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Messages - jason

Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Hey Inguma
August 06, 2005, 18:31:24
Believe it or not, I've actually thought of trying to retrieve some new information in the area of quantum mechanics.I have the kind of dualistic mindset that is open to hard science , AND metaphysical subjects:

I was once lucid dreaming that I was being shown a COMPLETE encyclopedia of quantum mechanics.I fipped through some of the pages, and I remember seeing a "quantum field generator", & something called "M.E.E.K.", or "M.E.E.C.",and other things, which were to complex to remember.

I later tried to seach for the meaning.In meditation I came up w/"Matter-Energy-Expression-Coordination", which is the physical expression & manifestation of the relationship between pure energy (potential), and (so-called)"solid" matter.In the past,science thought of matter & pure energy (for want of better term) as being separate things, when in fact there IS NO mysterious relationship there, and no real separation,they are one & the same thing.This cosmic potential is a single "force" that is expressed on various levels of physical reality, and is basically the same thing on the quantum,local, & cosmic scale, just expressed on different levels.Being what it is, it could also relate to the physical manifestation of events & objects, flowing down from subtle dimensions of existence.

Or maybe I'm just nuts :lol:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / 3D Painting
July 28, 2005, 19:21:45
Wow-cool stuff! The trippy mirror thing is really hypnotic.Stare at the centre of it, and it looks like a tunnel.

I wonder what would happen if you stared at it for 5 hours straight? :shock:  :lol:
Quote from: Major Tom
Quote from: jasonDoes anyone know if there's any mention of something like a "getting up" impulse technique?

Hi Jason,

There are several variations on this "getting up impulse technique" as you call it.

Muldoon describes using thirst as an impulse to OBE.

I myself have several times reached out for a non-existant cigarette or glass of wine while practicing phasing with a non-existant arm.

I suppose that reveals my priorities in life.

At other times, I found myself getting up as if it was the most normal thing to do.

The problem appears to be that it is hard to replicate. It tends to happen out of "habit", and habit is pretty much an automatic process that you cannot "will" to happen.

Sounded like a great experience though.

I've somehow managed to "will" it to happen many times.I found it to be automatic only until I discovered the feeling of the impulse, which is just a very brief "push" of conciousness-kind of like pushing on a door when it's closed, and the door moves a little.The impulse itself only lasts about a second.I can do it whenever I want, it's just that when my body is fully concious, I can't get past the impulse, & leave my body.(Although maybe if I practice it a lot I can?).

That's wierd-I've actually somehow turned it into a concious, controllable thing.I've done it many times! There's nothing unconcious about it at this point, although it seems to be a slight variation on what you describe.The impulse is a very strong feeling even in the physical, although I think it would make me dizzy if I did it a hundred times in a row or something right now :?  :shock:
Sounds like Bi-location.Kind of like a very,very strong OBE, except that your presence can be directly percieved by those in the physical.It's pretty rare.

:)  8)
Thanks for the replies :) .

Does anyone know if there's any mention of something like a "getting up" impulse technique?

I'm not sure how to describe it, but I'll try to, if there's nothing like it around.It's kind of like a "push" of awareness, along w/ "feeling visualization" of standing up.It's rediculously easy to do, and is almost ALWAYS successful if your body is really, really , really relaxed.

Do you know what I mean? :?  :lol:  :?
I was using Franks' "noticing" technique.I recieved a mandala symbol from somewhere, that was a symbol for the establishing a psychic connection between the various aspects of the greater self-parallel physical existances in various time periods, and non-physical portions of the greater self.The symbol was a mandala, in the shape of a 4 pointed star, in white, or maybe yellow, w/a circular background of blue, and a green circular border around the mandala.In the centre of the star was what looked like an atom,w/electrons revolving around in, in the spaces between the points of the star.I'm pretty sure that the atomic symbol at the centre of the star was interchangeable w/another star, offset at an angle from the first one.I focused on this symbol for awhile.

I was continuing using the "noticing" technique, and was using the sound of the fan beside my bed to keep my conciousness from slipping.Nothing much was happening & I was getting bored, so I decided to use the "getting up out of bed" impulse (sorry-kind of hard to describe!), and sure enough, I just walked away from my body, & went through the wall of my apartment.I decided that I didn't believe in the pull back to the physical if I was too close.That worked also-there was no pull whatsoever, I just walked away from my body (who'd have thought it could be this easy!).I still couldn't see though. I then *recieved* a message saying that if I told myself I could see, and got furthur away from my body, my vision would clear.That's exactly what happened.When my vision became clear, I noticed that I was in an astral realm version of my town.I decided to fly over the mountains, so I soared up into the astral sky.there was someone several hundred feet below me, on the ground, so I waved to him as I flew higher & higher, revelling in the feeling of total freedom.I was struck by how clear, intense,vivid, & downright *otherworldly* the colors were-especially the greens of the forests far below.I noticed that it was raining on a mountainside.I flew around for awhile, then got caught in some subjective thought patterns, and the projection collapsed into a lucid dream.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / EPR paradox
July 10, 2005, 16:22:37
I've read about this in various quantum physics books.Apparently it's true, but I'm not 100% sure.

If it is, it really shows how little we understand. :?
I've read that you can use quartz for a variety of purposes, so I tried some meditation w/this big milky quartz geode ( about as big as my hand w/outstretched fingers), that I found out in the woods.I did some basic energy work first, then placed it on various chakra areas.

 I placed it on my heart chakra, I heard in my mind told me "Once I was not so beautiful".I felt that it was the stone saying that.Then I placed it on my sturnum or diaphram, and I was shown it's beginnings: it shown to me as being under an ocean or lake, underground on an uphill slope of a mountain or hill.Then the water either went down, or the mountain was thrust upwards out of the water, or both.The rock was eventually exposed to the air by wind and rain.I then placed it on my brow chakra.This had the most intense effect.My brow started to throb, and I saw quickly shifting images: a clear pyramid w/a white light at the centre, an image of a white eye, w/a purple shaft going up into it (notice the phallic imagery-possible metaphor for the relationship between sexual and psychic energy).The shaft was a conduit for psychic energy being moved into the white eye.This image lasted a lot longer than the others.

The rock was kind of heavy on my brow area, so I couldn't hold it there for long :lol: .
Welcome to Dreams! / what??
July 08, 2005, 16:57:00
What sprung to my mind right away was the color/chakra connection.Orange being subnaval, and blue being thr brow, I think?

something about conflict between those two opposing energies?
I'm reading "Seth Speaks", & "The Nature of personal Reality", by Jane Roberts.I must say that I would be skeptical ("well, maybe she just made it up"), if it weren't for the fact that the material seems incredibly deep and honest in many places.

 I would like to expand upon the coordination points Seth speaks of.It relates in a very striking way to a sleep projection (aka: dream), I had a little while ago, in which I was shown a complete encyclopedia of quantum mechanics.If the material I was shown is correct, what we know is basically like one grain of sand on a beach.

In particular, I was shown something called "M.E.E.K".Although, on recollection the "K" could possibly have been a "C".

"MEEC" had 3 applications.Upon furthur meditation on the subject, I realized that the 3 applications could stand for cosmic,local, and subatomic, being various expressions of one phenomenon.

Astonishingly, in Seth Speaks, there is a chapter, a specific portion of which, that talks about a kind of unified phenomenon that is the same on a planetary, and a subatomic scale.

After reading this chapter, I realized that "MEEC" could very well stand for Matter-Energy Expression Coordination, which is the method behind the way astral energy eventually manifests into physical events and objects.

I was also shown other things, one of which was a "quantum field generator".

So, what the heck should I do w/ all this?

Do I just have an extraordinarily vivid, delusional imajination? :?
Not sure if anyone pointed this out already, but there is no actual "dark side" of the moon.

 When you see a sliver of a crescent moon, that is when most of the suns light is hitting the "dark side" of the moon, making it bright as day over there.

 I would project to the moon in the RTZ, but I haven't been able to conciouslyproject in quite a while-probably a mental block or something.I have gone into deep space several times though.

The moon, and several highly interesting regions on mars (Elysium region, near the mountains.Also Olympus Mons) are on the top of my list.
Quote from: Krevency
The Christian view of god, as I see it, is generally a big, insecure guy who lives in the sky, gets angry when people tinkle him off, and feels sorry for little kids with cancer.  If someone wants to throw this no-better-than-human god out the window, I say go ahead.  :)

Exactly the way I feel.The idea that anyone can actually disprove the existance of god is a tribute to human arrogance and,the pathetic limitation of belief systems.

It's not so much a case of disproving god, but bringing into question common views of how small our views about what god would be, really are.

 Anytime I look out into the astonishing,unfathomable distances in deep space, and the incredible dynamism and perfection  of every level of the physical dimension-from the super-cosmic, to the cosmic, to the local, to  the subatomic,to the quantum levels, combined w/ every potential reality that can exist, versus the one we bring into being, combined w/ the fact that time is actually a unified phenomenon,in constant evolution, plus about a zillion other factors, makes me realize just how infantile the common ideas about god are.

I've also heard the argument that the seeming "perfection" is a balance. between matter and energy, but this is a juvinile idea as well- there is no dualism there.It's one and the same thing, expressed on different levels.
Quote from: CaCoDeMoN
n my experience, as someone who suffers from chronic anxiety, yes meditation helps reduce anxiety.

For me, anxiety is partly biological, & partly psychological.These means that I need a 2-pronged approach to it, including meds (they really help a lot, even though they hinder my progress of OBE/astral projection, and the pursuit of spiritual knowledge), and ongoing cognative therapy.

After typing that bit about the meds,they hardly seem worth it, don't they?
What do you call "biological" anxiety?

I mean in terms of a chemical imbalance in the brain.
That's a good idea-the writing on your hand thing.It would also be useful to contact astral beings who give their name to you as a symbol.

I'm going to try this. 8)

Or,how about the mandala-like symbols that Robert Bruce talks about in Astral Dynamics.The symbol on the cover and the back of the book is apparently an astral portal.
After reading this thread, I thought I'd share an unforgettable experience of synchronicity that happened to me a couple of years ago now.

I was sitting in a mall, on comfortable sort chairs, practicing auric sight training.I could see "air disturbances" (for want of better term) around people, and sometimes flashes of colour.I could also see peoples crown chakra (looks like a fountain!)  just over peoples' heads.They were all slightly different in appearence.I could also see a white layer around some people. Then, an old woman came RIGHT OVER BESIDE ME, she was holding a small child.She then said to the child, "Jason, can you see the light? can you see the light Jason?" Apparently the childs name was Jason.Then she just walked away.I sat there for about 15 minutes, in complete shock. :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Not a word of a lie.The odds of such a thing actually happenning randomly would be staggering.I walked home w/my jaw dragging behind me.

Maybe some of you have read it before from me, but I thought I'd share it again, because it was just so bizarre!!
In my experience, as someone who suffers from chronic anxiety, yes meditation helps reduce anxiety.

For me, anxiety is partly biological, & partly psychological.These means that I need a 2-pronged approach to it, including meds (they really help a lot, even though they hinder my progress of OBE/astral projection, and the pursuit of spiritual knowledge), and ongoing cognative therapy.

After typing that bit about the meds,they hardly seem worth it, don't they? :shock:  :(
It sounds similar to how I felt when I first achieved vibrations (about 14 years ago).I "reached out" w/my mind after achieving trance.Upon "reaching", I saw in my minds eye a beam of some kind burst down out of the sky, and sweep through my entire body. It swept up and down, w/incredibly violent vibrations (very much like Tombo described!).I felt as if every atom was shaking itself to bits.I fought my way out of it after about 30 seconds.

Over the years,the frequency of the vibrational sweep got faster and faster.Now I don't get them at all, maybe just a mild warmth if anything.
Welcome to Magic! / Clear Quartz
June 03, 2005, 17:10:33
I'm new to the business of using stones in this way, but I found what looks like a rather large geode of milky quartz while walking in the woods near town.I wans't sure if it was one at first, but then I noticed that dirt was packed into fissures in the rock where crystal is embedded.I poured water into one end of the rock, & it came out the other side,where another fissure is.

It's still in one piece.Can I use this type of quartz for anything?

Milky quartz is white, the color caused by vapour or water inside the crystal structure.
fascinating  8)

& BTW-thanks for the warning GypsyWander :shock:
Hey Kazbadan-

 Thanks for the reply. :) Your thoughts aren't so crazy-I've read a book called "The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying" by Sogyal Rinpoche (I think that's the name), that talks about death in that manner (preparation, loss of ego & what we label as "ourselves").

 To me, it's like catching a glimpse into our higher order of reality, & seeing a bit of what we are, on a level larger than basic physical reality.Unfortunately,there seems to be a deep chasm between what we really are, & what are physical perceptions tell us.This seems to be the source of every type of suffering on the planet.People underestimate themselves terribly.
I've noticed this many times: I'll be in the body asleep/mind awake mode, and I'll realize that my thought processes are completely alien to what I would call normal.I don't even have words to describe it.After I realize how different it is, I realize that when I bring my body back "on-line" I'll probably have no clue as to what I was thinking about.

Then,when I return to physical reality I find that I remember bits of it.I can't understand it at all, and it quickly fades away.

What the hell is this :?:  :shock:  :?

Thanks for some cool replies. :)

I do have a bible actually.I'm more "spiritual" than "religious", if you know what I mean.I find that the bible seems to be so steeped in metaphor, and it's unfortunate that some people can't see deeper into it than the literal sense.This is just a feeling-I don't know much about the bible.I'm actually more interested in sacred literature as a whole, than any segment of it.

"but it ends up in the end that they are not learning this knowledge...".This statement strikes me.It reminds me of how the vast majority of people who claim to be religious just have no clue as to the unfathomably  infinite depth of the mind of god.Their image of this being seems to be far too puny to be suitable by any means.People have no clue what they're talking about (neither do I, and neither does anyone), mainly because they have severely limiting belief structures that actually prevents them from delving furthur into the subject.It makes me realise that traditional religious structure is incomplete and partial at best.

I'm eliminating those limiting structures one by one.I guess my greater self approves.
In the beginning, it showed a circular object that was an ancient relic or artifact of some kind.Someone (not me) picked it up.The object then turned into orange peels, and decomposed very quickly.This was what apparently happened when most people picked it up.

 Then, when I picked up the artifact, and it suddenly "came to life".It turned into a golden wheel, like a mandala or a gear.I was given the ability to channel the power of god, or lifeforce through the artifact.

Fascinating archetypal imajery, but I'm not sure what to make of it. :?

What's your 2c? :)
Quote from: mactombs
Next time you have a chance, try asking your subconscious what it is like to be standing fully lucid on the moon. Or Mars. If you get the lucid part of it, that should be a real whopper ...

Holy crap-great idea :shock:

I gotta try that.

For inspiration go to my link about the mars map, in Astral Chat, I think.

If you click onto the link, and go back to the main page, theirs a bunch of maps of moons and planets, based completely on probe photographs.

I can't seem to get the link to post here, but here's the address:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / My new avatar
May 26, 2005, 18:49:18
I find out last night that I get the same sensations just by remembering the image and it's movement in my mind.

It's like effortless energy raising.