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Messages - daem0n

where you obtained it ?
well, they have really traumatic experiences, i would be very *very* cautious, they tried to follow me back, for example
you may want to get selective, but i think i would relay in your case on nita's opinion, i just get along with my bunch
we don't necessarily learn everything we could from the lesson, and that was my point, unnoticed karma will repeat itself
the rest was your interpretation

they are crowding there (in the building, indeed mainly 3 floor), but that doesn't bring anything valuable, not really welcoming, but acknowledged me
well, from my viewpoint the fact that you moved to  this office is enough, i am not speaking about internal demons etc, but that you have a lesson out of this (of course not taking precautions is plain stupid, but i would investigate the underlaying karma)
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Russian DNA
January 26, 2005, 19:58:21
there will be no evolution without spiritual mastery, enough have been destroyed by lost humans with the powers of gods to make the same mistake, again and again, no manipulations, to each, his own, as above, so below ...

the mere fact that someone can manipulate dna doesn't make him god, not mentioning creator
don't straight out of line, definitely is the way to go ;)

(btw do you really think that insanity would be noticed? here :shock: ? least probably ;), and i haven't noticed anyway ...)
Welcome to Dreams! / Double Three
January 23, 2005, 14:29:37
well, i think about numerology, one of the master numbers is 33 ..
good luck

he points to part of you, find that part and transcend, and he should be gone (you can choose simplier methods of course)
tune into yourself, and search for answer
Choon, you have not learned your lessons
you are manifesting again the same circumstances, think about what happened then (maid), and why, and why it seems to repeat now
leave it as is
i have no hermetic knowledge of the merkabah, i merely call back the knowledge of my ancestors, this is direct knowledge, but with little conscious cognition, nevertheless, it works
oh, karnautrahl, you are never alone, and privacy is illusion, your thoughts are energy, and can be seen easily by anyone/thing close enough (at least all non-physical, and some physical ;)), get over it, get used to it, nothing changed beside awareness of it

monk, make sure that you haven't bound that ghost to you in previous lives, funny that some (if not most) guidance is bound by past life contracts
for doing anything except telepathy he has to have some access points in your body, and they are energetic and thus possible to track down (well, everything is energetic, anyway) using new, for that matter, like in whole body bounce technique, and you search for "ripples" of energy

another would be to settle karma with the spirit, but you have to remeber the orginal contract for that and understand the lesson associated

you mind is being read everyday by a number of beings you wouldn't imagine possible

furthermore, all of your thoughts are being channeled (from entites that ensoul you), so privacy is just out of the game, get used to that

as for non-energy methods, i don't have any, never had to
why are you so keen on electric ?, for crying out loud
it is NOT compatible with earth's energy flow ..
Welcome to Magic! / Paths
January 21, 2005, 15:52:30
long time gone ...
creator in form
Welcome to News and Media! / Internet forum Trolls
January 21, 2005, 12:33:13
now you have to give the link  :lol: ;)
Welcome to News and Media! / Internet forum Trolls
January 21, 2005, 07:31:33
plenty of them, now how to distinguish provocation from genuine pondering ? (swearwords aside)
well, it is painful death, because of the aforementioned dross
you cannot ascend with dross, you will just leave everything that contains dross (and when it is head the whole point of it ceases, doesn't it)
and this concerns physical body, not oobe, i had such experience within my ancestry, not fun
if you want good story about oobe check out
here you have drama
i also had my share of dramas, all of them thanks to my stupidity, drama is NOT a good sign, true progress is gradual (well, the one exception being enlightment experiences)
well, it is spontaneus combustion when 3 dimensional body tried to ascend into 4d without 4d body utilising aforementioned merkaba
apply human standards for non-physical, they are animating us anyway ..
and are no different than us in any way, regardless how they want to present themselves, few exceptions, and many false identities

the light doesn't diminish the darkness, it just covers it
well, yes it will
the same with other mantras
it depends how you look on it, it merely catches attention, when you grow you catch attention anyway
why i haven't thought about possesed furniture  :shock:   <bangs head on the wall>  heh, cleared ;) thx for reminding, although they weren't able to cause any trouble