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Messages - urshebear

Whenever I have been like this I have just called out "Please give me sight"
works for me :)
Not going on any research but to me it would seem like a no brainier that although you may be able to project under the influence, the experience would likely be better, clearer, more meaningful with a clear head.....

I know many people have had great experiences after taking drugs but when you sort of review your projection you are going to be saying "oh well, that was just the drug" as opposed to "wow, that was interesting. Where did that come from?"
so foods, vitamins, minerals etc only affect the mind as some kind of placebo? what about medicines, drugs, alchehole  etc?
I beg to differ sorry, and many many people claim to have more success projecting on a vegan diet, or when they have quit smoking etc etc.

In saying that, I am not calling anyone out here. Each to there own but in my opinion healthy body = healthy mind. Not that it is impossible if you are an unhealthy person but a good healthy diet defiantly will help you achieve more awareness. Poor nutrition will make you tired and sluggish therefore less aware.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: New Diet
February 23, 2014, 02:35:19
A better way to eat dairy, is raw dairy. Milk straight from the cow which you can easily make your own butter/cheese from. The only tricky part is finding raw milk in your area but if you can, there are many health benefits.
I am a believer in clean eating to clean your mind, body and soul. Crap refined or processed foods containing god knows what make you feel physically sluggish so I think the effect on your mind and soul would be similar.

Anyhoo, I was doing a bit of research and there is evidence to prove that fluoride clouds the pineal gland (third eye) which is active during projections, dreams etc. According to the research I was reading, Fluoride was originally used to keep prisoners docile which I found rather interesting. I will be cutting out fluoride, not just for OBE purposes but for spiritual and physical health reasons as well.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / hi guys
September 07, 2012, 23:14:44
Hi guys
I havent been on in a while and just wanted to say hi, I miss everyone here so much and the pulse in general.
I am super busy at the moment. have split from my sons father a little while ago so I am working 3 jobs and studying to be a teacher which doesnt give me a whole lot of time to keep my house clean let alone work on projecting/lucid dreaming lol
I feel I am becoming a stronger empath though (dont know if thats a good or a bad thing) I manage to block out strangers feelings at least....just yesterday I was explaining to a nurse about my two year olds thoughts (he doesnt speak) and to my suprise the nurse was blown away and said its amazing how in touch with his feelings I that was nice
Anyways time for me to go but I may pop on tonight just to read through whats been going on with all of you and will be back when I get time  :-)
Lol my spelling is pretty bad on a good day but worse lately because I have been using my phone and its friggen annoying lol
Yes alot of the adds I have noticed are for charitys raising awareness. I just think that if the power of thought is so strong it is not good to be listening to so many adds about disease causing people to be fearful. I happen to believe that the pharmisudical and medical industrys are some of the most corrupt government industrys of all. They find ways to keep us sick rather than make us better to keep money in ther pockets.
OK thanks I'll do that next time I'm there
Hi allupintheair
Hey I will give you a tip. when this happens to you repeat to yourself "I am not afraid, nothing can hurt me!" even if you dont believe it saying it helps. I think you will find that your experiances are scary BECAUSE you are fearful.
How are your sleeping patterns? keeping them regular should help you avoid having OBEs. also when the buzzing starts try breathing hard and forceful. sometimes that can help to snap you out of it.
I just feel like I am always in this house. although I don't know the house, I know it well when I am there. I walk around and usually play around with a few things eg a running tap or a TV set. I eventually get bored and go flying until I either snap back or lose lucidity. I have been there for about 6-9 months and have tried Franks method of creating 3d blinds (which I can do but it doesn't change anything) Ive tried scadooing into a mirror. I have asked "guides" for help and have even sat there like a weirdo asking my cat where to next. Ive heard that singing can raise your vibration but lol I am actually ALWAYS singing in my OBEs and I cant help it. its strange my thoughts come out in song. ANYWAY I am still stuck in this house. maybe I need to do something before I can leave I don't know?? Also I am always alone apart from the odd lifeless zombie. I wont give up though. Thanks muchly for the advice  :-)
Nothing good or interesting has happened in my OBEs for a looong time. Im pretty sure I am stuck in like an f2 training ground type situation so am trying to think.of other things I can play around with, hence the question lol
Is there anything to be learned by listening to them? I usually ignore them
If you google astral pulse followed by a few key words from your question, usually you will find  qiute a few previous threads to help give you an answer :) Im still very much a newbie but try help out fellow newbies where I can but life definatly gets in the way. Im in full time study, I work nights and parent a 2 year old so its hard to find time for my own AP growth :)
Well queens birthday was monday and thats the same date every year.
I had never heard of coast to coast before reading this post so thanks I am really enjoying the topics discussed. I would however like to ask something. This is seriously bothering me WTF is up with every second add being about some differant disease or cancer?? Im not used to being bombarded with this kind of thing and dont really want to be filling my head with the negativity. Is this American radio in general doing this or just coast to coast? Please excuse typos I am on my phone :)
As I understand the theory, Not everybody has a "twin flame" and a twin flame is not the same as a soul mate. A twin flame only happens when the "spark of light" that is you was split into two at the time of its birth.
Your twin flame, soul mate and soul family will be somewhere within your immediate circle whether you like it or not because you attract one another...If you cant see your twin flame within your immediate circle, chances are that you don't have one.
If you meet your twin flame later on in life you will find many instances where you were in the same place at the same time or knew the same people etc, even if you meet them in later life, you still would have been magnetised to eachother throughout life without realising it.
I have been using them for a while but havent projected using them because the ones I used wernt long enough.  I downloaded some on my android lastnight but the one I used put me to sleep instantly, I will keep trying. I really like the sound which is strange for me because I have a bit of a phobia when it comes to repetitive noise. I like that tingle in my head, spine and heart when I listen to binaural beats, it almost feels like an adrenilin rush.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Watching a movie...
April 28, 2012, 01:38:36
Every morning for the last few weeks when I go into my bedroom to wake my boyfriend up he says "hang on I'm just watching a movie"
I asked him about it and he said he can watch a movie behind his eyelids half asleep. He said he watches documentaries and usually learns stuff. He also said that he can rewind, fast forward and even pause the movie and go back to it. He said he is not in the movie just watching.
I cant help but giggle at him but am now thinking could he actually be phasing without knowing it?
Or perhaps the message was just to do with dealing with my anger towards the previous landlord lol
Lastnight I awoke to my son having a coughing fit. I made him a bottle and gave him a few puffs of his inhaler and then went back to bed thinking in my head how angry I am at my previous landlords as my previous house gave my son asthma and now he likely has it for life. Anywhoo I took that out of my mind and began to relax. I started having this dream that I was walking down the street with my son when I heard him cry out, I turned around to see a few giant slaters at his feet. I began to squash them and as I did a message came into my head which was quite nice. It was something about any negativity I create in this life will be passed down to my son to deal with unless I deal with it myself. It was like a really cool quote though and I thought to myself that I must wake up so I can write that down but then I started to be pulled to the ground. I was pulled through the pavement, landed in my bed for a few seconds and then was rotated and gently pulled OOB. It was just another standard projection into my own subconcious. I kind of wonder round aimlessly (always singing songs ive never heard before) looking at things that I know my subconcious has made. I tried to make the blinds into the 3d blackness but had no success. I snapped out wondering about the message I got. Am I supposed to be dealing with something in my subconsious do you think? 
I do Dont laugh I made it back when I was 15 and thought I was cool haha
Hey this method is working for me thanks its the easiest method I have used so far
Thankyou for sharing. Hopefully I can go to some of these places someday!