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Messages - Rudolph

Quote from: Stillwater on May 06, 2011, 19:39:24
Every 40th soldier or so on the ground was shot (and hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed and injured), why not shoot some of the guys who sent them? They can dish it out, but they can't take it? Some members of congress are a bit too distanced from the realities they help bring to fruition when they make their decisions.

(assuming your bs propaganda is true)
If going to war means people will get hurt,


"why not shoot some of the guys who sent them? They can dish it out, but they can't take it?"

Are you kiddin me?!

Other than the fact that that schoolyard logic makes no sense at all...

Do you have a serious question?

60 year old men are usually physically incapable of doing the tasks required of soldiers in battle. Seriously, get a grip here. Many of the men in Congress are retired military. They KNOW what they are asking the troops to do.


Are you a pacifist?

oooo kaaayyyyy....

"the US and her allies were making moves to cut off exports to and imports from japan, putting a lock down on Japan."

Do you have any idea why they might have been doing this? (Does aggressive Imperial war of expansion sound familiar? Does the "Rape of NanKing" mean anything to you?
Quote from: Simo on May 06, 2011, 16:58:15
I think this guy is just bulls***ing us,don't you thing?Went somewhere,where he had already invented it and most remarkably "took it back with him to the homeworld"? :lol:

This man is a Teacher in the Gurdjieffian tradition. He would deny that though (The Gurdjieffian part). He is a master of AP. He is very experienced in the exploration of various realms of Consciousness.

He is also completely jaded and views the majority of humanity with disdain. He sells total crap to innocent believers and laughs all the way to the bank. Just read the sales pitch. It is pure science fiction just dripping with sarcastic overtones.

I do recommend his books if you can get them at the library or second hand.

"The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus" is very good.

Quote from: extracrispy on May 05, 2011, 08:19:11
Or headed in that direction.  :-)

Heh. Yeah, at least one would hope so.

But then I started wondering at the huge numbers of 'curiosity seekers' who are only into it as a 'dip the toe in the water' type action.

I think we need to clarify what the definition of "Astral Projector" is. Daily OBEs? Monthly? Yearly?

Do Lucid dreams count? How lucid?

Quote from: Stillwater on May 06, 2011, 13:43:19
Or maybe when Congress decides to go to war, they shoot every tenth congressman, so they are sure they really mean it.

So when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor we should have shot every tenth member of Congress after they voted to declare war?

When terrorists flew airplanes into building and killed thousands of innocent people ... we should have shot every tenth representative after funding the war on terror?


Are you a pacifist?

Quote from: personalreality on May 06, 2011, 12:06:18
  In occult traditions you wouldn't even been eligible to learn the techniques of projection until you had evolved personally and spiritually to a degree that was determined by your master.

I came late to the Rosicrucian/GD/Thelema Schools -- long after I had been meditating and experiencing spontaneous OBEs. I met a lot of egotistical and ignorant members who lorded their initiation status over the lower ranks. I met only one who I thought might be tolerable as a 'master'.

And yes, it was clear that AP attempts would not be on the menu for at least a couple years.

I didn't join.

Quote from: Summerlander on May 04, 2011, 18:23:08
What do you think the benefits of the Phase (OOBEs/Astral Projection/Lucid Dreams) are? Let's gather a list of reasons why everyone should do it.

Other than allowing people to see their Silver Cord and their Chakras and stuff it could help in finding God. Right now I am trying to see if it improves my Tarot card reading skill... and picking lottery numbers (duh! ;) ).

Like Traveler I am not so sure this is for everyone. Paranoid Schizophrenics might not deal with it well. Those who go straight to hell during OBEs and NDEs might not want to do it either.