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Messages - VesAn

Welcome to News and Media! / Dolphins Save the Day!
December 15, 2004, 10:47:19
Now that, is cool.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Pets
December 14, 2004, 16:18:25
Quote from: kenshinwell depends on what counts, i've got 2 pet rats and a blue tounged lizard im pretty sure they count, but do 2 guini pigs count?

 I used to have guinea pigs when I was a kid, they're neat.  What's your lizard eat, crickets?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Pets
December 13, 2004, 20:22:15
Wow, lots of animals, sounds very cool!

 Come to think of it, I don't know why I got into giant cockroaches, it was just one of those ideas that just pops in one's mind out of the blue.  They're perfect for a lazy guy like me, though.  They are hardy, and can withstand a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels.  All I need to do is spend 5 minutes a day replenishing their water supply.  They eat whatever I'd eat; cereal, beef jerky, apples, and other miscellaneous sweets.  I've come to really enjoy them.

 I've had hamsters for pets in the past, as well.  Though they are very sweet, it's a pity that they are so short lived.  :(
The little boy, though not apparently connected to the experience you mentioned in your opening post, sounds like something negative (be it an entity or part of your own subconscious mind), nonetheless.  Since he has shown up several times in your dream, have you tried asking him what the heck he's doing or simply attacking him?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Pets
December 13, 2004, 19:42:20
I have a colony of pet cockroaches (blaberus giganteus, to be exact).  The little guys will be about 3 inches long when they fully mature.   :twisted:

 So I'm just curious, do any of you guys here have unusual pets (just about anything other than a dog or cat, I suppose), or any thoughts on them?
Think about the raping/attacking dreams, visualize it in your head.  Think about how you'd defend yourself, fight your attacker, banish them and whatnot.  Do it often, get it to become an instinct so that the instant you think about being raped, the thought "aha, arse kicking time" come up in your head without even you thinking about it.

 If you manage to get it to become part of your instinct, then when you are in your dreams, when you may not be completely rational/lucid, the programmed response will still kick in and you'd defend yourself against your attackers.

 The above trick is how I dealt with negs.  Though I still encounter negative entities from time to time, they've never given me any trouble because the moment they show up is the moment my instinct kicks in and I'd protect myself.  I believe this trick works because it slowly programs your fear of these unpleasant things out of your consciousness, and of course, your fear is what feeds these things and gives them power over you.
I think you did well, fighting for what you wanted (to not see the thing).  From what experience I've had with entities and whatnot that makes you uncomfortable, annoyed or otherwise try to make you do things you don't want to, it is always good to just kick their behinds first and ask questions later.  Instances when I failed to fight due to fear or surprise always result in being pushed around further.  Come to think of it, I'd teach that boy from your dreams a lesson or two as well, if I was you  :twisted:

 Of course, I am no expert in these matters and one of the more experienced people from here may offer different advice to you.
Welcome to Magic! / element theory
December 09, 2004, 10:51:51
The ancient greeks believed that there are 5 elements, earth, fire, water, air, and "quintessense", which is the perfect essense existing only outside of the earth, and is what the stars and other celestial objects are made of.

 Ahh, and they also believed that everything on earth are all made of a combination of earth, fire, water and air.  For example, thunder might be interpreted as a combination of fire and air, and wood being a combination of water and earth.

 Just some food for thought, I suppose.
Oh it wasn't a real suit, probably just a neg taking the form of a suit.

edit:  the exorcism prayer sounds interesting, I'll look into it.
A while ago I woke up in the morning, went back to sleep and was starting to feel vibrations & the beginning of a projection when a patch of shadow on the floor coalesced, flew up in the air, became a business suit and settled itself on my chest.

 It was not a whole suit, there were no pants, no shoes, no shirt, just the outer suit jacket.  It was dark in color.  Anyway I felt paralyzed and unable to move as it settled on my chest.  When it was just a patch of shadow on the floor and gaining it's form, I had my eyes closed and my mind was kinda fuzzy from just waking up, I only watched (somehow, though eyes were closed) it with interest.  I grew alarmed when it got on me, opened my eyes, and saw where the position of a person's head would be if they're wearing a suit, a patch of wavy, semi-transparent smoke that felt malicious.  I was not afraid of it at all, and though I somehow felt that it was trying its darndest to be "heavy", but it was not.  I easily gained control of my body, pushed it off and was able to go back to sleep.

 It came back several times, but each time it was weaker and felt distinctively "lighter" on my chest, and I was able to push it off and continue my sleep.  The last time it came back it felt as if it almost did not exist, it was so light and hard to sense.  I just went on sleeping without even bothering to deal with it.  Interestingly later that morning I did have a projection, though it was of short duration/poor quality, and not worth talking about.

 Anyway this happened maybe a week or two ago, I thought it'd make an interesting read for this forum.
I've heard of people reading auras and such, but how did you go about finding out whether people are human or dragon/angel/demon/other things by just looking at them, or even through scanning them over the internet?  It's an ability I am ignorant of, and I would love to hear more about it!

 Come to think of it, do a scan on me :P  It sounds like it'd be fun.
Here's an experience I believe to be a projection done through a dream that happened a few days ago.  It has been posted on another forum, but I figure I'll post it here too, due to the larger number of people here.  Anyway here it is:

 I've been getting dreams where I fly for a long while now. Not just floating around, but flapping with wings on my back (that I never see, for some reason). Anyway last night I had a dream, it was getting bad so I was flying away from whatever was chasing after me. However my flight got out of control, felt a strong sensation of being pulled upwards, then I was in my room, on my bed, seemingly awake but still feeling the sensation of being pulled upwards, but with the sensation feeling even stronger.

 Anyway at that point I decided to just ignore the feeling and just go with it. After a few more seconds of that sensation, I was suddenly flying above what seems to be a small town, with absolutely no one in it. At this point I was pretty confused, so I set out to find someone to explain the situation to me. I remember looking into a small stream and seeing feathered wings sticking out from my back (first time seeing them), as well as a weird gold glow emanating from my body. After seeing all this I got more confused, and set out to find someone, anyone, to explain things to me.

 I eventually found a bunch of middle aged, chubby men inside what looked to be a prominent building. They were very academic looking, wearing suits and ties and all. They were rude and impatient with me, told me it was some kind of place of learning and that I did not belong there, and did not answer any other questions that I had. Then their boss ( introduced by the academic men as such) came out, he told me the same things they said and had the same rude attitude. At this point I got fed up and I figured I might as well persuade them with force, I thought of harming one of the old fat men there, and very strangely a beam of light came bursting from one of my finger tips and it, heheh, sorta pierced him through his chest.

 The academic men and the boss all panicked at this time, as did I. I heard the boss shouting, specifically something like "get the damned NDE". He also referred to either me or something as a "ROY" or "ROI". I was real scared at the time and did not really listen, I just thought of getting away from them all and instantly I was teleported to another place, a small bustling town. I appeared in front of a bank where people were coming and going, at which point the thought "I really should return to my body" came up and I woke up suddenly.

So sorry for the long post, but what the heck was all that? Was that really an astral projection thingie? If so, who were the men, and what was the deal with me in this experience?  Also, did I accidentally kill/main an innocent (albeit rude) astral being?  Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.