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Messages - Rudolph

Sounds like a typical, regular exit to RTZ type OBE to me.

Just curious? How often do you do the rollout?
The first time I did it I hit the floor with a mild thump. Second time a soft thump. Third and fourth time I stopped falling and floated about halfway to the floor. Ever since, I just rollout and float beside the bed.

I hope reading about other people's modus operandi gets me in a mode where I just start talking to strangers and asking them stuff. Normally I go straight for my desired destination... which is also okay and has often led to good results... but I really am curious now about just chatting and talking to a possible Guide... that would be interesting to try, I think.
Again, problems like this are common.

You just have to try new things.

The next time you are in this situation maybe I would imagine a pool of water below and dive past the body and into the water and then swim to a distant destination.

There's all sorts of things you could try.

Quote from: Stookie_ on March 30, 2012, 11:54:55
Hmmm, I've never been to the hospital, but the "airport" and "mall" are too familiar. I've never associated them with F27, but never considered it either. I've always enjoyed the mall as there's a lot to experience, but the airport is no fun to me. Feels like school, or even worse, the airport. I always feel rushed and... uh... incomplete maybe?

The other frequent OBE destination for me is "the office" or workplace type building. In fact, that is the most common place I end up exploring. I will try for Akasha or some big goal and if that doesn't fly I end up in a more mundane place.

The "school" archetype is a very reliable dream symbol for me.
Whenever I join a new cult or pick up a new esoteric study regimen my dreams have at least one school campus scenario almost every night, it seems. It stops when I quit the cult or drop the study effort.

In fact, I think even just getting the Robert Bruce OBE in 90 days Workbook and working with that was enough to kick in the school campus image.

Quote from: Volgerle on March 30, 2012, 11:50:13
They were no bigger library halls that I saw, it was just smaller ones. But I had a feeling that bigger ones were nearby, but cannot explain why I 'knew' this because that part I wasn't shown then (or don't remember it).
Here's the immediate description I had done close to that time, but due to lots of conversation going on (contents hardly remembered by me though) I concentrated more on the people, as it seems

The rooms are small where Seekers are allowed to do their work.

There is a HUGE hall of 'books' but only the Librarians are allowed back there (as far as I know). You approach the 'counter' and make your request for what you are looking for and they bring it to you.

"lots of conversation going on (contents hardly remembered by me though) I concentrated more on the people, as it seems"... :lol: This is exactly what happens! People of a feather flock together. They end up in discussion groups more than poking their astral noses into some dusty old books. "Oh! you're interested in subject X too - cool! tell me how you ... "
Too much fun....
Quote(The steps? Well I think they looked like marble (maybe also gold in it)

awesome... yes, soft white marble steps! and there is a gold feature too.
Quote from: Contenteo on March 30, 2012, 02:17:36
I was going to use that description of Emerald city, but didn't. It's like emerald city, but not necessarily that color.

Yes. Not green and not exactly like that either, I just wanted to convey that "big, soaring architecture" idea.

And just fyi on the hospital place I want to clarify that it is not a place for sick people. More like a "rest" stop of sorts. And it was run and operated by women.
{edit} I just noted, CFT's "therapy" description and I will add this. There was one woman in one of the rooms suffering from what I would describe as a sort of "overwhelm" condition and the treatment was a form of "Compassion Bath". She was expected to recover on her own accord. They wanted her to pull herself up by her own bootstraps.
Fantastic!, Yes... the "gigantic temple-like library" -- good description.

Can you describe the steps leading up and the big doors going in? (I would love it if someone described the same thing I saw. A. Crowley put it well in one of his poems).

There was something else going on on the main floor that I had no business with at the time. We took an elevator up several floors to get to the library section.
I have only been to the city I described above once, but many AP's to the airport, mall and hospital. The airport like place has lots of people coming and going. The mall has shiny, sparkling black and white tiles on the walls and a soaring Emerald city type facade at the front entrance. The hospital is a very female oriented place but men come and go as well.
Quote from: Contenteo on March 29, 2012, 02:12:20
Have any of you been to a similar location? I mean we are talking tens of billions if not more of entity/soul/persons,
whatever you want to call them. This 'place' has to be relatively popular.

Yes. This sounds very familiar. Especially the Sumer meets Egypt part. But much smaller in scale. There were just three distinct cultural sections. Sparsely populated relative to your sense.

One area had a domed amphitheater type building, a dusty rose color with soft, baby blue trim along the columns.

Quote from: Boom on March 28, 2012, 09:21:12
Personally I'd quite like to take an active course in meditation and astral projection.  I wonder if there are more places that do this, other than the Monroe Institute?

This sounded like a good question to me and I did a search;

For about $430 you get a weekend intensive OBE workout. That seems pretty reasonable considering it looks like a very nice building they are renting.
I could not find any in the USA but I know they are out there.
I think diet, herbal teas, meditation, awareness exercises, and other Spiritual disciplines do, at the very least, boost the Dream Awareness.

Celibacy would also have a positive and productive contribution to Inner experience if it were done properly but almost no one knows how to do this so it isn't likely to help much in the long run, imho.
This is unusual for me. I normally have maybe one per year.

Two nights ago an Alien humanoid woman (completely naked, shiny copper skin, sexy as heck in a vampire sorta way) came floating up to me and I think she was trying to seduce me, but I usually do not cozy up to alien creatures. I kept my distance.

Last night I saw a Pyramid shaped UFO floating around in the sky. It had blinking electronic lights that were the only way to keep track of it since the rest of it was alternating on/off some sort of cloaking device.
Then a giant UFO shaped like the Star Trek Enterprise came out of one of those UFO clouds and semi-crash landed across the street and a normal human man and a woman came out and walked over and started talking to me about a project I have been working on in the dream state, lately. They said nothing useful as far as I can tell at this point but I will see in future dreams where this goes.

Yeah. Back in the early '80s the flotation tank was a fad and I got a special deal for a 30 minute float. Pretty cool, for sure. A sort of 3D blackness is what I got quickly into. But the 30 minute teaser just wasn't long enough for me.
Quote from: Stookie_ on March 29, 2012, 10:31:52
What? We discuss political issues here a lot, AND it's in astral chat. It's more in line with reality than what the original poster had. I think both Stillwater and Rudolph had valid arguments.

Exactly Stookie. When I first got here over a year ago, I think, there were tons of political discussions going on - almost nonstop.

It seems like it only becomes objectionable to some when a compelling and articulate presentation of the conservative viewpoint is being made.

I have seen this same phenomenon on several different forums.
It is not so much "money" being made but political currency.

Populations that are quivering in fear of a phantom can be easily controlled. Work 'em into a good lather of fear over nothing then make the nothing go away with more made up BS and take credit for saving the day and come out looking like a hero.

The Left is Pure Deception. It is so easy to see what they are doing. Why so many allow themselves to be so easily manipulated is the real mystery in all this.
Quote"but the banking industry was pretty much able to buy legislation in their favor that let them give loans to anyone who could write their name."

And this giant Leftist Lie is a pile of crap.

The HUD Affordable Housing BS foisted on the banks under Carter never got traction until Clinton when The Government, through Fannie & Freddie, FORCED THE BANKS TO MAKE those idiot NINJA loans.

Making those loans was totally insane and the Banks knew it and they only started participating when Fannie & Freddie said we will make these loans ourselves with the free money the government places at our disposal and we will squeeze the Life out of your most reliably solid and bedrock sector of business. So the Banks had to go along or DIE!

The Real Estate Bubble was CREATED BY THE IDIOT DEMOCRAT DREAM to make everyone in the country a homeowner.

When will people grow up and face facts?

Quote from: Stillwater on March 28, 2012, 14:49:47
The slavery I am talking about is more the Latin-American aspect, not so much the US. though. We pretty much went all around the Carribean and South America "helping" to industrialize those countries, but giving them loans so steep not even their grandchildren could pay the interest.

This sounds like more typical Leftist Deception to me.

"Over the years, the IMF has developed various loan instruments, or "facilities," that are tailored to address the specific circumstances of its diverse membership. Low-income countries may borrow on concessional terms through the Extended Credit Facility (ECF), the Standby Credit Facility (SCF) and the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) (see IMF Support for Low-Income Countries). Concessional loans carry zero interest rates until the end of 2011 (see below).

Just because human corruption and stupidity is a two way street does not change the fact that the sheeple would never be in the trouble that the users and abusers dish out if they would simply exercise a little self discipline. The financial see-saw might have a hot seat on one end that funnels money to the other end... but no one forces anyone to park their ignorant butt on the hot seat. They just want the fun for a short time and then they start complaining when their butt is on fire and they point the accusing finger and whine and complain when they really and honestly have no one to blame but themselves.
I would just like to advise everyone that these GW activists have a pretty strong record of being WRONG.

The Earth has been MUCH warmer than it is now and it got much colder and now it is warming up again to something closer to where it was a thousand years ago. And that is a good thing.

These Chicken Little Environmentalists have lost all integrity in my book.

Why does anyone take anything they say seriously anymore?

Quote from: Stillwater on March 28, 2012, 11:21:26
While it would be amazing to see the heads of the corporations which have destroyed the US and enslaved a good part of the world held accountable, I am not holding my breath. There are no hard facts in that video, it is just a sort of gospel proclaimation.

Corporations are just organized people. They have not destroyed the US but helped build it. They do not "enslave" people but only round up the ones milling around making noises that sound like baaaahh - baaaahh. Summer is coming and they are begging to be sheared.

There are a LOT of sheep and they are easy to control. They voluntarily watch TV and go to the stores and buy what the latest hypnosis and programming sequence plants in their cranium. They do not just go into debt but plunge themselves, bungee jump fashion into the deepest debt they can mismanage and then they sit around and whine about how "the System" is using them.

These people may be "owned" but it is obvious that they voluntarily sold their souls and thanked the devil for providing such hugely entertaining life of materialism, gluttony and sloth.

Quote from: Stillwater on March 26, 2012, 22:59:24
...different districts from the world body, along linguistic and ethnic lines, and a system of fascist dictatorships in most cases would become the new de-facto governments.

The process you describe is creating unity by disolving our past boundaries and governments, and reconstituting another in their place. I think if any movement toward unity will be made, it will almost certainly be through the joining of existing governments into progressively larger bodies- that is how world government will come about, for better or worse.

This is a pretty good summary.

I have said before here, if you could snap your fingers and instantly dissolve all religions, nations, boundaries, governments etc... and also all memory of them... people would immediately get busy rebuilding a nearly identical structure and within a short period the world would look nearly the same as it was before.

That is because the objective world is a projection of the collective Consciousness based on the general state of Awareness and development. Outer world conditions naturally improve as individuals do the hard Work of improving their own state of Consciousness.

Maximizing individual freedom and responsibility leads to a more Enlightened society.

Trying to externally impose a Udopian Society from the outside in, is an ignorant pipe dream.

The present resurgent movement to implement a Marxist/Socialist Udopian society based on redistribution of wealth, etc. is a giant Deception that only leads to a general decline in quality of life for ALL.
Interesting. Come to think of it, the helmet cam airborne video did not match the ground camera indications.
Quote from: beavis on March 26, 2012, 22:09:30
I'm not an anarchist. The kind of democracy I think would work best is most similar to how Wikipedia converges

Democracy is a known failed political system. The USA is NOT a Democracy as the Leftist Liberal Liars keep repeating in order to indoctrinate the masses. The USA is a Republic.

Democracy devolves into tyranny of the masses which is why the Founding Fathers rejected it.

Quote"Thou shalt not kill" is most accurately translated to modern language as "war on war" because "war on" means to have less of something, and the target of "war" is the more general form which includes murder.

False. The commandment is correctly translated as Thou Shalt Not MURDER.

The Jewish sages note that the word "ratsakh" applies only to illegal killing (e.g., premeditated murder or manslaughter) — and is never used in the administration of justice or for killing in war. Hence the KJV translation as "thou shalt not kill" is too broad.

QuoteI replaced the word "God" with "Authority" in some of those translated commandments. Here's why: If you must have If Christianity is polytheistic, as is implied by we are "in God's image" and by the 3 gods (or views of god) called father, son, and holy ghost, then we are all potential gods ...

This is total nonsense that proceeds from hopelessly broken logic.

I am a man, a father and an engineer. That doesn't make me three people. Those are three aspects of one person.

QuoteNo country has Authority over other countries. No sovereign person has Authority over another. No god has Authority over another. But we're all Authorities.

Maybe. But some are definitely subordinate to others.
All societies have their "top dog" or "alpha male" types. It is part of the natural order. A "pecking order" of sorts. Deep Denial does not change that simple reality.

QuoteBut don't accuse me of lieing. I meant what I said, however close to the truth it actually is we'll see over time.

If you insist on playing dishonest word games despite new information clarifying word definitions, your statements and claims remain tantamount to a Lie.
Quote from: beavis on March 26, 2012, 22:09:30
I'm a "petty tyrant" for being a buddhist? When you get more into buddhism, you can solve the paradox of desiring not to desire.

No. No one is a petty tyrant for being a Buddhist. I did not say that. Why did you so dishonestly twist my words that way? How dishonest can you get? I was replying to the the petty tyrant who would broadcast a desire to make war on another's free will to explore "Desire".

QuoteI stand by my translation of "thou shalt not kill" to "war on war" in modern language, similar to "war on piracy" and "war on drugs". Even though I don't take those things as authority, still lets have less war.

Then you stand by baloney.

If you want less war try lying less.

It all looks like the typical ruse to me.

Sedona is nice and all... and the Grand Canyon is breathtaking, but...

Southern Az is Pure Magic. From the Chiricahua Mts to ... well, I am not going to hand it out on a silver platter... paddle your own canoe....

Quote from: Kaje The Astral Newbie on March 24, 2012, 15:10:56
just curious, has anyone just closed thier eyes and got an answer to a test question? or rv to look at a smart guys answers?
I know its "bad" but sometimes its for the better, like an act score  :evil: hah. But i assume its not as easy as it seems

I wouldn't say it is bad.

Odds are on you are just accessing your own subconscious. Which is completely fair game.