this.
Why do you put your hand by the wheel? How is that suppose to help?


Welcome to Metaphysics! / Trying to prove TK...
December 26, 2002, 14:27:44

I'm interested in this.
How exactly do you do this?
I went to that psipog site, and read a couple of articles there.
I have made that little pin wheel thing.
I know it's possible. So what techniques do you all use?

I've actually had quite a few dreams where i've been able to move things using telekinesis, I totally remember how it feels, I look at something and then energy sort of reaches out from my forhead where that chakra is, and i can feel it all the way to where the object is, and then i can lift the object using this energy. It feels really cool, I wonder if it feels like that in real life.

Also knowing that all psychic ablilities are related to energy, energy work would be the best palce to start.


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Life
December 26, 2002, 14:09:15
So in other words, are you saying, you are what you experience?


Hi KL,

You're welcome :)

Yes, mentally will it. It doesnt require much effort, even becoming mentally aware of the rest of your body should be enough. You should feel the vibrations reach down to rest of your body. Do what feels natural.
Just relax, and let them run throughout your body, get use to them.
Once you're confident then go for the seperation.


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Life
December 25, 2002, 22:24:32

lol at your first comment. You're right, you are you, that is who you are. So your answer is "I am me" when you ask yourself who you are. But what is your answer to "What is me?"



Try pushing the vibrations all through your body, and to raise them in frequency. I advise waiting until they are strong enough and though your whole body before you try and seperate, otherwise it might not work.

There are obviously different techniques you can use to seperate, when your ready, you could use any of these techniques, I found the lifting out technique easy in my first couple of out of body experiences, but then i started using the roll-out and found that easier for awhile, so it all really depends on the individual, so you'll just have to keep experimenting.  :)


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Life
December 24, 2002, 18:36:04

Me too Frank, Im not sure either, what a mystry :)

Kodemaster... thats interesting but I dont know what to say:)

I guess like my post, it makes ya wonder...


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Life
December 18, 2002, 15:39:24
Ok, let me rephrase that, if u were looking inside yourself and asking who u really were, what would your answer be? ;)


Welcome to Astral Chat! / read this post
December 03, 2002, 20:45:10

I went to the site with all that information and i couldn't find an explanation on how it works, although the page is huge and i could have missed it.

Anyway, Inguma, could you explain how they work please? If its complicated just a rough outline would be good.


lol, ya got my vote for Postmaster General :)


Welcome to Metaphysics! / EVERYONE PLEASE READ THIS
November 14, 2002, 00:55:09

Thanks for sharing that:)


I reakon that would be quite cool:) I love nature.

I had this dream last night that I was at this really beautiful place with water falls and plants and it was so beautiful, and it looked like this place that i had been before in a dream, and last night when I was there i remembered dreaming of that place and i thought to myself, hey cool, this is the place i dreamed about that time, and now im here. I thought that it would be a nice place to meditate.


How does it actually happen? Do you see it? What does it look like? Is it when you're in the astral, or does it happen to you while you're still in your physical before you seperate? I wonder why it keeps happening.


Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / vibrations
October 28, 2002, 17:32:02
Hi Arie,

The number one pre-requesite to inducing the vibrations is relaxation. Your body has to be completely at rest. I reccomend you read Roberts treatise on projection, it'll probably have something in there about the vibrations. There is no one way to do it.

Try concentrating on making yourself really heavy once you have reached a complete state of relaxation. Another way is to try and catch yourself as your waking up in the morning, as you're usually relaxed, sleep in and do relaxation techniques instead of getting up. Having a clear mind also helps. :)


Interesting stuff:)

I know what your meaning when you say the mental and the physical connect..

A lot of thought could go into this, hmm, or perhaps no thought would provide more an answer.. :)


Hi Jeff,

I know what you're talking about. That happens a lot, sometimes i'll be meditating, and i'll realise im looking at something as if im looking at it out of my physical eyes. The things I see can vary. What you said is very true, and well put.

"Imagination flows OUT....and anything that you see which seems to come IN to your mind without you thinking about it is probably that 'other end of the channel' from which the astral resides"

That makes sense.

One time when I was meditating, I was lying down on my bed, and theres a tv in my room, and I suddenly became aware that the tv was on, I could hear it, and I could see it on (my eyes were closed) I thought to myself, "why on earth would I go to meditate with the tv on?" So I got off my bed and opened my eyes and went and pressed the button on the tv, and the tv turned on, and thats when I realised what had happened;)

The tv hadn't been on, but I had seen it on while meditating for some reason, I got up to turn it off, and I guess I still must have been in a bit of an altered state when I opened my eyes and walked over to the tv, because I didnt fully realise until I turned it on what had happened. heh.

Maybe at this particular time, I developed real time sight, and you know how sometimes when u project to the real time, things aren't how they should be, maybe that was the same with the sight I had.



Congratilations, and welcome to the forum. :)

Theres no need to be scared of being out of body,  its so awesome.
Are you looking forward to next time?



Heres a website that a friend sent me that a friend sent me that pretty much knocks down everything that the fox show said that supported the landing being a fake.

I dont actually have an opinion on weather it was faked or not. I dont actually regard it as THAT important, but im sure if the first one was faked then they have been there since. But this site is very very convincing that it was real.


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Spiritual Truths website
September 03, 2002, 03:50:47

I think the spiritual truths thing looks good, i have had some problems getting into it too, but i just try again later and it works. :)

Dan, just curious, How has your hands on experiences led you to being christian?


Welcome to Astral Chat! / VIDEO GAMES
September 03, 2002, 03:32:18
Hi Dan,

Yeah I think video games are a waste of time, though they are fun to play. I dont play them anymore though, I used to have an N64 but got rid of it caus i never used it. Im just not into video games. However the same can be said for tv. I think tv is a waste of time, except i still watch it.

I think tv gets in the way of spiritual growth, or just other aspects of life. Think about how many hours you spend watching tv a week, what could you be doing instead? (heh, i know i could be doing more homework) But instead of watching tv you could be meditating, or thinking about life, etc.
So im planning on giving tv up entirely now, though i am still watching it but not nearly as much and not everyday.

Well, thats my viewpoint:)



What do the gateway tapes sound like?


Wow, that sounds great, helping people like that while out of body :)
Thanks for sharing that Frank.
You and Harath sound like good friends. I reakon it would be cool to have friends somewhere out in the other dimensions. I'm sure I do, but just haven't consciously met them for awhile, something I'd like to explore in one of my next obe's.
