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Messages - Xanth

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Bashar
November 08, 2023, 10:43:07
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on November 07, 2023, 21:19:56I have always felt somewhat of an initial, intuitive mistrust of any 'popular' channeler, but having listened to a couple Basher YT vids a few years ago, he said all the right things.

Somebody mentioned to me the rumor that he actually did start off as a fraud, but at some point, the Bashar entity realized this person's reach as a conduit to a large audience and actually 'expropriated' his channeling ability...and in effect, he became the real deal!

I don't know...haven't researched it...too many other intriguing subjects! Lol
HAHA!  Fake it, till you make it!! 

This sounds like something which could be real.  I mean, how often do we think / say something to ourselves so often that we actually begin to believe it? 
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Ask for a Dream Agent
November 07, 2023, 10:34:47
Quote from: Lumaza on November 05, 2023, 20:28:18EV, I vote that you create a "Sticky" here on the Pulse based on what you posted above. It says so much and helps people to gauge their progress in the practice of "conscious" non-physical exploration.
I'll second that.  Make a new post with it and sticky that.  :) 
I've really gotta start reading more of Kurt's stuff.  Dude is on point.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Scuba Diving!
November 07, 2023, 10:31:19
My wife and I just got back from a week of Scuba Diving the reefs around Curacao.  Beautiful country. 

The reefs, however, aren't doing so well, sadly... a good portion of them are bleaching out due to the REALLY WARM temperature of the water.  Usually corals enjoy 78F to 82F, but the water there was between 85F to 87F, most of our group didn't even wear wetsuits.

But beyond that, it was really fun and my wife got lots of great underwater pictures. 

The first is an Octopus we saw right off the beach near the end of a night dive, little guy was about hand-sized.
The second is a giant Crab we saw out in the ocean, it was about two feet wide, absolutely huge.
The last is a Seahorse we found on the reef just off the beach of our resort.  It was about three inches long.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Bashar
November 07, 2023, 10:17:48
It's been a short while since I've heard anything from Bashar... I've always been skeptical of people who "channel" like this.  But at the end of the day, if what he's saying resonates, then who am I to question it.  Helpful is helpful.  I've watched a few of his videos over the years and I'm in full agreement with you LB, they're *usually* spot on.  :)
Never had a NDE. Don't really want one either.  Haha
Quote from: LightBeam on October 27, 2023, 16:23:20Take time out of the equation and it may be easier to understand  :wink: . And to make it even more complicated, on top of infinite dimensions, there are infinite versions of each character within a given dimension.  That's the multiverse for ya  :-D  Anything and everything exists and nothing is impossible.
Babies who are aborted or die shortly after have agreed to go through the embrio experience only, and they may have agreed to serve as a learning tool for the loved ones experiencing a loss.
I thought about that the other day... "everything exists" and "nothing is impossible".  In an infinite universe, we can safely say that anything which could happen, DOES happen.  I thought about that, and I came to the conclusion that it couldn't be like that. 

Now obviously, I could (and let's face it, probably am) be wrong... but if everything has already happened, then there's a reality out there which has figured out how to not only contact other realities, but destroy other realities as well.  There should be a reality out there which has destroyed every other reality.

Or am I overthinking things?  LoL
Quote from: LightBeam on October 25, 2023, 22:01:01yep, not 100% sure, however when Dolores Cannon took people to the immediate time after death under hypnosis, the predominant experience is unconditional love, being taken to review their life that just ended to look at it from a bigger perspective, the lessons, the choices, the interactions with people, family, etc. They can make a decision on another life and make agreements with other souls who will play which role in another life, what challenges they want to set up, what lessons are still pending to be learned and set up challenges accordingly. That is from a larger spirit's perspective view where setting up challenges does not seem extreme like it would to us fragmented characters.
That's the part which always threw me for a loop and I could never reconcile it within myself.  The notion that, after we physically die and move on from here, that we can "setup" our next lives like that. 

Like, is there a queue of "spirits" sitting there waiting to "take a turn" at playing the human game?  Or what about things like abortions or babies who just happen to die for whatever reason before they're born.  Do those "spirits" then have to go back and wait in line again to be re-born?  And what about WHERE you're born and WHO you're born to?  These concepts I could never reconcile.    LoL  Sorry, mostly just thinking out loud right now.  :)

As I'm reading this "Lucid Dreaming" book of LaBerge's, it's obviously all about "lucid dreaming" (duh, eh?  HAHA)... however, it could just as easily be entitled "Astral Projection". 

This is why I'm so puzzled why people feel that all these different labels we use are actually different experiences.  It really floors me.  He, literally, speaks about all of the same phenomenon which we discuss here regularly.  Vibrations, sleep paralysis, etc... all of it is INDENTICAL.

I tried doing some searching on whether Stephen LaBerge worked at all with Robert Monroe.  I know Monroe worked with a lot of these people, but I can't seem to find anything about LaBerge working with Monroe or TMI.
Quote from: Lumaza on October 27, 2023, 14:25:50I think those people are tired of just "hearing about" the "New Earth", that so many New Agers feel is coming. Now they are attempting to do their best and "force it" to come through. The problem I have always had with the "New Earth" becoming our new reality is that it would soon be "tainted" and corrupted just like this Earth is, that is if we in our current forms and even knowledge of our history of it, would be the ones dwelling on this new Earth. New Earth to me would seem to occur after some major cataclysm wipes out humanity and the mass exodus of souls is sent or requests to immediately start over again. To me there needs to be some kind of "reset" to make that occur. 
I couldn't agree more with you.

Humans needs to fundamentally shift our entire perception towards, not only the Earth, but how we interact with each other too.  Empathy needs to re-enter our perceptual lives if things are to be helped. 

I've always said that permanent change will not happen until some cataclysmic problem occurred to humanity.  Anything less than that doesn't seem to phase humans very much out of their drunken stupor of Capitalist life.
Quote from: Tak09 on October 27, 2023, 11:56:07A hug and I hope you find the motivation very soon to explore the wonders of consciousness again. There is still much to discover.
Thank you, Tak, for the kind words of encouragement!  I'm certainly not going to stop, but progress is going to be made slowly, no doubt.  haha

Yeah, apparently, this stuff ISN'T like riding a bike.  :D
Quote from: LightBeam on October 26, 2023, 20:27:35Yes THC suppresses dreaming. It has something to do with altering brain function, at least that's what research shows, but I have also  heard from several people who confirm they rarely dream.

On the other hand, if you feel content with the knowledge you have already acquired you don't need to push harder.
That's the strange part, I have no problem dreaming when high.  Odd.  I have epic dreams most nights, the issue is taking the time upon waking to remember everything.  When I'm not high, I take the time to wake up slowly usually.  When I'm high, I just wake up and immediately forget everything.  haha

I had a funny experience the other night... I tried falling asleep lying on my back, which I never do.  People seem to report a lot of strange occurrences happening when they do that.

Well, for me... mine was that when I woke up that night, I found myself kneeling down beside my side of the bed.  Strange.  haha
Quote from: Xanth on September 28, 2023, 09:58:38You and me both!  I stopped actively practicing a good ten years ago... deciding to get back into it.
Right now I'm suffering through some restless leg syndrome crap which is making it VERY HARD to sit still or even fall asleep.  Working through it though!  I'm giving up coffee for a while to see if that's the trigger - soooooooo sleeepy now.  haha

I've actually decided to go the opposite route and work on "lucid dreams" - which I identify as being actual projections.  I'm going to use this to prove it actually.  I've been reading Stephen LaBerge's Lucid Dreaming book.  Loving it so far.  :)
I wanted to give a small update on my progress.

There isn't much!!  HAHA

I find I don't really have the drive or motivation to do this anymore.  One month has yielded two very short lucid/astral awareness experiences.  I've been mostly, trying Stephen LaBerge's MILD technique mixed with reality state checks.

The first was about 20 seconds in length.  My state check was looking at my hands, which always works for me.  I immediately had a strong desire to run outside and fly though, which I had to stop myself from doing.  I then went to stabilize and strengthen the connection, so I began to feel around trying to bring my awareness more there.  There was a fish tank which I dunked my hands into, and it felt so f'ing real.  I then started to move out of the room and I woke up.  Bleh.

The second bout of lucidity (it WAS a lucid awareness for sure) only lasted about 5 seconds.  I did a state check looking at my hands, I remember being amazed that what I was experiencing was a dream because it really didn't seem it.  If my hands hadn't melted in front of my eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. 

But yeah, that's it.  I'm half-assedly trying to initiate these things, but without the motivation... it's certainly not easy.

I'll tell ya that THC really doesn't help the mix.  HAHA
Quote from: LightBeam on October 26, 2023, 12:42:09Well if they realize that they are not succeeding they better ask themselves what is my current now teaching me, what do I still need to learn being here. You are right, there is a reason for every situation and what is happening to us, and the more people try to "escape" the more they will find themselves burred even deeper into that reality and the issues they are trying to escape. If issues are to be resolved the reason behind their occurrence needs to be addressed. One must find the root cause and face it. But it always comes down to the person itself. IF someone is affected by global events there is a reason. Can't blame society or stupidity of people that things are happening to you. It affects you because you need to learn something from it. Until this is realized, souls need to do this again and again and again.
But at the same time I believe every person's personal perception forms their own reality. I perceive Earth as very beautiful, predominantly caring and loving people cross my path, I find opportunities to grow and explore. The global events do not affect me to a point where I feel drawn into this drama and emotionality involved. So, even though I live on the same planet, another person may perceive it as pure hell, experiencing horrible events, so we occupy the same "space and time" but our personal realities are very different. So, in a way if we shift our thoughts and feel what we want to be, feel it as it already is, that will trigger shift of perception and that same space and time will look to you different like another version of Earth. To me, every given moment we are constantly shifting our reality from one probability to another, manifesting from the pool of possibilities. We are not following "one" line of reality and "one" version of anything. If someone wants to be successful, it is the beliefs and how they perceive themselves that will trigger success.
I couldn't agree with you more if I ever tried LB!

That's what I try to tell these people, but they're so closed in their thinking... they *MUST* escape from their, how they view it, pathetic lives.  Meanwhile, they don't realize that they have the power to change their life - by changing their perception of it.  So very true. 
I'm putting this here because it really doesn't belong anywhere... lol

So lately on Reddit there is this new (new-ish?) concept called Reality Shifting.  Basically, what these people are trying to do is shift themselves PERMANENTLY to an alternate version of Earth where they're more successful or just living a better life.  They REALLY believe that they can do this. 

This, in my opinion, goes against every rule which I believe exists... this goes against the very notion of learning to accept who you are and the choices/decisions you've made in your life.  It's about accepting the repercussions of those decisions.

This is a huge point as I feel it's based around the meat & potatoes for the "WHY" we're here to being with. 

We always find people who want to learn to project in order to use it as some kind of escape from what they perceive to be their crappy life and I find this reality shifting stuff to be an extension of that.
Quote from: LightBeam on October 25, 2023, 17:57:00In my experiences I perceive this to be a constant exchange of information between the two and a constant connection regardless of where does our focus lie at any given time. I believe the NP experiences of those connected to a physical vehicle differ from those who are not attached to one. I've had both ways influences. The time my head was struck by a lightening in a dream I woke up with a headache. I rarely have headaches and that night when I went to bed I did not have one, so the NP experience influenced my physical body. Then many times when I restrict myself from sweets a long time my body starts craving sugar, that influences my dreams and APs where I end up looking for food and eating. The urge of my body to have sugar provoke thoughts which manifest in the NP and made me look for sweets. I believe same applies for sexual urges f the body, it influences one's thoughts and they mold instantly the raw energy accordingly. Held long enough with intensity they may manifest in the physical in one form or another/ create our outer reality, but we can also perceive them immediately in dreams and other NP experiences when we shut off the outer senses. When we have the outer senses active obviously we can't perceive how our thoughts mold the raw energy to match our thoughts and emotions but they are there all in our vicinity happening instantly, we just can't see them.
What happens after we detach from physical vehicles, I don't know. We will find out when that happens.
Then I guess, the big question, which we'll probably never have an answer to:  What happens when there's no more physical body? 
I've had a lot of time on my hands at work lately... so I've been reading A LOT.  I started with one of the earlier books by Stephen LaBerge and now I've move onto, "Lucid Dreaming", I think was released in the early 2000's. 

Anyway, I'm finding it extremely fascinating in the experiments which they ran on lucid dreamers.  Experiments where they tested what happens to the physical body under certain lucid dreaming circumstances.  Everything from what happens on the EEG when they sing or count while lucid right up to sexual experiences.

Essentially, the physical body still responds strongly in the way you might think it would during any such experience happening.

The question is... is your awareness controlling your physical body, or is your physical body controlling your awareness?  If that makes sense.

Makes one wonder what happens when our physical body ceases to function... as it seems that there seems to be a huge connection between our awareness and our physical body - perhaps one can't exist without the other?  I don't believe that for a second, but again, who knows?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Scuba Diving!
October 23, 2023, 11:49:39
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on October 22, 2023, 21:01:18Back around 2005, while on vacation in Maui, Hawaii my gf and I did a one day dive course which the highlight was a wetsuit dive off the beach about three hundred yards out. That was really cool!
A few years later, in Puerto Rico, I did another one day course and was allowed to go out on the dive boat a couple days.
So, maybe four or five off-shore dives, the deepest about 75 feet. I considered getting certified but my schedule never worked out.

I really enjoy scuba and can highly recommend the experience! Learning to operate and explore in such a different environment is exciting and challenging! And honestly, if I want to describe the early NPR experiences like RTZ or Etheric OBE, the easiest parallel I can suggest is scuba diving. There is the near-fluid density of the environment, the restrictive qualities placed on sight and especially sound, the necessary conscious focus on breathing (or not breathing in the NP case!), the initial difficulty in learning to move and maintain your orientation/balance...yes, so many similarities...
Discover Scuba is what they call that these days.  It gives you just a brief glimpse of the fun to be had!

Yeah, it's definitely a magical world down there.  Reefs are beautiful.

Quote from: tides2dust on October 23, 2023, 10:06:32Almost two decades ago... In my "college days" I took a few classes of interest. Scuba diving was one of them. I got licensed. It was really cool- but the only dive I've completed was 40 feet deep in murky lake water. There was some wreckage we were supposed to observe but the conditions were so bad you couldn't see your hand if you extend your arm out. I have my license locked away somewhere upstairs, and would definitely need a refresher class. I don't remember any of what I had learned, but agree with EV- the experience is magnificent!
We got certified last year in June (2022) here in Ontario.  Quite a few wrecks to dive in the waters around here, it's crazy.  So far we've dove a lot here in Ontario, but the nicest dives are down south in the Caribbean.  We did Cayman Brac last April and next week we'll be in Curacao doing a week of diving too.

Great fun and I'm totally with EV, I HIGHLY suggest it to anyone. 
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Scuba Diving!
October 22, 2023, 18:42:07
So just shootin the... uhhh... having fun.  :)

Wondering if there's anyone else in the group who enjoys Scuba Diving?
What is your go-to reality check?  That one check you do while having a non-physical experience which NEVER FAILS to trigger an awareness increase.

For myself it's looking at my hands.  When I see they're all twisted and not looking like hands, I know immediately I'm non-physical.
Quote from: luffy28 on October 17, 2023, 17:45:21Hi,
I want to know where to read more about phasing (books / terms to Google / podcasts [YouTube videos] etc..). The reason I'm asking is that in the few places I've read there's more than one type of obes/AP and that most people (at least IME) don't have the classical obe where they see their body. I know Robert Monroe's books especially his third and final talk about phasing. Any advice / help?


What you're asking seems to be regarding the different ways to "enter" the non-physical.  They all lead TO the non-physical though.  It's like choosing your focus, find a way to "enter the non-physical" which is easiest for you.  There's no difference beyond that.

But Lumaza nailed it.  Just head over to Youtube and do a search, you'll find loads of information.  Maybe not all of it Phasing related though.  haha
Quote from: omcasey on October 16, 2023, 15:37:32I am enjoying the conversation. But I still haven't heard what the difference is between F2 and F3, aside from a deeper lucidity. Let me ask this directly, is it the same difference as between a 'private' and 'consensus' reality? -- the latter being 'consensus'? Or is this off base?
I don't see things as being as neat and tidy as Frank or Monroe would have us believe.  The focus models (of either) are too linear.

Private area vs a Consensus area... I simply don't see the dividing line. 

I wrote this article a while back for my website regarding this very subject:

There are these non-physical concepts floating around that there are these "areas" of consciousness which are "individual" in nature, meaning it's only you there experiencing it and "collective" in nature, meaning that it's you experiencing the reality with many other individuals/awarenesses/entities/beings/etc. When you look at consciousness as a whole, you realize that this kind of separation is simply illogical. Allow me to explain.

By the very nature that everything is consciousness – everything is collective. There is only "everything". The simple fact is that the individualness you experience on a daily basis (the idea that you are separate from everyone else) is an illusion. So when people have a projection and they seem to be in a reality all by themselves, or they have what they will arbitrarily label as a lucid dream, they come to the conclusion that they were within some individual area of consciousness which is only for them and them alone.

There's only your perception of individual and collective experiences. The difference is like standing in a crowded room with a blindfold that blocks all light from your eyes and ear plugs that block all noise from your ears and then making the, obviously plain as day assumption that you're all alone. Your perception says that since you can't see or hear anyone else that you were all by yourself, even though standing all around you are these other individuals. That's how the non-physical / consciousness kind of works.

You're never alone. You only perceive yourself to be because that how you're currently interpreting the reality that you're experiencing. Someone / something could be standing right in front of you and you'd never see them because you just don't perceive them.

This is also what I mean when I say that WHAT you experience is Objective, but HOW you experience it is Subjective. So how do you experience something closer to how it's Objectively presented? You need to keep yourself grounded and centered. This will remove as much subjectiveness as possible which is being fueled by your own awareness. Even then, if you're able to do that, you still might not ever experience something 100% objective as it's really presented.
Quote from: Phildan1 on October 15, 2023, 16:22:28Szaxx, the reality frame you described is Focus 4 according to Frank :P

Focus 3... I know guys I don't write anymore but I have hundreds of Focus 3 experiences. I guess a human life is not enough to have enough of it, roaming around there at existing places.
Do share!  :)
Quote from: floriferous on October 12, 2023, 19:24:13Prior to your thoughts labelling an experience as bad - what is it?
Well, it's nothing I guess, it's just an experience. 
Which, I guess, describes just about everything. 

It really seems that it only makes sense on the grand scale of the cosmos - when you boil down duality in our individual, everyday life, it really doesn't apply very much.  Almost.
I've been having long discussions with the Bing AI Chat lately... today, for giggles, I asked:

QuoteHow can a non-dualist reconcile the concept of good and evil in an astral projection?

It's response:
Non-dualism, also known as non-duality, is a philosophical and spiritual belief that the universe and its components are not separate or divided entities but are one interconnected and indivisible whole1. This idea of oneness transcends all dualistic concepts, such as good and evil1.

In the context of astral projection, which is an intentional out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of a subtle body, known as the astral body or body of light, through which consciousness can function separately from the physical body and travel throughout the astral plane2, the concept of non-dualism can be applied in a unique way.

From a non-dualistic perspective, good and evil are not separate entities but are part of the same whole. They are two sides of the same coin, so to speak. This means that what we perceive as 'good' or 'evil' during an astral projection could be understood as different aspects of the same reality, rather than opposing forces.

Buddhism encourages us to be wary of antithetical concepts, not only good and evil, but success and failure, rich and poor, even the duality between enlightenment and delusion34. We distinguish between the opposing terms because we want one rather than the other, yet the meaning of each depends upon the other34.

In this sense, during an astral projection, a non-dualist might perceive what others label as 'good' or 'evil' simply as different aspects of their experience. They might understand these experiences not as inherently good or evil, but as manifestations of the same underlying reality.

It's important to note that this is a complex philosophical and spiritual topic with many different interpretations. The explanation I've provided here is just one way to understand it. Different people might have different interpretations based on their personal beliefs and experiences.

I've been considering several concepts lately, one of which is non-duality and how it can exist with what we experience in our projections?  We routinely read about others experiences in where they interact with something evil, or in other cases they have good things happen to them and how all that relates to non-duality.  Really interesting.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Who Am I?
October 12, 2023, 10:53:43
Quote from: LightBeam on October 11, 2023, 22:45:57Yes, great video!Loved "when you stop following the script laid out for your character...."
When did all of you stopped following your "script"?
I feel like I have always questioned "the script" since I was a child and really did mostly improv lol 
Oh man... my script.  I don't think I've ever been on a script.   :-D
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Who Am I?
October 10, 2023, 22:01:20
Stumbled upon this video tonight.  It's an hour long and well worth the watch.