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Messages - Rachael Hicks

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Simple Question
February 27, 2014, 14:23:02
Thanks for your inputs :-D I agree that we are consciousness I just sometimes wonder why I'm here when I could in in the npmr? It's way cooler there lol. You can't fly here :|
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Simple Question
February 26, 2014, 20:02:15
I kinda have a question, I believe we are evolving, but in truth ness what does that actually means??? One day we are not going to need our physical bodies? If you really think about it what is the real purpose of this type of evolution? I may be way outta left field on this but than again who knows :? :? :?
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hi everyone!
February 25, 2014, 12:13:16
You're more than welcome. Nobody here shuns anybody  :-D.   They make you feel welcome and want you learn everything you can. If you ever have any questions feel free to ask, there is no dumb questions. I'm new here but I've been ap for 30 yrs, I started ap naturally but just recently learned to control them. So if you need any pointers I'll try to help but there's moderators here that truly know heaps more than I, (lol) And I know they would love to help you along. There's a lot of answers and questions on the forums if you want to search them, maybe some of your questions have already been answered. Good luck with your travels! :-D         
And Always keep an Open Mind!
Me either, I would do everything in my power not to ap if i was having such a hard time like she does. I agree with buying material, I've bought books from Llewellyn, Monroe, McKnight etc. there's a difference in buying material than buying 'advice'. Advice and opinions are like a**holes Everybody has one  :-D
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hi everyone!
February 24, 2014, 19:58:07
Hello, it's good your a skeptic, you should be one. Only believe your truths, nobody else's. Read Robert Monroe's journeys trilogy, Thomas Campbell's my big toe trilogy, and you could even read cosmic journeys by Rosalind McKnight to get you started off in the right area. I'm in love with Campbell's work, it's a huge eye opener! Good luck! Once you realize the truth you'll realize what a beautiful thing it is :-D    Rem when trying different techniques  don't over do it, ap is a natural process just go with the flow, before you know it you'll be flying all the place lol
Honestly if someone told people on their website that ap is beautiful and easy and you don't need a psychic to help you, then nobody would feel the urge to fork over hundreds of dollars. I'm not downing her either I realize this is her source of income. Who wants to pay money for her help if "it's really not needed"??? :?
I don't know if this will help but I'll share it anyways  :-D.   I've been projecting since early childhood and everything you've described is normal that said... A couple of years ago, I for whatever reason started to fight leaving my body, I mean really fighting it!, screaming for anybody to wake me, clawing at my spouse I mean I really was "coocoo". After I calmed down and realized there was nothing to be afraid of but Myself things went back to normal.  A couple of weeks passed and my daughter and I were causally watching t.v when out of the blue she said " thank god you've stopped screaming at night, you were sooo annoying!" I asked her whatever did she mean and she explained that when she was out of her body at night she would run to my aide because I was screaming and acting a fool.... I didn't know what to say but laugh. Here my 13 yr old daughter is telling me I'm an idiot lol. So you can have contact with other astral travelers  :-D even your beautiful daughter etc. I've projected too many times to count and I cannot specify this enough you are completely safe! There is Nothing to be afraid of! Think of it this way, my 80 lb 13 yr old little girl projects every night and loves it. If she can do it Anybody can lol
Thanks for the link, what's your take on the subject? :?
Thank you Xanth :lol:
Hello I'm new here to, but you've come to the right place! They make you feel at home and no question is a dumb question! If you enjoy reading Monroe try Thomas Campbell's my big toe trilogy it has done wonders for me! A moderator named Stillwater recommended it along with a few more, but so far Campbell's writings have been what I needed. Good luck with your journeys, your going to love them! :lol:
True but everyone has their own opinions and they will choose to believe her till they get proof otherwise. I choose to believe its garbage as well, but to each their own. As Campbell said taste the pudding and my pudding doesn't have demons in it! It has sprinkles and rainbows lol :-D
I agree with you, I've only thought I came into contact with a demonic entity once but after I realized I created it from being afraid of the unknown I've never had a incident again. It's really hard to teach people not to be afraid and to let go of their egos. Wish there was a button you could push lol
I googled ap and unfortunately found Erin's page before I found this website, she freaked me out so bad I didn't sleep good for 2 weeks! She should be careful what she posts especially for people like me that ap naturally. I've since learned to control them but when you fall asleep and just pop out you don't won't to read that a demons going to be at the foot of your bed! I hope newbies resist the urge to click on her website :evil:
Thanks I've Been ap for 30 yrs but still have so much to learn. I could spend a lifetime on this and not even scratch the surface. I'm so thankful for this Web site, and for the people here, feels like 'home' :-D
Do you imagine where you want to go before you ap or once your out?  I mean can you close your eyes and think Hawaii and then your there or think Hawaii while phasing? I've been doing this since I was 5 and I don't leave my house and I want to travel and have a blast :-D
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: UNDER 18 AP goers
February 04, 2014, 00:23:02
My daughter just turned 13 and she naturally ap just like me I'm trying to get her to sign up. I think this is a great place for young and old alike  :-)  she might learn some things and maybe even help others
Is there a time limit on how long you can  stay projected? It seems mine are always too short. And off the subject but I want to talk to my guides but they are always behind me or beside me lol. Do they think I'll jump outta my skin?  I can do nothing normal I'm always being different  :?
If you are uncomfortable laying on your back then try your side. I've been ap since early childhood and you can ap from either way. I know if your not comfortable you'll never ap. Just remember if you try laying on your side make sure your facing the edge of the bed, and try the roll out procedure. I find it works just as well. The second you relax and don't try So hard you'll be ap through your room. Good luck and have fun :-)